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Everything posted by 3v1l.l33t

  1. I was just thinking what is going to happen when my failing IPC exam grade comes in after x-mas break,and how I am gonna pay for clothes and games.
  2. Mabey Jill sees no success in her ralationship and is looking at someone new....you. Play your game smoothly but don't get too cought up in her. Think about it, if you don't want her then tell her about what she's doing. If you think you might then see what she wants and what Jack and her will do. Then my friend, go in for the "kill".
  3. It's a good show that I think is somewhat a break from reality while basing the plot on reality. A real show on teenage school life would be like NC-17 rated.
  4. Not really. I only like two songs. Actually, just thought they were ok. Those were "One Step Closer" and "99 problems". It was just kind of odd. Really did not like it much at all.
  5. I do not agree with it nor do i disagree. It's something I won't do but don't mind. I mean, I have gay friends and I don't mind them one bit at all. I mean so what? I can't point out to them a chick I think is hot but thats about it. I
  6. I collect swords and play VGs but other than that there is really no hobby that I have.
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