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Everything posted by Brooklyn

  1. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise] OOC:I hope I can still join Name: Zenith Krayon Age: 18 Agenda: Male Main Transport: Hover skates Main Weapons (Limit Three): Exeo Armor-Armor that is worn by the Assassin Guild it drawls its power from the human body heat and turns it into a small ball of energy that is fired at the target. A foot and a half long sword sharpened on both sides. Biography: Born into the Assassin Guild of Earth he has spent his whole life training to aid the guild. The guild keeps balance in the universe by assassinating those who unbalance it. This current situation has not been taken care of because General Trez has seen to the destruction of the guild so they could not interfere with his affairs (that happened before he was born). He has all most no emotions. He can barely remember his harsh past and has become one of the best assassins in the guild. He joined the party to bring balance back to the universe. Main Appearance: Short spiky white hair. Tanned skin and deep gray eyes. His armor is on top of a silver jump suit with a black unzipped zipper down the middle (Ends about were your chest start) with its collar turned up. His armor is also a darker silver that looks like bones wrapped around him that end in the middle of his shin, were his skates start (silver), blade and armor have an eye with a sword behind it. [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]OOC:I'm really sorry that I confussed you all, But I had like 10 min. to right that post (I was in North Caralina) and we were about to leav and I did not know(I never informed on stuff like that). Carter: Wait what -how did you know about Rorohiko:Oak wanted you to have this so that if it were tryed to b taken all of us could defend it Kazu:Carter I thought no one knew about that All:what how did you know Carter:I told Kazu so that at least he would travle w/ me Rorohiko:I found out because every pokemon he lays eyes on he wants to catch, but he never went over 5(Dragonair,Pikachu,Garados,Pollywhirl,Ninetails).Yet when Oak told us what happened I knew he would give it to one of us Maura:How did you know I didn't have it or Aura, or Josh Rorohiko:Simple Carter wants to catch every pokemon he lays eyes on but never caught more than 5.... Josh:Well neither Did most people(these pokemon are to my(under standing) Josh:Eevee,Charazard (He is getting ride of the other rare candyed pokemon team rocket gave him Maura:Shin,Missy,Eevee(forgot nick name),Mairell Aura:Charlia,Howl,Cinder,Fang,Haunter Kazu:Ivysaur,Butterfree,Pidgeyotto,Ralts,Butaifly Katai:Spores,Beedrill,Farieydust,Azurill,EGG Carter:This is it I'm tired of being the nicey nicey push over..................give me the damn ball ack now ok(carter flyes at Rorohiko with fists of furry) Rorohiko dodges all and squeezes the ball.In a flash of light Mewtwo came out. OOC:I'm really sorry if this is hard to understand to I'm off my game lately T.T [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise] OOC:Yes that's all I did is put 2 &2 togrther,I'm sorry if I ruoned thing but this s what I understode:For 5 years the cult has been chaseing Rorohiko .Once you put that a scout had come to battle him I 'Thought' it made sence.If they are monerting him then then they would have known that he was in Pallet town,and if you can see 1 boy I'm sure they can see a roomfull of them(refering towhen they got there sarters or were all in the lab).A futher note in the begining when Katai wondered freely and we all came and went as we pleased Carter and Rorohiko were al ways in the lab (till they split up pointlessly) meaning that they would have seen them both talking(unless they sat in the lab like zombis) and the they would of assumed that they were friend.Then when you made it seem like they were all agresive when you made them have guns and really started shoting at him,so I gave them tanks cause if all the scout didn't come back or did but did not remember it,due to his Absol's affects,that they needed a better weapon and tanks seemed to fit...to me any way.And youshould have said that they were reliougs...unless that what the word cult means = a buch of crazy eliguos people that have guns but not tanks.Then that last part was just me typing to wast time. I hope you don't leave cause of this and if you do then I'm sorry.Oh theydid not want to take Carters pokemon to keep,just take so he wount use them aganst them when they released him they would have given them back.(but he was never released) The boy is starting to crack Geovoin'said a rocket member"We put him in charge of the base now look its not there any more how could you let this happen" Geovonie:because I have a plan leisen.Thoses two personalities he has are fighting t take controll of the boy,but the potion that we give him gives his current personality the edge on the other onr.All those emotnall speaches they give him keep inpowering the nice personality and soon it will break through but also very soon a conflict will ocurr inside him and the two pesonalitys will fight to the death to get controll of him.It dose not matter to me withch one wins I'll still get what I want. The tanks got to the area were Rorohiko and Mizu were resting then they woke cause of the noise and saw the 3 tanks there.Everyone got out followed by Kazu,(a healed)Katai,Maura,carter,and Aura who all ran up to Rorohiko and Mizu. Trolmont:So you want to fight with him do you(as he held up a ultar ball) Maura:Well dud he is our friend after all The group releashed all theire pokemon even Grados who started to destroy evey thig till it was fainter by shin and pikachu and recalled. Trolmont; So you want a war fine you'll get one All the pokemon that Carter was studing,some 100 ,were released Kazu:We can't beat all of them can we Rorohiko:We have Absol,Dragonair(been w/Carter for 2 years)Charlia,Ivysuar,the evil Beedrill,Missy,and ummm Mizu:we'er died The pokemon started to battle Absol was a great fighter a long with Dragonair but there were to many enemy pokemon.Sudenly theground started to shake and Josh stepped out of the tank that Trolmont ws in with the orb ball in his hand.Then the ground split open and every one and pokemon fell in to the dakness. On the surface Josh had captured Jirachi and jumped down in to the darkness. the group woke up in different cells all theire belongings in a pile on the floor.There poke balls on some weird machine .The cult had the same fate. josh:Well your finaly awake I've waited long enough Arua:Josh were are we Josh: In a base were some freaky TR professor is doing reasearch on legendary pokemon All:Let us go Josh plese Josh:Beg some more please then I'll ARRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Josh dropped to the ground hands on his head and began to CRY.THE PAIN RUSHED IN ALL OVER HIS BODY AS TEARS OF PAIN FELL FROM HIS EYES. Katai:please Josh let us out we'll help you we're your friends thats what we do help each other you not in team rocket you're just or rival our childhood friend please help us Josh please Josh could not take the speach the confliked grow beteine the 2 personalitys in side him Arua:Josh I-I-...I LOVE YOU Well he did not take that to well etheir .But he managed to stand and then a flash of light and some black smoke came from his body as his huge mussles shrank a little and his extra foot of hight(that potion made him gain 2 pounds of mussle for every 1/4 of a pound he got by working out(can't have a shrimpy leader).It also made him grow a whole foot taller.Its like mind controlling stairoids)went down by 2 inches.He got to the controll pad and opened all the cell doors(not the cults though) then fell to the ground. They rshed over to him Katai:we'll help were dose it hurt Josh:I'll be fine go get them Jirachi and Lotiose there(his eyes narowed down againg and pushed Katai of of him )Whatthe hell do you think your doing? Katai:Crap you changed back all:Katai lets go Katai got up to run but Josh grabed her leg and throw her back in to the cell and locked it by then the atomatic door was closed and they ran to the next room. Katai used her ninjaness to ecscape and her and Josh began to battle In the next room They did not know the code to safe ly pass throw it and Maura got caught in a trap stell cable net Marua:Get to the next room I'll get out In the next room the grunts were resting and messing around they all got up and sent out theire pokemon. They all sent out one pokemonand plowed a path to the next room. Mizu:shouldn't we go back to help the others Arua:Well at the end of this I'm going to get Josh wheter he's good or eveil so you could tag along with me Next came a choise of what path to take there were 4 paths they each took one. At the end of it Rorohiko meet up with Carter in the hall but then split up again at a frok in the path to fine the at out.Rorohiko came to the end just be for Mizu did and Arua stood there as if she was there for hours. Mizu:Lets go Kazu just got to the end of the maze and raced up to find them Mizu:Oh I'm going back for them it's not right ith that Mizu truned back and ran the other way Kazu;passher and looked forward and saw the others* Hey guys ..weres Carter Both:He didn't get out of the hall maze thing They entered the next room.There be fore theire eyes was a ...the only Lotios alive. They walked up to the glass orb he was in there was note on the desk saying DO NOT MESS WITH THIS YOU'LL LET HIM GO AND HE WILL KILL US ALL!!!!!!!!!! ps-I'll be back soon Rorohiko;I got Jirachis orb back and caught him again...these balls are so cool you don't even have to weaken the pokemon before you catch it Then he put his hand on the desk and hit a button.The glass instintly broke as Lotiose's great power crushed it it then lanched attack after attacck the walls crumbled the floor cracked GO ABSOL tHE LEGENDARY POKEMONATTACKED aBSOLAGAIN AND AGAIN aBSOL DODGED EACH ONE EVEN LESS EACH TIME EVENCHUALLY HE WAS HIT AND FELL TO THE FLOOR (Tired from the pokemon war they had in the chamber) All:Go every one A meaning less effort all of the pokemon fainted with in 4 seconds.Lotiose was aabout to attack Kazu but a charazard hit him hard aganst the wall Kazu:What the Josh:Your welcom for saveing your life Mizu:See I helped them all Maura and Carter:Sure did Katai:Wow what is that thing Charazard crashed to the floor in half a min.fainted. Josh:run get out of here I'll keep it busy for a while Arua:No I cant leave you Josh:If you love me you will go Every one ran as Josh releashed Eevee who bit him hard then thrown to the ground and body slammed Aura:Wait Rorohiko what were you planning on catching Jirachi with Rorohiko:This primer ball Aura:Can I have it Rorohiko:If it catches the beast in there I'll give it to Oak Aura:(runingback to josh) no I know how to get Josh back Rorohiko but then you owe me a premire ball. Arua:Kay They followed her and found Josh Using his last pokemon aganst it ALL:please work or we'll all die Aura throw the premire ball at Lotiose The ball fell into the crevious and came up to Aura as she caught it ou of the air Aura:Josh here you go think of it as a Wedding/getting old together/haveing kids together and becomeing masters gift. Josh:Fool I will crush you with it.... A flash of light and tons of black smoke came from his body so bad you could n't even see him but when it lifted he was on the ground and was the same way he was when he left Pallet town a few weeks ago.Then the poke ball started to glow and they were all transported to the place were the orb to Jirachi was stolen .... [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Kite logged out and checked his mail Sender:Apairon subject:I'm getting kinda fat I've gain like 4 pounds in one day.. Do you thinkthat it's cause all I do is eat a never endind supple of hot pockets and milk shaks???Can you help???)Oh and I sit in front of ...12 computer monitors a day(I need a life) Chaos gates were created by Hareled so that if the system gose out of controll or MORGANA tryies to stop the birth(can;t look these upin dic..never mind) and make the monsters in the game,and The Epitaph of Twilight, attack the servers...There was only one way in to the town and the PC in that sever could reple the monsters (thats why when you get to a cerent level you move to a new sever,and why the monsters in delta are weaker than in thata,) see if a player starts the game,NOOB,theygo to deltawere the monsters are the same levle as them ....It's easyer to explain when you're level 20 then come to thata,I invited you to come so it was premacherly unlocked, and go to the area I gave you...your levle 7 now right.Oh DO NOT REPLY TO MY MESSAGES ANY OF THEM they will be able to track them throught the net work ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Toodels Mia(thinks):that guy is weird Sends a message to every one with her member adress I'm logging out .I going to the hosptal were my friend is Thanks for all your help with that she loged out and went to the hspital[/COLOR]
  5. [color=mediumturquoise]Anime amd Manga are both very popular were I live [/color][COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Please add more thought and detail to your posts, eclips. One-line/sentence posts are considered spam at OtakuBoards and will be deleted in future. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  6. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Cater looked up the cult had caught me how could I let them do this*he thought* Get up punk and hand over whats in your poctets and your pokeballs kid You can't have my pokemon I captured them you'd be stealing if I let you have them and ..... Carter saw tones of pokemon from all over the world gathered in the base O.o Can I study the pokemonplease I'll be a good boy What ,oh them there our pokemon and we not the desgracefull team rocket we just don't want to have to hurt you W-w-what did yousay Hey have your heard of a guy called Rorohiko? Carter has no idea that there looking for him Yeah he's my friend ...sorta' see he's kinda mean to people and takes thing to seirous ...and he never helps anyone Where is he? I'll tell you if you help me I need some help saveing some of my friends. The girl friend thats with you?She kinda' cutte Don't say that it's the inside that counts Yeah yeahso what do we gotta do Frist let me study all of your pokemon then when I run out of matireal you will restock them What kind of matterials Paper penciel pen food for me & the pokemon...oh and all the supplies I need potions antidonts Kay what eles help me locate all my friends and let them ride your ship tank things to the arae we have 2 friends there Rorohiko and Mizu.but right now take me to the team rocket head base in Slateport Got it Ohh I for got get Maura the cuttei Stop that Ok kid here we go And don't touch my pokemon and back pack Ok Carter walked up to the pokemon and so how the ramping pokemon got calm and allowed Carter to poke and prod at them Captain what do we need that punk kid for BECAUSE ALL OF OUR SCOUTS WE SEND COME BACK WITH AMMINSA OR THEY DON'T COME BACK AT ALL . Oh sorry besides you think he will attack his friends Maybe he has befor I need more paper note books hurryCascoon is evolving Go get the paper Yes sir They picked up Maura and went to the team rocket base brook through the door scared away all the gaurdswith there tanks.By no time they were at the door were Katai was in here we go the door fell in when Maura and Carter got out it was not a preety sight ----------------------------------------------------------------- OOC:yes this is my first RPG on Otaku.(I'm use to instent messages) and I'm open to segestions but please do not tell me what to do your just gotta' go with the floow. Sorry if I hurt your fellings ^.^ [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]The group walked in to the last chamber were purple smoke was rising from the floor Kokubunjii There is a Data bug in the next room we should wait till all our sp is rcovered. Raven: Ok They walked in circels till it recovered then they walked in.The room was fine but the monster that came out was not.The Green glowing monster came at them with it's sharp claws Kite:....oh I-I I'm so Aku:Shut up Your WAY OVER REACTING Kokubunjii : That will do hun, now to destroy a data bug you mustattack the crap out of it for hours in the game or hack at it for hours in the real world..Your not a hacker are ya' kid Kite:no Kokubunjii :and Data drain but to do that it needs a protect break so lets go get it Thegroup began to attack raven and Kite wnt up and attack,Aku attack with magic and Kokubunjii healed.Kite died again and again (the area is lv 13 his on lv 4 when he got there now his lv 6) Kite:Tiger claws Kokubunjii :Not again Rip Mean Raven:Sorry but this is my first time ..... Aku:Thats what a protet break looks like it's kinda c..Kite Data Drain the bastered Kite ;How Then his arm began to glow he felt a great force move to his arm then a pain ran up his arm and in to her head Real world Mai shook in pain the Drain was not over and it hurt like hell. Mai(thinking):How dosea game cause so mutch pain ..I-I (so determind now) must master this skill The world Streams of data shot from her brasletand ripped through the monster and the data came right back to the braslet Viral infection has spread Obtain Virius Core C Kite fell to the ground in pain and curled in to a little ball Kokubunjii: Finish this quickly so we can go home..I mean back to town Raven:Tiger Claws With the last attack the monster fell to the ground and disapered.In its place was an orb of light it was as bright as sun shine Aku:O.o I WANT IT GIMMY GIMMY GIMMY She reached for it her hand felt as it was on fire when she touched it,she pulled it back.Then tryed again ,and again and again. Then a mysterios heavy axmen came from the sky Axmen:A little slow on the up take there arent you Kokubunjii :Apairon Axmen: You remember me oh how sweet we have to...whats his problem(as he points to Kite Raven;What ever he just did was pain full Apairon:Its data drain not 'what ever' Aku:What are this thing Raven:It looks like sun shine Apairon:well then that what we'll call them Sun Shines Kokubunjii :Please tell us what they do Apairon:Your a hacker you can figure it out Kokubunjii :Because your a better hacker dose not mean you can hog all the answers.What do they do Apairon:Well they-they -they lighten dark places. Kokubunjii :what do you mean Aku:Hey if your trying to be the king of the light from the epitaph od twilight you miss spelled your name Apairon:No that damned pig headed Lios got to it first all:Lios Kite got up and looked at the son of Helba standing right in front of him. Kite:Lios what is he Raven:Ummmmmm I think he is a system adminosteator Apairon:Wll the real Lios got fired from his job after he was caught helping my mommy and the first Kite.Then so no one would know they got a programmer to reprogram him as an NPC not a user.CC corp keeps the world in order by using this NPC.All the messages that you get from Lios are really CC Corp .The programer tells this NPced Lios what to do and what to say when the time comes Aku:So the real Lios is playing as the Orignal king of the light apairon:yes he was a heavy axmen but then he lost intreesed with the game put his data is somewhere so his charecter still lives and the name uncopyable Raven:Ummmmmm you could hack to find it Apairon:Its not like a TV show kid you can't hack something in 5 mins.Uassaly 5 hours for me and I pretty fast at it.Look if your about to getdeleted you can't hack to save your chareture Kokubunjii:Unless you have it all planned out allready and have the code ready to use when ever you want. Kite:But we were in the feild and doungion for littel more than 1 hour. how did you make that rip in th wall Aku:Yeah Kokubunjii you did it to when we first meet Kokubunjii:well I no That what I'm fastest at and it;s not that hard og a code to use because the game set out a code for players to transport themselves and parties to different places insteed of walking every were they put chaos gates to trasport us .. Raven:So you just alter the teloprt code and use it when ever Kite: but then why are chaos gates here if hackers can use them to there advantage? Then they all were warped to the Cherry blossom event. Apairon:I'll tell you in the mail kid if I get caught like pig head I'll get deleated and it took me 14 days on this charecture disine. Apairon warped out of the area. [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Carter and Maura chased the group that stole the orb. Maura; Carter you know you've channged since you started on this journy carter: For the better i hope Maura: Well(was cut of by Carter) Carter:Hate to interupted but were here they looked down on to a valley were the group of theives Maurs:we have 2 advantegs 1.we have the element of sur.. person in in the cult:Come here Carter:Maura run the other way Maura ran the oppiset way of Carter but then turned around to see that they caught Carter and were taking him to the base Maura:(thinking)I have to save him ..but if I caught then who will save me!!! OOC:Sorry such a short post wanta' go out side ^_^[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]OOC:Yes I know that battleing makes a pokemon stronger but Josh uses rare candies so that his pokemon are 10 lv higher than the gym strongest pokemon.The cult idea is a good idea The group walked into the heart of slate port and headed for the shops.They all bought mass of every thing Marua got super poitions,Kazu was in the hospital geting his wounds fixed,Carter got food so he could cock it,and Katai claimed to have the rest in her bag. As they took the path that Mizu & Rorohiko took a Marel and its baby Azurill poped out of the bushes Carter:Oh I havent studyed one of those I'll catch them both Go fariedust Go Eevee Katai:Attack the Azurill Marua;Attack the Marel The two pokemon didn't put up a very big fight so the group stopped so Carter could study all there pokemon Kazu;Oh every one has more pokemon than me Carter:Well catch some then Kazu fine I'll come back with 2 new pokemon OOC:Sorry if I messed up your party.Marua are you still catching water and ghost Then out of the shadows come a big bulking man hegrabed Kazus back pack and dumpt it out Marua:What do you think your doing Katai:go my cutty pie new azurill tackle He got tackled on the head.Then a group came all with gun.The group backed up aganst a tree and set down all there poke balls contanig pokemon.Then the cult found the orb ball in Kazu's back pack put every thing back in neatly and left. Carter finished his studies in silence then put every thing away. Kazu came back with a big smile on his face. Kazu;Hey buddy study these He released two flashes of light .Every one waited to see his pokemon and tell him the bad news.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]OOC:I agree, Lv.don't work in Rpgs very well so I'll stop using them and Josh's Pokemon are that strong because he has 5 badges(he drives from city to city then rare candies up his Pokemon then wins the badge and moves on ..I don't Know how every one eles pokemon are so strong.Carters strong Pokemon DON'T DO WHAT HE TELLS THEM TO DO!! But any wayI hope you don't mind last post put It took 2 hours to type (hands still hurt T.T) and I was not rerighting it. Carter;I can't belive it t-this re-realy sucks Ninetails,Pollywhirl,pikachu,and Dragonair(finally all of his pokemon are the same strenght)nooded in agreence Katai; Fine then lets go Beedrill Josh:Try me Beedrill began to figt a loseing vattle aganst Eevee(the only pokemon he hand trains besids Charazard(after it eveolved of cours))Beedrill poisined Eevee. Arua:How dare you go Haunter lick Beedrill feel to the floor paralized. Kazu:Go- Go Mapple vine whip The vine went rigght throw the ghost.Josh started to laugh Carter:Grass attacks don't work well on them Maru:Shin thunder bolt Josh: Hypno Light Screen Katai:Spors tackel The attack broke throught the barrier and hypno was knocked back on it's back All:Yes Josh & Arua: dubble flame thrower Carter:Polly whirl water gun The flames were to strong pollywhirl and Spores were fainted. Carter & maru: Two can play at that game,dubble thunder shock The two charazards were hit and dazzed from the attack Josh Go Eevee Kazu:That pokemon is poisioned it should not fight it could get Josh Tackel Kazu fell to the floor and started to cough up blood Josh: Hmmmm weaklings[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Geez OOC:I wrote a long post and then it dose not show up.What happens Carter seta diglet free (wants to be with family)loses to gym 4 times.Gets a Ninetails(its a long story)beats gym.Katai,Kazu,Maru,Carter,Arua get on SS ANN to catch funcky thing,then they plan to come back and get the badges and compet in the league.TR on boat planning to attack.Josh is there w/TR lifting weights whiel everyone eles messes around w/Pokemon & each other.Josh gets his potion from his drinks now not food,and it's starting to take hold of him.All the fat he had from eating so much has been replaced with mussle. His pokemon eevee-68 charazard-67 golbat-58 primape-61 hypno-70 closter-62 he has 5 badges We're leaving got to go.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]OOC:Sakuraminomino the higher level item the more SP it takes (your charecter should not be able to use some of her spells) Kite and Raven sat around looking at the cherry blossomsfall from the leaves. Kite:I wish that those 2 hadn't ran off.I need info on that monster Raven:Ummmm well maybe there looking for it too a-and theywant to be the ones to kill it... Kite:Maybe but they were talking about the some thing of twilight I wonder... Aku and Kokubunjii were talking in the Sigma sever Aku:Lets go to another protected area kay Kokubunjii:Well I just used all of my rare cores so all I can hack into is a feild in Delta ...still want to go Aku: Surelets do it Kokubunjii : Hun on more thing your wearing high lv. armor and you need to be around the same lv as your armor or you'll not be able to cast its spells they will take to much SP. Aku:But I'm a Wave master I should be able.... Kokubunjii : Here (gives her lv 30 armor) now lets go to the dungeon. Kite check her email .She told Raven she be right back. Subject:Boring Sender:Apairon Come to this area if you would like information on the "hiddin one" and the Epitaph of twilight .(delta) Bursting Smiling Twin Hill I'll be on the lowest levle of the....no I'll most likelly be every were but beat the data bug then come to Area (thatea) Dog Danceing Forrbiden White Devil. I'll be in the feild some were Got to go lios is on my ass Thatea server has been opened.Bursting Smiling Twin Hill &Dog Danceing Forrbiden White Devil. have been added to your word list. Mai:Aparion .....is he a h-haker Kite lgged in to the world invited Raven in to her(while in the world I'm refering to her as his,him,he because in the world she is a boy) party.Just then the two players who were talking of the monster who attack im and his friend warped in to delta. Aku:Woops got to ru... Kite grabed her arm Kite Please tell me were I can find Cubia I needto know Raven: They could Ummm join yur party and we could be friends and share information. Kokubunjii :What info do you have thatcould help use with our mission? Aku:We have a mission? Kite:We are going to a feild were after we beat the data bug we'll.... Kokubunjii :You can't beat data bugs You need data drainor be a hacker to do so,so you can't win aganst them. Raven & Aku:Data drain Kokubunjii :Yes its a skill that only the Bearer of the braselt can use Kite:This braselt (he said as he held out his arm.a blue light wraped around his wrist) Aku:Ooooo I want one too Raven:Ummmm can some one fill me in? Kokubunjii:What area are you going to young man? Kite Ummm its in my world list Raven:We'll tell you if you give us your member adresses Kokubunjii : A meaning less effort only 3 people can be in a party Kite:Well if we all are working for a simaler cause we could each be on Two parties working together as one party Aku: fine but you 2 cant die that arae's lv is like 15 Your both at Kite:Lv 4 Raven:Lv 1 Kokubunjii:Then we'll ned a wavemaster in both parties I'll be with Raven,Aku you be ith Kite. All :Kay They warped to an area Kokubunjii hacked the gate(Kite has no virous Core) they were in a corrupted feild Kokubunjii :Who asked you to come here? Kite:Apairon I think he's a hacker Kokubunjii :Yes he is my friend he taught me how to hack Aku:Were did he learn it then Kokubunjii :His mother......Helba Raven:the ledengary notorious hacker Kite:What happened to her? Kokubunjii :She... died of old age Then they walked twords the entrence [/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Kite walked around Delta looking for clues about the monster that attacked her and her frined Sara.She noticed that many people were warping to the same area.She watched for a moment then walked up and said the key words.She was warped to a beautiful feild were millions of users were talking ,trading,and looking at the wonderful cheery blossems.They fell gently to the ground,then a pinging noise starteled her she had a new mail but she did not check it.She saw a strange player walking around(Raven) then million more pings she logged out then checked her mail 1 Important Read Now-Lios 2 Welcom-CC Corp 3 H*$P-Arua 4come-Aparion 5 Re:Welcom-CC Corp 6 Re:Welcom-CC Corp 7 Do you check your mail at all-Aparion 8 The next 100 messages are the same -Aparion # same # same # same . same . same po same same re:posame kn same O.o same new same old same how same j same a noying? same Hmmmmm same These are sopost to be numbers same What happend? same a penpy earend is a peny to spend later same what can a penny buy any way?same i same ttt same 9 ANSWER NOW-LIOS 10 Re: ANSWER NOW-APARION 11 Re:ANSWER NOW-LIOS 12 RE:ANSWER NOW-APRION 13 YOU MUST BE A HACKER-LIOS 14 Re: YOU MUST BE A HACKER(GOOD GUESS PIG HEAD)-APARION 15 Leave this system now this is not you acount-Lios 16 Why are we talking in the subjects?-Aparion 17Cherry Blossoms-CC Corp 18Please open-Lios 19Aparion sez "why open a message with a computer virus in it ^_^-Aparion Weird how is this person Aparion talking through my account? Mai thought as she read her mail but when she got to the end she logged in and saw that the strang person at the chery blossom festival was logging out(Raven) Kite:Whats your name? Raven:Oh Kite whats your class? [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Carter entered the gym.The water had been pumped out and new water was filling the pool slowly. Misty:Ready it will be a 2 pokemon battle ok Carter :Ummmm ok The big screen flashed on it showed Misty's face with 2 boxs next to her and Carter with 2 boxs next to him. Go Goldeen Go Pikachu The boxs next to there faces light up. Pikachu used a thunder shock at Golden.Then the fish countered with a horn attack.Then Pikachu used a quick attack.Goldeen flopped on to the island to the left fainted. Misty:You used an electric pokemon how unfair trying to play to the advantedg,Oh well I'll win the next match.I chose you Golduck. The pokemon came from out of its poke ball.The 2 began to battle intensly.Pikachu spun around golduck's body with agility.Golduck confussed pikachu with confussion.Then Golduck used slash but pikachu jumped behind it and used thunder shock then swift.The combo KOed Golduck.The boxs next to Misty;s face went ouShe came up and handed him the Cascade badge. Carter left the gym and ran down the path to Vermillion city,He soon ran into Kazu and the two walked down the road looking at there new badge.[/COLOR]
  15. OOC: please note I have family over and will not be on to post in awhile(we do something every day o.O)so just go on ..Kite can meet some pople go to festivals(cherry blosoms any one) and descovers the power of the braslet
  16. OOC:please note I have family over and will not be on to post in awhile(we do something every day o.O)so just go on ..and oh Carter will have a hard thim with LT Surge(can catch a new pokemon ).Oh on the boat the will take them to slateport(they get the orb thing to catch Jirachi)Josh attacks them on the boat with all of team roctet who ever battles him he has a Charazard lv40 Eevee lv.43 Shelder Lv.28 mankey Lv. 32 Golbat Lv. 40 Grimer Lv.28 and thy will most likely lose (i would like him undeafeted till the league) Thanks
  17. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]The World Kite and her friend Sara(aka Uayou)just entered the last room of the dungun were the Gott Statue was Sara:Ok this is the Gott Statue you get three rare items out of it ,cool huh^_^.You usaly split with your party members Kite: k ....this dungun was so repetitive ,kill this kill that,it's so borring Sara:No it's n....... The floor began to shack and the screen became fuzzy.They could not see were they were when it cleared they were standing in the middle of a circle.Then a monster (Cubia) came up,a core apeared to the left of them 12 Gormacame out it. They began to pointlessly battle every thing(Kite is on lv.2).Kite died many times to the Gorma.WhenCubia leet out he air bullets attack Sara died ummm what do I do now...OHHH HELP ME PLEASE. Her Neruron Googles froze every thing was quite.Then a girl appered Girl:My name is Arua.I'm here to give you the braselet the ultimate treaser sought by all. Kite:Wai...Wh-what are you talking about Aura:Use this braslet to vanquish the evil in this world put Morgana to an end her evil. Kite:Wa.. I Arua:Please hurry The screen returned to the battel but a strange wand(not Helba's) crshed into the core.It let out pulses of energy then Kite & Sara were frosed to warped back to the server. Real World Sara had thrown her googels off and was crying in pain her leg had sudenly twisted out of place and an ambulance was called.Mai took off her googles and paniced as her friend lay in pain. As they put her in an ambulance she hered that she had passed out in pain and she needed an operation right away. As Mai walked home she promised her self that she would find that monster and kill it.She walked in the back door to her one story house and logged in to the game The World she checked her mail She had many new messages (they were) Important Read Now-Lios Welcom-CC Corp H*$P-Arua come-Aparion Re:Welcom-CC Corp She ignored all of them and logged in to the world were she saw a wave master dressed in green runing from player to player then he ran up to her Kazu:Do you have any rare items Kite:No Kazu:Do you have any key words for some? Kite:Umm maybe let me check [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Can you help me I can't beat magus T.T. If I take Black Rose and Gardina I can't get through the dungon But if I take Elk I can but magua kicks my ***.Elk Gardina are my strongest people[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]The group had made it to the gym ,Misty's face sterend Misty:Your here to earn the gym badge Maru,Kazu,Carter:Yep Misty:Well I'm sure you'll be easer than that other guy Maru:What other guy :Arua: (exiting the bike shop with a new bike)Do you mean Josh Misty:I think that;s his name anyway he beat me with a Zubat The group remembered how how powerful Josh realy was even if he was a member of Team Rocket.He was there Childhood friend and Rival As Arua thought of this she remembered a memory from Pallet [B][U]FLASH BACK[/U] [/B] ARUA:When we grow up want to have kids and grow old together Josh:We're only 6 ,hey how do you know how to have children (he walked over and sat on the swing next to Arua) Arua:Well I don't now how but theres gotta' be way or we wouldn't be here Josh:Why do want kids with me ?? Arua:(blushing)It's my dream Josh :Well my dream is to be a Pokemon master Arua:Well then I'll become a pokemon master too,then can we have kids Josh:Yep and I'll train them to ..(introrupted) Arua:pokemon master End flash back Misty:Well here we are the Gym.Oh wait 3 of you are battleing one of you come in and the rest stay out here when one comes out the next go'se in ok and you can't tell my stragity or pokemon to those out here waiting got it Every one:Got it Carter:I have to go train in the woods over there(like 40 feet away) can I go last Maru & Kazu:shure Arua:I'll stay with you guys for a while and ..I'll help Carter train With that Carter and Arua ran off to train together[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Real World Mai woke up from her nap in the middle of math.It was her least favorite subject.It was almost the end of the year and all the classes were haveing a good by party,except math. "Don't forget about the fun raiser today kids ok I'll miss you have a good summer"said the math teacher "What fun raiser?"Mai asked loudly A nerdy boy who sat next to her in science said"To sponser the cancer reseach there selling the video system that plays online games..and then they have an online game to choose from" "Oh how exciting"She said as she got to her locker and throw in themath book and got her book bag. "well mom gave me money to sponcer that thing we were haveing at school ,I guess I've gota' go get somthin'"She said She walked up to a huge group of people around the cart of vidio games.She looked in she saw 1 system left and only copies of the game 'The World' She gave all her money and took no change.As she walked to the cumputer room she read the back of the game. "Why was there only stupid games there I guess I give this to my brother"She said to her self. "Whats up girl freind" her friend said "oww you got a copy of the world you should play it when were in computer class Persila said they were aloud to." "Okay I gues I'll give it a try"Mai said In the computer lab on the board was ritten Do As You Please. Many people took out there systems and starting them up put all kinds of games in most put in "The world".Mai did the same as did Sara(her friend)Her friend slipted on her visor and said "I'll find an easy field to go to OK you sign in I'll be waiting by the Chaos Gate" "What's a chaos gate thingy "she said but it was to late Sara was way in depth with finding a field She turned on the system Waited for it to boot up then when it said choose a name a message turned up it read "Yet return of the twilight dragon Thy has sumoned you forth As you once where Kite" After the message disapered she was taken to the Desk top there were the options WORLD MAIL-NEW NEWS-NEW AUIDO ACCESSORIES DATA She chect her mail kinda' mad at the fack her name was Kite the message read Welcom to The World Due to alise events I will ask you to only use the severs Delta, and Thata at this time. Please leave this out of your bussniuiss Kite- Lios Tkc' how rude as she put on her viser.then she logged in the boards were new so she read them, and got a few sets of key words one being a feild for newbies The World She logged in to The Delta server.She was amazed she was inside a game the water and the boats that were on it looked so real then she looked behind her and saw a heavy blade standing be hind her(looks like Mimiru) "Mai I hope thats not you..is it"she said "Are you Sara"asked Kite "Yes but why are you a guuy chareture?"She asked "What (has no idea how she looks) do you have a problem with that"Kite said defending her self "Fine lets go to the feild k" With that our story begins. [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Things were bad in Cerulian.Chrazard had enialated Haunter and howl had wiped the floor with Golbat.Eevee and howl had started to battel but the were not worried what they destoryed in the city. The bike shop was goon, houses were destoryedand howl was loseing to eevee.The 40 rare candies were a great help to Josh.Both used a quick attack when the dust seteled Eevee was standing over a fainted Howl. Arua: You cheater you used rare.. Josh:It your problem you let have a chance to use them Carter:Wait a second guys come here The rest of the traines talked while eevee and Charlia showed there moves.It would have been a quick win for Charliea if not for Eevee's speed. Arua;Flamethower Josh:Agility Arua: Slash Josh:Sand-attack Charliea could no longer see the match it was all sandy(it had been hit with many sand attacks) Josh:Hmmm you know why your losing right?No (Arua's face turned red in anger) Arua:CAUSE YOUR A CHEATER AND CAN'T RAISE YOUR POKEMON BY HAND YOU HAVE TO USE RARE CANDIES(SHE SCREAMED) Josh:No it's because your pokemon know all attacks that do damage.You have no stragity Arua ..... Cater,Kazu,Maur,And Katai ran past josh and began to battel the way to Bill's house Below Charazard and Charliea were in a ferce battel.Again if Charliea could see and had not lost some HP to the now fainted Eevee the it would have won however Charazard used bite after bite ans then after the last bite(on Charliea's neck)it drew blood. OOC;One of the crulest thing to do to an opponets pokemon in a battle is to make it bleed(Proof that Josh has taken quite a bit of that mind controll potion,he would never do it otherwise,)(Also please note tha Team Rocetget there meals for free,Geovanie hired cooks to work at there base,and Josh has put on a bit of weight)Again please note that in last post it said Geovanie put the potion in his food meaning he has been eating alot, ,also (this is getting old) the potion also makes josh hungry every time he enters the base. With that last bit Arua was shocked that Josh would go this far to win a match, she recalled Charliea and ran to the pokemon center.Then Josh :laugh: and left to the base.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Never mind what this said I'm going to start the Rpg now.If you still want to join after this is over(New people are always starting the world,and you always meet new people ^_^) then just read this and Pm me your charecture Info. [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Cyan]Josh:Fine since you're given me a chance to recop' you don't mind my using about 40 rare candies do you(Team Rocet give him about 20 a week) Aura: What y-you don"t have 20 rare candies its inpossobile to have more than a couple Josh Hmmm(he sayes that alot) Just watch and see why you don't mess with team rocet He called Eevee to him then gave it rare candies till it was level 39.Then he sent out Zubat and gave it rare candies till it was level 35 then it began to evolve(forgot what level it evolves in game) into Golbat.Then last but not least he revived Charmander and rasised him to level 36. Carter: Oh no h-h-he- Kazu:Spit it out Katai:He will have a Charazard Every one went :wigout: Josh went :laugh: with power as charmander evolved in to a monstress Charazard. OOC:Geovonie wants him to have all level 100 pokemon In the league,but when Josh eats the food that the chefs make for him (they work for team rocet)Geovonie slips in a littel bit of a mind controll agent.His plan is to have him go mad with power and faint all the pokemon at the league and catch them with speacel poke balls that can catch other trainers pokemon :wigout: [/COLOR]
  24. 3 years after Rena and Shugo stopped playing The World, Morgona gave birth to the newest version of the ultimate AI. Morgona convinces this AI to join her quest to make herself the ultimate AI.Aura finds out of the disaster and performs a summoning of the Twilight Dragon (originally Kite & Shugo) and summons the most unlikely person to the world and she plays a boy!!! Aura intends to give the bracelet to the new Kite, which will ad her/him in her journey. I intend to make this RPG a combination of the. hack// games and .hack//Legacy of Twilight (the graphic novel and the new show that just had its first episode).Not all about going to the dungeon and fighting monsters but more special events, like the Cherry blossom festival and great space race from the graphic novel. Here’s how to sign up Real world Name: Gender: Age: Description: Short Bio: Personality: In the World Name: Gender: Class: (remember the two new classes ware wolf, please lets only have about one or two of these they have a lot of requirements. Fighter (both use up close punches and kicks) Level: (when they meet, the good thing about .hack// is you meet new people all the time. 2 characters don’t have to meet in the beginning of role play they can meet when ever.) Description: Personality: (If different) Heres mine Name: Mai Yummi Gender: Female Age: 13 Description: She has blond hair that’s tied back in a ponytail, blue eyes, bright smile, a tank top with a kitten picture on it, and blue jeans. Short Bio: She has had friends in to online games and they all praised the world so she gave it a try. She has never been skilled in a video game and it may take her many times to beat a boss. She has lived a normal life thus far Personality: Absent minded unless she has to know something, she loves animals. She tries to be nice as possibly to every one. She says that something scares her when it doesn’t (her way of saying that’s so stupid) The World Name:Kite Gender: Male Class: Twin blade Level: 1 Description: looks like Kite Personality: Same I hope that this RPG works out ^_^.
  25. Josh: Now what I could sit here all day the bridge will claps soon Maru: You dirty little…(as she turned around to run and saw 2 members of team rocket blocking the way out) Carter: Josh why do you hate us so much (he stepped up) what did we do to you, ever. I’ve been nothing but nice to you all your life and look now we could die Josh: Oh well you all were a waste of talent anyway GO EEVEE POLLYWHIRL GO The 2 pokemon stared at each other for what seemed like hours then pollywhirl fell to the ground fainted. Josh: hmm your pokemon disgrace could not even withstand one quick attack Carter: N-N-No your pokemon didn’t even move The bridge ached and cracked as wood fell in to the water Josh: Ha Ha Ha who’s next? OOC:after eevee he has a Zubat
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