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About 3v1l.l33t

  • Birthday August 4

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  1. [COLOR=Green][SIZE=1]Well, I am currently looking to be in the Air Force, become a pro. chef or both. It depends, I would like to join the military and the Air Force seems like an intersting position. They might could also help me with my goal in becoming a chef.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. I don't choose one over the other. See, I take advice from both and socially my friends are who I lean to because that's how people become friends. Through social meets. Family is something that I need and will always appreciate no matter how annoying or pissed they make me. And I'm not gonna say "I don't know" because I do. It's just not a decision that can be made by me.
  3. [quote name='Syk3']Please try to put at least a little more into your post. ^_~ If you were, perhaps, willing to let Salemcigman use your banner, or make another one similar to it, it would be good to mention that. If you just wanted to show off your banner, however, that is not acceptable. :/[/quote] I really was asking him though. Not trying to show off mine. Anyway, I did not make it. It is courtesy of [url]http://killzone.ng-gamer.nl/media.php?page=sigs[/url]
  4. Hey people. I don't like to make requests but I would like a Vodka avatar. Ya know, of a bottle or something or anything really.
  5. What kind of question is that? I have two wallscrolls and I'm not a nerd.
  6. My friends that have seen it say it's so hilarious and that I should see it. And from what I hear it is. So guess what I'll be doing this weekend...probably still not watching it but ya know...I'll get around to it.
  7. My most awkward moments would just have to be talking with my friend's father. He is very loud and obnoxious and his sense of humor is...how you say.....stupid, yes that's the word. I am not going to go into detail but in the five years I have known him, his father has entered my life in a very disturbing way. Not abuse or any sexual assult it's just his personality is well....awkward. ^_^ :stupid:
  8. I love Manhattan and I have been to New York many times to see my Puerto Rican family but never have I been there on Christmas or around that time. Though what I have seen on TV is beautiful.
  9. This band is great. It's just that I can't listen to them alot because all of their songs sound the same.
  10. These are not in any order but here we go. Austin Powers Trilogy National Lampoon's Van Wilder Kill Bill Vol. 1
  11. Well the last time I dressed up was a long time ago and I was a Jedi with those cool electronic lightsabers. For the past several years I have given out candy and scared the crap out of people because I've always had my swords with me. 'cept this past year. I went to a party.
  12. [SIZE=1]Lets see here...I got: [B]4 Mega pixel Samsung digital camera Clothes 200 dollars Another Digital Camera that is 1/4 of an inch think Blank CD's A new incense Burner and holder Cologne [/B] With the money I got I plan to buy a new sword. It's cost is 208 bucks. And I've had other cash before today so I have enough.[/SIZE]
  13. All of the scientifical information is frickin hilarious. But really It's impossible for there to be a Santa Clause. And it's one thing that if I have kids will not lie to them about. There is no Santa Clause.
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