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OOC: Ok then I will say that your deck has 50 cards. I have gone back and edited my earlier post. ?Well, we can?t have your dragons running around dealing damage to me? said Amou as he watched his life points drop from 2500 to 2400. ?So after I draw my card I flip up my Needle Worm again making you discard 5 more cards from your deck to the grave yard. Then I play dark hole to destroy every monster on the field. Then I set on monster in face down defense mode and activate the shallow grave, which lets each of us bring back a monster in face down defense mode.? The two duelist looked through their graveyards and each set their monster on the field. ?To bad for your monster I am destroying it with Noble Man of Cross Out.? As the magic card activated Karzar?s Solar Flare Dragon was removed from the game. ?Then I end my turn.? [I] So after he went down to 38 cards, I then made him discard another 5 putting him at 33. Plus the monster I brought back was Needle Worm so he is going to lose at least another 5 by my next turn.[/I]
?My turn? Amou drew are card and added it to his hand. ?Now I flip up my face down monster Needle Worm. This flip effect makes you discard the top 5 cards from your deck.? Amou glanced down at his hand for a moment and then continued to play ?Then I play book of moon, which allows me to flip Needle Worm facedown again. Then I play Messenger of Peace. This card cost 100 Life points to per standby phase, but it stops all monsters with 1500 or more attack from attacking. [I] Ok, if his deck started with the standard of 50 cards, he drew 5 to begin with, then 1 more for his turn. Then Needle Worm made his discard 5 more, so he should be somewhere around 39 cards in his deck after I end my turn and 38 as soon as he draws his next one [/I] ?Your turn!?
RPG Naruto:An old Danger is brought back.(M-L:V possibly S)
Brooklyn replied to Anime Dreamer00's topic in Theater
?So we are headed to Oni village?? asked Itsuki ?Yeah, I want to check there for students? said Adoma as the pair jumped form tree limb to tree limb in the direction of Oni village. After what seemed to be a long time of silence between the two Adoma suddenly stopped and spun around in time to catch two kunai that were aimed right for his head. Itsuki stopped a few feet ahead of Adoma, before he noticed that his teacher had stopped and turned to see what was going on. ?Darn, I was half way hoping that we would kill the older ninja and take the smaller one out for what he did to me? a man landed on the branch in between Itsuki and Adoma. Itsuki realized that this was the man that he had failed to kill during the last mission, the second in command of a bandit group that had been terrorizing the land for some time now. [I] How is this possible, I dealt a fatal wound to him the last time we fought, its only been two days since then, how is he able to fight still.[/I] thought Itsuki. [I] Oh well, it doesn?t matter, he most likely brought back up. They must be hiding in the trees, waiting for the right moment to strike. [/I] ?You know kid? the second in command turned to Itsuki ?I really don?t appreciate what you did to me the other day, if I wasn?t an expert tracker it would have taken me longer than that to find you!? he unsheathed his sword and pointed it at Itsuki ?Now I will make you suffer ba-? but he was cut off put Adoma, who had thrown the kunai back at the bandit and stabbed him in the lower left shoulder. ?When facing two opponents you shouldn?t let your guard down, and you should never turn your back to one of them, your lucky my aim was a little off and I barely missed your heart.? Adoma said and he jumped next to Itsuki. ?HEY SAKURANO GET YOU FAT AS-? Abut again he was cut off but another voice, a women?s voice ?Alright already I am coming? said Sakurano he mad a few quick hand seals and removed the kunai form the bandit?s back and healed the wound completely. ?Are you better now?? ?You don?t have to be smart about it? said the bandit repositioning his blade. ?Next time you think of insulting me, you should remember that I am the one who keeps you alive after you go berserk.? She said, pulling out a pair of short swords. [I] A medical ninja, or at least someone who can use medical jutsu anyway. This fight shouldn?t be to bad, even though the kids out of charka still, I should have enough to finish off the two of them. [/I] Adoma got into a combat stance. ?Well now, its time for the main event!? the bandit began to grunt as his mussels began to expand. His nails also grew longer and sharper, his face got longer and began to resemble something like a wolf, and his hair, on his arms and legs began to grow very fast as well. By the end of the transformation, he looked similar to a werewolf. ?That?s a nice trick? said Itsuki ?You think so too?? said Sakurano ?This transformation triples his speed and strength, and while in this state he can feel no pain. He will keep attacking with a lust for blood regardless of the damage his body takes. He won?t stop until everyone in his path is dead. ?Aren?t you in his path?? asked Itsuki ?No, while he is like this, I am his master? she responded ?Why is that? asked Itsuki ?Because I am the one who cursed him, and believe me you, I was nearly killed by his brother for it? ?Why?? ?Well, his brother is the cruel leader of the bandits that will take over this land, and he is very protective over his little brother.? ? Then why did you curse him in the first place?? Itsuki was trying to buy time now. He hoped that that form had a time limit, or that he would create an opening for Adoma to attack. Plus he needed as much charka as he could muster, and that took time. ?He wanted power, so I gave it to him, and then I was forced to join the bandits, and become his keeper and partner.? ?ENOUGH TALK, I WANT TO KILL, LET ME KILL!!? ?Very well, go have fun? Sakarano said. The werewolf leaped forward with great speed and headed straight for the closest person Adoma. -
?Alright then!? Amou was ready to prove to them that he was better than Ra Red. He inserted his deck into his duel disk. ?I?ll go first? he said as he drew a card from the top of his deck. ?I?ll place one card in face down defense and two cards face down, your turn? OCC: Sorry that wasn?t very eventful. Anyway, if you don?t mind, would you be so kind to post the number of cards that are remaining in your deck at the end of you post, or at least tell me how many cards are in it so that I can know how many more he has to get rid of. Thanks.
Amou had finished his tour of the school, and was ready to relax for the rest of the day. He wished he could go back to his room, but he didn?t remember the way. [I] You go out the front door then down to the beach, then you- you? ahh forget it, maybe I will find someone around here to help me find my way to the Slifer Red dorm [/I] Amou thought as he walked down the hall [I] Slifer Red, that?s the lowest out of the three dorms, how am I that bad? Maybe all the new students start here in Red? Oh well, I will just have to show them that I can beat people in Ra Yellow , then they will have to move me up. Yeah, that?s it I will move up faster than anyone has every moved up before! I will become the best duelist in the world. Wait a second, that?s dueling I here. [/I] Amou quickened his pace as he walked in to the lager room, he saw that many people where there dueling and cheering old friends on. He noticed a girl in Ra Yellow go to some guys that were in Ra Yellow to and began talking to her, and congratulating her. [I] Alright, I know that I can?t duel them all at once, but if I take them out one at a time, they will see that I am more deserving that Slifer Red?. Then maybe after I beat them, they can help me find my way to the dorm room so I can take a nice nap. [/I] Amou walked up to them ? Hello? The girl turned to face him and smiled ?Hello, who are you, I don?t think that we have met before?? ?I?m Amou, and you are?? ?I?m Adamu? said one of the two boys ?I?m Ceres? said the girl ?And I?m Karzar? said the other boy. ?Well it?s nice to have meet you all, would you care to duel?? as Amou said this he pointed at the boy how had introduced him self last, Karzar. [I] I will beat all three of these Ra?s, and then they will have to bump me up to Ra too![/I]
RPG Naruto:An old Danger is brought back.(M-L:V possibly S)
Brooklyn replied to Anime Dreamer00's topic in Theater
?I must warn you Adoma, I..? ?Don?t worry, I?m sure I can handle it? Said Adoma again gesturing him to attack. ?It?s just that I am rather.. how should I put this? Itsuki pulled a kunai out of the pouch on his back ?weak? Right after he spoke the words Adoma hit him hard in the stomach. He doubled over clutching his stomach. ?That is your first lesson, self confidence? he said, as he walked away, putting distance between him and Itsuki ?If you don?t have full confidance against each and every one of you opponents, regardless of their and your own strengths, it will be impossible for you to beat them. If you give up before you even try, then you have lost the battle emotionally, and that is the fastest way to defeat and failure? he turned now and looked back at the chunin who had gotten back to his feet. ?lets try this again? Itsuki charged to Adoma, with his kunai in hand. He sure is slow, and he is holding the weapon incorrectly Thought Adoma. He tripped Itsuki and disarmed him of his weapon in one quick movement. Itsuki hit the ground Adoma?s own kunai right at his throat. ?How did you manage to become a chunin, you are really ? ummmm? he trailed off ?I told you, I am weak. I was very advanced for Genin standards though, so they had no chose but to move me up.? ?Ahh, I see now well you need to wo-? he was cut off by the rumbling sound of a bamboo tree breaking free form the earth and almost striking him in the head. He barely ducked in time. More bamboo was shooting up around him and from where he least expected it, through Itsuki?s pinned down body. The body, as is turns out was a dapple ganger. With in a few in seconds stalks of bamboo had shoot up every ware, creating a miniature forest. ?Way to blow your charka kid? said Adoma That is a pretty good trick, but I?m willing to bet that that consumed more that 70% of his charka, and even at 100% he still doesn?t have much. Adomas?s though process was interrupted by and wave of shirken flying form one to the near by trees. The shirken struck their target on the neck and in the head, blood splattered everywhere. Itsuki looked at the body in shock, he killed him ?what?what happened, I thought that he was stronger that that. How ?how did this happen! What have I done I-I-I killed him, he was nice, cleans souled human being, and I I took his life! Adoma appeared behind him with a kunai in hand. ?I guess that genjutsu was to much for him? Adoma said as he began to swing the kunai?s blunt end towards Itsuki?s neck. A rustle for the trees behind him caught his attention just in time. He narrowly dodged the huge paw and razor sharp claws that where close to slashing him to ribbions. ?I am Juki, panda warrior and friend to Itsuki!? said the huge panda as it again narrowly missed Adoma. Damn these trees they are making it hard to dodge! A summoning jutsu, at least he has some talent. But after he made this small forest of bamboo, and summoned this bear, he must be nearly out of charka. That would explain why the genjutsu was so affective, he had no charka to counter it. Again Juki swung at Adoma, this time however he was able to slash him on the arm. Adoma, looked at his wound, then at the bear, and prepared to attack immobilize it, killing it would be curl and if this bear is a friend of Itsuki killing it would only upset him. -
RPG Naruto:An old Danger is brought back.(M-L:V possibly S)
Brooklyn replied to Anime Dreamer00's topic in Theater
OOC: Sorry for not posting in a while, I was having issues at school and education comes first.. or so I have been told. ?This is unbelievable, how long can it take for a bunch of Genin to finish some test?!? Itsuki had finally found the man he was looking for, and learned that his name was Adoma. He had been walking around for some time now, waiting for the Genin to finish their test. ?Why do I have to wait on them?? He thought to himself. ?Well, they are taking four exams? said Adoma ?Four?? Itsuki was shocked ?That?s a bit much..right? ?I guess? said Adoma ? When I was turning Genin all I had to do was use transformation jutsus and shadow clones. I wonder why they changed it?? Said Itsuki ? I hope that we can start going to your school now, this village sickens me!? -
Name- Amou Tsukasa Age- 12 Gender-Male Rank Slipher Red Appearance- Short brown hair and brown eyes, very plane features on his face. Has tan skin and usally wears white or gray close. Deck Type- A decking deck that focuses on stalling his opponent with Gravity Bind, Messenger of Peace, etc. and using Needle Worm, Morphing Jar, and Highrule Shadow Scout, Card Distruction, etc. (this is my real deck, and it works pretty nicely) Best Card- Needle Worm ( his deck is not about power, so Needle Worm is his best decker because it discards 5 from the deck and he has three of them.) Bio- When he first started to play he was considerable weaker than all the other players at his school because he didn?t have any good monster cards, and his magic cards where only good for stalling his opponent. Tired of losing he saved his weekly allowance up and spent it on a booster box. Out of the box he got many powerful magic and trap cards, but was still lacking monsters. After he took his deck (currently a warrior deck) he managed to place in the top 16 of a tournament, while he was there, he traded away most of his warriors for weaker effect monsters. After realizing what he had done he tried to get the cards back, but the players refused to re-trade. After another saving of his allowance, he was able to get another buster box and he came across many good effect monsters. After he built his Deck Destruction deck, he found that his original magic and traps where finally useful. Shortly after a 3rd place in a tournament, he was enrolled into Duel Academy, to try increases his skill as a duelist. I hope that I am not to late.
I am looking for a World of Warcraft avatar/banner set, if you haven?t guessed that already. I would like it to be one of blood elves, but it doesn?t have to be. That?s all I really have to say, because I guess I am not very good at giving (or following) instructions and guidelines. Thanks for your time.
RPG Naruto:An old Danger is brought back.(M-L:V possibly S)
Brooklyn replied to Anime Dreamer00's topic in Theater
Itsuki was feed up. Feed up with the village, the ninja, and most of all him self. But what could he do about it. Nothing, nothing at all. The people around him made him sick to his stomach. He wanted to be alone, but where the village was full of people. Maybe if I could find a decent person this place would be a little bit better. He decided that this mission was a waste of time and through the scroll away into a near by trashcan. ?I wonder if that man with no symbol on his head band was telling the truth. A school was the last place I wanted to go but, I need to get better, I need to get stronger.? He thought. After that he began to look for man who hade no symbol on this headband. ?Wow, here I am all worked up over some guy and I don?t even know his name? Itsuki said as he began searching for the man, he hoped to call teacher. -
RPG Naruto:An old Danger is brought back.(M-L:V possibly S)
Brooklyn replied to Anime Dreamer00's topic in Theater
?YOU REALLY ARE WORTHLESS AREN?T YOU? yelled one of the superior ninja. Itsuki had dreaded telling them about the failed mission. Not only had he failed to kill the leader of this group of bandits, but he let one see his face, and live to tell others who it had been. By now, a price was put on his head, and many skillful bounty hunters would be after him. ?SINCE YOU CAN?T SEEM TO HANDLE MOR DIFFICULT TASKS, I AM GOING TO GIVE YOU AN EASIER ONE? he had been yelling for a good 10 minutes now, Itsuki tried to block him out, but to no avail. This is why I can?t stand people, you mess up once, and it?s a big deal. But when they screw up, they always have a reason, or a person to blame it one. ?YOUR NEXT ASSIGNMENT IS TO GO BABYSIT SOME LITTLE KIDS FOR THE ACADEMY, IS THAT SIMPLE ENOUGH FOR YOU, HUH I CAN?T HEAR YOU.. ANSWER DAMNIT!!? ?Yes I heard you fine, but?.Jonin are the ones in charge of training the Genin. Last I check I wasn?t a Jonin.? ?Well? the superior ninja seemed to finally calm down. ?It seems that you are the exception to the rules, you are being put under a Jonin who is also looking after 3 Genin.? ?What? A 5 man cell, but that?? ?Shut your mouth you don?t get to talk? A few minutes later, out side the academy front doors he wondered. How will I look to the Genin, look there is the failure ninja, worst in Konoha. He thought. Just then he heard a noise form behind and turned around to see a man standing there with a head band with no symbol on it. He must be a rouge ninja? he thought. He began to make hand seals for his summoning jutsu, but the man, covered the distance between them in no time and pulled his hands apart and kneed him in the stomach. ?You, are pathetic, I had to deliberately make a loud noise for you to turn around and see me, then I though that a chunin for Konoha would be something special, but I was wrong, your hand seals are sloppy and slow, and on top of that the way your posture was and the way you we walking?..? ?SHUT UP!? Itsuki said ? If you are such a brilliant ninja then why don?t you just kill me rouge? ?Rouge, no, I am a school teacher. I came here looking for students to teach at my academy? ?So you just expect kids, to leave with you to some shabby old shack you call an academy and learn to be great ninja?? ?Well greater than you anyway? ?So, I would just leave the village and train with you?? ?If you wanted to be my student, but it looks to me like you are assingened to some one else, lets see Itsuki , that?s your name right?? The strange man held up Itsuki?s assignment scroll that he had just got. ?When did you-? ?When I separated your hands..? ?I would like to come, train with you but I ?I can?t I have.. to follow instructions.? ?Yeah, sure I understand, go have fun training under this.. Ishtar person? he tossed the scroll back to Itsuki and disappeared in a cloud of smoke. As Itsuki walked through the academy doors, found the room number where he was going to met Ishtar. As he pulled open the doors he was greeted with a sweet sounding ?Hello, can I help you?? ?This must be Isthar? he though. -
RPG Naruto:An old Danger is brought back.(M-L:V possibly S)
Brooklyn replied to Anime Dreamer00's topic in Theater
Itsuki waited in the shadows for his target to walk out of the hut. He had been awake for 14 hours now, waiting in the same place for this bandit to leave the hut, that intelligence back at the village had told him was their hide out. A creaking of the door broke him out of his trance. It was not his target, but his second in command. Itsuki waited for the man to come out and close the door. Itsuki through a kunai. At the last second the man dodged, and began to laugh. ?It will take more than that to kill me, and what a shame to, you have been waiting there for so long too.? Said the man, and drew a sword for its sheath on his back. ? time to teach Konoha what it means to mess with us.? With that the man disappeared. Itsuki jumped from his hiding place as the man appeared behind him and slashed. Itsuki began to perform a number of hand seals and a spear shaped stalk of bamboo shoot up for the ground and he pulled it free. ?So you finally have drawn your weapon have you?? Lets play now? that man charged again Itsuki was able to block the sword with his spear. The man turned to a different angle and attacked again, and again, and again. Itsuki was able to block the first to attacks but the third cut him in the leg while he was jumping out for reach. ? Is that the best you have?? The man stopped and looked down to his stomach. A bamboo tree and come out of the ground at an angle and priced him right through his middle. Blood poured for the wound and he began to laugh. ? I don?t see what?s so funny, you are dieing? said Itsuki. ?Fool, you think that we were all staying in that cramped shack the hole time?? his laugh stopped. ? Every one but me left through and underground tunnel a few hours ago, I had to stay behind to claps it so no one could follow them.? ?We?ll see how much of that is true? said Itsuki and he bandaged his wound and transformed in the man and went into the hut. The other man had told the truth, the outline of a tunnel we left in on of the walls, and the room had no supplies left in it. As Itsuki went back out side, he stepped on a trip wire and several Kunai shoot form the bushes in front of him, in a puff of smoke, as wall of tightly aligned bamboo trees created a wall in front of him, blocking the attack. In another puff the wall of trees was gone, and the kunai feel to the ground, one of the kunai had a explosive note tided to the end, Itsuki throw it into the forest just as it exploded, then he looked up. The man that had been impaled with the tree was gone, leaving a trail of blood. As Itsuki followed it he found that it disappeared at the bank of a fast moving river. He summoned Juki, his favorite of his pandas to trake the sent. ?Sorry Itsuki, this one got away, the river is moving to fast, and his scent has been carried away? said Juki looking to his friend. ?Its fine? said Itsuki and he unsummoned Juki.[/u] Great, what are the superiors going to think now[u] -
Sign Up Naruto:An old Danger is brought back.(M-VL,Possible S)
Brooklyn replied to Anime Dreamer00's topic in Theater
I hope I am not too late to sign up, but if I am then it?s no problem at all. Name: Itsuki Kuga Age: 17 Jutsu: -Summoning no Jutsu- summons a fully grown panda bear to his side. The panda is an expert tracker and is extremely talented at hand to hand combat. -Doton: Bamboo Spurt- Raises any number of bamboo trees for the ground, in any order and formation Itsuki needs (ex: Wall of bamboo trees to block attacks, a single tree to pierce through an enemy ninja, or an entire bamboo forest). Bamboo staves and spears can also be raised and used as weapons. This jutsu may not be use if Itsuki if too far away for any type of land. Bio: Raised and trained in Konoha, he has always been an average ninja. After he passed the Chuunin exam at 15 he has been doing solo missions ever since. This is the case because the rest of his team went on an assignment while he was in the hospital recovering for the Chuunin exam. His team?s bodies were sent back to Konoha, for sound ninja that they were trying to capture and interrogate, and he has never wanted another team again. He has completed many C and B class missions, but has never had to face any real danger, or nothing that can compare to Orochimaru. Personality: He is not always the easiest person to get along with, because he is convinced that all humans, are dishonest beings( part of the reason that when he gets lonely he summons pandas to talk to). Although he dose not says this aloud, he only truly trust the bears that he summons. He is however very dependable and will help out other people in need. Although he appears sociable on the outside, he is very shy on the inside. Looks: Like this, only without the book, glasses, and cape. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/OliverWhip/lezard.jpg[/IMG] -
[COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=System]Alex looked out over the ocean, a few more hours and thy would be on land again. Land- supposedly the thing Team Magma fought for. To expand the land to better the lives of the pokemon, when did the organisation change. Lately they have been pulling some very dirty jobs, that really had no point except to gain new ground new territory that they will use for "world denomination". That concept did not make him feel anymore powerful, not to be in charge of so many people it would get to be to much and begin to get boring after awhile. When people had individuality it was much more fun to play with them. His thoughts began to wonder, until Leo pooped into his mind. That vengefully fool, he almost cost me my mission." Alex thought to himself. "Now I need to win their trust back. Suddenly he thought up a plan, It accomplished many things. One that involved Molly Butterfly, a trainer who used a Blossom that belonged to her great grandfather, and has been passed down to her. In order to keep it alive she gives it spacial medicine that is produced by a Team Scale. She is a very powerful member of team Scale ( A group how was newly formed to keep the levels of land and the sea balanced out. And to keep team Magma, and Aqua from causing havoc. It was mainly composed of police officers who think that the police office was not doing enough to stomp the two teams.Naturally Team Magma, because it has crushed the chain of command in team Aqua, being 'in the lead' is constantly being attacked by the Team Scale.). It also involved the current leader of Team Scale- Bruss Jerkins, who is a master at using dog like pokemon in battle. Alex pulled out his cell phone and made a bunch of calls before he was ready for his plan to take action. In a few days he would have their trust back, and two very powerful enemies to team magma would be gone. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=System] name-Kael The Demon Sage age-598 gender-male race- demon personailty- Kael is a a demon with his mind in the gutter. He is extremely perverted in nature, how ever when the times comes for battle he is serious. All though he is a powerful demon, he wastes his talents doing deeds for the spirit world and collecting outrages fees for them.Although he is suppose to be watching the barrier between the different dimensions ( spirit world, human world, demon world) he would rather journey around and have fun with the rest of him very very long life, much to his masters disapproval. Although he hardly trains his is very fast and strong but not very sneaky. weapons- As in the picture, -His staff of ban boo is as strong as steel and been enchanted by his masters energies, it can create small barriers of demonic energies that he can us to protect himself and his friends. -Jugs/ vials- they are full of potions and inchanted vapors that he can use in battle or to heal people or himself. -Claws- Because of his great physical strength and his sharp claws he can slice through anything short of solid stone and steel. - Natures element- uses plants to attack and ensnare his opponents appearance- bio- Since he was young he has been raised by a sage who was enlisted by the spirit world to defend the barrier between the different worlds.Because of the recent developments in the spirit world Kael's master sage was out of the temple much of the time, for long periods of time. On one of his trips to the Human world he was injured by a demon and helping the spirit world with its problems physically became a problem for him. He then volunteered Kael to help with the increasing rate of demonic troubles. How ever in an argument with his master Kael left his post as one of the defenders of the Spirit World and lived his life in a care free style. Sense then he has be going back and forth from the human world and the demon world collecting on bounties of many demons and humans alike. Until one day he was given a large amount of money for the extermination of a Spirit Detective, Matt.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=System]"Team Magma?" " Umm sorry I don't want to-" Andy seemed to be at a lose for words. Alex smiled at her and looked straight into her eyes and replied "Yes" Rorohiko and Saio looked up and in a flash Absol and Pikachu stood ready to fight. "No- no not .. let me explain" Alex took a deep breath " My uncle was second in command with team Magma, and naturally I meet some people and help with little jobs, but never have I killed anyone" Rorohiko glared at him trying to tell if Alex was telling stories again, but something about this one seemed true. " My Uncle tyred to leave team magma with some of his friends. He said that they had become corrupt and lost sight of their true mission" Still Rorohiko could see Alex was telling the truth, for the first time sense he had met him. " Magma was successful in catching Groudon, when my Uncle returned to Windsand and told em to pack my things, they attacked us with the Pokemon Groudon and killed my uncle with it. Then strangely Groudon helped me escape my burning house and eve sense he has been with me ever since" Alex finished and sat down on the ground and stretched his arms in the air and yawn. " 'm tired lets take a break then lets go find some food back on the ship." [i] HA HA HA HA Rorohiko can't find a lie in that, there was none, I just left out huge cunks of the story [/i] " That's a good idea I'm hungry too" said Saio and began to walk back to one of the boats that were not completely damaged to see if he could find some food onboard. "You should see if there are medical supplies for the people and for Pikachu, its not good to keep him hurt inside of its ball" said Andy. Articuno flew above checking one last time for any survivors as Rorohiko, Alex, and Andy followed Saio back to the slightly damaged ship to find supplies.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=System]"Yeah some food would be nice right about now" Alex's stomach growled " I haven't eaten since last night" "Why didn't you eat breakfast?" asked Andy who was helping a man with a broken lag cross the bridge to the ship. Andy looked at him wondering why he was not helping transport the people. "I had a very important, and very long phone call that i needed to take, why is why I had to rush out of my house, I don't even think thatI locked it." Alex sat down on a rock and began to stair at the sky. Rorohiko came up behind him and cleared his throat, Alex looked up. "There are about 100 people here and more are going to be coming, I thick that you should get off your butt and help the three of us help those who can't get onto teh boat on their own." Rorohiko looked very serious "Fine I guess that I will help a little" Alex rose to his feet. However he only got about two people boarded and situated on the ship before he was interrupted by a very interesting person. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]"YOU THERE"[/COLOR] Rorohiko turned to face the person how shouted. "Yes?" he responded. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]"I am known as Leo, a trainer from the city of Mosdeep and I need-"[/COLOR] "Why are you here, Mosdeep is in Hoen isn't it?" Rorohiko looked at the boy. His long white hair fell over his eyes, but he could see tears falling sown his face. He wore a blue short sleeved shirt and long black pants.he had a black belt around his wast that held four Pokeballs. " Why are you crying , did you loved a loved one, or was the whole thing just traumatizing for you" Rorohiko was trying to get some answers but he just kepted on crying. "He must have been a visitor said Saio " visiting relatives, or a tourist maybe" [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]"No you are wrong, I did lose a loved one, my sister, to that monster" Leo Pointed towards Alexander who was just getting back to the dock." that monster and his team magma thugs killed my dear sister!!!"[/COLOR] " Alex" Rorohiko turned to Alex who looked shocked. "Team Magma?" it was Andy turn to looked shocked., [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]" I have come for revenge on the one know as Alexander of team magma, from the village of Windsand.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]" Your crazy, I have never been to Hoen in my life, only to Kento" Alex approached the trainer and looked his usual lazy self.[/COLOR] [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]" You can't sell me that shit, you killed her and now its your turn to be killed" [/COLOR] Leo reached for one of his Pokeballs and releaseda Gorvyel. The reptile pokemon eyed Alexander with it red eyes. Its leaves on its arms blew in the wind. [COLOR=DarkOrange][i] Ha a grass pokemon this will be short work fort eh legendary pokemon Groudon and his fire based attacks[/i][/COLOR] " I don't under stand what is going on all I know is some one is not telling the truth" Rorohiko looked at both of them. [i] Alexander clearly has something hidden about him self that he dose not want to tell, but were dose the truth start, he has been lying ever since we left the town, but did he really kill some one[/i] Alex reached for his Groudon but Andy stooped him by pulling his hand away from the ball. " Don't us him, he'll just make things worse for every one." He glared at her and sent out his Pikachu instead. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]"After I KO all of your Pokemon I'm coming for you."[/COLOR] Loe looked determined to kill Alex. Rorohiko, Andy, and Siao moved back to protect the passengers from the battle that was about to get under way. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]"Groyvel extreme speed now."[/COLOR] The grass pokemon shoot after Pikechu as fast as a bullet, it was all the mouse could do to doge it. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Again"[/COLOR] screamed Leo Groyvel shoot after Pikachu again. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Pikachu double team"[/COLOR] Pikachu got and responder to the order just in time to make groyvel miss and head straight for the injured citizens of Rodscale. Absol, jumped in the way and easily deflected the attack back at the the real target. "Nice work Absol, you will have to block all the stray attacks from the pokemon OK, " Rorohiko pet his Absol on it's head, as it nodded. [COLOR=SeaGreen]"Leaf cutter"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Thunder Shock"[/COLOR] The electric sparks hit the pokemon leaf pokemon but did not stop its charge. However the Pikachus double team caused the attack to miss. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]"Follow up with extreme speed, kill the monsters pokemon"[/COLOR] [i] Its coming at full speed right at it, this attack wound miss.[/i][COLOR=DarkOrange] " Zap Cannon"[/COLOR]" Why use that attack it is pron to miss the target" asked Andy As spoken the Zap Cannon missed the charging Groyvel but it did stop the charge so that Pikachu would not be hit with that attack at least. the Cannon flew into the remains of a building and blew it to pieces. [COLOR=DarkOrange] "Pikachu use mega punch"[/COLOR] [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]"Grovyel doge it"[/COLOR] As Pikachu approached the pokemon, pokemon it did a front flip over the charging rodent and landed behind it. [COLOR=DarkOrange] " Pikachu turn around[/COLOR][COLOR=MediumTurquoise]" To late Mega Kick.'[/COLOR] Pikachu was KOed and landed on the dock next to the passengers. "I did not kill the your sister" Alex fell to his knees and the Groyvel and Leo approached him slowly. " I hope that your Groudon guides you to hell!!" Leo ordered to attack, however Alex jumped out of the way, but not fast enough and his leg was cut. "SO you like to playcat and mouse I love that game, go Starmie tackle attack" The starfish pokemon spun and hit Alex in to shest knocking the air out of him. Alex fell to the ground again. " Finish it Groyvel, leaf cutter" Groyvel came closer and closer. [i] Oh No I can't doge this one [/i] "Your fate is sealed" Groyvle jumped into the air and began to come down at full speed towards the helpless Alex on the ground.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=System]OOC: Sorry for not posting the RP for a while, I was a bit busy. Alexander now walked up to the front with Rorohiko, to let Andy alone with Pikachu. They were walking for a long of in silence. Alexander was thankful and full of regret at the same time. He managed to get away from all of the psychic pokemon. The bad new he was stuck with Rorohiko. He knew that he had to be intierly truthful around him because he could smell a false statement like a hungry dog smelling a steak. To bad for him that he was stuck with Rorohiko, and whats more, although he didn't yet know this, Rorohiko also had a Psychic Pokemon. He looked around his surroundings and then back at the beach that they had washed up on. Where was he, he had spent most of his life at the Magma base in Hoen, he was not familiar with the surrounding islands that made up an island chain of islands Windsand town. "I'm sorry but were did we wash up, I seemed to have lost my map when we were thrown over board." "I'm not sure exactly, I'm unfamiliar with this area" "Hrm- what a bother" Alex turned to Andy.and said in a very annoyed tone "You don't know were we are do you?"[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=System]OOC: Nope that's fine with me Takuya, sorry for not posting in a while I had things to do, or I would have failed English, and Biology, this term and that would not have been good. I'm sorry again Alexander was waking around the boat, looking fora machine that could be used to contact the Controller, and tell him that they were underway. However the only he managed to find was a bunch of red eyed,crazy looking sailors. All the while he had been thinking about his incident with Rorohiko. Unlike the other trainers who released their legendary Pokemon, he kept his in it's ball and instead had Pikachu out and walking beside him. Pikachu jumped up onto Alex's shoulder just as he came to an answer as to why he did that, making himself look like a fool. This had not been the first time he had experienced moments in life were he wanted to do something childish, and each time it got more serious. [i] it's because I haven't been able to act like a child for so long, IT was when I was six years old when I was forced to grow up, and since then I have been expected to do the adult thing in every day life, instead of acting my age. So it would seem that this urge to do stupid things is caused by my inner child, tying to make up for lost time.[/i] In the case of how seriousthe things were that he did, this was by far the worst. He had only done mediocre things that were not really important. At first, he wanted an extra cookie so he went to the kitchen in Team Magma's lair and he stole one. He being seventeen, should have just said no, I can live with out one, but he couldn't talk him self out of stealing that cookie. The second time, he was board so he grafted the inter con troll room of the lair, and now he almost jeopardized his mission, just so he could say hi to some famous guy. He was relived that the mass of legendary Pokemon did not attract his attention, or so he thought. Pikachu then jumped off of his shoulder and ran to an automatic door that slide open as Pikachu dashed towards it and our came, Rorohiko. Alexander almost drooped dead.Pikachu dashed past Rorohiko and left the two standing there, staring at each other. " You don't have your Groudon out wandering about do you" Rorohiko said "No, why would you ask that" Alex began to work his fact friendly charm. "because, Groudon is a Pokemon that battles with =" but Rorohiko was cut short. " The sailors don't like Groudon, because he battles to make more land by destroying the sea, kinda like team Magma" Alex was not going to be mad a fool of again. " did you see which way Pikachu went?" " Yeah this way" Alexander walked past Rorohiko, Rorohiko turned to follow him. As the two walked down the hall in silence, searching for Pikachu Rorohiko asked a desestating question that made Alexander do a double take. " How did you meet and capture your Groudon" [i] OH NO, I CAN'T TELL HIM THE TRUTH, BUT IF I MAKE SOMETHING UP HE WILL SEE RIGHT THROUGH IT[/I] " Whats the matter do you not like talking about it?" he asked noticing Alex's sudden look like he was panicking "NO, see I meet him..." as Alex began to tell the story his nervous expression turned back to his lazy one. [i] Please let something happen, anything!![/i] He thought as be began to tell a part true, mostly untrue version, on how he caught his Groudon [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=System]Alex ( seemed to have earned himself a nick name XD ) looked over in the direction of the port and saw a man standing there. [i] Great, another one....[/i] then Alex was hit with an imaginary fist to the face, how could he have been so dumb [i] I can't think like that any more, not about my real mission, or who I am. My thoughts are not my own any more.[/i] He glanced around at all of the psychic Pokemon that filled the air. Psychic Pokemon who could read thoughts of others in an instant he can't think that way any more. Alexander had to become this person he was pretending to be. He also felt dumb for not knowing the 'man' was his name was Rorohikko. He was in the most part a hero to Alexander. Rorohiko has made many discoveries about the history,evolution,etc. about Pokemon, the main one was Absol. He also knew a little about Rorohiko's personal life. He knew he is one of Professor Oak collegs and helped him with many 'events' that needed to be dealt with, and finally that he has been patterned up with total newbies twice in his life, was he planing on making it three? [i] Now how do I get a chance to introduce my self that will really catch his attention.[/i] Why this thought entered his mind he had no clue, is it because he wanted to meet him, get to travel with him.. He knew that if Rorohiko followed them, traveled with them it would make things harder on him, but hey he loved challenges. He stopped talking to the rest of the group and went over to pet his Pikachu, who was still the only non legendary Pokemon released. He went to his Groudon, who was the only legendary Pokemon who could not fly and was talking to him quietly , he then shoot a look at Pikachu out of the corner of his eye. With the speed of the gods Pikachu charged Rorohiko. "PIKACHU GET BACK HERE NOW" said Alex ad he shoot after his Pokemon. Usually a Pikachu using extreme speed was very hard to out run for a human, but it seemed with ease that Alex passed Pikachu and made a human shield in front of Rorohiko. His Pikachu hit him so hard he flew back into Rorohiko. As Rorohiko helped Alexander up to his feet Alex did something he was very skilled at, playing dumb. " I'm sorry, my Pikachu has a thing against Absols" Alexander was a very good at telling lies, and this was a lie. A lie that Pikachu enhanced by standing behind Alexander's leg and growling at Rorohiko. Alexander continued " you don't happen to have one do you?" Rorohiko looked down at Alexander, the person he thought had given the other trainers their Pokemon, now looked much younger up close. When the boy got to his feet he was about the same height as Rorohiko, but this boy was extremely skinny, much unlike Rorohiko. "Yes" Rorohiko said at last " I am carrying an Absol on my person" Rorohiko looked down at the Pikachu growling behind Alex's leg. He then looked up and aced the boy in the face. He smiled " Is this the best way you can come up with getting to meet me?" He asked. "What I - it was...hmmm so how did you know it was a set up?" Alexander looked into Rorohiko's eyes with a questioning look?\ " You told your Pikachu instructions, but you made it look like you were speaking to your Groudon. Plus, it would be rare that a Pikachu would have a dislike towards a population as rare as an Absol, especially since they live nowhere near each other, and finally how do you know he just doesn't like the colon that i may or may not be wearing? Why did you assume I was caring an Absol." Rorohiko had seen more flaws in this plan, but decided not to point them out, as they had to to with comparisons of speed, and studies that were done long ago that these trainers probable didn't even know were conducted. "Well then it seems I should have planned this better, right " Alexander took a pause "Rorohiko" [i] Even people on this little island know about me[/i] thought Rorohiko. HE noticed that the other trainers and their legendary Pokemon were running over to see what happened. "Whats your name?" asked Rorohiko "Alexander" he replied in a calm voice " But if that's to long you can call me Alex, it doesn't matter to me." He put on a smile as Pikachu jumped onto his shoulder and smiled at Rorohiko. This was just an act on the inside however on the inside He was panicking [i] I know that that plan was a crappy one, but he saw right throw it. Why didn't I just leave him alone. What if he sees all of the legendary Pokemon and follows us, that won't work, the only Pokemon I have that would be strong enough to defeat his Absol is Umberon, and I sent that to the controller. And I can't back down or I'll never get that stupid dragon, this is such a pain. What should I do, play along I guess[/i] "Umm-so what brings you to this little village?" asked Alexander trying to keep from showing how nervous he was on the inside and hoping that Rorohiko would not follow them on their journey, or things would get much more difficult for him. [i] Why ,why did I have to make a fancy looking introduction,why[/i] he kept asking him self that question over and over.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=System][B][U]Day one[/U][/B] The screen flickered on. White noise filled the room, then silence. " Ah- so today you are to commenced the operation" "Please don't talk to me as if you have superiority over me" Alexander said lazily, digging in his back pack for something. " I am the leader of the team, you should know better than to back talk" he paused for a moment before continuing "besides if you had killed any one else from the team we would be hunting you down. It just so happens that no one really cared for your dearly departed uncle so we let you slide this time but if you-" Alexander pushed his glasses up on his face and looked into the computer monetor with a cold stare. Looking back at him was a plain looking man with ghostly white skin and long,stringy black hair. His yellow eyes looked back into Alexander's with a equally cold stare. After the Leader of team magma was set to jail for a life time, this man, who was called the controller, became the leader of the team, and Alexander was his right hand man. Because of this Alexander was not used to being talked down to, seeing as he was second in command, a always reacted this way when it came to the controller giving him his new mission. " The only reason that I was aloud to move up to my current rank is because to the team, he was worth more dead than he was alive, you now a well as I do that his inheritance is what is funding the teams operations now." "This is exactly why you must catch this Pokemon that I have heard so much about. Its powers could make us millions, the world would be at our feet" " That's funny, I always though Team Magma was about enhancing the lives of Pokemon by expanding the land mass, not world domination." Alexander had always been wondering this himself, and now seemed like a good opportunity to pop the question. " Please, spare me this old age garbage, we are here on this hell of a planet to make it follow our will, to be the controllers of the world, then the universe." "How exciting, just about how much work will that require" " Your laziness will be the death of you, Alexander" Alexander placed his collection of 4 poke balls, that he just pulled out of his back pack, and placed them on a machine. Then in a flash of red light they were transported to the controllers compatible machine." Watch over them, it has to appear that i have no Pokemon when I approach the others" "what will this do, help you disguise?" Alexander pushed his glasses up on his face and looked into the monitor "Exactly, now please watch over them." The controller picked up a poke ball and released it, out cam a Skamury twice the size of a regular one, it had a deep shade of purple instead of grey. "Ah, the shinning Skamury I gave to you ,it " he glanced down at the other poke balls " along with your others is very impressive, and powerful no question about it, I shall use them to aid the army of Pokemon I am assembling to att-" more white noise filled the room. [i] I wonder why he is always wasting his time telling me what his planes are, when really don't care the least about them.[/i]Alexander knew that the controller did not like to be hung up on, but it would have to learn to deal with it, Alexander was going to be late. He picked up the poke balls that he had not sent to the controller. They contained a Pickachu and his very own Groudon a one of a kind legendary Pokemon. He ran to his room, he had been wearing no shirt while talking to the controller,, why should he the controller,ironical, had no control over him. He reached his room and picked up the white tank top that had recently been dried, along with a white hoody, that he had wore just yesterday on his trip to the store. As he put them on he thought of how he would best hide his true self. He continued to ponder this until he made it down to the town just a few feet shy of a mile from his house. "Oh Alexander" an elderly women approached him," Thank you for coming over to cut my fire wood today, its horrible not having a air conditioner or a heating unit attached to my house, I think i should get one, what do you think" she dropped the newspaper she was Carrying. Alexander bent down to pick it up for her. the local news papers front page had a picture of a group of trainers and legendary Pokemon. These where his 'team mates', the very people he would have to spend countless hours with until the time was right when he would betray them, the same way he did team Aqua, his uncle, even his Pokemon partners, but more importantly him self. For as long as he could remember he had been leading a duble life. One the infamus 2nd in command of team magma, and the other the kind, lazy boy who help those in need. Which one was he really? He didn't know and now was not the time to dwell on such things. " Well I think that a good old fashion fire place is more homely, and enjoyable that having an AC unit , but that is just my opinion" Alexander began to work his charm. It was this charm that got the town to love him, and to fell pity for his lose of all his family members. He looked on it that if they were dumb enough to get caught and killed they deserved it. " Oh -well i guess I could come for you to cut some wood every now and then." " Oh thank you Alexander, I know that you don't like it but, I really do apresheate the act" " Oh, sure i guess what ever i can do to help you out." Alexander began to walk away slowly. " Good luck with your mission that starts today" said the lady and began to walk back to her house. [i] Ha ha ha ha which one you fool?[/i] but his thoughts were different from his words " Thanks I think that we will need all the luck we can get." "any time dear" said the women over her shoulder. " any time" Alexander picked up the pace until he saw a girl sitting at the base of the tree, as he approached he said in his usual friendly voice. "Hello, Reza" just then Sakura and Rain cam into view all of their legendary Pokemon were out having a good time. In a flash of white light his Pikachu and Groudon were released and they waled over the the other Pokemon and began talking. " Oh I didn't see you at first hi Sakura, and good day to you Rain" [i] Hm operation Kageryn begins [/i] he thought as he approached the rest of the team with a fake smile on his face.[/FONT][/COLOR]
Name: Alexander Juromaru Age:17 Gender: male Appearance: Long, sandy blond hair that is in a ponytail that reaches a little passed his shoulder blade, the bangs fall slightly pass his eyebrows onto slightly tanned skin. Piecing blue eyes that look like pools of mile deep water, when he takes off his glasses they sparkle like the sun is always shining upon them. he wears a casual long sleeved white hoody that is usually pulled over a white tank top. Black jeans, belt loops hold poke balls containing his Pokemon. He is nowherenear muscular. In fact he hardly weighs 140 lbs. and ishowever tall,6'3''. He has a very gentle appearance, that by looking at him you would never have guessed that he killed his uncle and works for an organisation such as the rough necked Team Magma. Personality: Deceiver,Leader, Lazy. In three words this puts his whole personality in a nut shell. He is quite cunning, however this is usally overshadowed by his disierto be different, and of course his ability to disregard anything if he doesn't fell like doing. He haslived a harsh life and he still manages to keep a sense of hummer. If something will make more work for him, he will complain, and let it be know that he feels this way. He is hardly in a bad mood, because his life pholosiphyis life is to short to mop around unless you are immortal then you may do as you please. He always has good advice to give, but only to those who ask for it. Strangely all of these traits mixed into one personality makes for pretty likable person, until he stabs you in the back. Bio: His parents were killed when he was young by an attack on the large cost city he was born in by a huge Pokemon. His Parents left in the care of his uncle that lives in WindSand Village. His uncle took advantage of the long line of Pokemon masters in Alexander's family and used him to spy on Team Aqua ( his uncle was a member of Team Magma) and tell him of Aqua's plans and secret operations. Alexander's natural ability to use Pokemon to there full potential helped him quickly clime in Aqua's ranks. When He was 14 he told his uncle the location of Aqua's base and opened the doors for them. Because of his betrayal to Aqua their leader was killed by his uncle and Team Aqua was almost totally destroyed. On their return to his uncles house in Windsand Alexander , having served his purpose, was nearly beaten to death by his uncle and Fellow team Magma members, after they finished celebrating with many victory beverages with high achololcontent. Alexander then returned to his uncle's( this was because he knew his uncle would call the police and they would realize he was in team magma and send him to jail) , and was sent on a new assignment. Alexander realised he need a way to get out of his uncles custody, and eventually he did.His new assignment was to find a capture Groudon and Kyogre. He was successful in capturing Groudon, after a battle with team Aqua's new leader. He then returned to his uncles house to show him his accomplishment ( hoping his uncle would lighten up on him until he was 17 and he could emancipate him self from his care). He was beatenagain for failing to capture Kyogre as well. After this Alexander released Groudon upon his uncle ans ordered his Pokemon to murder his drunken uncle. After wards. He rose in the ranks of Team Magma to the position of his late uncle. HE iscurrently on an assignment to capture Kageryn for Magma's evil plans. He figured that it would be wise to team up with commoners to help him achieve his goal. So disguising him self he now pretends that his uncle was murdered by a wild pokemon, and he lives in Windsand alone. His next step befriend the people with legendary Pokemon... Starting Pokemon: Groudon Eventual party (final evolutions): 1) Groudon 2) Steelix 3) Magcargo 4) Swalot 5) Raichu 6) Aerodactyl OOC; I'll make it better later i have to get off the computer now!!
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond]I loved the dot hack games and have beaten them all. I hope that they do have an online version of ?The World? in any of the 3 games that come out. I managed to find a website were they say a little about the game. Here it is if you are interested [url]www.dothackers.net[/url]. I?m not sure if you have already gone to it but if u haven?t it has a trailer on it. Ummm in watching clips of it I was wondering, what is the main characters class? He had twin blades at first then he whips out a huge chain saw sword?there are suppose to be new classes, maybe he was one of them. Oh well I can?t wait for them to come out!!![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Palatino Linotype]I?m looking for an avi and banner that have a panda on them, and in the background?? I suppose bamboo in the background. Oh and I?d like it to say my name on the avi and on the banner I?d like it to say ? Style-A quality of imagination and individuality expressed in one's actions and tastes? in some cool looking font. The words can fade out and in or what ever you would like:D.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua]CHARACTER SIGN UP Name: Eliwood Age: 29 Gender: male Race: Ewok Homeworld: Forest moon of Endor Affiliate Order: New Jedi order Rank: Jedi Knight Class: Jedi Consular Light saber: Single Light saber. Eliwood?s light saber?s hilt is brown with 4 thin gray rings around the top and bottom. The power button is a dark green. The blade it?s self is a single pink beam a light that is no different from a normal light saber. The crystal that he used to power the weapon, was his mothers pink gem that she found when planting Eliwood?s birth tree. She was saving it for when Eliwood planted his child?s birth tree. But when Eliwood came back from the Academy saying that he needed a crystal she gladly handed it over. Light saber Style Soresu [Form III] Level one Force Powers: Knight Speed Improved Force Jump Improved Battle Meditation Force Whirlwind Force Deflection Stasis Improved Heal Improved Force Barrier Improved Energy Resistance Improved Revitalize Appearance: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/OliverWhip/ewok.jpg[/IMG] His fur is red-ish brown instead, and he has no hood on his head, this is replaced with brown Jedi robs. When his robes are removed when he prepares for battle he has a white shirt on under the robes, along with whit pants to match. Biography: At the age of one, Han Solo came to endor in need to destroy the shield generator bunker. Eliwood?s father along with many other Ewoks assisted him and his rebel friends in their quest and came out successful. All though many of the Ewoks were killed Eliwood?s father came back to help raise there son. He told stories of how the Empire used technology in there warfare. Eliwood was now hoping t leave their forest home and go to the galaxies beyond. On his 3rd birthday a ship that was heading to Yamen 4 crashed on the forest moon. The Ewoks helped them gather food and provide shelter until a new ship came to get the stranded (soon to be trained) Jedi. Eliwood?s mother told the protocol driod that Eliwood wanted to go with them, so returning the favor to the Ewoks; they took Eliwood to the Jedi Academy on Yamen 4. There he learned to speak the most common languages in the Universe, and began his Jedi Training at the age of almost 5. Of course one for their first assignments was to construct a light saber, But Eliwood hardly knew anything about technology, and even worse, he had no crystal to power his saber, even (with other Jedi?s help) with his new light saber. So his Jedi master took him on a ship back to Endor to find a crystal. Eliwood?s mother gave him a pink sphere like crystal that had been in the family for years. On his return to the Jedi Academy he was taught how to use it and became very efficient with it. Through out his training he became well in touched with the force and found he could use it to make his battle performance better. When the Sith attacked the Academy when Luke was away Eliwood planed the counter attack that saved many of the young Jedi. On his 27th birth day, during the Jedi Council meeting on their new base on Dantooine, Eliwood, along with the rest of the Council, was now informed that the Sith lord had a base on the forest moon of Endor and was harassing the Ewoks that lived there. In fact the Sith lord was believed to be on the base now aiding his new apprentice on the invasion of Endor. Although the moon was not really a system and noting was to be gained from the salvation of it Eliwood was granted permission to go and stop the Sith Lord and his new apprentice. Once back on his home. Eliwood noticed that that Village on the trees where he had once lived had been destroyed and that the Ewoks there were all killed. Eliwood now knowing the situation returned to the planet of Dantooine and request that he bring a squad of men with him to teach the Ewoks how to us a blaster, as the lack of technology on the moon was making it very easy for the Sith to get an maintain Control of the moon. Now with a group of men/droids to teach the Ewoks about blasters and other weapons of war, Eliwood lead them on a mission that took out the droid base closest to the biggest settlement of Ewoks. It was there that Eliwood meet Ping-Lai a Ewok shaman who made poisons and remedies for the army of little fuzzy bears. Eliwood and Ping-Lai confronted many bases and won and lost major battles, yet they only found the Sith once. The Sith lord had left the moon shortly before Eliwood?s final victory on the planet. It was in the tree top cities of the Ewok?s that the two had a lightsaber battle and only through the help of Ping-Lai was Eliwood able to defeat the apprentice, who had come to assassinate him in his sleep. Eliwood however after disarming the Sith?s lightsaber, did not cut of and arm and let his go, or even give him a quick death. He used the Force to torment the Sith for all the Ewoks he had killed. Leaving for Dantooine once more he left in charge Ping-Lai, to command the battles against the droids that still occupies a small portion of the moon. The suffering of his people still clouds his mind, making it almost impossible for the masters to know about the torment that he put the Sith through. Eliwood feels that even though he is needed at home more than ever he must follow the council?s orders to stay put for the time. However all around him know that it will only take one felling of distress from Endor, that will make Eliwood return to the moon, his home, and finish the salvation that he began. Personality: Eilwood is a fun loving Ewok who thinks that rest and relaxation are just as important as training. However he is not lazy, being one of the first Ewok to become a Jedi knight, he fells that he represents his people in the Universe, and if he fails to do something, he fells like he let his whole race down. He enjoys using sarcasm in his speech for no real reason he just doses. He would rather negotiate than fight, but he has had to fight on many ocations. Even though he is still not that great with technology, he is an great tactician. His motto is ?If there is a simpler way, take it.? Other: I can?t think of any thing right now but I?ll edit again if I think of any thing. Final Question Personally I was a little confused on the light saber style thing :animeswea , so I may have done it wrong, but other than that I thin that it is a great way to make characters for RPs. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]