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[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua]OOC: TT_TT I had pink eye or something and the doctor said [I] No Game boy Computer or TV because it strains your eye and that?s bad when you have pink eye.[/I] IC: Scott looked out the window of the Pokemon Center and let his mind wander. He had become board of just waiting around, he wanted a badge, or to get somewhere. He stood up and smoothed the wrinkles out from his shirt from where he had been sleeping. ? I?m going to the Viridian Forest now? Tsuka looked at him oddly. [I] Should I follow him? I?ve wanted to catch some pokemon from inside there but should I go with Scott or wait- [/I] ?Yeah that?s a good idea, I?m tired of this city now too? said Rin throwing her arms in the are and stretched and let out a yawn. Rorohiko nodded. As the group of four walked out from the Center they found Katai and Josh arguing with each other. ?WELL I DON?T THINK YOU CAN BEAT ME? said Josh ?YEAH, WHATEVER I CAN BEAT YOU ANY DAY? said Katai. She then pulled out her laptop and had Ivy on the telephone, and she was sending over four more pokemon. ?Lets go, Houndoom? the Dark/fire pokemon was released from its ball and let out a defining roar. ? I am using the most powerful water pokemon ever go-? but she then tripped on seemingly nothing and Golduck was released from its pokeball. ?Oh lord they are at each other again.? Said Rorohiko. Houndoom launched a powerful flamethrower at the Golduck. The water pokemon barely dogged it and countered with a hydro pump. ?Yeah go my beautiful pokemon attack with more and more water. ? ?Double Team attack now houndoom? The pokemon made 20 different copies of itself and the many hydro pumps missed each and every time they were launched destroying the copy when it was hit. ? Flamethrower? All the remaining copies launched the attacks at the gulduck at the same time. The fire engulfed the pokemon and caused an explosion. As the smoke cleared it revealed that Golduck was still standing and looked as if it had taken little damage. ?HA HA fire won?t work on Gulduck.? Katai had a grin from ear to ear. She did not believe that Josh had done such an attack, it left his pokemon open for an attack now was the time to take advantage of his mistake. ? attack with water gun? The attack hit dead on the real Houndoom. ?Now counter attack? Even as the houndoom was being attacked with a stream of water he opened his mouth and launched a powerful blast at Gulduck. Gulduck jumped in to the air and came down with an ice punch. This attack also missed its target leaving the Duck like pokemon open for an attack. ?Crunch attack now Houndoom bring home a victory? ?Gulduck attack with-anything stop it from biting you? The dark pokemon sank its teeth into the Golduck and it felt the hole body of its victim shank with pain, it had flinched. ?Fire blast? Golduck then launched a Water Pulse from its mouth. The rings of water shoot through the fire blast and hit Houndoom head on. Houndoom fell to the ground fainted and confused. ?See I told you couldn?t win against me and my Golduck.? ?Yeah yeah go Butterfree? ? So having lost one pokemon was not enough alright return Golduck go Venomoth.? ?Attack Poison Powder Butterfree? ?Attack with Sleep powder Venomoth.? The blue powder from Venomoth and the purple powder from Butterfree mixed together and made a deadly, new powder the intoxicated both pokemon and put them both into an unconscious state. Rin looked on at the battle that just ended and said ? well now that battle wasn?t as interesting as the last was it?? ? No, it sure wasn?t? said Scott now realizing that the battle was right in the path he needed to take to gat to the forest. [I] Lord it will take another forever to get to the forest [/I] he thought as he sat down with his back against the pokemon center. ? will I ever get to the next town? he said as he hung his head and began to draw pictures in the dirt with a stick. All of a sudden he heard a scream and looked up. Josh had lunged himself at Katai and had hand cuffed her to himself. He then released a Fearow and was about to fly away with his prisoner when emerald (her Sizor) came out of nowhere and broke the cuffs with its claw. It then picked up Katai and began to fly her away. Josh let out a scream of disbelief and told Fearow to follow them. It seemed that He would have a long while to catch the new ring leader of team Rocket. Scott was delighted that the two had stopped battling and left the city and began to walk towards the Forest with Kite, Rin, Rorohiko, Tsuka, and to every ones surprise Karia who seemed to be out of it, just staring at the ground and following the group. [I] Soon I will be in the forest [/I] thought Scott OOC: I?m so happy, 40 something post and we finally got to Viridian Forest it brings tears to my eyes knowing that we will soon, hopefully, get the first badge ^^. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua]OOC: well its sad to hear you are leaving and fell such way.(please view underground). IC: Unbelievable, that was the one word to explain current events. Things had gotten a little crazy ever scene the group walked out of the pokemon center. Omandaru did not know what to do. Strength that is what she wanted, yet what she had just witnessed had shown strength, but also something ?evil. And to top off her current felling the man she wanted to train her was in a cult. Why? Rorohiko knelt over Absol and tried to get out the shards of sword that were lodged in to his beloved pokemon?s stomach. Katai got up and ran over to Rorohiko. She pushed him out of the way and pulled some advanced medical equipment from her bag. (Katai wanted to be a traveling nurse). She used two long thin thongs to remove the big shards of metal, and bandaged up the wound with disinfectant bandages. ? Take it to Nurse Joy? said Katai standing up facing the helicopter that was still hovering low to the ground. The wind from it nearly blew her away. Carter first to take hold of the situation and commanded his Dragonair in a very low voice to obliterate the chopper. A bean of blue light shoot from the pokemon?s mouth and made contact with the chopper??.almost. At the last moment Jared had used his Wartortle to use the Protect attack. ?Well that attack was some beautiful thing wasn?t it.? He mocked ? I see were you get all your awards for talent shows? Jared smirked ?Again!!? Dragonair launched another beam of light at the helicopter. ? Go Dragonair hyper bean attack now? said Jared. The beams collided in mid air causing a huge explosion with an even more powerful shock wave. It toppled over the Chopper to the ground. The pilot tried to start it up again and again but it wouldn?t start. He got out and began to radio something over through his walkie-talkie. He turned to Jared. ?Hold them off a little longer sir.? The two Dragonair flew up into the air lunching a variety of attacks at each other. A thunderbolt hit Carters. It then used the return attack to counter but missed narrowly. Then it followed up with an ice beam. This attack made contact and knocked the Dragonair down a few feet. Jared?s then used an Iron tail which missed then at the same time Carter?s used a blizzard attack ands Jared?s used a dragon rage followed up with a hydro pump. Carter?s Dragonair fell to the ground fainted. Carter in turn fell to his knees as another helicopter can with another Pilot and picked up Jared and the others. Jared turned to the girl sitting on her knees in the grass. ? You coming? he asked her. She continued to sit there and stair out into oblivion. ?Fine suit your self.? He said as the chopper flew away from Viridian City into the bright blue sky. It was 6:00 yet the sky was still as blue as can be. Carter got up and looked around for a moment and released Flygon. ?Sorry our meeting was such a short one, I?ll come back. Every now and then? he said as he let a big smile cover his face. But it was apparent to everyone there this was a bluff to hide his true feelings of sorrow and disappear. ?Carter, don?t go after them okay? Rorohiko came out of the Center to bide his friend good by. ?Promise me that okay? Carter pondered for a moment and smiled a real smile ? Yeah I?ll let them live so you can take them out? He looked around one last time and then said ? Later? with that hid Flygon let out a cry and flew up into the air and speed of in the direction of the region of Hoen. Rin , Rorohiko , Josh , Katai, Scott, kite, Tsuka and the may other spectators watched as he departed in to the seemingly eternal blueness of the sky [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua]OK since the infamous Katai has re appeared I kinda thought that I could have some people come back as well. Name: Carter Age: 16 Gender: male Pokemon: · Dragonair · Pichu · Gyarados · Pikachu (pichu?s father) · Spheal · Flygon He has other pokemon but these are his main ones. Personality: He makes friends with everyone and hates no one. Dose not like to battle to the death but enjoys a nice little badge battle every now and then. He is nice and very observant of his surroundings, and smarter than most but not a nerdy person. Reason for being in Kenato: He is trying to catch the legendary birds. Bio: He is currently the pokemon contest champion in every category. He use to battle for the right to be a pokemon master but found his true calling when he first got to Hoen. In his first pokemon league match he barely defeated Katai and went on to be beaten by Josh in the next round. He did not compete in the orange island tournament. In Johto league match he again defeated Katai but when she was brought back in as a replacement for some one else she beat him with one pokemon. In hoen he did not compete. He is now after the legendary pokemon in hopes of being the first to catch them all, and unofficial side kick to Josh. Name; Josh Age: 17 Gender: male Pokemon: · Eevee · Charizard · Skarmory · Camerupt · Lunatone · Butterfree Here are his others from which he often switches. · Fearow · Cloyster · Mankey · Doduo · Houndoom · Kingdra · Manectric · Ditto Personality: In this part of the role-play he plays the ?hard core cop?. He is not alwas compassionate but always truthful. He is quite a good trainer but has yet to win a league match. Some times he can get a little cocky but can usally be fixed with a powerful verbal discharge. When he is determined he can not fail. He care for all pokemon, though he battles very aggressively. Reason for being in Kenato: Trying to catch Katai Bio: He us to be a person ?like Gary only 10 times worse. He was also joined Team Rocket for a long while before he found what was truly important for him, his friends and pokemon. To atone for his crimes he has become a police officer, and has promised to catch the new ring leader of team rocket, Katai. Memories of his past often haunt him and he has, like times when he is mildly insane if one tries to find out to much about his past or already knows to much and exposes it. OOC: These were both my people from the Pokemon Dragonair?s orb Rp although they have changed a lot. They (when they arrive) will be treated as NPC, not my characters, if you don?t mind. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua]OOC: Sorry for not being here for a while I hade birthday stuff going on like its so big deal or something. IC: Scott looked up at the clouds. They had been talking about him, he knew he had heard his name. But they did not matter, as long as he enjoyed himself then he would come out on top. That is how it has always been , with every thing. He got to his feet and began to lazily walk off towards the next town. [I] I need to stop bye the pokemon center and check out my pokemon. They are badly hurt.[/I] ? Where are you going? asked Rorohiko ? Where I am going?.? Scott paused for a moment ? Do you not like me very much?? ? What ?what are you talking about ?do I like you, hell no I don?t? it was Rorohiko?s turn to pause and wait a moment ? but Oak asked me to watch out for you and that?s what I?m doing? ?Oh , ok well then I?m going to the pokemon center.? Rin who had been quite for a while stepped forward with a positive attitude in her voice ? Yah, we can all go to the center. Your pokemon could use a break after all the battleing they have done. Just follow me I?ll lead the way.? Rin began to walk in the opposite direction from Viridian City. Katai as clue less as ever followed in her trail. ? Ummmm I though that Pallet town was that way, we are going this way? said Tsuka pointing in the other direction. The two turned around and followed Tsuka as he kinda lead the group in the right direction. ? A hat-yop a hat? Kite bent down and picked up a hat that looked very familiar to him, but where he thought. ------------------ Short intermission as they get to the town--------------------------- Scott laid on the sofa in the Pokemon Center as his three pokemon were being healed. Rorohiko sat at the other side off the room chatting with Katai and Rin about things relating pokemon, keeping a close eye on Scott. [I] Magical powers, no way yeah the kids got talent. But you cant suck the powers out of a pokemon, can you?? No of course not it offends reason.[/I] he shook the thought from his head. Outside the Center in the back ally way Tsuka and Kite battled each other. It was still an even fight Bulbasaur vs. Nuke because the Charmander had yet to learn ember. Tsuka taking advantage of Nuke?s only means of attack being scratch, he attacked from a distance using Vine whip. He KOED Nuke with a few attacks and won the battle. Kite healed it with a potion and it was ready to fight again. ?Us Pidgie this time please? asked Kite admitting to being overpowered by Vine Whip, ?Ok lets try this again? Tsuka threw the pokeball. Back inside the Center Nurse Joy came out with six pokeballs on a tray. ? Your Pokemon are ready!!? she announced. Rorohiko,Katai, and surprisingly Scott jumped up to reclaim their pokemon. With a Flash of light a Absol, Gulduck, Squirtle, Nidaran male and female, and Sizor came out and greeted their trainers with smiles and hugs( well as best as they could). Scott did not know how to react, what was this felling that he felt, love; no it could not be he had only love humans not any thing else right ?maybe he did not know he was felling light headed all of a sudden. Rin creaked a smile as she watched his pokemon give him kisses and such. [I] Maybe he?s not so bad after all[/I] she turned to talk to him but it was to late?????? he had fallen asleep on the sofa with his pokemon curled all around him.. OOC: Ummm some thing big is about to happen and I would like it if you would check the underground thread on a spare moment. Thanks ^^, [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]OOC: sorry that I have not posted. Carter got up from his nap and looked around, finally turning to the window. He noticed that the boat had begun to leave the dock. Spectators where waving good-bye to there loved ones who were one the boat. In the crowd a male who Carter recognized as Zane. Zane was the person that ralts beat in the contest in the region. Flash back The stadium cheered on the two boys standing in the stadium waiting for the judge to give them the okay to release their pokemon. ? Ready release? said the judge ? Go ralts? said Carter ? I choose you, Starmie? ? Ready and begin the contest of Smarts? ? Go start with a confusion Ralts, followed by a double team, just like we practiced.? Starmie light screen? A sheet a glass appeared in front of Starmie. ? Now hit it with a water gun? the water hit the screen and mad a rainbow that reached up to the top of the stadium. This drew the judge?s attention. ? I thought that this way a Intelligence contest not a beauty contest.? ? First I get the judge?s attention, then use a hydro pump.? Starmie began to spin as water shot out of its arms. Making the rainbow bigger. ? Knock that rainbow down now Ralts, psychic attack.? A purple aura surrounded the little pokemon. Soon Ralts was engulfed in the aura. The rainbow lost its affect on the crowd and they began to chant Carter?s name. The judge looked at Zane and then in a bold tone said ? young man this is the wrong contest for you. You should have entered in the beauty contest, not this one.? ? Yes but I already have that ribbon I don?t need it again? Zane?s talking to the judge lost his own concentration. Ralts then used a grow to intimidate Starmie, then a double team followed by a Psy wave attack. The rings of white light hovered over the Ralts for a second then slowly rose into the air in the shape of a cone. When the rings meet each other a purple light emitted from them. Showers of little stars came from the light. The stars illuminated the field with a dazzling green light. ? Starmie try a water plus? a bubble surrounded Starmie and it grow bigger until it was almost 4 times the size of the pokemon and exploded. The water ended Ralts demonstration. The timer rang and the pokemon were returned and the panel of Judges made their decision. Ralts was declared the winner of the computation and awarded the ribbon. End flash back Carter waved as the boat pulled out of the dock. Just then two trainers jumped from the dock onto the ship. They turned to each other andn began to talk smack once again as they began to battle. [I] this could be fun to watch[/I] thought Carter as he backed up to give the two room to battle. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]OOC: Twomoons I respect that you want to join the RP ( role play) however, I think that first you should read the rules, second know that it is too late to sign up for this one. However when we switch regions I will tell you so you can post your character, ok. Please don?t post any post in this RP while you are not a member of it thank you. I will post after Wavemaster Tsuka, it doesn?t seem my time to post ^^. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Scott looking on at Tsuka?s accomplishment, became annoyed with the cheers of happiness that he caught his first pokemon, he released Squirtle and quickly defeated two Pidgey and a Mankey. As Scott sat down to rest himself a bit he ordered Squirtle to keep on battling and such. ? Scott that is not how you train pokemon!!? said Rin [I] Out of all people why do I have to help this guy[/I] she thought. ? Her how ?bout this, I train the way I want and you leave me alone? ? Fine I wont have to here your stupid voice? ? Then in the end we get what we want? ? Fine with me!!!? Rin began to glare at Scott as he sat under a tree and his pokemon battled very hard, to impress it?s new trainer. ? Gust Attack now? tsuka?s voice completely broke the tense mode. ? Good job Tsuka? said Kite as he defeated a mankey. ?Thanks? Suddenly Scott jumped up returned Squirtle and ran off. ? What?s his problem? asked Rorohiko. Tsuka returned his pokemon and chased after him ? come on lets go? ? But he is so mean sad Kite? following him. ?He could be in trouble? said Tsuka When they reached the seen of were Scott was he was in a battle with another trainer. Squirtle attack with tackle now. The turtle pokemon responded with all its might knocking the enemy Weedle out. ? Wow your strong man. Whats your name.? Asked the young trainer that was just beaten. ? The one who owned you? Scott replied and walked away to train some more. ? What a mean little bas-? but Rin did not finish. ? Kite , maybe you should try that guy out? said Rorohiko. ? Nah man sorry I have to go train even harder before I try again.? He said and walked off. Bubble finish them off. Scott was in yet another battle with two wild Nidoran, one male and one female. The foam from Squirtle ?s mouth engulfed them, suffocating them. The two pokemon hit the ground. Tackle. That was it for the poor Nidoran. The hit was hard and you could hear bones break. Then Scoot throw two pokeballs with complete accuracy and hit them both on the head. He had then heard the ping noise telling him that he had caught his first pokemon. ? WOW? said Kite in amazement, ? that was awesome could you teach me how to do that? ? No? Scott said in a lazy voice and went and picked up his pokeballs ? I?m headed for the center to heal my pokemon, to take a nap now, or maybe eat something. Go explore the city or something kid.? ? But I want to catch a pokemon too.? Said Kite ? Don?t worry I?ll help you out? said Rin making dirty gestures behind Scott?s back as he walked away from the group to the pokemon center. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Carter looked up at the large ship, then at the trainers boarding on it. [I] I wish that Flygon was not scarred of the Ocean. Riding these boats are so boring.[/I] As he boarded he the boat he was checked for tickets and such things that he was accustom to. The area where you boarded the ship was do in a red color, with violet covered benches and a great chandler hung down from the ceiling. On his belt two of his pokeballs began to shake and let lose a Minun and Plusel, who jumped onto his shoulders. They began to scan the room and hallway as Carter walked slowly looking for room 9b but was having difficulty finding it. As he walked he bumped into a crewman. ? Sorry? he said looking up at the guy he was talking to. ? Geez what?s your problem kid.? ? I?m sorry I didn?t mean it could you help-? ?Another punk who is lost, was your ticket check? he reached in to Carter?s back pack, ? Lets see? Minun looked at the guy menacingly. ?You pokemon battle he asked? holding up a pokeball ? Ummmmm not battle I compete-? ? Then what is the point of battling I mean having pokemon. All they are good for is to battle.? The two electric pokemon jumped of his shoulder and shocked the crewman with a signal jolt of electricity. The mans face turned red as a tomato ? GET THOSE POKEMON INSIDE THERE POKEBALLS RIGHT THIS INSTANT YOUNG MAN!!!!!!!? Carter turned and ran down the hall as fast as he could, his two pokemon behind him. He managed to bump into seven more people before another passenger helped him find his room. Once inside he sat down at the computer and sent some of his pokemon to his Professor in the Orange Islands (OOC: That one is prof. Ivy right TT_TT). His party changed a little his dewgon and flygon were switched for Corsola and porygon. He released all of his pokemon. Corsola, porygon, Minun, Plusel, Meganium, and Ralts all appeared in a flash of light. Ralts wore a bright green ribbon, which he had won in a contest while Carter was in the region. Meganium wore many different colors of ribbon, almost one of every type. He congratulated his friends on their victories and recalled them when another passenger opened the door to the room and sat down on the bed. The two began chatting about pokemon and items until they both fell asleep. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Well now I guess that this under ground thread is open as pre your request. I guess that here we can discuses things pertaining to the role play, Instead of littering the role play with anger Ooc?s ^^. Well I currently have nothing that I need to ask, wait a moment perhaps I do. Would it be such a bad idea to bring some one from a former role play( a pokemon one of course) that , Rorohiko was a part of. I was hoping to bring Carter back, for a little while if possible. However I think that would be a bad idea and most likely wont so I guess I was talking out loud ^^.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]OOC: I have posted an underground thread now as you asked for. I would like people to post in it so that we may better this role play. I assume that I have nothing to say as I was the last one to post in character I don?t believe that I?ll post again, but let some one else do that, so that I?m not over posting.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Name: Carter Armora Age: 17 Gender: male Appearance: coming soon Personality: Carter is not one for pokemon battles, but that dose not mean that a little competition is not good. While most people travel for badges and such. He travels around collecting ribbons. He still thinks that training is important to train so that pokemon learn different attacks and abilities. He is a happy-go ?lucky kind of guy. He is a people pleaser and thinks that a happy trainer makes a happy pokemon, so he tries not to get anger or mad at people too much. He always tries to help out a friend in need whenever they need help. Although in a pokemon battle he is usually the one who is lacking in skills. Line-Up: -Minun 47 -Plusle 47 -Meganium 61 -Ralts 46 -Pupitar 65 -Porygon 42 Extras: -Yanma 32 -Dewgong 45 -Corsola 51 -Tropius 48 -Flygon 58[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Best Anime- none Best Comedy Anime- That one ?Bo? thing ( the title has way to many bo?s) Best Romance Anime- DN angel Best Drama Anime- Best Action/Adventure Anime-Ragnarok the animation Best Mecha Anime- G Gundam Best Fantasy Anime- Card Captors Best Horror Anime-none Best Male Character- Krad from DNAngel Best Female Character- Mai Valentine ( yugioh) Best Soundtrack- none Funniest Character- to may to count Biggest ***$hole(the one person you hate the most...- Tsukasa ( he is all mean to my favorite . People on that show) Biggest Badass- Sessomaur Best Villain- Naraku ( he has been around for ever) Hottest Chick- Mai Valentine Most Well Dressed/With The Best Style Character- Yugi Best Death- Best Anime Movie- Endless watts Best Anime OVA- n/a Best Anime Music Track- .hack//sign Aura I will finish later
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua] The moment of truth arrived; Oak got up from the table and walked over to a strange metal podium with a glass sphere over it. ? Now Scott, Tsuka, Kite I want to be very clear on thins subject. I trust you both not to use pokemon for evil, and to trust and love your pokemon with all your heart. This seemed to get Scott?s attention he looked up at Oak and looked at him apprehensively. Tsuka looked up as well ready to receive his first pokemon. Oak opened the sphere to reveal three pokeballs. One by one he picked them up to reveal three pokemon. Bulbasuar, Charmander, and Squirtle. ? Now pick one and let your pokemon adventure begin.? Said Oak. Tsuka was quick about his choice and picked up the plant pokemon Bulbasuar and set it on the table and went over to the podium and got its pokeball. ? He turned to Scott ? I hope I didn?t choose the one that you wanted, but you shouldn?t care you said that it did not matter? Tsuka sat back down and began to play with his new partner. ? Now Scott which one will you choose? said Oak looking down at the the two remaining pokemon Kite?s turn and he too was quick about his as well as he choose the Charmander. He then began to play with it as well. Scott looked at the last pokemon for a while for almost five minuets he sat there staring at the water pokemon. Eventually Squirtle looked at Scott right in the eye and his red eyes meet Scott?s blue ones. ? This Squirtle is the pokemon that I choose.? Scott got up and returned Squirtle to its pokeball and began to walkout of the lab but Oaks voice stopped him. ? Here you go Tsuka, and you too Kite this is a pokedex. It?s an electric encyclopedia. I t has information on all of the pokemon that you will ever see, well almost all of them, Scott I have one for you, if you want it.? Scott went back to the aging professor and took the pokedex from him. With out words turned to leave again. Rin and Rorohiko got up and pushed their chairs in and got ready to follow the new trainers. Tsuka shook Oak?s hand and also began his depart. ? Oh one more thing. You may only have six pokemon with you at a time, all the rest will be sent to my laboratory automatically. Oh Rorohiko? the Professor paused, sneezed and continued ? Give Tsuka, Kite and Scott 5 pokeballs each please and you and Rin help them and teach them how to battle and catch pokemon and such, Good bye? The ?team? of five set out on their new quest to become pokemon masters. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]OOC; I?m sorry that I did not say thins earlier but there will not be levels in this role play. I my previous pokemon Rp the leveling system just proved a hassle and I think that it?d be best unused, because if, for instance, Scott went to all of the regions then he would have level 100 pokemon by the Orange Islands, and to avoid this I would like to not use the leveling system, thanks you. IC: Scott looked in the direction of Oak?s lab. As if my some sort of magic he felt that newcomers had come to the town, and they were quite powerful at that. He arose from his patch of grass that now had his body imprint on it. He walked lazily up the path to Oak?s lab. He wondered what pokemon he would chose, and if it mattered. As he approached the lab and opened the door and stepped in as if he owned the place, an aid walked up to him. ? Excuse me sir are you looking for Oak?? he asked ? Well it is the time that he told me to come so I came to get my Pokemon and leave, is ready to see me now?? asked Scott ready to try this new ?fade? that was going around. ? Yes this way sir? said the aid escorting him to the room that Rorohiko and Rin and Oak were sitting talking pleasantly. ? Hello Scott, great scott look at the time, its time to get your pokemon isn?t it.? Said Oak standing up to shake Scott?s hand, which he did not shake. ? Yes it would be time wouldn?t it? Scott looked around ? where are they? ? Well you see, there are more trainers to be on their way here, so would you wait around for a while? said Oak pulling out a chair. ? More waiting great? Scott sat down. And leaned back on his chair and looked at the wall behind him. ? Hey aren?t you the one how who that pokemon card tournament?? asked Rin trying to make small talk with the newest member of the group. ?Yep, that was an easy victory for me? replied Scott not looking at the person he was talking to. ? Well you know that the world of Pokemon is much bigger than a card game, and much more difficult? said Rorohiko. ? Well you know, the game is based on the real world? said Scott still leaning back in his chair staring at the wall. ? You could teach me how to play some time then okay? said Rin ? No, I find no interest in those little playing cards any more, it got boring fast, and I would rather have you learn how to play from the rule book like I did? Scott put his chair on all fours and looked at Rin ?Any way why would I teach you, I could rather sleep or something more interesting.? Rin looked away from Scott?s blue eyes and looked at the floor.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]OOC: ok, I would like every one to be with in the area between Pallet ? Viridian City please, so that we can meet up, go alone, split into groups, ect. Also for some reason (if you start in pallet town) to be at Professor oaks lab when people receive their starters. IC: Scott opened his eyes slowly; a pale blue light filled his vision as he awoke from his mid day nap. He pulled the blue curtains and bright light filled the once dark room. [I] I wonder why Oak could not see us till 3:30 pm today [/I] He flopped down on a beanbag in the corner of his room in his small house in Pallet. He looked down at his floor; it was littered with discarded toys and playing cards, which he had not played with in some time. He had just recently won a pokemon card tournament with ease, and spinning tops, which lay shattered on the table next to the window. All of these things had once amused him with great pleasure and he had mastered them all. But now he was just a forgotten Champion of all his old hobbies, the next was Pokemon training. He knew he could become a master without breaking a sweat, like all else he had never before sweat from fear or discomfort, with the exception to long hours in a hot place. He had learned to keep his head no matter what the conditions of the peril that he found him self. He looked at the clock, it read 2:34 PM. Still almost an hour till he had to go meet Oak, Perhaps the park would hold out his interest till the time came to meet the professor. He dressed in a rather lay fashion and ran a comb through his untidy hair, this had no effect to tam the brownish red hair, and he found a pair of clean cloths in the untidy closet. Slipping into them he headed out the door. As he went he grabbed an apple and opened the screen door. He bit into the apple as he walked down the dirt road to the park. He looked at his watch, only 10 minuets had past since he last looked at a clock. [I] What a boring day [/I] He thought this as he lay down on the lush green grass and stared at the blue sky. A butterfree landed on his knee, it was unusually small and discolored. He let out a giggle and began to stare at the sky once more. OOC: Oak has told the people receiving pokemon to meet him at 3:30 pm today. I hope this goes well!! [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Name- Scott Vigilant Age- 10 Description- [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/OliverWhip/Proleplaycharectureguy.jpg[/IMG] Bio- He has always been exceptionally talented at every thing and any thing he dose. Yet he tends to get bored extremely fast, and his newest from of entertainment is pokemon battling. If a pokemon trainer is to weak or not up to his level in competition then he becomes instantly board and begins to talk sarcastically and pester his opponent. Instead of battle with all his heart he rather just wait for his opponent?s pokemon to tier out and take advantage of it then, at it?s weakest. When he is in a tough spot his genes kick in and the bloodline of 7 Pokemon Masters before him, and he seems to draw the darkness from his opponents heart and channel it through his pokemon. Other than that he is a trainer with just a bunch of raw talent with no spirit. He also thinks that battling can be pointless at some times and he would much rather relack. (Omg that even confussed me when I reread it ^^. Basically, Scott comes from a line of 7 pokemon masters, and when he is about lose he gains power from the darkness his foe?s heart (interesting isn?t it)) Starter pokemon- Squirtle Any additional pokemon N/A Starter from Oak- Squirtle IC: thats it thissign up is closed. I will be starting the tread in the arena shortly. Oh Jagan if you would like to post please do both things 1. Finish post 2. take out Espeon from you r party, you may have a different pokeon from Kento bt not from a different region. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]I need to ask something, the next 3 people who sign[COLOR=Red] [B]must have!!!![/B][/COLOR] a starter from oak, and no other additionl pokemon please, thats what I'v been waiting for and no one has done so . I'll post my person on Friday in the morning[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Thanks for signing up, however...i may ask that there be no pokemon from Johto present, with out my consent.( please edit posts if you did not get an ok) Ummmm JaganI know/hope that you where not done. Also I would like it if some one would sign up ..and get a starter. I do not wish to be mean.
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Hello hello, and welcome to POKEMON THE FULL REVOLUTION. In this role-play I hope to achieve some things that my late role-play Dragonair?s Orb could not. In this role-play it will be, well a full revolution around the pokemon world. We will be going to the following in the following order Kento Orange Islands Johto Hoen I know that that will be long, that is why I have named this part 1. There will be 4 parts to this role-play. If you get board after 1 or 2 parts then you simply do not sign up for the next one. I would like to at the end of every season reintroduce a sign up sheet were new people can sign up/ old people ?renew? their participation. I would also like at least 5 people to sign up for every on, this will stay open until the end of the week and/ or until there are a good amount of people. Yes in this RP I should wish there to be cussing, and violence. Another thought to add a sort or realism to it lets have the pokemon bleed/bruise/ break bones/ ect. On a further note a role player?s pokemon may die, even though I would not like anyone else to kill anyone else?s pokemon unless they have consulted each other or a player post in one?s post, so and so is attacked and died, (only with a little more drama than that). Also I would like a few people to not want to be pokemon masters, for instance one could be a pokemon breeder or researcher or something. And yet another thing I would like to add, I would very much so like it if you only have pokemon from a region that we are in, unless you contact me via PM and I say other wise, and for starters. If you would like to sign up and you see that all the starters are taken then simply put that you have a pokemon prier to the point in time where people receive starters/ or catch on the journey or something/ or simply don?t have on at all/ or do not receive the traditional starter from Oak get a different pokemon (example Venonate) if you chose this method, then please do not pick a fully evolved form of something or any thing to big/rare. If you see that some one has a starter then do not post after they do that you have the same one, the person who post first will get it, first come first serve. In conclusion all journeys will end in a League battles, role players may have to battle each other, and be fair about this please, happy Role Playing Sign ups- Name- Age- (if you are receiving a starter from oak you must be at least 10 years old) Description- (picture or written will be fine) Bio- (doesn?t have to be long a paragraph or two) Starter pokemon- Any additional pokemon- (I would not like to have a lot of people filling in this part, but just in case. Also if you have additional pokemon you can?t receive a starter from Oak) Starter from Oak- (if any) Oh yes one more thing if you nickname pokemon please post nick name first then what the pokemon is (example Coco/ Charmander). [/FONT] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
save me a spot please I'll get every thing up soon. I'd like to have the shadow sword.Sorry i cant post now.
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Fixedsys]Thanks a ton ^^[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Yo, Wow it?s been a long time since I?ve been on OB. I?d like to have a snazzy banner to put up (an avi too). Hmmmmmmmmmm I?m not really sure what I want on it yet, so ?? I would like an ocean pic on banner and avi. I don?t care what the water looks like as long as it looks cool ^^.
[COLOR=MediumTurquoise][SIZE=3][SIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua]Loki brought down his spear with very little force against one of the knights who were not Pked by his or Shadows attacks. He was tired form the devastation he hade just caused. ? is that the best ya? got kid? he asked attempting to stab Loki in the head, yet he was cut off by another blade. Loki fell to the floor, turning gray. Standing there was none other than Rentin?s partner Rainer with another man whose name was Clay. Loki remembered them talking about him. It was Clay who stabbed him, with a sword 4 times as big as Shadows own. He was dressed in a black tank top, which was tight enough so you could see the outline of all his muscles. He had long black pants with that crazy symbol that Rentin and Rainer had on their backs. He was about 6?6? and would have weighed about 250-265 lbs. if this were the real world. ? Shadow ru? but his voice was muffled by the sound of static as the big red game over flashed on his screen. ? Now for these fool?s the knights? said Rainer casting a massive lightning spell that killed every one except Orange Shadow, who quickly turned around to face them. ? Hey kid? said Rainer ? where?s the girl who put Rentin in the hospital, Our master wants to see her, where is she? ? I don?t know, and even if I did I doubt I?d tell you scum? said Shadow getting into his stance to kick some a**. However this scene was short lived Clay was not only strong but fast. Clay rushed him and swung his sword at Shadow. Shadow dogged the attack ? You?ll never hit me with that monster of a sword? said Shadow as he attacked Clay. His Claymore bounced right off his chest. ? My defense is as high or higher than my speed, and I could out run you any day.? Shadow knew this was true, he did not even see Clay?s body only his sword when he launched his attack. Shadow suddenly felt the rage of a familiar rush of pain from the bats that had killed him the last time they fought these guys. He fell to the floor, Game Over flashed on his screen. ? Now then lets see if we cant find this girl Kia master is so obsessed with? said Rainer as the two walked into the castle that was holding Kia prisoner[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[COLOR=MediumTurquoise][SIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua]Sorry so not descriptive, I was a little pressed for time. Thanks for trying anyway ^^.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=MediumTurquoise][SIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua]OOC: I am so sorry for not posting in forever IC: Loki looked down at the bleeding Grim. The pool of crimson blood showed the reflection of Shadow and him self. ? We can?t leave him like this? said Loki lifting up his spear in to the air and brought it down hard on the gravel that covered the ground. At the end of the spear that hit the ground a circle appeared and blue light shoot out. [b] Repth [/b] The blue light consumed Grim healing 150 of his life points. The bleeding began to slow a little. ? That?s using your head? Said Orange Shadow ? Repth? The blue light again wrapped around Grim, the green 150 popped over his head. Healing 150 of his hp. The bleeding subsided a little again. In the real world Xia looked down at the boy. His wounds began to slowly heal. [I] Thank goodness [/I] Suddenly the power flickered. Without thinking she slipped on Grim? Goggles. ?Guys the? ?What is Xia voice coming out of Grim.? Said Loki in an amazement THE ?WORLD? All at once a large amount of crimson knights logged in to there surprise the players were skill logged in to the area. ? You cant leave Grim?s PC who knows what they will do with it? said Kia ? But cant I log out ?ummmm,ummmm,ummmm? Xia looked around for support. But Loki, Kia, and Shadow had raised there weapons. ? Just run with it? said Loki ? the PC? Loki blocked an attack for a Crim ? Dang it Xia get Grim out of here and hurry? Loki?s normally calm and cool voice was dry and rasp. [I] We are in over our heads now. They kill them and then freeze them and , what of Kia [/I] All of these thoughts entered Xia? mind. Loki was slammed to the wall by an attack from a Knight. ? Grim is a fighter then if I?m going to play this part of the party right I?ll be one too.? Said Xia( in Grim?s body) as she swung her (grim?s) blade killing a knight who was sneaking up on the quickly wearing out Kia, who was now attacking while suffering from wounds from the PC that she was currently using. There only hope was to run. OOC: If you didn?t get that, Xia?s wave master is logged out. She is at Grim?s house using Grim?s character. Helping the rest of the party fight the newly summoned drove after drove of Crimson Knight. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]