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Everything posted by Brooklyn

  1. OOC:SakuraMinamino made me wina gym badge so this is how the match went. Brock: Hmmmm another newbie Carter: Actually I’m not a newbie so lets just battle Ok lets just get it over with Brock: Fine I wont lose to you Carter: try me Brock: Thinking- (Maybe I should use three pokemon this time I may win) we will us three pokemon all right. Carter: Yes that will be fine. GEODUED I CHOOSE YOU Geodued du du It said as it readied for battle. GO POLLYWHIRL Pollywhirl lay down on the ground and started to take a nap. Geodued came up to it and used mega punch. Pollywhirl still slept on, it used three more punches until pollywhirl got up all flustered and ice punched Geodued. “1 hit KO”said the announcer. RETURN GEODUED GO CROBAT CARTER: THINKING- (a Crobat he must have got that when he traveled with Ash). There’s one thing I want o ask you Can I study your Crobat before the match please. Brock: I’m sorry that’s not allowed during a gym battle Carter: Ok Ice punch Pollywhirl used an ice punch on Crobat. “I have to beat this thing fast or it will beats me,” thought Carter.Pollywhirl used several water guns and missed each time, But Crobat could not atk. Pollywhirl or it would get ice punched. Brook ordered Crobat to use steel wing on Pollywhirl. “He won’t know how to counter this atk.”Brock thought. But on the arena Pollywhirl and Crobat were fainted and Crobat hade been Ice beamed. Brock: How did you know about steel wing? Carter: I study all the pokemon I see I’ve studied other trainers pokemon from Jhoto and I studied your pokemon’s movement I knew you would use that atk. GO ONIX GO GARADOS Brock: you have a Garados I-it can’t b-be tamed right Carter: NO it’s not tamed, but use water gun Garados. But Garados used Hyper Beam ever better. “The winner of the match is Carter of pallet town. Brock: I present you with the boulder badge. OOC:Katai posted the rest .
  2. KAZU: Fine lets go then JOSH: Wait I forgot you don’t have more than 3 pokemon MAUR: Then we’ll team up on you each of us combined will us 6 pokemon total so go Raichu KATAI: Good plan go Beedrill KAZU: Go Maple, Butterfree, and pidgy CATER: Go Pollywhirl The 4 stared at Josh. JOSH: Fine lets do it go Graveler Carter: you’re up Pollywhirl Graveler started with a tackle atk. Pollywhirl dodged it and use water gun; the atk hit Graveler slightly still causing a lot of damage. Josh knew he couldn’t win so he told graveler to use self-destructed. Pollywhirl jumped in to the water the last second and had most of his Hp taken away JOSH: I knew you losers would use Pollywhilr it has a home field……… MARUAND KATAI: YOUR JUST MADE YOU LOST!!!!! KAZU: Maple go JOSH: Go Charmander Maple used vine whip and wrapped around the tail and tried to throw him in the water but Charmander used a flamethrower at ivysaur and he had to let go to avoid a full blast. Then Charmander used another flamethrower this was completely avoided by diving in the water. Then Maple used sleep powder but Charmander blew it away with ember. Then Maple came up and used razor leaf but Charmander used rage atk. Got pummeled but the leaves but hit Maple with he flame of his tail. KAZU: Its ok Maple he used a fire pokemon you would have never won (shots Josh a dirty look) OOC: If you’re confused no one on the team has 6 pokemon by them self so they combine some of their pokemon so they do have 6.There party Katai, Kazu, Maru, and Carter Half dead Pollywhirl Fainted Iveysaur Beedrill Butterfree Raichu Pidgy Josh Fainted Graveler Charmander that has most heath left Eevee Pidgyotoe Zubat Mankey They do not have to be used in this order.
  3. “Ha Ha lets see what kinda’food do you like dustfairy …Oh you like the bitter food, Ok lets study your wings, Hmm… Ok”Carter said as he but the measuring tape in his bag and pulled out needles that would get some blood so he could test but he heard a noise that made him jump it was a scream. “Get away, Raichu thunder shock” A flash of yellow lightning flew across the path. “Lets go see.”Kazu It was Maur she was being attacked by a member of team rocket. “Oh guys I didn’t know anyone else was here.” She said “Well your Raichu looks tired let me heal it and those to will take care of it” Said Katai “Lets go carter”kazu “Mmkay lets go” Carter GO IVEYSAUR GO POLLYWHIRL “Not again” Said Carter Pollywhirl laid down on a rock and started to nap. “Ha your pokemon are as weak as ever Carter!” Said Josh as he pulled of the cloak. “What you joined team rocket.” Said Kazu “”Sure why not!” He replied “Now Butterfree Sleep Powder” Dodge it Maple But it was to late Maple lay down and went to sleep Fine make it hard then GO GARADOS “What you have a Garados?!?!” Said Josh. But Garados started to rage around the cave using Hyper Beam not doing anything that Carter said. “Ha what a joke you get strong pokemon and you can’t even train them properly.” laughed Josh. “Shut up” said Maru as Raichu used thunder shock at Josh but Butterfree got in the way. “Well I have to leave now go by.” he said as smoke rose up from the ground when the smoke cleared he was gone. As the 4 left the cave they were in shock they couldn’t believe what had happened. As they healed their pokemon they went to go look at Bill’s pokemon when Josh came down and said “Team Rocket has placed the poke maniac bill under house arrest to get to him you have to beat all the rockets on the way there’re 16 think you can do Oh wait I’m the first one you must battle lets go (pokemon) lv. 25 eevee lv. 20 pidgyoto lv. 22 Zubat lv. 21 charmander lv. 24 Graveler lv. 23 mankey In the next post don’t make him seem like a push over please.
  4. OOC: Yes your person may join ether Carter or Rorohiki but the orb has to be made in to a poke ball, each region has an orb that orb catches that pokemon once made into a poke ball, so Rorohiko planes on catching Jirachi with an ultra ball or something or waits for the ballot be made by hand about 1 month. Well Rorohiko I’m not your boss and I can’t force you not to go I can only tell you the facts. You may know what’s out there but if you plan on catching it the easy way you’ll have to wait for a while. I just don’t want you to be hurt said Carter As Carter turned to leave for Vermillion City he heard a loud crash, then a boob. Rorohiko got up and they ran to see what was happening. A Garados was attacking a nest of Polywag and a Polywhirl was protecting them. “We have to stop that Garados,”said Rorohiko GO ABSOL A flash of light and a beautify groomed white coat gleamed in the sun. Wow that’s a beautiful Absol thought Carter DRAGONAIR COME OUT AND US THUNDER WAVE ON GARADOS The atk missed the dragon and he countered with hyper beam, Dragonair let the beam hit it if it didn’t the dock would no longer be there absol used Ariel ace many times on garados but nothing worked. Then Dragonair knocked polywhirl in to the water. Absol was just finishing a slash attack when dragonair used thunder wave, it hit the water and caused a loud roar from Garodos.Then Carter pulled out a nest ball and a lure ball and through them at the pokemon as the balls plunged into the ocean then they came up to Carters hands he hade caught 2 water pokemon. “Well I’m headed to Vermillion City I hope you come to well see ya later.
  5. “I don’t feel like hunting for pokemon right now ether and our pokemon are to weak to go to Jirachis humm anywuy”Carter said as he stuffed his face with rice ball Oak just brought out. “I think she’s being very rude” said Katai “Our pokemon are to weak and Oak just found that orb how is she going to change it in to a poke ball anyway” she said as she reached for a rice ball and spilled the whole basket. “Way to go cults” said Kazu “I will go to insure her protection but we all are to weak for any of them Dragonair and Absol will hardly be a match but I’ll go anyway, once the ball is made of course .How long will it take professor?” asked Carter “Well if you ca get to Vermillion City and leave the docks from there then it should be ready if I mail it to you.” He said “Mizu, will you run and get Arua back here and I’ll go get Rorohiko and tell him of this plan.” asked Carter “Sure.” said Mizu and they both left to fine the people. Carter came across Rorohiko sitting at the edge of the dock his legs dangling down. He meet him and told them there plan of having the orb crafted into a ball and how they all should have 3 badges by the time it is done and then he will accompany him the place where he wants to go he finished with “No matter what you’ll have to wait till the ball is hand made and that could take a long time.” I hope that this works I don’t want to lose any more friends to pokemon FLASH BACK “Oh my god what happened to him you couldn’t save him from it you’re a pokemon trainer you won the league and you couldn’t save my son” screamed a woman. “I’m sorry I tried I can’t help what that thing did to him!” Carter screamed The next morning his mother and father got a letter saying that Roiky had been killed by a pokemon and there son ran away from the Hoen region. This letter was brought to them by his old now newly released pokemon (Swampert, Minon,Rosetia,Torkal,Ailteria,and Vigeroth. End flash back
  6. On their way down to pallet town they ran in to Aura training her charmander against a wild pidgy. “Scratch attack Charmander”Aura said Then the pidgy used a gust atk. Charmander countered with a growl/ember atk. “Hey Aura c’mere”said Kazu “Oh hey guys what cha’ doing.” asked Arua “Well we’re looking for the people who got their pokemon yesterday, have you seen anyone else?” asked Carter “Yeah I have there, well most of them are at Pallet town I can’t say I’ve seen that Katai girl anywhere. She left for the forest again a couple of hours ago but that’s it really no one has seen her” she told them “Well come to pallet town with us we need every one for a moment.” Carter instructed her. “Ok”Arua said In pallet town every one gathered in the lab all 7 of them. “Ok every one lets listen to Carter’s theory.” Oak said. “Thank you professor, well umm see I was thinking we all should travel together as a group or in to separate groups. If we get into separate groups the teams are sorted by skills so group 1=carter,katai,aura group 2=maur,kazu,mizu,rorohiko However I would enjoy being one big group so I could study all your pokemon and so if we find mew in this region we can all battle it together and finally cause were all friends so how bout we travel to the Viridian Forest together
  7. Tetsuo was sneaking up to the dark lord when they called his name “Tetsuo who dose not have a last name VS Marlin Cindra (Oh you’re fighting a girl how exciting for you) “Please shut up!”Tetsuo said as he walked in to the ring There in the center was his opponent. (Oh god spar me it’s a man with a girls name) He opponent had huge mussels and light brown hair, and he kept talking smack about how boys don’t have long hair. “You should not talk badly of people you don’t know about.” About said Tetsuo. “Well I know you’re about to lose if you would stop dancing around like a gi….”He did not finish because purple flames shot out of his mouth. “AWWWWWWWWW!!”He screamed (Oh nice one kid) “Why thank you very much demon”Tetsuo replied. Then Marlin spit the flames out at Tetsuo.Tetsuo shaped the air into a giant invisible shild, but the flames broke throw it. (How many times must I tell you a shield made from darkness can’t fully repel dark attacks) “But it was my will that made him spit flames out of his mouth.”Tetsuo said as he jumped out of the way, the flames licking the ends of the rob. (Yes the insides of his body are burning but you must kill him quick) With that Tetsuo did a quick motion with his hand an the man was cut in to a million pieces by invisible knives and landed as a bloody mess on the floor. WINNER TETSUO. He went down to the sitting area he knew the Dark Lord now knows whom he is he sat there till the guards came to take him up to the dark lord. The dark lord pulls a sword out of his sheath ready to stab. He had no more energy left to repel his he was going to die but out of the shadows came Naiya.
  8. Carter was puzzled Oak had told them to stick together until the pokemon league. But the group had split into groups. Kazu and himself were enjoying the sites of Viridian City. They noticed a gym but it was lock from the inside they new this cause people were coming out of it. “Oh well maybe it only to weaker trainers maybe you need some badges then you can get in?!?!” Carter said. “It’s the last gym in the Kento region, I believe you get the Earth Badge there.” said Kazu He was still steamed about the battle he had almost lost to Josh. “How could I lose to such a loser like that?”Kazu said his face turned red but he continued, “Thanks for saving me though Bullbasuar was injured really badly he may have died from that stupid Mankey and I’m stupid for not surrendering my self I knew I couldn’t win anyway I tried. He got head start…” “But I’m sure that he as the Balder Badge already but oh no” Carter said. “What’s the mater?”Asked Kazu. “Well oak caught Mewto with the orb of dragonair, so he made a replica of it so we could catch Mew, and I have Mewto”But Carter was interrupted “You have Mewto as a pokemon now you can win every badge….”Kazu was interrupted. “Shut upon one knows and I can’t use him because he will run away I Can’t even study him, but that’s not the point Oak gave him to me because Team Rocket is after him and if the group stays together then it would be hard to find but he gave the replica ball to that lucky girl who got the Raichu as a starter and we cant catch Mew any other way we have to reunite the group so that we can work together getting one regions pokemon and then another it would be way easier than dividing up. Opps and another thing they don’t let trainers with pokemon pass through the borders if they have not competed in the pokemon league as a security masseur to the strange events of the auras so were stuck in this region till the league so..” “Lets go find the others” finished Kazu As they started to the trail to pallet town.
  9. “He stood up for him is that true friendship.” “I must know why did I challenge him he was easy to beat why waste my time” pondered Josh as he sat in the chair of the pokemon center. He walked out side, the breeze made him shiver. He turned around to get some coco from the center when a strange man exited from it he walked up to Josh and said “I saw your match with Brock earlier and with that boy do you hate them?” “So what if I did what would it matter to you if I did why do you care?” Josh asked in annoyance “Because I can make your pokemon stronger than you could ever imagine.” he said and pulled open his brief case it hade about 20 rare candies in it. “Why would I want your candy I’ll get my own.” Is what he wanted to say but his soul made him say “What do I have to do to get them?” “Just join team rocket.” “That’s it “he asked, he wanted to push him away but then he thought about it and HE AGREED (The soul had nothing to do with this) After giving the candies out equally his pokemon levels were Mankey lv.15 Eevee lv.15 Ratata lv.12 Spearow lv.12 Butterfree lv.10 Pedgiy lv.15
  10. "Me surender to you ne..."said josh "stop this fighting now"screamed carter "Why should i do that " said Josh "Its not fair to the pokemon, we all know you're a better trainer than us right now but we just left pallet twon and whats wrong with your voice ?"Explained Carter "Bullbasuar return" a blast of red light came from the pokeball and hit the weakened pokemon ,then the light retracked to the ball. "Hmmmm...well i gusses that I was to hard on you little Kazu I forgot you still need this wimp to watch over you"laughed Josh "You couldn't take me on and win right now Dragonair's at lv.30 you would ot stand a chance!!!"Carter explained "You wimp I knew that you would fall back on your dragonair to save you."Josh insuleted"Just wait till I have 3 badges and I'll show you ,your dragonair will not keep you all safe for long hmmmmmmyou'll see."he said as he walked away.
  11. atk hit head on mankey flinched from the atk "hmmmmmmmmmmm"said josh
  12. the atk slightly hit (fastest pokemon) "hmmm is that all your pokemon can do " he asked(josh) mankey used a leer followed by a scratch
  13. mankey dogged the atk and used a low kick i gusses you can use leach seed thats it what lv.dose it learn vine whip 13 or 15 :confused:
  14. “We can’t go to catch the pokemon with out the orbs and we have a replica of the dragonairs orb”. Carter said as they walked up the road to Viridian City. They had left a few minuets and had encountered many types of pokemon. As they entered Viridian City, Josh walked up some thing was different about. As they approached (all people participating in role play) he said in a unearthly voice “I despise you with all my heart and I shall destroy you!!!!” “What’s your problem?”They all asked. “POKEMON BATTLE” He said. Kazu stepped up and released bullbasaur, and got ready to battle. Josh released mankey first (witch is his strongest pokemon about 6 lv. Stronger if bullbasaur s lv. 6) “Since you all suck at this I’ll let you take turns once I beat one of you I’ll take the next twerp on, you win if you beat all my pokemon (mankey lv.12, eevee lv.10, ratata lv.10, medowpod lv.7, spearow lv.8, and pedgy lv.12). “Lets go” And the match began
  15. Oak had asked the trainers not to leave town just yet he waited till every one got attached to their pokemon. Then he gathered all the trainers at his lab. “Now it’s time I tell you the reason I have gathered you here.” He said. He explained the situation of the rarest pokemon and the orbs of each region. In Pewter City Josh exited the gym he had won against Brook. “Gym leaders are push overs, their job is to lose to trainers …hmm and they are respected over the other trainers HA HA HA that so pointless. Oaks Lab: “The auras of these pokemon are destroying the world” he said “What there auras are disturbing the world how is that possible….”Carter trailed off “Well the auras are bringing out the true actions of the soul,” he said, “so basically its turning people into what their soul truly is…. So if they’re really mean on the inside that’s how they will act. Pewter City: A dark cloud covered the city, then out of know where flashes of light ,dark light, came from the sky striking the ground the whole city was engulfed in darkness all of it .
  16. The boy who ran in name was Kazu..He had come from saphron city on a bike. Oak greeted him and began to speak. “Please if you came here for your starter pokemon please step forward,” said Oak. Maura, Aura, and Kazu stepped forward. “Now please collect your starter!
  17. Wonderful lunatics in a tournament of death. Tetsuo thought. [I]Theywill be very hard to beat you know[/I] “Well miss there must be a hole n your wall cause I know your name, well that or you painted your name on the wall one of the two. 2 hours later Tetsuo had become board so he out of habit started to make to dirt on the peoples skin around him very hot it was fun watching grown men 3times his size start t cry and squirm but to no amazes to him all the females there were clean and hade no dirt on them. He thought how funny it was watching men cower in front of a 13 year old ‘s power. Then he made the dirt start to freeze. He thought he was doing them a favor by cooling them off but them a man named Phelan came over to him. Now he started to sweet
  18. Josh was amazed at how many pokemon spices there were. He hade made it to Viridian City and bought 10 poke balls. He hade 3 pokemon now, eevee, ratata, and mankey. His eevee was lv.10 his mankey was lv. 11 and ratata was lv. 9. He had considered going in to the Viridian Forest but decide that he would wait here and cream the other trainers that would soon come from pallet town. Then something caught his eyes it was a pink something that went into the forest, he followed it there stood a Clairfairy. He sent out ratata but the Clairfairy teleported away. Then a swarm of beedrill chased him out of the forest. Carter ran back home as fast as possible. Professor Oak just told him something he should consider. FLASH BACK “Professor I don’t think there are any more pokemon here left for me to study, I haven’t seen any new ones lately.” He said as he sketched a picture of Charmander and was writhing down bullbasaurs favorite type of food. “Well Carter you could travel with the trainers” Oak said, “I have a mission that I would like them to do for me and that mission will keep them together. You could study the pokemon they catch and you may catch some to, and any way it would be a great experience.” “I know but I like it here I don’t think I what to leave.” He protested. “But your right I’ll get a lot of information and then I’ll build a better poke dex. I’ll go home and get my things. “You should hurry the first trainer is already here you know.” Oak said END OF FLASH BACK He throws his things in a bag, grabbed some food from the kitchen, and scribbled a note to his parent and left. He was about to accomplish his dream! He could not wait
  19. Tetsuo entered the lounge of the castle he could feel the dark powers coming from it. He looked around he saw 2 girls and many men all who looked big and strong. “Do you think I will stand a chance?” He asked his demon friend [I]You yes and if worse comes to worse I can always protect you [/I] "you are my daerest friend and youcan not parish " Said Tetsuo He started to probe peoples minds to findweakness but when he came a cross a girl named Naiya thats all he could find out he tryed harder yet nothing changed so he walked up to her and asked "Hello are you entered in the tournament aswell?" "You were inside my mind why?"ASked Naiya. [I]cause he can whats it to ya' barbie[/I] "Stop that be nice"whispered Tetsuo "Excuse me what did you say?"she asked "Ummm inside your mind ummm because i-iwas ummmm"studered Tetsuo "To find my weakness no dought"she said in a calm voice "Sorry yes thats why but were did you learn to shield your mind like that?"Tetsuo asked curiously.
  20. Carter walked out of his stepped into a puddle of mud. Wonder he thought as he walked down the road he saw another boy walking in front of him. He speed up to talk to him but he should have known it would be Josh. “So what pokemon are you going to start with?” he asked “a bullbasaur, a squirtle, or perhaps a charm…”He was irrupted. “An eevee and why dose it concern you?” Josh said, “What are you going to study it or experiment on it?” “Well I was going to study all the pokemon that will be given to trainers early.” Carter corrected. “Any way if your going to get a pokemon it way to early he said 11:30 its only 6:00!”He said in surprise. “ I know what he is going to do and I’m not going to be part of it at all so I’m starting my journey early” He stopped and looked back “Why do you have a problem with it?” Carter did not answer he continued to walk. When they reached the lab Carter ran over to the table and released all the pokemon from there poke balls. A charmander, squirtle, bullbasaur, and an eevee came out with a flash of light. “GO DRAGONAIR” he said Another flash of light a dragonair came out. “Hey buddy.” Said Carter He began his studies of all the pokemon there and Dragonairs calming aura steeled them all down. Josh knew this would happen he knew he would have to what for this loser to finish. A loud crash caught his attention. Professor Oak came in with a sad look on his face. “What’s wrong professor?” asked Josh. “Well I had to go out and catch a pikachu but a Raichu stepped in the way of the poke ball and that was my last one and on top of that I don’t have time to run to Viridian City to get some more then catch another pikachu and tame it!” He slipped in to a chair. “Well that some dilemma but I don’t care can I get my eevee and get out of here already!” said Josh. “I suppose so Josh” he said hand me it please Carter “Here is your poke dex. Now have fun good by!” Oak said. “No poke balls?” Josh asked. “I don’t have any more but Viridian City is not far away and there are some there.” said Oak. “Fine” Josh said as he stormed out of the door. Then the to helped each other tame a raichu and study the pokemon. Carter just finished as the grandfather clock chimed. He looked at it was 11:00 the trainers should be here in 30 minuets he thought.
  21. We need no more poeple so i'm starting roleplay!!!!
  22. Yah every thing looks good except the to people that start w/ Squirtle ……umm SM13 you could start (well you would not get it from oak but your brother could give it to you (then all we would need is a trainer for pikachu)) with a Gastly (you collect ghost right).Well once that’s all taken care off we’ll only need 1 more spot that’s open filled. If no one fills ether spot at 12:00 tomorrow then I’ll close this thread and start role-play
  23. Off the coast of pallet town a coloiny off dragonair was descovered by Professor Oak.They gave him the rarest gem in the Kento region knowen as The Orb Of The Dragonair.That night he hade a super natarul experince that showed him that each region has a treasur jem like The Orb Of The Dragonair and that his is to by hand turn them in to balls to capture the rarest pkemon in each region( for they were causeing the balence of natrue to go whacko there were to many rare pokemon emiting aruas). They are Mew,Celibi,and JIRACHI.So he made a ball called the air ball and set out to catch mew he found mew in a mountain near Celidon City , but when he throw the air ball mewto teloported in front to save mew .Then 5 years later the nexted batch of traners is ready to leave as well to become pokemon masters.He gives them the goal of trying to find the treasure gems of the regions and to protect the air ball that now contains mewto from team rocket who want it to control the world and warns them never to open it. Yet they still colect badges and pokemon battel and ty to become pokemon masters! Do you like my plot?Well its different any way there needs to be 6 other people besides me. See we need a rival so that was going to be me, but he's not with the group and we dont meet him much ether, so i made up a person that i can be whan the rivals not here so yes i'm 2 people.The rival gets an evee when youn get your first pokemon so here is what i neeed name: age: Pokemon dream(ex- pokemon breeder, master ,best fire trainer stuff like tha): starter(ones from red blue and yellow) description short bio personality please note that we will move to all the rigions but kento is the first and try to remember people get there starting pokemon at 10 the so try and stay around there thank you here are my 2 rival name:josh age:10 dream:best master in the world starter:eevee description:spicky brown hair ,farly tan skin, brown eyes,dragon tooth necklass,red shirt,black jeads,red and black shoes short bio:Use to good friends with every one but then they got into a fight and now hes mean to all of them persnality:out gooing and a smart a** to most people.Very nice to his pokemon but expects there best at all times nerdy kid name:Carter age:11 dream:to become a pokemon prfeser starter :dose not get from oak,he befriends a sick and weak dragonair and throws a pokeball at it so he can take it home and help it get better description:messy black hair,pale skin, glasses,freckels,green eyes,long sleve navy blue shirt with a gray unzipped vest,blue wind breakers, brown sandels short bio:friends to every one for as long as anywon can remember. has no dad and mom is always away on work. He is an only child personality:always worries about every thing and every one.Cares for his Dragonair and all pokemon alike. Caryes around a book with notes , scetches ,messurments,deits,behavore,and evolution for every pokemon he sees (has no poke dex) Well i hope people came and join remember we need 6 other people even though only 4 of them get a starter. If you dont get a starter they can still have pokemon and they can catch one of the starter pokemon in the wild .this is going to be fun!
  24. It had been 4 days scince Tetsuo had resived the invite/threat to come to the turnament, and he hade been meditating for 3 days. He started the reson he came here. " I must kill the dark lord" he said to the demon. [I]Yes you must but why enter the turnament any way. I mean your family was killed by the dark lord already and you have no village the only reason i can think of is to get..... [/I] "Closer to the dark lord" Tetsuo finished for him He leaned aganst the the wall of the jail (that contained matt and Phelan) and thought how he would go about the task he had to preform. The dark lord was stronger in the dark magics than he was and could easaly repel his magic. "Hey you " Tetsuo looked up and saw the drunk again. The same drunk he blasted trough 12 building. "Come on little man lets fight"said the drunk as he fasened brass knckels the his own. "Do what you want with him i dont care" said Tetsuo. His expression then greatly changed his eyes narowed in to a death glare. "I wish you would have let me sooner "he said in a voice that was not his own. "Come on fool"said the drunk Then he charged at Tetsuo, then he noticed his narowed eyes and the ball of drak energy in his hand.In a flash of purple light the drunk had been vaporized. The jails power went out along with the power in the intire city.Tetsuo's eyes unnarowed and looked around and said to the demon "I think you over did it where is he any way" [I]Oh the body of the drunk i vaporized it [/I] Then loud noises came from the jail and and presoners ran out the door screaming things like finaly ,'bout time ,and yes i'm free again. "We should help round em' up " said tetsuo Then a man ran in to him. tetsuo looked at him and probed his mine real quick and said " Matt is your name Matt
  25. I was just wondering how many would like to role play duel masters , because i'm kinda lazy and would not want ot make a background story and modify it if no one wants to please post here if you would like me to start one.
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