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Everything posted by Brooklyn

  1. Well I hope i dont do any thing wrong i just started likeing it to and i'm a little :confused: about the show but here i go name:kai gender:male age:14 small bio:A small time hacker ,who can jack in miles away from people and hack so his navie is fighting rigght next to them ,because of this the group may never meet him in person just throw email and his navie (if thats ok with you guys) description;(If they ever do meet)short for his age.Messy brown hair,tan skin,brown eyes.Skinny but not punnie looking. 3 battel chips: (please keep in mind that i dont know may i like so if mine have different name please tell me in pm thanks)twin sword,speed,high jump personality:in email and real life (cant forget chat rooms) he is layed back but always planing aheadkind of a smart a** and annoys many. net navi info name:aros gender:male description:Angel shape, spicky purple hair,white armor with the fluffy cloud stuff(like balmung of the azur sky).Dark blue wings(if they have wings) personality:sence he may go wear he wants he gos around killing other navis of course they go to the P.E.T. to recover but its annoying to the navis owner. he can turn any thing in to a joke or a funny but hurtful phrase and annoys EVERYONE.Most only put up with him when they need they help.
  2. Tetsuo entered a run donw pubin the Dark lords city.He had just reseved a letter from a man in a black clock,who just walked in here.He looked around then he reread the letter. Congratulations, you have been hand chosen by The Dark Lord to be in The Titan Tournament. The winners will be given a nice house in the Dark Lord's city, more freedom for you and your family along with the prize money, which is 100,000 piqe. Losers that survive will go home with nothing and the rest shall die. You will either participates in the tournament or you and your village/family will suffer. The tournament is held exactly a week from now. We will see you there and best of luck. "But who is this from?" he said"It dose not have a name. "[I]"It has the seal of the Drak Lord ,and who eles in this in this baron, waste, poor conditioned planet could hold a tournament w/ a prize of this much money?"[/I] said the ghostly demon that folowed him and told him things and was stuck to him for life. "yes bu..."he was interupted by a man who was clearly drunk "Who ya' tlken' ta' lila' fella'" tetsuo studered for a moment and covered his noise (man smelled like beer very strong beer)and said "Umm...n-no one ju-just myself" [I]His stench is horried please KILL HIM[/I] (plaese note the demon has no name and only Tetsuo can hear him so his speach is in italic thank you) The letter then snatched from him by another drunken man who was big musseled,tall and hugeand read it allowed. "Please give it back!" "NO! You come and get it yoi a** hole!" said the drunken man [I]Let me controll your body....now i want to kill him [/I] "No you cant do that."tetsuo [I]Yes i ca.....fine but get it back use your magic something [/I] "Fine " said Tetsuo as he focused on the letter "WHO THE H*** YOU TALKEN TO BOY"said the drunken man Then the letter started to glow black and it lifted out of his hand and into his bag "GIVE IT BACK "DRUNKEN MAN "You said if i get it i can have it "tetsuo "I'LL KILL YOU"He screamed and jumped on tetsuo.....well so he thought [I]What is he mad about its your letter [/I] "Who knows" :laugh: Tetsuo "ya'll the younen' is in two places at one stnken' time" said the first drunk man who saw Tetsuo about to leave. [I]Now you must kill them all [/I] "No i'm not going to kill them ....whats up with you and death anyway"said Tetsuo [I]None of your bussines, duck [/I] "wha......" [COLOR=Red]CRASH[/COLOR] The drunken man tackeled Tetsuo.Which realy p***** him off.He focused all his energy on the mans stomach then a purple tornado released from his mouth(hands to sore to move)blasted him through 12 side by side buildings. "Thank ya' ladie that drunk kepped all me customers away and he never payed his bill" said the bar tender "you..you..your welcome"Tetsuo said as he walked out the door the go meditate some where peacefu I'm sorry if this is not enough.please pm me if i did some thing wrong
  3. name:tetsuo renishy age:13 gender:male village:stranger that walked in to the city right when the dark lord picked him to fight powers:drak magis used to atk and def .he dose not name his spells he thinks its pointless to name magic he can make a shield ,drak tornado that come from his handand travl horrozontal,shoot laser like things basicly any thing he wants he came do useing to much difficult magic could kill him wepons:none apperance:long black hair(to his waist)pale skin ,ice blue eyes,half moon glasses,slightly pointed ears,tall (like a tall 15 year old)skiny,long sleve on black robs that are detailed in silver silk(very rare)w/ a hood that can magicly hold all his hair ,a chain that holds a very beautiful gem thats clear as crystal thats big as an ear but weighs nothing.robe stops 4 inches before the foot starts strange sandels made of leather strapes(like eclipse on demon diary) bio:he is the son of one of the dark lords advisers and a pesant wemon.when sh had the baby she was happy but her husband toldher to run far far away for if the dark lord found he would kill him and her andthe baby so the wemon left to a destant village that was still free from the dark lords control.4years later the dark lord found out about and tore the info from the adviser brain then killed him.he sent a magic blastso power full that it anialated the whole city. but the 4 year old did not die he watched as all the people around him deid then his body and memory absorbed every thing ,the sene tramatized him his body had now the ability to use dark magic ,but he did not know that.so when he was 6 he meet a demon assaion who wanted to eat him but the dark magic finaly let its self be knowen it used so much energy that the two beings would have died if he (the demon)fused his soul w/ the boys.the demon taought him mady things like how to use dark magic to its fullest,about history of man ,demon ,and the dark empire.the boy can alwas see the demon etmiting from his body but no one eles can(like amidamaru and yoh )he could talk to him and he would talk back till he was 13 then he told him of the location of the dark lord so he went there and thats were the story begins for him personality:he in general is layed backhow cant wait to prove some one wrong who has great wisdom and knowldg for a 13 yea old ,if he lets the demon controll his body he is very out goingand cant wait for a challenge he is quite mean and scornful to people when he is persent when the real soul is kind
  4. name Phariamon side demon lord digivalotions • Kuramon – Phariamon – Ctanmon – Necromon – Wraithmon – Daemon attacks kuramon/ballon bubble- phariamon/dark arow-ctanmon/tocxion gas-nercromon/ raise dead(brings champion level digimon from no where 2 fight)dark blades-wraithmon/dark soul canon,posses digimon for a time-daemon/alter digital cofigurations,skeletion whip personality he gets on every ones nerves and they cant ever shut him up.he knows many things that pretain to the past and trys to expan his dark powers across the land. he do as he plzes and only respects Lucemon [Satan Mode] and no 1 eles .he is an annoying infromation gater that will threaten any one o get what he whats when he wants it .he finds great plesar of proving ppl wrong aperence dont know yet biogragp he when in mega form gathered info for Lucemon even though he one day planed to over power him(not very likly more of a tacktion than a fighter). Most of his planes involved cropting data his faveite pass time.when a duty came upon him he replyed yes grandma marry i'll do my best to the messanger to every one.he made many good planes to asset Lucemon but most were foiled by the royal knights.his hatred grew till he batteled them by him self and almost used his necromacery to drag 2 of them w/ him to h***but the knights friend ship proved 2 great and so the deleted him.
  5. name karonaway gender male description like bakora(yugioh) w/black clock w/ hood protector of the relam of darkness and light (make shour that they dont interrfear w/earth or the restof the .....every thing)the 2 relams are combound in to 1 weapons magic, energy atks,
  6. k so when will it start and how will it be done ? for the recored i'm fairly good at .hack myself :D just relized this but 3 ppl want 2 b a wave master.....is that to many if so i'll be something eles :sleep:
  7. lets talk about the epitaph of twilight from .hack plz pm me when u want 2 talk of it have u read the epitaph?
  8. name:zion class:wave master doc:white hair (like tsukasa)no hat ,tall, black rob (not a dress thin like tsukasa) ps i'f not 2 hard can he be a hacker :D
  9. [COLOR=Teal] :( need help w/ kingdom hearts i got the game a few days ago and i cant beat ogy bogy the boss in hallowen town plz can u help me :rolleyes: [/COLOR]
  10. i agree demon diary is very good have you read .hack//legace of twilight? its a good read as well
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