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Everything posted by Brooklyn

  1. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise][SIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua]Hello I?m looking for a matching banner and avi, with a totally random anime guy on it (to my preference I?d like it to be some guy that?s not recognizable from show or manga) I don?t care how it looks at all I just request that it be green and white coloring. It can fade, open I don?t care, use your imagination. Thanks [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise][SIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua]Name: Age: 22 Gender: Male Appearance: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/OliverWhip/Proleplaycharectureguy.jpg[/IMG] Bio: may do later not sure yet ^^. Personality: A team player. Likes to stick to what he knows, and likes to find out about what he doesn?t. He plays fair and can?t stand people/Digimon who fight dirty. He is a people pleaser and dose not get mad often but when he dose its not pretty. He is devoted and a hard worker who is very reliable in almost every situation. He highly believes in the saying ?The best Defense is the best Offence? in any thing he dose. He is not always the strongest at what he dose but that dose not mean that he can pull out so surprises of his own every now and then. Area of Expertise: Tactics and infiltration Digimon: Rookie form. Lopmon Digivolution Chain: Lopmon-Turuiemon-Antylamon-Kerpymon Attacks: Lopmon- Blazing ice, tiny twister, blazing fire [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/OliverWhip/Lopmon.gif[/IMG] Turuiemon-Gauntlet Claw, lightning Kung-fu [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/OliverWhip/Turuiemon.jpg[/IMG] Antylamon-Bunny blade [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/OliverWhip/Antylamon2.jpg[/IMG] Kerpymon-Holy hug, lighting spear [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/OliverWhip/Kerpymon.gif[/IMG] OOC: Hope its ok.PM me if i need to change or add any thing.Thanks. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua]Name: Denise Yamazuki Codename: Dive Age: 27 Gender: Male Side: Freedom Fighter Nationality: American Appearance: Personality: Always follow periodical/orders to there fullest extent. Never breaks a rule. He prefers to be alone and is very confident in his own abilities. Bio: The child of a Japanese women and an American male he has always been friendly towards every one. Join the FBI when he was 19 he had a spotless record and every one loved working with him. This put him as one of the first for enhancements. Testing out a new ability on him he under went many painful experiments, the end result was the ability to be able to at will walk or pass through any solid object. However the experemention left him cold and heartless. Through therapy he has become a little more of his old self. When he was in his most gullible set of mind he joined the black scorpions gang and quickly went up in the rank and falling in love with one of the leaders Sara Dalleion. Slowly he began to see the errors of his ways and he began to tell the few resistance groups their plans and weak points in their bases. When he was found out they secretly cloned him. The clone can do every thing he can. When they tried to apprehend him his enhancements proved most use full and he walked right out of that part of his life. He joined the freedom fighters to redeem him self. Weapons: Various 9mm worn on his person Enhancements; Gravity defying, Speed, and his very unique ability to phase.( He can pass through any solid material. This is not all powerful, it has weaknesses; i.e. if he pouches you then his hand can be hit because it has to be able to hit something to deal some damage. Also if he is sniped and he dose not know about it will hit him ^^) [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua]OOC: sorry but my computer demanded to be reformatted. I promise I?ll try not to, (please excuse grammar) not post in this thread again. ? So we raid the Crims and we pray we ?don?t get deleted? said Loki in a sarcastic tone ? Well we are screwed? ?But Grim betrayed us, how can we help him now, what is he dose not need help? questioned Xia ?But he did help use escape, did he not? asked Kia ? Well we should wait till Orange_ Shadow gets back, he?ll have a plan? Xia said triumphantly as she plopped down one a muti-colored beanbag and began looking at her collection. ?What?s with that tone?? asked Kia propping up against a blue pillow ?I just don?t get it, why is CC corp. trying to stop a player from helping them?? Loki picked up a lamp that looked very rare and valuable and blew the dust off and set it back down before continuing ? if, for instance, I solved what the freak was going on the I told the Crims about it then they stopped it you think that I?d win a year free subscription or something? ? CC corp. always covers it up instead of fixing it? said Kia in a spacey voice ?That?s how they deal with things? ?Yes but when I did research on the Twilight Incident they did try to shut down the system, but Morgana?.OMG? Loki began to laugh uncontrollably ? I so dumb, I got to go but I?ll flash mail you when I get the chance, I don?t believe I didn?t see this before? he said as the all to familiar yellow rings of light engulfed him as he logger out. OOC: I?m not sure what else to make happen, don?t want to ruin any plans or any thing. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua]Noobkiller healed Loki with a Repth spell and helped him to his feet. ?Wow are you that you guys are that low level, you fight like your pros? ?Well maybe some of us, I?m ?I? m not to good at this game see I?m just a dec..? ?Uh oh your peeps be leaven us mate lets git going? said Noobkiller as he walked away from Loki. [I] Just like in the real world [/I] he thought. With the assistance of Orange_Shadow and noobkiller (lv. 14) the rest of the dungeon was about the same, although no more dragons appeared. Once they reached the last lv. Things began to get ugly. The accidentally walked into a room with 3 magic portals. Out of the 1st, 4 goblins appeared, the 2nd 2 earth witch, and 4 more goblins in the 3rd . ?Xia stay back and heal us got it? said noobkiller ?Okay? said Xia in a I don?t like when strangers tell me what to do voice Orange shadow lunged at a goblin only to be smacked against the wall by two more. [I] What [/I] thought shadow [I] no not again I can feel the wall its colder bumpy, not like when we first entered the dungeon. I?ve got to warn the others [/I] ? Repth? screamed xia as shadows hit points suddenly returned. Noobkiller sliced through two goblins at once, the was attacked by both earth witches, ?Heal me mate!!? he said in a demanding tone However Xia was healing Kia and when she finally got to noobkiller he had died. ?OMG some one bring him back? said Loki killing one earth witch with the help from Grim, while Kia and Orange shadow killed the other. ? No need for that anymore mate? said killer back with full health. ?Me partner got me covered? ?Where I don?t see-? but Orange Shadow never finished as a twin blade shoot through the closed door and killed the remaining monsters with one swing/spell each. ?Noobkiller there are two monsters in the lower level the?they won?t die? ?I know that mate? said Noobkiller turning to the group of friends Static suddenly filled the room and Noobkiller and his ?mate? started to turn white. ?What?s going on? said Grim The static stopped every thing was almost normal, except their 2 comrades had been replaced with the same wave master and blade master from their trip to the castle. The wave master was dressed in black robs with purple symbol on the back. The blade master was in a biker punk black outfit with the same symbol on the back. ?Well well ,I think we?ve meet before right Rainer? said the blade master to the wave master ?I think your right? said Rainer ? I wish Clay were here to watch these weak little noobs die? he finished as he picked up his staff and pointed it at Xia and said ?Me ANI Kruz Bats appeared out off nowhere and began to fly at Xia, Shadow jumped in the way, dieing almost instantly. Suddenly the blade master (named Rentin) charged and killed Loki. Xia, Kia , and Grim where cornered as Rentin charged again? OOC: ummmm the evil peoples lvs. Are Rentin-58 Rainer-54 Clay (who is not there)-70 [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua]Oliver entered the airport in Domino city and looked around. It was much bigger than the airport in Australia. As he waited for more duelist to arrive he flipped throw his deck. [I] I can?t wait to get into the virtual world that master created [/I] Jackson appeared behind him ? Oliver, master would like to see you before tomorrow ?s dueling tournament begins.? ?All right o? chum I?ll git goen? said Oliver before departing to the limo that was parked out side waiting for him. When he reached the room at the top of the skyscraper he began to knock. ?Come in Oliver, I?ve been expecting you? said a voice said ?I wish you would not do that Saiyuki it really bugs me mate? said Oliver. I?m a little concerned with the new deck you?ve built,? said Saiyuki ? I don?t think it can stand up to the rest of the world I?m putting together. And you know the trap is set for my father and his friends so?if they lose then they become permanent residents of my land, but if you or Jackson lost then you?d be trapped in the game forever, and I wouldn?t want that. So I request that for your own safety you make a new deck, yours is so out dated.? ?Well..okay I try..? said Oliver looking at the card data base. Lets see I would want? nothing.? Oliver looked up ? I?m sorry but I trust my deck I would never leave it, or change it? ?Very well Oliver, go to your room and await for the tournament to begin? [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. OOC: I'm sorry for not posting in a wheil but right now i have to go to bed. My computer will be re fromated soon so if thereis a lack of me have Loki do...whateveer.I'll try and post tomorrow morning. :animeswea
  8. ... If this RP starts and I don't post for a while then it's because my computers getting reformated :animecry:
  9. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua] Name:Oliver Whip Age: 14 Deck: 1. Jinzo 2. Air knight parsath 3. Don zalog 4. Don zalog 5. Fiber jar 6. Mystic tomato 7. Mystic tomato 8. Mystic tomato 9. Masked sorcery 10. Masked sorcery 11. Breaker the magical warrior 12. Sangan 13. Witch of the black forest 14. Exiled forces 15. Man eater bug 16. Spirit reaper 17. Spirit reaper 18. Tribe infecting virus 19. Monster reborn 20. Change of heart 21. Dark hole 22. Ragekie 23. Pot of greed 24. Harpies feather duster 25. Forceful century 26. Delinquent Duo 27. Mystical space typhoon 28. Premature burial 29. Messenger of peace 30. Messenger of peace 31. Fissure 32. Graceful charity 33. Mirror force 34. Wabaku 35. Wabaku 36. Magic cylinder 37. Imperial order 38. Bottomless trap hole 39. Ceasefire 40. Call of the haunted Appearance:[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/OliverWhip/Proleplaycharectureguy.jpg[/IMG] Description:Runner up in the Australian tournament. Has since been working for Saiyuki take control of Kiba corp. He is one of Saiyuki best dueling henchmen and Saiyuki seems to really relate with Oliver seeing they are almost the same age Bio: Since he was a kid(younger one) he loved to play with cards, they were his best friends in the whole world next to his love Linian. At the age of 9 Linian got and STD from a rapper and died shortly after. He then went to Japan to try to get Kiba Corp. to try to bring her back to life. OOC: will finish later[/FONT] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua] Name: Oliver Whip Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/OliverWhip/Proleplaycharectureguy.jpg[/IMG] Side: Neuter Personality: Trying to better his own life at the moment, he has entered with a plan to win the prize money and us it all to take over industrial illusions (the company that makes and creates duel monster cards, founded by Pegasus), how ever on arriving on terra has fallen in love with Mai. He is out going and a very skilled dueler. His style is all hi sown combining the defensive powers of messenger of peace with Don Zalog?s hand destroying ability you?d better know how many cards are in your hand when dueling him. Deck: 1. Jinzo 2. Air knight parsath 3. Don zalog 4. Don zalog 5. Fiber jar 6. Mystic tomato 7. Mystic tomato 8. Mystic tomato 9. Masked sorcery 10. Masked sorcery 11. Breaker the magical warrior 12. Sangan 13. Witch of the black forest 14. Exiled forces 15. Man eater bug 16. Spirit reaper 17. Spirit reaper 18. Tribe infecting virus 19. Monster reborn 20. Change of heart 21. Dark hole 22. Ragekie 23. Pot of greed 24. Harpies feather duster 25. Forceful century 26. Delinquent Duo 27. Mystical space typhoon 28. Premature burial 29. Messenger of peace 30. Messenger of peace 31. Fissure 32. Graceful charity 33. Mirror force 34. Wabaku 35. Wabaku 36. Magic cylinder 37. Imperial order 38. Bottomless trap hole 39. Ceasefire 40. Call of the haunted OOC: if I need to add card descriptions I will.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]kay, i could not find any pics ether!![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]Hello again, well because my couldcept avi and banner did not show up I would now like instead a .hack//unison banner and avi. I would like the banner to have as many of these people on it as possible Kite Blackrose Elk Mia Mistral Gardenia Moonstone Tsukasua Mimiru Bear Sora Subaru BT I know that?s a lot of people but please try and it dose not have to have all of them. And on the banner I?d like it to just have my user name on the bottom somewhere. The avi I?d like Tsukasa and Kite with just my user name on it some were. I don?t care what colors you use or were or how the people are standing just so long as its awesome. Thanks- OliverWhip[/FONT][/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]OOC: The whole castle thing (was very rushed) is that the original Mac anu was hacked and the graphics were torn down and rebuilt into the form of a castle were dwelling inside are the 3 henchman (an unnamed twin blade, heavy blade, and wave master) who lesion to a wave master (who is most likely a hacker) who is dressed in blue robs, who claims to have the full version of the epitaph of twilight (which if you know the slightest thing about .hack you?ll know that the original version was lost when Emma died)So basically they turned the original delta into there head quarters that is in the world. With a chaos gate that only they can access and use. And just like net slum it is unable to be monitored by administrators at CC corp. Sorry that that was so mind-boggling. IC: Loki ran home from tennis practice and dashed upstairs to his room, throwing his bag and racket on the sofa as he ran. His computer was already on when he arrived . He put on the headset and checked his mail. He had 3 new messages Subject: Your post on the board sender: NoObkiLleR Hey man, I read your post on the boards about you going to investigate the stuff with the server issues yester day. I?ve got a friend that may be able to help you but he hates Noobs so?to prove your self to him come to Theta sever and I?ll help you and some of your friends get to the bottom level of the dungeon in Hidden Dark Side Aqua Field See ya then Ps; member address included ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: The incident Sender: CC corp. Following the up rising of goblins that attack delta these new rules are put into affect. 1. Weapons may once again be used in all servers, however due to rule number 3 if you are caught using it in any way that in not good conduct we will apprehend you and possibly freeze account. 2. Administrators will be patrolling the root towns and all areas/ dungeons if you are caught violating the user agreement your account will be frozen. 3. Player killing (PK) is no longer allowed in any area in the world, no excess/acceptations. Account will be temporarily frozen 4. If you are caught exchanging information/ rumors on the board/ world your account will be suspended. It is now in violations with rule number 2 seeing how the use agreement was amended and this was added. If you no longer agree with the agreement please see an administrators and he will get you a meeting with us, via the world Thank you for following these rules and we hope you enjoy your time in the world. CC corp. -------------------------------------------------- Subject: none sender: CC corp. Your post on the message boards was deleted. Please do not attempted your ?investigation? any longer or your account will be frozen. Thank you, CC corp. [I] Well that sucks, oh well they say if they catch me my account is suspended [/I] After reading his mail and the boards that looked like they would help him on his search (most of which have been deleted), he logged into the World to begin his session. [I] Well I better find Noobkiller and some of my ?companions if I?m going to continue to get info. [/I] he thought as he searched the city for Noobkiller and any one of his friends. He was walking up the bridge when he saw a big crowd gathered around seemingly a few characters. As he butted his way to the center of the group he recognized Kia, Xia, and Grim immediately. The other player, the one getting all the attention was a young looking blade master with?wings. Loki could not believe it you could get wings. He wanted a pair for him self, but his thoughts skipped as he saw Kia recovering from he injury that was on her neck. ? Loki? said Xia looking up ? What Loki? said Kia miraculously recovering from the wound quickly. ? Ah you,? a heavy axmen walked up to them before continuing ? Your Loki, I?m Noobkiller, and this must be your party, righty oh lets go then? he said in a heavy English accent. ? Guys will you please join my party? asked Loki to Xia and Kia. ?No Kia you should rest? said the blade master but stopped in mid sentence ?Orca wants to see me stay out of trouble Kia? he said before running off to the chaos gate. You received XIA and KIA?s member address Ok sure nothing better at the time? said Kia getting to her feet as the group of people slowly went to follow the blade master ?Come on now I got other things to do now? Noobkiller said asLoki, Xia, Kia and himself made it to the chaos gate. ? Where is Grim? asked Kia You have received Grim?s member address Flashed up on the screen ? Sorry had to restock? Grim said joining the party. ?If only Orange shadow were-? but Xia stopped her self ?Alright Hidden Dark Side Aqua Field? said Noobkiller. The group warped to the area.[/FONT] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]OOC: ummmm if there are to many sprits I?ll be an angel, if you?d like ULX[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]OOC: Sorry that it has been such a while that I posted!! ?Look!! There ? there?s Grim!? said Kia ? LOL, we found him? said Loki as they rushed to him. ? What are you guys doing here,? said Grim looking confused, then he continued ?I didn?t see you..? but he never got to finish his statement because Loki let out a scream that echoed through the chamber they were in. ?XIA, SHADOW LOOK OVER HERE!!!!? ?Look there is the rest of group? Xia said getting up and running off to the rest of the group ?Man? said Shadow ?You?re bleeding? says Kia to Xia looking at her hand ?Well I was? she replied ?Your staff it?s new and better? Loki said examining it ? Yep, she is a rare item hunter.? Said Shadow walking up to them. ?I wonder what happened to the players who were killed? said Grim ? Would they fell the pain in the world?? asked Shadow remembering Xia?s wound. Suddenly static filled the screen and graphics began to distort wildly. As suddenly as it started it stopped and the group was warped out of the dungeon. When they reentered they were in what us to be delta, Mac Anu that had been replaced with a giant castle. ?Looky here mates it?s a couple o? noobies looken fur some trouble? said a blade master stepping to the chaos gate. A heavy blade and wave master stepped out as well. ?Perhaps we should teach them to mess with the power of the epitaph of twilight can do? said the wave master. ? Now now my henchmen it?s not nice to pick fights with the needy.? A figure appeared out of now were. He had a long blue rob with gray hair and purple eyes. Loki dropped his spear to the ground. ?T-that?s the guy from the painting!!? said Loki ?What painting? said Kia said ? Ah the police boy?s son, tell Daddy that* he raises staff into the air* his little baby is still to young? ? Wait? said a husky voice and then They were warped yet again ,this time to the theta server. ? Where are we?? asked Grim ?What happened there? Shadow asked turning to Loki. [I] beep beep beep[/I] The new message appeared on his screen. Then one on Grims head set too, and Xia and Shadow?s as well. ?Looks like we can log off now said Loki, oh here go. You have received Loki?s member address. This message appeared on ever ones screen. ?See ya? he said before he logged out of the world. The boards were bursting full of conversations about the incident in Mac Anu, and he had gotten many emails from CC corp. apologizing for what had happened. ? well I guess my adventure is just beginning? he said before shutting down his computer. OOC: WOW that was wrong, if your confused about something please PM and I ?ll explain or fix it. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Book Antiqua]SIGN-UP Name: Odell Jarrah Gender: Male Faction: Spirits-Otter?s Appearance:human form- [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/OliverWhip/Proleplaycharectureguy.jpg[/IMG] spirit form- [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/OliverWhip/otter.jpg[/IMG] Weapons:He has a sword with a silver blade with sapphires laid into the blade and handle, which is silver as well.This sword is a symbol of the messengers of the spirits. Power: Can create and manipulate water. In spirit form- Very flexible, good scene of smell and hearing. Can breath under water and can use all powers just as effectively under water as he can above it. Personality: Loves to joke around and is sometimes called a smart ***. He thinks his job is an important one but thinks someone else should have got it, wants to be a warrior. He thinks that both angels and demons and scum fighting for greed, and that the humans disserve to live instead of being soon wiped out by the up coming Armageddon. Motivation: His good friend is the Otter lord and because Odell kept screwing up on his jobs, his friend speared him punishment and made him a messenger for the spirits. Despite this he is always running into angels and demons that he battles. Determined to be a warrior he tries as hard as he can to accomplish his deliveries as fast and effectively as possible. OOC: wow this RP seems neat can?t wait till it starts. Please PM me if I need to change anything. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]Hello, I?m looking for a good Culdcept avi and banner. I know that there is a game but I don?t like it that much, but I?m love the manga. I?d like it to have the main people from the manga with some of their cards out. And on the banner I like it to say ?We all have dreams, when we dream we are all geniuses, the butchers the cepters equal there" And on the avi ..just my user name Thanks-OliverWhip[/FONT][/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  18. [I][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Book Antiqua]Loki had not been lost, but rather n a state of thinking in the first room of the dungeon [I] Why would they attack the delta server, dose it have to do with that note and the painting? [/I] ? I should go get Kia and see if she is all right. Monsters could attack her up there all alone.? He said walking up the stairs. Once he reached the top Kia was still leaning against the wall looking at her blades. ?Wha cha doing? asked Loki ?Just waiting for Grim ?I guess.? She replied ?Well its kinda cooled out here want to go inside or something??? ? No I?m?..? ?Well you see you seem to know a lot about the game so , I need to interview you.? ?What? ?Because I need to know every thing I can about delta, I want to solve this mystery.? ?Oh-sure? said Kia as she got up and walked into the dungeon with Loki. ?Ok first what is delta?s purpose?? ?Purpose? Kia said ? what do you mean? ?Well dose it have a use or anything? Loki paused as they walked into the next chamber where a magic portal opened to reveal a fairy bomber. Both Kia and Loki went up to it and with a few slashes killed it. ?Repth? Kia?s Hp filled up ?What are you?doing?? she asked ?Repth? his Hp returned to normal as well before he continued ? If you die I can?t talk to you can I? ?NO-the answer to your question?well I guess it?s the first server so Newbis start there,I guess? said Kia. ?Why would you do that ?unless you are trying to stop people from playing?? He said but couldn?t continue because of the Magic portal. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/I]
  19. [I][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]OOC: Retro sorry but I?m not sure if I got a game over or what. Howerver since you did not specify how we flashed away I?m taking it as we were warped as well, because Kia (if any thing like Kia from .hack//truth) a nonexistent character then if she got a game over then she would stop being, and that would suck for her so I?m going to RP like we were warped as well, hope you don?t mind!! Loki was the second to rise from the now unorthodoxly formed party. Kia was already standing up in what seemed to be an area of some sort. Reddish sand formed the foundation that they were atop and rain trickled down from the gray sky. Orange_Shadow rose up to his feet and looked around. Loki looked puzzled as he tried to get things straight in his mind, Kia was looking out into the distance were you could see a dungeon, and Xia was just starting to wake up and lift her self to her feet. ?Where are we?? asked Loki as if any one knew. ?An area for beginners in delta server I think.? Replied Kia as if they had not just been attack with a mob of goblins. ?I feel way tired? said Xia ?like I was really fighting those monsters back there? she finished flopping down on a near by rock to catch her breath. ?Should we go to the dungeon and level up some? Suggested Shadow ?I think so we would have had a chance if we were a higher level? said Loki ?A much higher level? said Xia ?I can?t help but notice were is Grim?? asked Kia ?OMG your right, was he warped to this area too.? Asked Loki ? He would go to the dungeon if he was , lets go? said Kia as if she had known him her whole life. ?LOL quite the leader aren?t you? said Loki as the group headed off to the doungeon. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/I]
  20. OOC: I'm so sorry my computer completly broke and I had to get a new one. I think I 'm way to behind to help with the RP so you can do what ever with my person.I'm SO SO SO sorry!!!!! :animecry: :animecry: :animecry: :animecry: :animecry: :animecry: :animecry:
  21. [I][B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=2][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]OOC: yeah it started!! Loki spear appeared in to his hands, not trying to find out why he brought it up and slashed down on a near by goblin. I t let out a scream o f agony, then it turned to face him. A club from another goblin hit him in the head, then a blade cut the monster in to two separate pieces. ? Ya? damned monsters go back to yer? fields and leave us alone? said a pissed of looking blade master in a harsh sounding voice. All around the server people?s weapons began appearing. He looked down into the river and to his surprise saw what seemed to be party on a boat talking to one another. In the reflection he saw a goblin about to strike. He had no time to react to it and was throne into the river. Awaiting the splash of water and game over he put his hands on the head set but the game over never came. Instead of water he had landed on, what seemed to be a coble stone road. He looked around the water had been replaced with this street. The boat had now tipped over and the wave master, twin blade, and blade master fell out to the street. Then another magic portal appeared under the bridge a Mu Guardian came out of this one, and it headed right for Loki. Loki?s reason for being in the world flashed before his eyes. His father had told him of the newest case at work (his dad is a detective). Some one had sent a letter and a painting to the police office. The note talked about the Epitaph of Twilight or something and how this person had the original text and he was now keeper of the Epitaph?s world. The painting was of Mac Anu only a huge castle replaced it and there was a wave master in blue robs standing in the middle. Loki knew that the world was based of the epic poem and wanted to investigate first hand on the world, but then this mess started. What the castle ?it was on?..a coble stone path His thoughts were interrupted as he tripled. The Mu Guardian raised its blade and was beginning to bring it down. He was doomed?.. OOC: I?m not sure if hackers were responsible for this mess or what, you never said did you. Oh well it started ^,^ . PM me if I need to change anything. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/I]
  22. Name: Loki Age: 12 Gender: Male Description: Partially long blonde hair, green eyes. His outfit is like Crim's, except it's white instead of red. Type: Long Arm Personality: He likes a good mystery. You can tell by the way that he acts that he's twelve years old. He doesn't like being serious, and instead just tries to have fun. He's just playing the game because he's bored in life. Sometimes he doesn't do his chores, and thusly can't play the game for days at a time. He's very friendly and likes to joke around.
  23. [COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=2][B][FONT=Lucida Console]OOC: God my computer been all messed up lately ? Well now I guess we should go back to the town to regroup? said Sabin ?Are you ok?? asked Tanken ?I believe so, why? ? You?re the healer until you get un-ok we kill as much as possible, and we have a new comrade.? Said Namia ?Ok then it?s settled we find another Mantean camp? ?Not the best idea, and what is settled??? You people make my head hurt,? said Sabin ?Hmmm what an interesting group of People.? Said Vaxla. --------------A little later------------------ ? Well look at that perfectly small camp, lets trash it,? said an anxious William ?We should come up with a plan? said Tanken The plan was simple (not to Sabin?s likening but that not important) Tanken ,Sabin, and Jake attack the front charging at full speed, a distraction. Halthan and Namia attack from the left. Cairo from the right, and Vaxla from behind to cut of the retreat. Tanken and Jake ran at front making as much noise as humanly (not always the case) possible. Sabin In the rear casting Bless on all their weapons and armor. A wave of Mantean troops came. They were out numbered 9 to one, for the moment. Each with one swing of their blessed swords killed about 10 people each. ? Damn this is a good spell,? said Tanken stabbing a random person in the stomach. Meanwhile as Halthan started to hack away at Mantean soldiers, Namia burned the tents that stored people/weapons/armor/food ect..Then she joined in of the slaughter. If only things had gone so well with the other sides of the plan. Cairo was stabbed in the arm and shoulder on the left side and the troops ran by Vaxla in what seemed like hundreds. He couldn?t cast spells fast enough to kill them all. Sabin seeing this fled to the right to heal Cairo. He crushed the skulls of 4 differ3ent people on the way their. [I] This is not good this encampment is to close to the city if we had let it go any longer it could have attack use and possibly drove us out, not a good ending for us[/I] ?Heal me damn it? said Cairo as He approached However as he did so he was shot in the back with a cross bow multiple times he fell to the floor every thing started to go black he could se his parents turning their backs to him he hade failed. No he felt a tingling felling all over then like he was set on fire. He wanted to scream but he couldn?t please god let this attack work?this was the last thing he thought before darkness. OOC: I don?t want him to be dead so ?yeah but it is possible he could be shot and he dose have low hit points [/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Sienna][B][SIZE=2][FONT=Lucida Console]Mine was the frist Couldcept game, I read the graphic novels andsaw there was a game ,but when i bought it :eek: :eek: :eek: The graphics could be on a nintendo DS and look the same. T :eek: he way tou 'battle' is some what like a board game.Manoppaly or something.[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
  25. [B][SIZE=2][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Sienna]I think the person I most relate to i Bakura from yugioh.I the manga he like table top rpg just like I do and some times i can be really nice, or I'm ready to rip off someones head and ruine their lives.(like this friday I through smoothy at a girl at luch...[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/B] :rolleyes:
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