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Manga Your manga and what you think of them
Brooklyn replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in Otaku Central
[B][COLOR=MediumTurquoise][SIZE=2][FONT=Lucida Console] Yugioh v7-even though I've read all the Shonen Jumps I bought this one because I liked Bakura's little tabel top Rp game Ragnarok v 1,2,3,4,5,-One of my fave. manga's I own. I like the story line and the art.Can't wait to get the 6th issue but I'm currently broke The Mythical Detectivr Loki Ragnarok v1-I mainly bught this manga because I thought it would be a murder mistry, but it's not. Plus the title got me I thought it would be my fave. charecture from Ragnarok solving crimes. Good art, bad story. Should have bought 6th Ragnarok. DNAngel v1,2,3,4,5,-My fave. manga I own. I like almost all the charectures, wiz is my fave, and I like how Dark just steals for fun . Personaly hate the anime,I've sene episods 1-4...they make Satoshi sound like he loves Daisuke Trigun Maximuum v 3-got for X-mas and i really like it.my freind got it for me cause it had lots of blood in it, and his fave. person Wolfwood, I plan to get more of these when I get some money demon Diary v 1,2,3,4,5,6,7(complet)- The first srious I finished. It has good art and a fairly good story line.kinda' funny. Yet later on it has a little bit of action. .Hack//Legend of twilight v1,2,3(complet)-The first manga I ever bought was issues 1 and 2 of this.Like the story,art,and ending(very strang though) It too is one of my fave. Castal in the sky v 1,2,3,4(complet) Once I saw the movie I had to buy the box set.It is not as long as some of the other one, and it my be in color but it is still good. Rave master v1- Not really one of my fave. but read it from time to time. Good art.but I think the show ruined it for me. Couldcept v1,2,3- Very good story line and good art. I t has action and is quite funny. One of my fave. Neotopia v 1,2- Good story lots of talking and action.It 's in color even though i like just black and white Psychic acaday v1,2,3,4,5-Again one of my fave. Good art, story,Has action and it's a twisted love story..what more could you want.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] -
[FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=MediumTurquoise][B] Name: Sabin Age: 27 Race: Suma Class: Cleric Weapon of Choice: a staff with a cross at the head of the staff, As well as a few spells His ability to converse with Heironeous he given him a few spells that Heironeous him self has endowed these powers upon him Spell of protection: a yellowish bubble appears around him for about two minuets. It stops all damage from hurting him. After effects wear off he is unable to use magic for a while. Holy Bolt: a white blast of energy erupts from staff and instantly kills any weaker demon. Also effects none demons like a slandered blast of energy Bless: The might of Heironeous fortifies a selected object with holy magic for short period of time. Cure: Heals himself and/or others of all but fatal wounds Weapon Style: Solar rune script (writing of the gods) What side they're on: Resistance Why they fight: he was sent to kill the main High Priests of Hector. He determined the best way to do so was to join the Resistance. When he returns he will become the High priest for Heironeous. A BRIEF(!) History of the character:Born to a family of a high priest of the god Heironeous. The god of law and all that is good. Since he was a baby he has been trained to flow the will of Heironeous and fight for him. His life goal is to become the high priest. He uses to serve human prince that ruled over a far way land. Through this he learned many things. Until one day the prince turned to the god of darkness Hector for power. Sabin left unable to serve his owns god archenemies. On his return his parents did not think him ready to become the new High Priest of the church. Knowing the followers of Hector were greatly increasing, as he was promising power to them, they told Sabin to kill the main leaders of the evil god.To aid him on his journey his mother made him a pair of white wings from her flesh. The wings are also infused with the magic of all gods, they are as hard as diamonds , very flexible and can disappear from his back at his will. He agreed and found that some of the Resistances main enemies were those he promised to kill. So he joined the resistance. He knows that when he returns he will become the next leader of his church. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/OliverWhip/inupic.jpg[/IMG] only no ears All in all: Believes in fairness yet is not a push over and will not stand idly by and let someone die with out reason. [/COLOR] [/FONT][/B]
[FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=MediumTurquoise]OK I need a role play to join and I came up with this wile sitting board in Reading class to day? Year 5600 The wind rustled the wind on a young boys face. The boy smelt the salty smell on seawater as he sat on his beach towel, under the protection of his large red umbrella. He looked up at the inter galactic hotel his class was staying at. He pulled out his laptop and looked at a saved document. It contained various pictures and documents of a group of space terrorist called the Blood Ravens. They were a group of 12 beings that for 6 months have been corrupting worlds and enslaving the citizens of the planet. When the planet had run out of resoures for their vast army they destroyed the planet with their bare hands. The newest article was about them taking control of a world close to the ocean world of Syren they were on. Out of nowhere the sky turned ***** black and a voice over the loud speakers came on ? Attention all students please make your way to the shipping deck and board a respective space craft to take us back to the school immediately, only go to retrieve items from your hotel room? Instantly the beaches began to drain of its people as all the students of the satellite high school went back to their rooms to get their things. On the way to his room the boy noticed the plasma screens on the walls were all red and warning flashed on them. He past 2 soldiers running in the other direction, and he over heard them say ? They are here for the sword? ?What I thought we shipped it to Certaila? ?NO that was to distract them fool, its in room D-3? The Boy looked out the window in the sky he saw ships starting to burn up as they entered the atmosphere. There were 12 of them. He rushed to his room, but as he ran down the stairs and opened the door to the Hotels loading bay a green ball of fire broke through the roof and exploded. Their escape route was gone. He wielded around to see 3 of his classmates behind him. They turned and ran back to a vacant room on the same level in the room they meet their P.E. teacher pulling out a brief case and opening it to reveal a set of 6 hand gun (please note they use lasers in replace of bullets). He handed each of them one. They knew what was about to happen, the Blood Ravens were here and they had to get out. Ok this is a little vague but that?s what I need help. I think it would run off the chapter system, and I had this weird idea. Since there are 12 Blood Ravens and they are all high and mighty and unbelievably strong, what if more than one Rp is started like lets say that we kill the first 2 in the first then I feel like the Rp is dieing then I?ll put out part 2 or whatever. This will also let new people join the Rp if they didn?t get a chance to join. I want the boy to become the wielder of this sword, but I don?t know how to tie it in Another issue is that since this is space there should be aliens so then some aliens would have like telekinesis or other random thing a human cannot do. Also humans have been tested on and some have like a built in arm canon, immunity to fire. Not ever character should have a unnatural feat?the boy will be human with no mutant abilities of half alien blood. I will in the sign ups get a list of what all you can be as far as race. [/COLOR][/FONT]
Thanks atlot ^^
Hello, I was wondering if anyone would make me a wiz (DNAngel) avi and matching banner. I would really like it to have a blue/white back ground. I don?t really care what position wiz is in, but on the banner I would like it to say Asleep within the angle, the eternal devil The words can blink, fade, ect.. I just would really like a wiz avi and banner. Thanks for all your help.
Name: Loki Kerwyn Age: 22 Race: shifter Location: Lerion Appearance:[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/OliverWhip/Proleplaycharectureguy.jpg[/IMG] and in animal form.... [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/OliverWhip/Rabbit3.jpg[/IMG] (Small enough to fit in palm of a normal hand) Spells/Weapons: A long bow with a quiver of 50 arrows, along with two 16 inch blades(6 inch of handle 10 inches of blade). These blades are useful for throwing as well as stabbing and slicing. Shifter-A rabbit it has only 3 abilities -Jump- when in animal form he may jump several feet in the air and land very quietly. -Speed- when in animal form he can run up to 20 miles per hour -Sneak/Hide- when in animal form he can move silently, he is also undetectable accept by a blue mage. Biography: Ever since his parents had lost there home in the city he has been in the society of nomads. During his first few years he learned to change in to his Rabbit form. At the age of 5 his life turned upside down. During an attack on the society of nomads his father, a brave warrior, died in battle with a red mage, his mother devastated by the lost soon became a drunk and lost care for all else. Some of the other mothers in the society were concerned. None as much as Ashers mother, and one night she toke him and raised him as her own. She tried to teach him the way of healing but he would not learn it the same way Asher did. He preferred life out with the men hunting. He soon realized that his other animal form was weak and pathetic. He began to strengthen it and his human form. He learned a few small spells and mastered on them. He learned how to wield his father?s swords, given to him by his father, and become a master of the bow and arrow. The more he grew physically and mentally he grew angry with him self that he could not be able to get his mother (real one) out of her shattered mind set and got mad that he could not have saved his father. Soon he killed animals just for fun, the rest of the shifters were worried epically Asher, who had become best of friends with Loki, tried to eras the darkness from his heart but only angered him further. At the age of 17 almost 18 his mother hit a breaking point and began hiring people to have sex with her. Soon she was pregnant again just as they reached a port town. At the dock Loki?s mother went to bid her babies father when a group of humans attacked her saying that her kind was all scum. Loki and Asher had just arriver when his mothers stomach was cut open and the 8 month baby pulled out and was drowned. Loki then lost control and Asher did not stop him. Loki killed the original 7 killers then went on a rampage killing half the dock. He was now wanted for murder and the family members of the one he killed went out to search for him and kill him. By the time the elders calmed him they told Asher to go get become an apprentice Cobal Lycan Ulfcur. They told him to take Loki in his animal form and placed a spell on Loki that changed him into a rabbit. He could only change back when he regained his right mind. He and Asher left the nomad society for good that day. 5 years later He has regained his right mind, yet many still search for him and he stays in animal form mind however. So he stays as a rabbit and lives off of Asher?s income. Asher being able to under stand him in animal form has helped him, and Loki has helped Asher. Yet again they are the best of friends living in Lerion.
Well since you haven?t posted what the arena looks like yet it I imagined it like the Coliseum on the out side but when you enter it is more futuristic w/ flat screen computers built into the walls with a list of all the role plays recruiting. Then you would automatically get a PM saying that it has been closed and is now starting, you would go to the arena, and sit down in a pod like thing and a visor covers your face and your mind goes to the ?world? made up for the RP (something like The World in .hack//all of them). For the under ground there could be a staircase that leads under ground ,under the Coliseum, and that?s where computers are attached to the wall and you type you want you think about the RP and them leave, or you could see people in the RP or who are interested and just talk about it. I would join if this ever hit the INN :D
?Mimi, You?re here how? asked T.k. ?Well you see I missed Japan so much Mom let me come to spend the week. America is so different from this place,? Mimi said looking around ?Oh well the more the merrier right? said Davis ?I can?t wait to go to the Digital World today I missed Veemon so much? he continued ?I have something to tell you guys,? said Izzy standing up. ?The things called Dark Spires are what is preventing Digivolution. So in order for the first generation to be of any assistance then they must be destroyed.? ?How though I doubt that Rookie level Digimon could destroy them.? said Imi ?You?re right that?s precisely why there is now Armor Digivolution, and I assume that the new Digivices are part of the new transformation.? He stopped and looked around at the new Digidetend before continuing. ?It seems that they take the original crest and open new powers from them. But if they us the crest to Armor Digivole then I don?t think the older digimon will be able to go any higher than champion form.? ?Wait so if some one takes the crest of sincerity then Palemon will be stuck at Togemon.? Said Mimi ? Yeah but if you don?t give it up then the black spires will cover the world and we will be powerless to stop this Digimon Kaiser from spreading his chaos? said Sora ?Ok lets go to the Digital World? said Sakura as she held out her Digivice and said ?DigiPort Open? A flash of white light filled the room and then vanished and the new digidestend Kari and T.K were gone.
Wonderful story. I would most certainly join if it makes it to the adventure inn. I also like the variety of races. Please PM me if it ever gets to sign ups.
I prefer manga for many reasons. You can look at the pictures longer and get a better chance to look at the artwork. Also it may be because I don?t have cable or satellite or any way of watching TV, but I tend to read the manga first and get a mental picture of how they talk, what color what is and the story line. Then I see the show and it?s not how I imagined it. Also in manga the storyline tends to be better in my opinion.
OCC: I?m not sure what happens in this part of the show but I?ll post for the heck of it T.K. sat in Japanese history class, itching with excitement. [I]Man I can?t wait till after school. I?ve gotta? help the new guys along. I hope Patamon is ok. Hope that is my crest right, it has allowed Patamon to do so much.[/I] Ring ring The bell went off and the students ran out of the classroom. T.K. felt some thing vibrate in his pocket. He reached in and felt his cell phone and he D-terminal. He pulled out the cell and flipped open the screen a text message from Kari flashed on the screen. OCC:I know that they contact each other via D-terminal, but it would be weird to see some one pull one out as were a cell draws no attention. HEY TK, SAKURA SENT ME THIS AND TOLD ME TO FORWARD IT TO YOU SO HERE IT IS HEY KARI, IZZY WANTS TO MEET EVERYONE THAT CAN COME IN THE LAB TODAY AFTER SCHOOL SURPRISE, SURPRISE.I ALREADY KNOW MATT AND JOE CAN?T COME. SEND THIS TO EVERYONE YOU CAN OK -SAKURA KARI-I HOPE OUR DIGIMON ARE OK?SEE YA AROUND T.K. let out a sigh [I] Man mom had a fit when I was a little late for dinner [/I] The day progressed at its usual lengthy manner. When school let out T.K. waited out side of Kari?s class and they walked togther to the computer lab. OOC: sorry so short.
I think this is a great idea and would stick around for a chapter or two, PM me when the sign ups start.
[B]10:45 Poor Estates[/B] An officer approached Philios. ?Commander your plan has been fully carried out sir? he said ?Thank you for that report? Yet another approached him, this one was a young lady with long golden blond hair and deep blue eyes and smooth skin. ?May I help you Mrs?? ?It?s Ms. Vich, and who by chance are you looking for, A Robin Hood, I presume.? She said ?yes it is that person I seek. Do you know wear his location is? Philios trailed off, lost in her eyes seeing his own red eyes as a reflection in her own. ? No were he is now, But I know where he will be at 11 o?clock why do you want to know.? ?You approached me Ms. Vich not the other way around, you most likely want money for this information, am I wrong? ?100 thousand dollars and I may tell you? Philios stared at her suddenly his heart began to beat faster and faster. [I] What is this I can?t be attracted to the poor women I?d be the laughing stock of the Counts, I am already despised, but maybe, just maybe she could live in my house, wear mothers cloths then I could marry?.No I can?t [/I] ? Well do you want to or not huh , come on? ?How, bought free of charge, and you may ?yo-you may live at my house.? ?What are, you serious, I ?I ..how sweet.? She began to cry and fell into his arms. ? don?t cry it dose not suit you? he said standing her up strait and gave her a silk cloth to clear he tears ?Go and get your things? he said ?Oh? she whispered Robins location in his ear and ran of ?Wow today will be the best day of my life, meet the love of my life and catch Hood? Philios said. ?prepare for Hoods arrival set an ambush? he said and went to hi car?.
OOC: It?s started :) [B]10:10 am Police HQ[/B] Philios sat at his desk staring at the monitor. A middle-aged man wearing a police vest was talking to him in a hushed whisper, and he sounded urgent. ?Is the operation going smoothly? asked Philios looking with his usual blank stair. ?As far as we can see no sign of Hood any were. It?s like he knew we were coming and found the prefect hiding place? said the man ?Silence, no one in the world has the ability to read the future and there is not a snitch in my squadron I ashore you that. Any way he would be expecting an act from the sheriff since his men were the ones hurt, not mine but I do not think he will stay in this city if he knows that I am seeking him out.? ?Well then what do you suggest we?? ?I?m sending 7 more squads to aid you, I want guards at every exit not allowing any one to leave. In addition I4 police officer groups standing watch around the wall of the city. They should stand about 15 yards apart.? ?Very wise commander Desont? ?And since I?m willing to bet that you and your men will again fail to catch him I want each of you to carry a tracking device extension.(A new part that can be attached to a normal gun. Instead of firing bullets it fires microscopic tracers). ?Believe me we will not fail to catch him again? ?Yes you will, that?s why I?m coming to the city and will join the scouts in the town to find that fiend Hood and his group.? ?Sir excuse my language but I doubt you want to come here to this hell hole.? ?You?re right I probable don?t, I think you don?t want me to see you and your men screw up. I?ll be there in 25 minuets.? With that he pressed a button on is desk and the monitor went blank. He pressed another button on his desk and a phone rang twice before a women picked it up. ?Hello Commander, This is Mrs. Swan your secretary.? Said the voice ?Mrs. Swan if you?d be so kind as to ready my hover car and 3 police vans for me.? ?Sure thing, anything else?.? ?Yes please alert squads 1,2,5,8,9,10,and16 to gather in their appropriate vans?thank you? The phone hung up.Philios got to his feet,grabed his white coat and slipped it over his present close. He switched off his lights and went to the elevator. On the way down he thought of how the sheriff had hired him to work for the king directly and how this boy Robin Hood was all the king could think of. Then he thought how Robin Hood had not hade a education, or at least not a legal one, seeing as his data was not in any of the schools records, and that he is the age of 18 ,one year away from having to work, well according to the law. Though he thought to him self he didn?t think that he would. He entered his hover car in front of the three fully loaded vans and the set out to the city were in his mind he was god and Hood was a lab rat.
T.K. looked around at the digital world. It has been a long time since he had been here, to long. ?Are we there yet my feet really hurt, and I thought it was all digital? said Davis ?Hey Kari,Tai do you guys know where we are, I find it odd that I?m not familiar with this place. After all we did walk the majority of this place remember? asked T.K still looking around at the surroundings. ?Yeah I don?t recognize this place ether? Kari said looking at the ground ?Hey what?s wrong Kari? Davis asked. T.K. looked at him with evil eyes. ?It?s just Gatomon isn?t in this area is she, even if she knew we were coming it would take her a while to get here. I really wanted to see her? she said ?What are you talking about Kari we?re right here? said a cat like creature with yellow gloves and a gold ring around her tail. Standing next to her was what looked like a orange hairless mouse with bat wings for ears. ?Patamon? said T.K. Eyes getting big as the orange mouse flew over and landed on his head. ?Gatomon?said Kari as the cat ran up and jumped on her shoulder and laughed. ?Hey what the freak are those things? Imi asked backing away from Kari and T.K. as if the digimon may try to eat her. ?Wow look at the new digidestined? Patamon said looking Sakura,Imi, and Davis up and down. ?no time for that now silly we have to tell the about the Digimon Kaiser? Said Gatomon suddenly very serious. ?Kaiser, what ?how? asked Tai ?Yes the digimon Kaiser, he arrived here in the digital world awhile ago. He built a giant fortress and has these collars like the ones you see with the spikes on them ,all black and..? Patamon was interrupted by Gatomon. ?Only minuses the spikes, and they control other digimon when they get around them. He has been taking control of all the Digimon in this area, we are lucky not to be gotten yet. ?Hey I saw one of those rings flying to the air when I was first came hear?He is hurting digimon.When I get a hole of him I?ll?.?Tai was cut off ?You?ll do what exactly? said a boy who came out of the shadows with a little digimon(wormmon) at his feet. ?THE DIGIMON KAISER? screamed Patamon, and Gatomon together ?That?s right the Digimon Kaiser? he said unraveling a whip?. ?Run? Patamon and Gatomon said. The group turned to run when Unimon came out from behind two trees and began to launch blue spheres from its mouth. ?I highly doubt you and your team will get very far? said the Kaiser a smile spreading across his face ?Patamon you have to digivole? T.K. said pulling out his older model digivice and pointed it at Patamon. ?HA HA HA HA ?laughed the digimon Kaiser ?T.K. I-I can?t?Patamon said beginning to cry ?What you can?t digivole how ?wha-what?s going on here? said Tai ?Gatomon you try to..? ?I can?t Kari I?ve been trying? ?You won?t be able to digivole into any thing as long as my Dark Spire in this area? laughed the Kaiser . ?Unimon continue? Unimon began to fire a blast right a Kari,Sora and Imi. Right before impact Gatomon jumped in the path and let out a scream of pain, blood trickled down her face ?HA HA HA HA? laughed the Kaiser pulling up on the whip and bringing it down on Patamon. ?Our only hope is to run?Said Sakura. With that they turned and ran Tai and Davis leading the way.
[I][B][COLOR=Olive][SIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua] Name: TK Age: 15/16 right Gender: male Appearance: blond hair, blue eyes, fairly tanned skin, Green vest with a yellow shirt underneath, and blue jeans Digimon: In-Training-Tokomon-bubble bolw Rookie-patamon-boom bubble, slamming attack Champion-angemon-hand of fate, angle rod Ultimate-mangnaangemon-gate of destiny Mega-Seraphimon-sevenheavens Digivice colour: green Crest(s):Hope Personality: laid back but still a good friend. He is in love with Tai?s little sister(Kari), and he and Davies hates each other, but in life or death matters they tend to get along. Very kind and friendly Bio: [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/I]
Name/nickname: Philios Desont Age: 19 Side: King Sebastian?s Weapons/Items: Police items-beam sword, small handgun, a retractable chain w/pointed tip, and an energy shield Talents: Very smart, able to always remain calm, can get on anyone?s nerves he wants to, he is also a fast runner, learner, and seems like he has wisdom far beyond his years. Description: oddly white hair, pale skin, red eyes, wears a white shirt, pants, shoes, and jacket usually tied around his waist. Personality: Philios is very persistent in what ever he dose. Despite his enormous fortuning he inherited from hi family he is not snotty he much rather be left to do what he wishes and if it bothers you he will ask how much he must pay o go about his bossiness. Bio: Born to a family of counts and scientist he always hade anything ever wanted. Like his great, great, great uncle on his dads? side his is a human albino. On his 8th birth day his parents were exposed to radiation his mother was studying and died instantly. Ever since he has been alone. He inherited the position of Count in his country even though his other countrymen find him odd, he doesn?t mind. Also he inherited a large amount of money that is put in a bank. He would to prefer to earn his keep not inherit every thing. At the age of 14 he graduated high school and moved on to collage. In the 3 short years there he decided he would be come an officer. At 17 he joined the police force and do to his Countness he automatically became a commander. He was given by police protocol a beam sword, small yet powerful handgun, a chain, and energy shield (which repels metal, lasers but not wood). He became very skilled with the sword, even though he wields the others with great power they fall short of his skills of the sword. He quickly became a very highly respected commander, having failed only few missions, which he later accomplished after going over all the data he has gathered from them. Lately in his 19 year of life he meet his archrival one who he swore to kill, Robin Hood. The sheriff seeing the commanders? skill hired him to work for the king directly. Awhile later a snitch of his ,in the poorer part of the country, told him a boy named Robin Hood was to steal from another Counts home and give the money to the poor. Yet as hard as his squadron tried they were unable to stop the thief and his band of jolly men and women. However Philios meet Robin and they fought, Philios failing to bet his opponent was thrown to the ground, yet Robin in high spirits said ?I won?t kill you yet, have you around makes it a whole lot more enjoyable stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.? Ever since that night Philios studied every thing he could about the legend of Robin Hood, and studied the feed from the cameras on how he fought so that one day he could kill him and set his mind on other tasks. I hope you like it PM if if the're any problems.
[COLOR=Olive]I need a new manga to read. Do you know any good ones. [/COLOR] :)
[COLOR=Olive] Ok I?m still new but I started a D N Angel role play last night and no one joined?is there anything wrong with it or is it just not interesting to any one but me????? I?m open to suggestions and /or ideas because frankly I?m quite lost Thank you for your time-OliverWhip [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Olive]Well I?m new to OB and I didn?t see any role plays about D n Angel and it?s my favorite manga so I?m going to give it a try. Oh , I also know that this will have more romance in it than action but still? The time frame is a few generations after Daisuke and Satoshi, however not to far away so hat a hole lot of new technology is invented. Also in this RPG we will need a member of the Hikari family and as much as I hate it a male character must do this. The reason for this is because a Krad will need to appear to try and kill Dark. Also we would need some friends of the Niwa and Hikari family people?oh I also forgot we need some female character so who ever Niwa can fall in love with(for this person it probable be best if they did not fall in love at first because then Dark would no longer appear.) Also their can be only one Dark and Krad. Name: (first and last) Age: ( Lets try to stay around the same age so we don?t have a 13 year old in love with a 17 year old please) Alter ego: ( If they have one Dark /Krad) Description: Bio: Likes: (what they like) Dislikes: (what they don?t like) Here is Mine!!! Name: Paza Niwa Age: 13 turns 14 at beginning of role play. Alter ego: Dark legendary phantom thief Description: Red hair, purple eyes ( Like daisuke?s in the anime)school uniform Brown dress pants, White shirt, and Black shoes Bio: For some unknown reason his mom and dad have taught him how to crack safes, hack security alarms, avoid many traps(lasers alarm systems, pit falls, ect.) and strive him to be very physically fit, but he dose not know why, they won?t tell him. Likes: Wiz ( rabbit thing that has been in family for hundreds of years), strawberries, the color black, (name of a female that joins the role play that?s in his 8th grade class) Dislikes: Learning pointless things that parents teach him, and missing breakfast. [/COLOR]
Here is mine to Name: Trey Age: 15 Beyblade color: Green with yellow details Beybeast: a small green ball with white wings, red shoes, little hands, and a small sliver bow and arrow Name of Beybeast: Cupid Bio: Tan skin, blond, spiky hair, wears green beanie, Green sweat shirt, baggy brown jeans, with a gold chain around neck and on pants Personality: Very calm cool and collected. When He is not good at some thing he easily makes up excuses for losing. He is new to the beybladeing world. After revising Cupid as a Christmas present from his father who is a scientist that is barely home
[COLOR=MediumTurquoise]OOC: Look people other role players can add you in in their posts if your involved with them kay.Also Please loengthen your post to at least 2 paragraphs or the adminastraters will yell at you so yeah. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=MediumTurquoise]OOC: well I sorry to here that any way Carter and the others landed Pallet town to find Oak waiting for him with a happy look on his face.Carter and Maura could not help but smile as Carter recalled Dragonair just as 2 Charizards and a Pigeot landed. 'Well done ,I see you've captured 1 of the legendars' Oak said pulling out a ball from his pocket. and contiuned " Rorohiko just sent it over along with all of Mizus other pokemon and Mutch to my surprize a Latios that I have been studing for sometime now.' ' What you have Latios said Aura as she released all her other pokemon and they went to bask in the sun light. 'Yes and I'm in trested to know all of you're pokemon' said oak Every one released thire pokemon and ran home to their familys pokemon hot on the trail. Later all the trainers gathered at the center of town for a picnic in their honner! OOC" Sorry so short [/COLOR] :sleep:
[COLOR=MediumTurquoise]OOC: Sorry sick computer problems and stuff Just make up what ever .sorry i cant post computer way to slow T_T. Oh and Oak may give it back to him since he may go all eveil again with out it!![/COLOR]