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Hell Raizer

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Everything posted by Hell Raizer

  1. Clerks has so many memorable quotes: Randal:"If you were Steven Tyler and could have any chick you wanted, who would it be?" Dante:"*sigh* Caitlin" Randal:"Really? Id pick Liv Tyler" Randal:"I cant stay mad at that monkey" Randal: Why the hell is he called Silent Bob, anyway? Lawyer: Here to question Mr. Hicks are two giggling girls. Girl: Okay. Do you, like, have a girlfriend? Dante: No, I don't have a girlfriend. Girl: Omigod, I told you. Big Mac: Hello good people of Leonardo. I, like the mayor, was on my way to a costume, but incidentally, not the same costume party. I am able to remove my costume but I have decided to wear it as protection against the deadly virus. Are there any questions? Tovah Hernandaz-Carlson: Who are you supposed to be? Big Mac: I'm Big Mac. Beloved constable and best friend to Ronald McDonald. Now are there any questions about the virus? Steve-Dave: Will this administration ever bring the Hamburglar to justice? Big Mac: No... Yes. Look, does anybody have any questions about the virus that could kill us all? Reporter: Can the virus kill the Grimace? Big Mac: Nothing can kill the Grimace. All right, we're done here.
  2. Im an avid comic book reader and collector, especially of DC/Veritgo. Being a huge Beatles fan, I also try to find all the Fab Four Memorabilia/Albums/etc I can find
  3. [URL=http://]http://www.cnn.com/2004/LAW/12/13/peterson.case/index.html[/URL] Yep, the jury found Scott guily. He'll be put to death by lethal injection. I personally think they made the right decision Post Your Opinions
  4. Great album. Green Day's one of the best punk bands out there right now, right up there with The Sex Pistols and The Ramones
  5. Chappelles(sp?) Show. Oh My God its funny, epecially season 2. To me, the funniest skits are the most underrated ones: The R. Kelly "Pee on You" music video and the one where the muppet rip-offs were teaching kids about safe sex :laugh:
  6. Probably any christmas song covered by The Beatles
  7. South Park Rally, I got it for X-Mas one year, and ive got to say, this is probably, not only the worst racing game, but the worst game overall in existence. Its completely unplayable. Just another god awful kart game
  8. Im a pretty big fan of the movie, and the series is pretty good too, I like how they dont focus all the the episodes just on Motoko and Botou :cool:
  9. I guess about 8 years ago, when I started reading the Ranma manga
  10. Yeah, this is probably the best teen drama out there, I first watched it a couple nights ago, and the episode was about a picked on kid who shot two other students. It was very different :eek: ;)
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