Clerks has so many memorable quotes:
Randal:"If you were Steven Tyler and could have any chick you wanted, who would it be?"
Dante:"*sigh* Caitlin"
Randal:"Really? Id pick Liv Tyler"
Randal:"I cant stay mad at that monkey"
Randal: Why the hell is he called Silent Bob, anyway?
Lawyer: Here to question Mr. Hicks are two giggling girls.
Girl: Okay. Do you, like, have a girlfriend?
Dante: No, I don't have a girlfriend.
Girl: Omigod, I told you.
Big Mac: Hello good people of Leonardo. I, like the mayor, was on my way to a costume, but incidentally, not the same costume party. I am able to remove my costume but I have decided to wear it as protection against the deadly virus. Are there any questions?
Tovah Hernandaz-Carlson: Who are you supposed to be?
Big Mac: I'm Big Mac. Beloved constable and best friend to Ronald McDonald. Now are there any questions about the virus?
Steve-Dave: Will this administration ever bring the Hamburglar to justice?
Big Mac: No... Yes. Look, does anybody have any questions about the virus that could kill us all?
Reporter: Can the virus kill the Grimace?
Big Mac: Nothing can kill the Grimace. All right, we're done here.