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Everything posted by lokis01
This seems kind of silly since my desktop is always changing. But since I'm bored to death today here's a screenshot for the rest of you as bored as me to look at. [URL=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y167/lokis01/desktop.jpg][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y167/lokis01/desktopthumb.jpg[/IMG][/URL] click it for a bigger look ! By the way ... I did make that wallpaper and have posted a few on theOtaku for any that like (hope the shamless advertising isn't to offensive to anyone).
Well, I've heard it through many times and like every industrial CD I own I think some tracks are brilliant (The Hand that Feeds) and some suck (ok, not really suck they just don't live up to expectations). But being an artform and art being subjective to personal taste I'm sure there are plenty of people out there with the exact opposite view of mine. When you concider the genre its amazing that NIN has held onto such a loyal fanbase. Industrial by nature is about experimenting and every time something new is found there's a risk of alienating those that have liked them in the past. On With Teeth I think NIN has once again hit that balance between new and familiar that will keep the old fans relatively happy and probably draw some new ones into the fold.
What Does your sig, avi and username say about you.
lokis01 replied to shinji172's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Retribution][SIZE=1]What the heck... Here we go, [B]lokis01[/B]. [b]Avatar[/b] Looks like a child in robotic garb, perhaps? It's also rather dark, perhaps hinting at your current mood. Also, I gather a feeling of being tied down or imprisioned in one form or another. [b]Sig[/b] Is also pretty dark, and so I'm concluding you're pretty sad/depressed, or you think it looks cool. The quote on it [the banner] hints at not knowing when to stop, or a disbelief of some sort. The quote independent of the banner actually makes alot of sense. Very thoughtful, although I have no idea how to apply this to your personality.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Nah, not depressed at all, just fascinated by all thats dark .. but I do feel very tied down (I never realised it before but my name "LOKI" is the name of a god that has been bound over a rock waiting the end of the world). The quote in the banner is from the guy in the banner ... it may be to small to notice but he has a heart in his hand and knives in his head indicating that he didn't know how to accept "NO" when rebuffed in love. The Avatar is just a mask ... like the mask we all hide behind when online. The quote under the banner has nothing to do with me, it's just shamless advertising of my website on Norse Mythology ... you neglected to click the word Asgard didn't you? :mad: oops ... changed my sig, which I do cause I like messing with photoshop when I'm bored. That kinda trashes this thread for me. -
What Does your sig, avi and username say about you.
lokis01 replied to shinji172's topic in General Discussion
I'll give this a go and say ... you're a dreamer that prefers dreams to reality. You don't recognze the good things you have because you are always longing for something else even if you don't know what. Because of this you are generally in a somewhat depressed state. Wonder how I did? -
[quote name='boxybrown305][COLOR=DarkRed'] For example, my favorite band of all time, is without a doubt, Pink Floyd. However ......[/COLOR][/quote] Sorry this will stray off topic but I have to ask for a fav song? I literally wore out "Dark Side of the Moon" (yes I had it in vinyl and for all of you post record children unlike CDs vinyl will wear out from repeated use) but I go a little more obscure with a fav song in it being "Dogs of War" Good point made about the topic kind of straying here, you're right it was about the death of punk which originally had nothing to do with music, it was a counterculture movement. From that perspective I'll have to agree with "Generic NPC #3". Punk isn't dead, it's just not as in our face as it used to be.
I should have popped back into this thread a long time ago. All of you people are doing something that really irks me .... labeling music and pigeon hoeling yourselfs into your chosen genre. [B]STOP ![/B] Listen to music because you like it, stop worrying about how it's classified. My collection goes from blues to alternative, punk to industrial. And I love it all, not caring if anyone else approves of my choices because after all music is art and as such it is subjective to all our individual tastes. Because I don't like someting doesn't make it bad it simply means I don't like it. And the same holds true for all of you. Finally ... everyone please stop refering to "POP" as a genre. Look at the history of pop music and you will see a constantly changing style. Why? Because pop isn't a genre it simply means that a particular style of music has become popular (notice how pop is part of the word popular). Right now punk is pop because the masses like it, the downside to this is that the talent pool becomes diluted and you start getting a lesser quality product than what original fans of the genre were used to. Given time punk will fall out of favour and the quality will return and some other genre will face the curse of poor quality it faces now when say ... Disco becomes pop again (aren't we all looking forward to that day ... lol)
[quote name='Latharix_sama'] .....But deep in my heart, Gothic music is my true love. It just has this special quality to it. So different from all the other genre..... [/quote] It's been a while since I listened to any goth ... to be honest the only band name I can come up with right now is Bauhaus .But from what I remember it had a definite Industrial quality to the sound so if you're into goth give some bands like NIN, Skinny Puppy or Jakalope a try. You may be surprised and find something new that you like. :animesmil
I did vote .... but chose a few. I prefer to think of myself as a music fan who doesn't care about the genre, to be honest I seem to bounce around as my mood changes. Currently it's mostly alt. rock, industrial (recently dicscovered a new band called Jakalope ... thank you Mr. Reznor for pushing them in the right direction they are awesome) and old school punk I'm listening to. Now heres one I challange anyone to classify by genre, my alltime fav. band is TOOL .... just what genre do they fit into? Another band thats constantly falling back into favour with me is Pink Floyd ..... again, what genre do they fit into? Why should anyone bother limiting their preferences by genre? That usually just creates music snobs who get stuck in their own little corner of the art and miss out on a lot of potential good stuff. I was going to mention my fav. guitar player (Robert Cray) but he's pure blues and bringing up someone easily classifiable would have taken away from the point I was trying to make in the disjointed mess I have above.
My favourite anime character would have to be Lain (from Serial Experiments Lain). That would probably be easy to guess for anyone that knows me at all (even those that don't know me that well, just look at some of the wallpapers I've made and it will be obvious). I know a lot of people find the characters in that series to be plastic or one dimensional but I think for the most part that was done on purpose to sort of emphasize peoples need to "close this world .... enter the next" or in non Lain speak to escape the mundane real world in search of meaning in the Wired.Lain is the exception to all these plastic characters, so well writen that you get dragged into her depression and confusion and can feel her need to find a better place.
I wasn't going to bother posting to this thread but after reading it and not finding a single mention of my favs I now feel I have to. First, my fav anime movie would be "Nausicaa, Of the Valley of the Wind". I did notice someone else had mentioned Hayao Miyazakis work here (I think it was referring to" Kikis Delivery Service") but not what I think is his best. Personally I think he has no equal and Nausicaa is easily his best written piece. He has managed to create a totally new world to transport us into and I have no problems with comparing this feat to what Tolkien did with Lord of the Rings. I consider what Miyazaki did every bit as good. But that?s not where it stops, not only was this new world created but so were characters so real and compelling that you grow to care about them as the story progresses ... actually it's not just the characters even the creatures manage to earn our respect and heartfelt concern. Second, my fav anime series would be Serial Experiments Lain. I know most people find it to hard to follow and I have to admit that at times it did loose me but there?s just something about what its portraying that draws me in. It was done back when the internet was really in it's infancy and I find it eerie how it almost prophesized what?s happening today, how people are loosing themselves in the wired world and how for some the line between the "wired" and reality becomes so blurred that they loose which is which
Just to add an anoying oppinion on your "proper rock" To ignore all pop bands would be a great mistake, pop music is simply music that is popular. Numerous rock bands have become popular (meaning they are accepted by the majority) to discredit them simply because to many people like them would ... well ... make you [I]a music snob[/I] . That aside rock, pop, alternative, punk ... has there ever really been a band that has equalled [B]TOOL[/B] ?
I didn't read all the posts on this because they seemed to be getting repetitive. Something you all seem to be missing is this ....... pop = popular. All generas at some point have been or will become pop music. Rock was pop, metal was pop, dance was pop now it is punks turn. The unfortunate side effect of this is that the talent becomes watered down as more and more people jump on the band wagon, many simply lesser imitations of those that pioneered the sound. Unfortunately punk was founded on rebellion (hmmm .. wasn't rock, metal and new wave founded on the same principle?) or was it more just a desire for a culture to be different than the one that preceded it? I backslid a bit there, the unfortunate thing is that because so many people want to be punk the original fans are now alienated because they are no longer different. Wow, I just read back and noticed how bad I babbled, but I think my point has been made. A second point I have to bring up is that you shouldn't be shiteing on bands because you don't like them. You have to remember music is an artform, all art is subject to personal taste and oppinions, in other words it is perceived differently by everyone. Not likeing it doesn't make it bad all it means is you don't like it ... and you are entitled to that oppinion, just don't expect it to be agreed with by everyone else.