Juke Box Hero
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What do you do when you have no where to go?
Juke Box Hero replied to Akieen Cloud's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Lyuann']I am pregnant with a person[/quote] Thank the Lord! I only read "I am pregnant with", and I assumed it was a troll... thanks for putting my mind at ease. -
Michael Schumacher basically cannot win the FIA F1 Driver's Championship this year, after winning like the past three or four making seven total over his career. Question is, does "Schumi" have another blazing glory season left? I think so, but Ferrari needs to up the pace considerably.... what do you all think of Schumacher's future?
I've already been to Alive 2k5, Chruch Camp, and the Outer Banks of NC.Now all I have left is youth conference next week and then I'm headed out west to visit Cyriel for a while... ahh,
[quote name='Majeh]I was a little dissapointed in the book Jk Rowling just did some of that to despite us[spoiler] I keep wondering why he had to die[/spoiler']but the whole thing was pretty good except a few simple things and such.[/quote] I'm gonna spoiler my whole post, because... well.... its spoiling: [SPOILER] Dumbledore had to die so that Harry could truly come of age and fight the big V man to man. Before he died, Harry was just the chief sheep in the big D's flock, afterwords, Harry has to stand alone against the power of evil. I'm particularly disappointed that Hogwarts hijinx are over now... with Harry not coming back for his last year, leaving him only to quest against the remaining horcrux's and then to kill V. Q to the wise ones: Who is RAB? Gahh I am soo puzzled.... [/spoiler]
I've read some of the rants you guys have written, and I don't disagree. I never followed any of the hype, I mean I forgot that it came out the day it did, I just happened to be at the mall and picked one up. So I guess reading it with no expectations really changes the views.... although [spoiler]moving from Cho Chang to ginny[/spoiler] was about the most idiotic thing Harry has ever done...
I finished it at 8 o clock ish eastern time.... holy crap there are some earth shakers in there... the whole face of the series is irrevocably altered by the course harry has to take at the end HUMONGOUS SPOILERS DO NOT READ IF YOU DONT WANT THE BOOK RUINED FOR YOU [spoiler]snape is the halfblood prince, which is ironic because his book helped harry so much...the lion man is the new minister of magic... and with dumbledore's death and harry's decision not to go back to hogwarts, but rather go horcrux hunting the 7th won't be along the same lines at all... i mean no school hijinx and stuff like that, you know? I dunno if this is a positive change or not.... [/spoiler]
I oftentimes find myself hearing bits and pieces of an awesome song on the radio, learning a few words but not enough to know its name. I'm sure that other people find themselves in a similar situation, thus the point of this thread is to pull our collective musical knowlege together to help people find song names when all they have are some lyrics. Here's one to get this started: It's just you and me/and all of these people/ with nothing to do/nothing to prove It's just you and me/and all of these people/ and I don't know why/but i can't seem to take my eyes off of you Something like that, only heard it once.
Something about this whole thing smells fishy to me, but I have nothing to put my thumb on... I'd love to believe you were legit, and if you are you are fantastic. Little I can honestly say negative, background choice is about it. Maybe try an actual scene of something behind... like a city in the distance or something.
[CENTER][i] As Praetor, Aristodemus Deloricus Desponius held court at Ragnarok. A vanquished foreign king was brought before him, to be tried for his crimes against the Roman State. Refusing to kneel, the king told the court, "The Praetor and I are equals, I will stand." This foreign king was found innocent of any sedition against the Roman State. Aristodemus sentenced him to the cross anyway, saying, [b]"You have insulted me in saying that we are equals, for I am a Roman, and you are only a king[/b]"[/center][/i] [center][color=red][size=4][b]ROME[/b]:[i] Auctoritas[/i][/size] [/color][/center] [color=RoyalBlue][i]Blood, iron, the might of thousands of men marching, fighting, conquering- all in unison, all for the mightiest of history?s cities. A few successful campaigns is not unusual for the warrior races of Europe, but after 600 years of unparalleled might the Republic of Rome is peaking. The mighty Patrician Families- Julii, Caeponii, Livii, Cornelii, Claudii, etc. have controlled the most prized possession in the Western World, Roman Citizenship, with an iron fist worthy of Romulus since the formation of the republic. The non-citizen subjects of Rome have been taxed and conscripted to the breaking point, malcontent is very great. These people are raped of their valuables-from gold to their sons? for military service- and then cast aside as inferior beings, closer to animals than Romans. Even the Italian peoples, blood brothers of the Romans, are trod upon dogs. Within the city itself lies a most fearsome power struggle between the old might of the Patricians, and the new might of the New Men, the Plebeian Noblemen. The New Men are forced to marry into the Patrician lines, often at great cost, to advance in the Roman government. The Patrician hold on the Roman Empire is slipping, yet they will not go quietly. Rome, the World?s Greatest Stage, is primed for a monumental drama- a drama so fierce and with such long reaching consequences that it will decide the fate of the Western World for many hundreds of years to come. The drama is very simple- many powerful, intelligent, and capable men seek three things: [b]Auctoritas[/b]- the might of command, [b]Dignitas[/b]- the might of respect, and the title of [b][u]First Man in Rome[/b][/u], a title held by few, very illustrious men. Who will rise to the forefront and lead the West in this period of revolution and reform? In this story we will discover that and much more- the very humanity of people must be put in the balance against their ambition, the talent, and how far they are willing to go for Auctoritas and Dignitas.[/color][/i] Background Information- [b]ROMAN SOCIAL CLASSES[/b] [b]Plebs[/b]- A Plebeian is the standard Roman citizen. This will be the starting social status for almost every citizen of Rome. There may be occasional exceptions for veterans, but almost every new citizen will be a Plebeian. They are the foundation of Rome, the basis of the entire unit. They are the people in the expression "Senate and People of Rome". They are not lowly peasants. They are the citizens of Rome, and they must never bend a knee in supplication to either lords or gods. Plebeians are encouraged to seek out a Noble Household and offer their services as a "Client" in exchange for their "Patronage". The mutual obligations between patron and client may differ somewhat from House to House. For the most part these obligations consist merely of looking after one another?s interests. The patron represents his/her clients? interests in the Senate and helps them progress up Rome?s social ladder. In return the Patron should expect his/her Clients to support specific candidates in the elections and keep an ear to the ground on their behalf. It is possible to be a client of a patron who is a client of his own patron. In this case, your patron?s patron would also be your patron. A non-Senatorial Plebeian may increase their social status to Equestrian in any of three ways: Seek election as Tribune of the Plebs Adoption into a Household. Adoption does not automatically provide the adopted Roman a seat in the Senate. The adopted Equestrian or Patrician must still become a Senator through political office. Achieving any three of the highest military awards: the Coronae Graminea (Grass Crown), Civica, or Aurea. Plebeians enjoy Senate representation through the Tribune of the Plebs. While the Tribune may not vote, he/she has considerable power. [b]Equestrians[/b] (KNIGHTS) The Equestrian Order is the Plebeian nobility. These are Plebeians who have ennobled themselves by entering the Senate. Also referred to as the Equites, or Knights. In Roman antiquity, these were the wealthy, landed Plebeian merchant class granted a "Public Horse" by the State so they could act as the Republic's cavalry. Anyone below this rank should not have any purple in their costume at all. Purple was reserved for the nobility. Equestrians wore a slim (one inch width) purple stripe (clavus) down the right of their tunics (front and back) to signify their noble status. Optionally, Equestrians may wear a plain gold ring, which was another historical requisite of their rank. By the time they reached the status of Equestrian, if not before, they were to have a toga for formal occasions. [b]Patricians[/b] The Patrician Class is Rome's elite aristocracy, the powerful Founding Families of Rome. For centuries Patricians governed Rome exclusively. To be a Patrician is to view the Senate (indeed, the Consulship) as your birthright. Their bloodline can be traced to the Senate of Romulus (Founder of Rome) himself, and is steeped in honors, culture, and tradition. Thier ancestors have held high office, commanded great armies, and installed the known world beneath the Roman boot. In reality, the Patrician Class is Rome's old guard, a particular distinction for those who originally helped build Rome into the great empire of which you are a part. The title is just a formal acknowledgement of their tenure in Rome. Patricians should sew a broad purple stripe (at least two inches wide) down the right side of their tunics to signify their rank. Historically, Patricians also wore an iron ring, and shoes of red leather. Government Positions- [b]Consul[/b]- These appointments are only open to Senators who have been Praetor. There are always two Consuls. The Consuls are responsible for calling and presiding over all meetings of the Senate. Rarely can a Consul removed from office before the end of his term. All proposed legislation must be put into writing prior to a division of the Senate. After their term, a Consul secures the title and status of Consular, allowing them two Senatorial votes. This is not accumulative. Basically, these are the Roman presidents. [b]Praetor[/b]- There are between 6 and 8 Praetors, each given a different area to govern. The Urban Praetor is the first among them, and is responsible for the District of Rome. This appointment is only open to Senators. The Praetor is responsible to the Senate and People to ensure that ALL Rome's laws are obeyed under the terms detailed in the lex Romana (Catalog of Roman Laws) The Praetor shall act as judge in disputes involving Romans, whether internal or external. The Praetor will serve as a Consul suffectus (Basically the same thing as if the President died, the VP would take over) if a Consul is unable to keep participating. [b]Aedile[/b]-This appointment is only open to Equestrians and Patricians. The Aedile must sponsor and preside over two events in Rome's name, i.e., battle, games, races, feast, quest, or a sacred hunt in their term. One of the two events shall be exclusively Roman. This is an important responsibility, as Rome relies on its Aedile for recognition and public relations. Aedile candidates must present their ideas for events when announcing their candidacy. This event must be pre-approved by the Consuls and Tribune of the Plebs. The Consuls and Tribune may disapprove an event, not a candidate, for this reason. (Lex Valeria Junia) The ballot for Aedile must include a brief description of the event they wish to hold. (Lex Valeria Junia). [b]Quaestor[/b]- This appointment is only open to Equestrians and Patricians. Because of the fiscal nature of this appointment, the candidate must be gainfully employed and at least eighteen years of age, unless unanimously approved by the Senate. The Quaestor acts as a Treasurer for Rome, and is accountable to the Senate for any funds collected. The Quaestor serves as procurator, and shall oversee any purchases made collectively by Rome. This includes any funding granted to the Aedile for their event. The Quaestor shall maintain a list of the Roman combatants at every event. Questors usually climb to Aediles, then to Praetor, then to Consul. That?s the general order for a Patrician on the [i]cursus honorum[/i] (Ladder of Honor). Onto the rest- [b]Tribune of the Plebs[/b]- This appointment is only open to Plebeians and Equestrians (Funny, because Patricians can be Equestrians if the senate is full). Only Plebeians and Equestrians may vote in the Tribune's election. The Tribune is the only Plebeian allowed to sit in on all Senate meetings as the People's representative. The Tribune is empowered with the VETO, allowing him/her to reject literally any Senate legislation or function. Following the six-month term, the Tribune automatically becomes a member of the Senate and Equestrian Order (if not already). There are generally 10 Tribune of the Plebs during any one time. The Tribs, as they are called wield immense power, because they can literally force any law they wish through with little trouble (At least 6 of the Tribs in support), and it becomes difficult to undo after it is done. [i]The[/i] [b]SENATE[/b]- The Roman Senate is composed of those Romans who have distinguished themselves politically, and have served as elected officials. The Senate controls the Treasury, votes on new legislation, and establishes policy. The Senate's duty is to ensure that Rome thrives in all her non-military aspects. The Consuls will call for meetings of the Senate. A Senatorial Quorum (One consul, simple majority of the senators, and at least two Praetors) must be present. A Tribune of the Plebs need not be present. However, all proposed legislation must still be ratified by the Tribunes of the Plebs. All proposed legislation must be put in writing prior to a division (vote). At the discretion of the Consuls, there will be meetings where all Romans may attend. The Senate is divided into three distinct classes of Dignitas and Auctoritas- The [b]Backbenchers[/b]- new senators, poor senators, etc.- are not permitted to speak unless directly permitted by a Consul, and are there basically to vote. The Senators who hold some great distinctions- being an Augur (priest), etc.- they do the same thing as the back benchers, but have better seats. The third and final division is Consulars. These are the speakers, the movers and shakers, the powerbrokers wheeling and dealing at the heart of Rome. Each having attained Rome?s highest office, each wielding an impressive two votes, the Republic lives and dies under the opinions and power of the [b]Consular Senators[/b]. The Army and its breakdown will not come into play too much until the second installment of my three parter- Dignitas. I hope that this will take off, because if it does we can have quite a blast going from Auctoritas, to Dignitas, and finally discovering who is the First Man in Rome. I have considered doing a Roman RP for a while, and have finally put the pedal to the metal and crafted a skeleton. I?m away at church camp all next week, so I?m going to leave this up in the Underground to see if there is any support for it. If we can turn it into an RP, there would be four basic agendas one could align to- Patrician Roman, Plebeian Roman, Italian Non-Citizen, or Foreign Power. The Patricians and Plebeians are squabbling over government control, while the Italian NC?s are plotting revolution from their Roman overlords, and Foreign Powers are always hungry to pluck a juicy province or three from outlying Roman garrisons. I?d like to hear your ideas, corrections, questions and comments! But please be patient with my response as I will be gone from Monday to Sunday of this upcoming week.
[CENTER][i] As Praetor, Aristodemus Deloricus Desponius held court at Ragnarok. A vanquished foreign king was brought before him, to be tried for his crimes against the Roman State. Refusing to kneel, the king told the court, "The Praetor and I are equals, I will stand." This foreign king was found innocent of any sedition against the Roman State. Aristodemus sentenced him to the cross anyway, saying, "You have insulted me in saying that we are equals, for I am a Roman, and you are only a king"[/center][/i] [center][color=red][size=4][b]ROME[/b]:[i] Auctoritas[/i][/size] [/color][/center] [color=RoyalBlue][i]Blood, iron, the might of thousands of men marching, fighting, conquering- all in unison, all for the mightiest of history?s cities. A few successful campaigns is not unusual for the warrior races of Europe, but after 600 years of unparalleled might the Republic of Rome is peaking. The mighty Patrician Families- Julii, Caeponii, Livii, Cornelii, Claudii, etc. have controlled the most prized possession in the Western World, Roman Citizenship, with an iron fist worthy of Romulus since the formation of the republic. The non-citizen subjects of Rome have been taxed and conscripted to the breaking point, malcontent is very great. These people are raped of their valuables-from gold to their sons? for military service- and then cast aside as inferior beings, closer to animals than Romans. Even the Italian peoples, blood brothers of the Romans, are trod upon like the filth of a dog. Within the city itself lies a most fearsome power struggle between the old might of the Patricians, and the new might of the New Men, the Plebeian Noblemen. The New Men are forced to marry into the Patrician lines, often at great cost, to advance in the Roman government. The Patrician hold on the Roman Empire is slipping, yet they will not go quietly. Rome, the World? Greatest Stage, is primed for a monumental drama- a drama so fierce and with such long reaching consequences that it will decide the fate of the Western World for many hundreds of years to come. The drama is very simple- many powerful, intelligent, and capable men seek three things: [b]Auctoritas[/b]- the might of command, [b]Dignitas[/b]- the might of respect, and the title of [b][u]First Man in Rome[/b][/u], a title held by few, very illustrious men. Who will rise to the forefront and lead the West in this period of revolution and reform? In this story we will discover that and much more- the very humanity of people must be put in the balance against their ambition, the talent, and how far they are willing to go for Auctoritas and Dignitas.[/color][/i] Background Information- [b]ROMAN SOCIAL CLASSES[/b[ [b]Plebs[/b]- A Plebeian is the standard Roman citizen. This will be the starting social status for almost every citizen of Rome. There may be occasional exceptions for veterans, but almost every new citizen will be a Plebeian. They are the foundation of Rome, the basis of the entire unit. They are the people in the expression "Senate and People of Rome". They are not lowly peasants. They are the citizens of Rome, and they must never bend a knee in supplication to either lords or gods. Plebeians are encouraged to seek out a Noble Household and offer their services as a "Client" in exchange for their "Patronage". The mutual obligations between patron and client may differ somewhat from House to House. For the most part these obligations consist merely of looking after one another?s interests. The patron represents his/her clients? interests in the Senate and helps them progress up Rome?s social ladder. In return the Patron should expect his/her Clients to support specific candidates in the elections and keep an ear to the ground on their behalf. It is possible to be a client of a patron who is a client of his own patron. In this case, your patron?s patron would also be your patron. A non-Senatorial Plebeian may increase their social status to Equestrian in any of three ways: Seek election as Tribune of the Plebs Adoption into a Household. Adoption does not automatically provide the adopted Roman a seat in the Senate. The adopted Equestrian or Patrician must still become a Senator through political office. Achieving any three of the highest military awards: the Coronae Graminea (Grass Crown), Civica, or Aurea. Plebeians enjoy Senate representation through the Tribune of the Plebs. While the Tribune may not vote, he/she has considerable power. [b]Equestrians[/b] (KNIGHTS) The Equestrian Order is the Plebeian nobility. These are Plebeians who have ennobled themselves by entering the Senate. Also referred to as the Equites, or Knights. In Roman antiquity, these were the wealthy, landed Plebeian merchant class granted a "Public Horse" by the State so they could act as the Republic's cavalry. Anyone below this rank should not have any purple in their costume at all. Purple was reserved for the nobility. Equestrians wore a slim (one inch width) purple stripe (clavus) down the right of their tunics (front and back) to signify their noble status. Optionally, Equestrians may wear a plain gold ring, which was another historical requisite of their rank. By the time they reached the status of Equestrian, if not before, they were to have a toga for formal occasions. [b]Patricians[/b] The Patrician Class is Rome's elite aristocracy, the powerful Founding Families of Rome. For centuries Patricians governed Rome exclusively. To be a Patrician is to view the Senate (indeed, the Consulship) as your birthright. Their bloodline can be traced to the Senate of Romulus (Founder of Rome) himself, and is steeped in honors, culture, and tradition. Thier ancestors have held high office, commanded great armies, and installed the known world beneath the Roman boot. In reality, the Patrician Class is Rome's old guard, a particular distinction for those who originally helped build Rome into the great empire of which you are a part. The title is just a formal acknowledgement of their tenure in Rome. Patricians should sew a broad purple stripe (at least two inches wide) down the right side of their tunics to signify their rank. Historically, Patricians also wore an iron ring, and shoes of red leather. Government Positions- [b]Consu[/b]l- These appointments are only open to Senators who have been Praetor. There are always two Consuls. The Consuls are responsible for calling and presiding over all meetings of the Senate. Only the Consuls may introduce new Roman laws (The Imperator may introduce only martial laws.) Only the Consuls may call for a division of the Senate (a vote). Only the Consuls may call for elections. No Consul may be removed from office before the end of his/her term. All proposed legislation must be put into writing prior to a division of the Senate. After their term, a Consul secures the title and status of Consular, allowing them two Senatorial votes. This is not accumulative. Basically, these are the Roman presidents. [b]Praetor[/b]- There are between 6 and 8 Praetors, each given a different area to govern. The Urban Praetor is the first among them, and is responsible for the District of Rome. This appointment is only open to Senators. The Praetor is responsible to the Senate and People to ensure that ALL Rome's laws are obeyed under the terms detailed in the lex Romana (Catalog of Roman Laws) The Praetor shall act as judge in disputes involving Romans, whether internal or external. The Praetor will serve as a Consul suffectus (Basically the same thing as if the President died, the VP would take over) if a Consul is unable to keep participating. [b]Aedile[/b]-This appointment is only open to Equestrians and Patricians. The Aedile must sponsor and preside over two events in Rome's name, i.e., battle, games, races, feast, quest, or a sacred hunt in their term. One of the two events shall be exclusively Roman. This is an important responsibility, as Rome relies on its Aedile for recognition and public relations. Aedile candidates must present their ideas for events when announcing their candidacy. This event must be pre-approved by the Consuls and Tribune of the Plebs. The Consuls and Tribune may disapprove an event, not a candidate, for this reason. (Lex Valeria Junia) The ballot for Aedile must include a brief description of the event they wish to hold. (Lex Valeria Junia) The Aedile is immediately elevated to the Senate (if he/she is not already a Senator). [b]Quaestor[/b]- This appointment is only open to Equestrians and Patricians. Because of the fiscal nature of this appointment, the candidate must be gainfully employed and at least eighteen years of age, unless unanimously approved by the Senate. The Quaestor acts as a Treasurer for Rome, and is accountable to the Senate for any funds collected. The Quaestor serves as procurator, and shall oversee any purchases made collectively by Rome. This includes any funding granted to the Aedile for their event. The Quaestor shall maintain a list of the Roman combatants at every event. The Quaestor is immediately elevated to the Senate (if he is not already a Senator). Questors usually climb to Aediles, then to Praetor, then to Consul. That?s the general order for a Patrician on the [i]cursus honorum[/i] (Ladder of Honor). Onto the rest- [b]Tribune of the Plebs[/b]- This appointment is only open to Plebeians and Equestrians (Funny, because Patricians can be Equestrians if the senate is full). Only Plebeians and Equestrians may vote in the Tribune's election. The Tribune is the only Plebeian allowed to sit in on all Senate meetings as the People's representative. The Tribune is empowered with the VETO, allowing him/her to reject literally any Senate legislation or function. Following the six-month term, the Tribune automatically becomes a member of the Senate and Equestrian Order (if not already). There are generally 10 Tribune of the Plebs during any one time. The Tribs, as they are called wield immense power, because they can literally force any law they wish through with little trouble (At least 6 of the Tribs in support), and it becomes difficult to undo after it is done. [i]The[/i] [b]SENATE[/b]- The Roman Senate is composed of those Romans who have distinguished themselves politically, and have served as elected officials. The Senate controls the Treasury, votes on new legislation, and establishes policy. The Senate's duty is to ensure that Rome thrives in all her non-military aspects. The Consuls will call for meetings of the Senate. A Senatorial Quorum (One consul, simple majority of the senators, and at least two Praetors) must be present. A Tribune of the Plebs need not be present. However, all proposed legislation must still be ratified by the Tribunes of the Plebs. All proposed legislation must be put in writing prior to a division (vote). At the discretion of the Consuls, there will be meetings where all Romans may attend. The Senate is divided into three distinct classes of Dignitas and Auctoritas- The [b]Backbenchers[/b]- new senators, poor senators, etc.- are not permitted to speak unless directly permitted by a Consul, and are there basically to vote. The Senators who hold some great distinctions- being an Augur (priest), etc.- they do the same thing as the back benchers, but have better seats. The third and final division is Consulars. These are the speakers, the movers and shakers, the powerbrokers wheeling and dealing at the heart of Rome. Each having attained Rome?s highest office, each wielding an impressive two votes, the Republic lives and dies under the opinions and power of the [b]Consular Senators[/b]. The Army and its breakdown will not come into play too much until the second installment of my three parter- Dignitas. I hope that this will take off, because if it does we can have quite a blast going from Auctoritas, to Dignitas, and finally discovering who is the First Man in Rome. I have considered doing a Roman RP for a while, and have finally put the pedal to the metal and crafted a skeleton. I?m away at church camp all next week, so I?m going to leave this up in the Underground to see if there is any support for it. If we can turn it into an RP, there would be four basic agendas one could align to- Patrician Roman, Plebeian Roman, Italian Non-Citizen, or Foreign Power. The Patricians and Plebeians are squabbling over government control, while the Italian NC?s are plotting revolution from their Roman overlords, and Foreign Powers are always hungry to pluck a juicy province or three from outlying Roman garrisons. I?d like to hear your ideas, corrections, questions and comments! But please be patient with my response as I will be gone from Monday to Sunday of this upcoming week.
Whoever wrote the Goldberg Variations is easily my favorite classical composer... Bach maybe? I've been getting more into fusion jazz lately though lol...
[QUOTE=MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff] How do you wear Gothic Lolita. Well, actually, that's a stupid way to word my question. Do most of you make your clothes or do you buy them/order them, and from where? I'll probably end up having to make my own but since I've never done anything Gothic Lolita, I'm sort of afraid to go to a fabric store and look for a pattern. [/color][/QUOTE] Try my pseudo-Bible- eBay
I just met all the SwitchFoot band members at a concert I attended on Friday. WOW SF can rock, and they were super cool and friendly too. They even signed my T-Shirt! :)
FUTURAMA!!!!! Amazing writing, talented acting, and constant humorous twists make up one ******* hell of a show. FUTURAMA is easily my favorite animated show. This may seem odd for someone on these boards, but I only follow one anime: NGE. And I don't follow it that closely either. Top FIVE Shows- 5. House 4. Inside Gran Prix 3. F1 News Cast 2. Formula 1 Gran Prix's 1. Nip//Tuck- Somehow I love these high budget soap operas. Speaking of which, when does Season 3 Start?
The Best? Foreigner. Or Zeppelin, not SoaD.
Yes actually. My grandparents are rather tight with the higher ups in the GOP, so I've dined with Dick Chaney (Far down a long table lol, but still the same table), talked *briefly* with President Bush, talked to Senators Santorum and Spector (R's, PA), met Rep. Murtha many times, and I also know Rep. Candice something or other because my best friend's bro is her Legislative Policy Coordinator (I. E. Plays PS2 all day on a 60" flatscreen at taxpayers expense). I've also met Jason Gildon, Hines Ward, Lynn Swann, and other current or ex-Steelers (GO OAKLAND!!!!)
[quote name='Filipinorocker1']System of a down, The best band ever. They are awesome and I dont care what you think they are awesome. They are friggin awesome, and Daron is one of my favorite guitarists ever. They are real rockers.[/quote] you think they are like... awesome or something?
[QUOTE=SadBlue][COLOR=DarkRed] [U]Bands[/U] The Guess Who (PWN The Who) [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Or not. Thankfully some of us aren't burdened by the ravages of intelligence :P
Sign Up Clandestine I: Terracotta [PG-VLS]
Juke Box Hero replied to Solo Tremaine's topic in Theater
Name: Akwilo del Coya Riya, The Jovernic Zephyr Age: 1300 give or takea few decades Gender: Male Callsign: Typhoon Race: Jovernic Zephyr Jovernic Zephyr is a humanoid creature with impure ancestry. Half Aire Elemental, half human, a Jovernic Zephyr is usually accepted by humans because of extremely well formed feature and an inherent grace. Aside from charisma, a JZ is usually rather intellegent and physically capable. Origin: Deep in the jungles of South East Asia Function: Field Agent Equipment: Spell Casting Artifacts: Nokuzan Relic- A small golden rune embedded masterfully among a myrad of intricately patterned emeralds and sapphires. The gems' light is unnatural, and will iluminate even the darkest of places. The field is black platinum and the amulet is suspended on an unbreakable adamant chain. The Nokuzan Relic's power lies in its wind. Proficient use of the Relic opens access to a vast array of wind magic that ranges from offense to defense to support. The Relic is powerful as artifacts go, and like all power, comes with great cost- use of the Relic slowly dulls sight, eventually making an overzealous user utterly blind. It was crafted on the AireForge of Jeulnelune on the heights of K2 some eons ago. The materials are said to have been gathered by the Wind God himself, although Etlik Taisserand-mastersmith to the demon gods- worked the gems and platinum. Tramontane- The Tramontane is a small reed flute enchanted by Isinglass, sorceror of Antioch. When played skillfully, its notes take a life of their own, forming illusions detailed by the thoughts of the bard. The bard can give his or her own life to make but one illusion come to reality for eternity. The flute will evaporate after three permanent illusions have been created by its power. Two have already been used- one in 76 A. D. by Pentius the Fool who brought his wife back from the dead, and the other by Cognac de'Bergeuos in 1789. Cognac created for himself a perfect woman, failing to realize that he'd not be able to enjoy her. A sudden, blaring E flat from the Tramontane also holds the power to blind surrounding mortals for approximately forty-five seconds. This is the same pipe that Orpheus used to tame the savage race. Weapons: The Jaws of Thirst- Two elementally charged handguns. One, the Higher Maw, fires rounds of chain lightning, and the other Inferior Maw, which blasts rounds of frozen spear heads for maximum penetration and damage. Both are sleek and black, .45 calibur and very heavy. Their ammunition is drawn from the magical power of the wielder, thus as long as the gunman has spiritual stamina, they cannot go empty. Heavy Metal Buster- A six foot long adamant blade that is nearly two feet in width. The weapon is incredibly light and quick for its size, and its blade is vorpal sharp. The hilt and grip are wrapped tightly in black sharkskin, with the pommel adorned with a jade carved into the shape of Imola. Hel Tak Rae- Twin adamant gauntlets, Hel Tak Rae are the fighting hands of del Coya Riya. The protective plate aspects of the glauntlets are a special alloy of adamant and tungsten that provide excellent flexibility and strength. Each knuckle is adorned with a four inch vorpal bone-thorn. Appearance: Tall and lithe, the handsome del Coya Riya stands out in a crowd. His eyes are blazing green, in contrast to his slightly tanned skin. Akwilo's body is lean, muscular and athletic, although not obscenely so. His face is perfectly chiseled, reminding an observer of greek statuary. Each of his hands has the Nokuzan Relic's rune symbol tattoed on the back, and he has a woman holding a gun and a lit cigar tattoed on his back. He favors a suburbanite clothing style when infiltrating human grounds, and wears a set of black chrome armor when out against evil monsters. His jet black hair is shoulder length, tied in a rough ponytail by a string of black coral shells given to him by a human lover in 1417. Legacy: Born into orphanism, Akwilo roamed the Malaysian jungles for many years. His power and sophistication grew, and in the dark jungles he uncovered the Nokuzan Relic and the Tramontane. Over many years, he continued to develope his talents and knowlege, studying with humans and fighting fellow shadow-folk. He has had several human lovers, each of which broke his heart with their death. None of these women bore him sons, although he is not sure about daughters. He joined Clandestine early in its existance, quickly becoming one of the top field agents due to his incredible fighting and other talents. He is somewhat frustrated that he cannot achieve a higher rank do to race, and is thereful malcontent currently. Deity/Lord: Jeulnelune, Demon God of Wind Quote: "Your life is a sacrifice I am willing to make." FAMILIAR: Branthius, a massive black wolf-hound. Perhaps the mightiest canine on the planet, Branthius is incredibly tough and vicious, with speed enough to keep up with the blindingly fast del Coya Riya. -
Sideways- ******* hilarious, but not for younger types. Two washed up 40+yr olds go on a bachelors weekend in Northern California, and Sideways chronicles their misadventures. Dialogue is fantastic, not to mention a few visual gags that left me howling. Life Aquatic- Funniest movie I've ever seen. It is totally dry and deadpan, taking itself completely seriously but in a sarcastic way. Such lines as- "Honey, do all the interns get Glocks?" "No, they all share one." and- "What is the scientific purpose of killing the shark?" "Revenge." All Jackie Chan's are funny to me, well at least most of them.... OO! There's a MP you guys forgot- Time Bandits. Gotta love Time Bandits lol... rebel dwarves stealing from God.... lmao
[QUOTE=SadBlue]I've only got a few problems with The Who (And their rather big...) A) I find that they had a few songs, then a lot of others songs that sound very much like these ones. B) I rather prefer the simillarily named The Guess Who and C) I prefer Musicians who make songs that are deep, songs that connect and have a deeper plotline to be observed and studied so that the fun continues after the song ends. Still, I like Teenage Wasteland, it's not a bad song and I like the lyrics.[/QUOTE] A) The Who have enough variance that a few songs in each style category don't really hurt them. Each song regardless of style has its own energy, and that alone prevents monotany. B) Um... so what? C) Buy Tommy and tell me this still holds true for you.
[QUOTE=Mugen][color=sienna][size=1] You'd be hard pressed to find a rapper of color not using the big N-Word. You have to think that, since rapper's are all about rapping with the lingo they hear everyday, it would take a prominent role in their lyrics. Yeah, Tupac did use the word alot, but hey, there is a reason he rapped the way he did. The use of the N-Word (I say that out of respect), busting caps, hoes, and all that, have a reason. The way he was brought up was in between his father, a real street thug, all of his friends and the people around him, who mostly were thugs, and his mother, who was, of all things, a revolutionary Black Panther. I mean, his mom was pregnant with him in prison. So, yeah, him rapping about his surroundings and what he's been through has some reason to be as vulgar as it is. Rapper's don't look for kids to listen to there music, its not like they encourage it, and it's not their fault that it falls into the hands of children that young. [/color][/size][/QUOTE] Like hell its not their fault! That's like saying a pot dealer has no control over who his customers are. I agree that his music reflected his tragic life, and thats not wrong, but he [i]targeted[/i] the teen market! Pac's music is very adult in nature, and has no place in the lives of children (or teens for that matter). In fact, I question its relevancy to modern US Culture....
[QUOTE=Ozymandius Jones][COLOR=DarkOrange] Hee. They're consistantly in my top three. :p Aren't these the same song? Baba O'Reilly is one my favorite songs list, as well as Won't Get Fooled Again. There's a funny story about that song, actually... [/COLOR][/QUOTE] What I meant was Teenage Wasteland (AKA Baba O'Reilly)
I love all rock, and metal has a special place in my heart. 3 Inches of Blood kicks ten kinds of punk ***, Sonata arctica is ******* amazing, and Rhapsody and Blind Guardian are also hot. One thing though, if you truly want to become a MasterMetalHead (Not me, Jake. He is quite impressive, PS- do you know all of this stuff or do you get it out of books? If you know it, you are the most badass metalhead I know) I think its important to at least have knowledge of metal's roots. JoB mentioned this a little while ago, and I'd like to offer some clarification. Led Zeppelin, as a band, created the metal genre with some of the greatest songcraft ever employed ever. Period. Black Sabbath created the modern metal image- While Zeppelin members still dressed like rockers, Sabbath took it to a whole new level. I guess you could call them the first pure metal band, but Zeppelin was definetly metal's most important pioneer.
Hmm, might I suggest y'all look into a broader variety of music? Nothin' wrong with dramatic depression, but one has to be cultured. Fire up your version of LimeWire and type "The Who" into "artist" slot of the search device. Select the three most popular songs and listen, even if you don't like them. It will make you a better person inside. Rinse and repeat for: Beatles Rolling Stones Eagles Metallica Bob Dylan Earth Wind and Fire Heart That should give you a decent overview of rock and roll as a whole. Then, you can take that new culture info back to Dramatic Depression land and be more knowlegable while being depressed. Lecuna Coil is cool, by the way.