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Juke Box Hero

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Everything posted by Juke Box Hero

  1. I've not heard half as much Genersis as Dire Straits (Mark K. is my fav. solo singer, thats how I got into DS), but I must agree. Gabriel's Genesis just outclasses Collin's. Phil's seemed more formulaic commercially, to appease (rather than stimulate) the market Genesis was already in. Quick Q.- Is Shock the Monkey a Gabriel solo or an earlier Genesis? I'm too lazy to go open my Rolling Stone R&R Encyclo...lol.
  2. Hey Bodom, take a chill pill dude, are you like 12 or something? If you [i]demand[/i] only 3 bands from one country that I like, I'll give them to you. I still say England is the best overall, and yes I will argue that point if you'd like, however my top 3 favs. are from the USA at the moment: USA- 3. Aerosmith 2.CCR 1. Foreigner
  3. [QUOTE=boxybrown305][COLOR=DarkRed] As others have said though, the country doesn't really matter, music is music no matter where you are. It's like a universal language. What country it came from just makes no difference.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Wel put.
  4. Anyone prefer one over the other? These two, to me, embody thoughtful prog. rock, and they seem to be two of the same kind in one basket. I don't mean stylistically, or musically, but rather the way they both offer well thought and deep lyrics. Who is the king of thoughtful prog rock?
  5. A leader is a dude who does just that: leads. Inspiration is not a prereq. of leadership, in fact the most common "leadership" tool is fear. A leader guides men, he doesn't save them, a leader pushes forward, he doesn't ensure by definition the correctness of the path, a leader dominates and wills things for his own good. That is not to say there are no moral and inspirational leaders, but I speak purely on bare bones definition. A hero doesn't need to lead, he doesn't need to interact with anybody at all, in fact. A hero is larger than life, a hero overcomes something a normal man would fail to overcome. No, he's not superman, but he is humanity on the next level, and generally people are seen as heroic after having accomplished some altruistic accomplishment. To me, that is not always the case. The hero, to me, is the person who does what needs to be done regardless of social pressure. The hero is the one who cuts through the crap and makes positive change, even if he becomes hated in the process.
  6. I love the Who, the consistently make my top 10 and sometimes even top 5 faves. As Ozy said, they capture an energy that most can never dream of, but to me its more than that. They never ceased innovating, they pioneered what has sadly become punk rock (there is a connection, although slim), they took the raw emotion and character of an entire generation and captured it in musical excellence that reaches across generations with its unparalleled understanding and depth. That said, they had some cool party songs too. Fave of the Who is Teenage Wasteland, or Baba O'Reilly.
  7. England or the United States. I have a few reasons for both as candidates: England First: Beatles The Rolling Stones The Who Pink Floyd The Kinks Fleetwood Mac Dire Straits Genesis Black Sabbath Jethro Tull (I think so but I didn't check) Led Zeppelin United States: Aerosmith Credance Clearwater Revival C S N Y Foreigner Bon Jovi Van Halen Elvis Presley Metallica Lynyrd Skynyrd Hiroshima Earth Wind and Fire Simon and Garfunkle (I think so, but I didn't check) The battle is really between England's The Stones, Beatles, and the Who; and the USA's Aerosmith, CCR, and Elvis The Stone and Aerosmith tie The Beatles PWN Elvis The Who beat CCR OOPSIE! I did forget one small, and uninfluential band: ZEPPELIN! They created heavy metal...... There is no Sonata Arctica, Metallica, Lecona Coil, Nightwish, etc. without ZEPPELIN! FINAL VERDICT: ENGLAND
  8. I absolutely hate the Ramones, but they manage to stay somewhat relevant and keep up a fanbase, so they must be doiing something right. Some music is timeless, however DeeDee Ramone isn't.
  9. [QUOTE=Ozymandius Jones][COLOR=DarkOrange] Because I don't [i]want[/i] to get a job this summer, thank you very much. And in all fairness, quite a few other bands did this too, but The Who PWN all on this song.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] The Who PWN all in general, major exceptions duly noted.
  10. Well, I have three theme songs depending on my mood. The first is Foreigner's HOT BLOODED, for my party aspect. It is an extremely chorus integrated song, so I won't post the lyrics. The second is Foreigner's I'm Gonna Win, for my victory-driven aspect. This song is a rock classic driven by wonderful lines like: I was not born to be a fighter/But now's the time I have to learn/ To keep my head above the water./ Gotta play with fire and not get burned My third theme song is Aerosmith's Love in an Elevator ;)
  11. My most common thoughts are about how hot the girl walking by is, or how I can go a little farther with some hot chicks I know, or where do I find more hot chicks, or how do these hot chicks compare to the old hot chicks etc...
  12. Money accumulation and trips is all. I'm a counselor for the little kids at junior church camp this year... sigh... i wonder why i signed up for it sometimes, then they remind me of hot fellow couselors (;)) and free pizza, so its all good.
  13. [QUOTE=Sean][SIZE=1]I play guitar, that's realy the only exercise I get. Well, apart from Physical Education at school where we get made to hit balls at each other. ~_^ But to get fit, all you need to do is:[list] [*]Eat Healthy Foods [*]Keep Constant Exercise [*]Visit A Gym From Time To Time[/list] And that's all I can think off...>>;;[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Sean's right, but I'd like to expand what he's saying. I run a mile in about 5 minutes and 4 seconds, although I'm only 7th fastest on track, I'd say its decent. My diet is kind of odd, but here goes: Honey Bunches of Oats or french toast for breakfast (unlimited portions with maximum syrup for the FT) ham sandwhich and Coke for lunch huge red steak or pasta for dinner (unlimited portions) I don't really snack, and am very active, so I'm not sure how good that diet really is. Of course there are some fruits and such in there, but there is no specific time for them. The excercise thing is the biggest one for me, and once you get started I think you'd enjoy it. When I'm not playing Diablo 2 (which is most of the time) I'm out mowing, or playing basketball, or tennis, or golf, or anything. It's not about one specific thing, but rather finding what verb you like and DOING it. Just running in the park while you drink a frappacino (spell?) with your friends is great fun, or put your treadmill in front of the TV and play PS2 while you are jogging. Ahh, jogging is another good one, get up nice and early and run around your neighborhood, it's a great time for thinking and pondering things. Dancing is awesome fun and awesome excercise. Tango, squaredance, etc. are great ways to get chicks (or dudes I guess....), get fit, and have tons of fun. Its all about having fun, not your skill or grace, some of the best dancing I've ever had was with clutzy girls. If you are going to take the gym route, as I have, it can't be just once in a while. You've got to pick a schedule (easy at first) at discipline yourself to it. Alternate muscle groups and do different routines each night, to keep the muscle guessing and your mind active. Your local trainer can help you out with that.
  14. [quote name='Ryoko T.D.C.][COLOR=Blue]yeah, your right, i did mean steryotypes, but describing the perfect person for you too is kewl. [/COLOR'] :catgirl:[/quote] Human Ooutrageously beautiful Talented Tenacious Tricky Intelligent Energetic
  15. [QUOTE=Your Mother] his lyrics are meaningful[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Retribution] "I'm ****** the sluts and hoes The bigger the butts the tighter the clothes The gimminy jimminy grows Then whaddya know, it's off with some clothes Rowd when the crowd says hoe That let's me know, they know I can flow Love when they come to my shows I get up and go, with skins before When I'm collecting my dough I never respect, the one that I back The quicker the nigga can rap The bigger the check, now watch how they sweat What kind of style is that? The style of a mack, and ready to jack I rendered up piles of black The wacker the pack, the fatter the smack I hate it when real nigga bust They hate when I cuss, they threaten to bust I had enough of the fuss I bust what I bust, and cuss when I must They gave me a charge for sales For selling the tales... of young black males Yes nigga, N-I-G-G-A niggaz [/QUOTE] Meaningful my ***. Do you ever listen to what he is saying? This is uncultured, unrefined, barbarous nonsense. Geez man this is some offensive stuff, "nigga"? Bloody hell, read a book about the 1830's and the 1960's and you'd have a vastly different view of that word. I am sickened by your adoration of manic debauchery... Degradation of women, racial slurs, extreme profanity, gratuitus violence... what is constructive, or meaning ful or amazing about any of this? Nothing. I sincerely hope that you are a rare case, because if this country is full of these opinions, we are in very big trouble.
  16. [quote name='elfpirate']typical broad shouldered Scotsman.[/quote] Thats me. 6'1"ish really. I am about the same or a little higher than most of my friends. Lol. About 180lbs. I wear small T-shirts to show off my amazing physique :). It's hilarious, I am like the same size as my friends who are in the 150ish range, but i'm 180.
  17. Juke Box Hero


    Marshal Tucker Band's [i]Can't You See[/i]- [i] GOING TO TAKE ME A FREIGHT TRAIN DOWN AT THE STATION LORD I DON'T CARE WHERE IT GOES GOING TO CLIMB ME A MOUNTAIN THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN JUMP OFF AIN'T NOBODY GONE TO KNOW chorus; CAN'T YOU SEE OH CAN'T YOU SEE WHAT THAT WOMAN BEEN DOING' TO ME CAN'T YOU SEE OH CAN'T YOU SEE WHAT THAT WOMAN BEEN DOING' TO ME I'M GOING TO FIND ME A HOLE IN THE WALL I'M GOING TO CRAWL INSIDE AND DIE HERE COME A LADY NOW A MEAN OLD WOMAN LORD NEVER TOLD ME GOOD BYE chorus chorus solo I'M GOING TO BUY ME A TICKET NOW AS FAR AS I CAN AIN'T NEVER COMING BACK FIND ME A SOUTH BOUND ALL THE WAY TO GEORGIA NOW TILL THE TRAIN IT RUN OUT OF TRACK chorus[/i] MTB's Can't You See never fails to touch me. His sheer anguish, expressed at the top of Southern Rock form and style, is captured perfectly through his simple, clear words. Styx's [i]Come Sail Away[/i]- [i] I?m sailing away, set an open course for the virgin sea I?ve got to be free, free to face the life that?s ahead of me On board, I?m the captain, so climb aboard We?ll search for tomorrow on every shore And I?ll try, oh lord, I?ll try to carry on I look to the sea, reflections in the waves spark my memory Some happy, some sad I think of childhood friends and the dreams we had We live happily forever, so the story goes But somehow we missed out on that pot of gold But we?ll try best that we can to carry on A gathering of angels appeared above my head They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said They said come sail away, come sail away Come sail away with me Come sail away, come sail away Come sail away with me I thought that they were angels, but to my surprise They climbed aboard their starship and headed for the skies Singing come sail away, come sail away Come sail away with me Come sail away, come sail away Come sail away with me[/i] Hope springs eternal, even when one has missed their pot of gold. The melancholy to joy of fulfillment transition sends chills down my spine on each and every occasion that I hear it. If you haven't heard "Come Sail Away" I encouarge you to download it or get the CD right away. Steven Still's [i]Love the One You're With[/i]- [i] If you're down, and confused And you don't remember, who you're talkin' to Concentration slips away 'Cause your baby is so far away Chorus And there's a rose, in a fisted glove And the eagle flies, with the dove And if you can't be, with the one you love Love the one you're with Don't be angry, don't be sad Don't sit cryin' over good times you had There's a girl, right next to you And she's just waitin', for something to do [Chorus] Turn your heartache right into joy She's a girl, and you're a boy So get it together, make it nice You ain't gonna need, any more advice [Chorus][/i] We are often bound by circumstances, and the encouragement to rise above that and make do with what you have is inspirational to me. CSNY captures this feeling, the longing for what once was and isn't now, and then releases it by taking a deep breath and then "Love the One You're With". Another recommended classic. CCR's [i]Have You Ever Seen The Rain[/i]- [i] (J.C. Fogerty) Someone told me long ago There's a calm before the storm I know It's been coming for some time When it's over so they say It'll rain on a sunny day I know Shining down like water I wanna know Have you ever seen the rain? I wanna know Have you ever seen the rain? Coming down on a sunny day Yesterday and days before Sun is cold and rain is hard I know It's been that way for all my time Till forever on it goes Through the circle fast and slow I know And it can't stop I wonder I wanna know Have you ever seen the rain? I wanna know Have you ever seen the rain? Comin' down a sunny day... I wanna know Have you ever seen the rain? I wanna know Have you ever seen the rain? Comin' down a sunny day... [/i] Already a contender for greatest Southern Blues rock song ever on merit of instrumentals, the words of HYESTR capture for me the melancholy aspect of life. The words offer me a sort of paternal or mentor like wisdom, coupled with a tinge of regret and longing for the end of the storms. Foreigner's [i]Juke Box Hero[/i] My all time favorite song: [i] Standing in the rain, with his head hung low Couldn?t get a ticket, it was a sold out show Heard the roar of the crowd, he could picture the scene Put his ear to the wall, then like a distant scream He heard one guitar, just blew him away He saw stars in his eyes, and the very next day Bought a beat up six string in a secondhand store Didn?t know how to play it, but he knew for sure That one guitar, felt good in his hands Didn?t take long, to understand Just one guitar, slung way down low Was one way ticket, only one way to go So he started rockin? Ain?t never gonna stop Gotta keep on rockin? Someday he?s gonna make it to the top And be a juke box hero, got stars in his eyes He?s a juke box hero He took one guitar, juke box hero, stars in his eyes Juke box hero, he?ll come alive tonight In a town without a name, in a heavy downpour Thought he passed his own shadow, by the backstage door Like a trip through the past, to that day in the rain And that one guitar made his whole life change Now he needs to keep rockin? He just can?t stop Gotta keep on rockin? That boy has got to stay on top And be a juke box hero, got stars in his eyes He?s a juke box hero, got stars in his eyes Yeah, juke box hero, got stars in his eyes With that one guitar he?ll come alive Come alive tonight Yeah, he?s gotta keep rockin? He just can?t stop Gotta keep on rockin? That boy has got to stay on top And be a juke box hero, got stars in his eyes He?s a juke box hero, got stars in his eyes Just one guitar, put stars in his eyes He?s just a juke box hero, aah aah aah Juke box hero, juke box hero, he?s got stars in his eyes Stars in his eyes [/i] Hope. Determination. Inspiration. Will to follow his dreams. These are the qualities of the JukeBoxHero. Although I'll never be a rockstar, this song inspires me to pick up the gauntlet and go forward, no matter what. I couldn't get my ticket, so what? I throw a better show. Here's to Foreigner, greatest band of all time!
  18. O well, I suggest a Latina name like.... Maria, or maybe Reiko Maria Flavia, a Japanese-Latino-Italian type deal, which is cool. I'm sort of a square on pet names: my dog is duchess, my cat is patches, and my fish (who died last week) was named captain sea sparkles.
  19. [QUOTE=Juuthena][size=1]Sorry mate. Perhaps we should start a stupidity thread to suit your needs? [/size][/QUOTE] Certainly, [i]mate[/i] and while we're at it we'll make a thread just for you: "Profound and Superior Souls" or perhaps, "Creative Conversation Whips" But neither of them fit you that well. Lets try my best idea "Insecurity Anonymous" For the rest I won't bother quoting, I'm too popular and am limited on time. Dear Kyoko Makashiro (Post #654069), I love this post, your quote here adds oh so very much to your innocent thread. This sort of patronizing will garner pity, not respect in most social circles. My observations do not apply in this arena, as internet whims cannot be properly quantified. Dear x kakashi x (Post #654082), I believe I read quotes from the back of a Mueslix (sp?) box some years ago. I had recalled that anecdote for a friend that day and decided to apply it to the notion that quoting does not presume depth, but rather a lack of observation. (Reffering to that other, more recent post: I agree, my actions in this thread are completely those of a power trip. An ego trip. Wow, I am enjoying the scenery!! :p ) Dear Delacroix (Post #654015), I admit I was dropped on my head as a small child, so perhaps my brain-cells are slightly lacking. That is conjecture, anyway, in case you special folks haven't already sluethed this out already: cereal box quote was a self-coined figurative expression the definition of which I assume you understand. "Through the adversity and hardship I fight, with only bitter tears and cold determination." You advise a bitter approach to life's trials? I submit unto you that attitude has in large part an effect upon one's performance in the aforementioned trials. Cold dtermination, I admit, is useful, but the entire thing appears to me to be the overblown declaration of a has-been pop star's final top 40 song. Dear Retribution (Post #654062), You hypocrite! Close mindedness? Who is being close minded of the two of us? YOU! I made an analysis of what I found posted here and commented upon it. You, being so grand and open minded, didn't like what I read, so [b]obviously[/b] I am pigheaded and incorrect. I read a quote (LMAO) in someone's sig the other day: You know you've created God when He hates the same people you do. In the same way you fashion a comfortable system of "all ideas are equal and correct as long as they agree with me". Pathetic. By the way, have you read the topic title? "What [b]deep[/b] thought or quote do you think of regularly?" Next: To the dude who commented about doing this for the flames. Yippee! All of you aren't idiots, you are correct. I couldn't care less about a philosophical battle over the validity of quotes, but I thrive on conflict and this is hilarious. Dear SunFALLE or however you write it, Leave the USA out of this, better for you that way. This one of retri's tickled me so much I just [i]had[/i] to ***- oops I mean add it. Spoken by Retribution (My response after each paragraph in ()'s): You think you have the right to brand our quotes as ones worthy only for a cereal box? You're truly as deep as a puddle. I guess you can't read very well, either, as you think our fonts are 'too stylish to read.' (I know I have the right to do so, and I have. Deep as a puddle, huh? I love your subtle appreciation of my poor sarcasm, and your complete state of ignoring it, so CLASSY and SOPHISTICATED. You must be as deep as.... as.... well.... 3ml of water evenly layed over a 1km square pan.) No one here was trying to be wise or deep or profound. We are offering the quotes that we try to live by or think of often -- not prove we are a sage or a monk. So what if they're slightly cliche? You have zero right to call them cereal box quotes, snatched from the mouthes of unsuspecting people. How do you know if we made them ourselves? (Right to or not I did, and you can't do terribly much about it, so sorry. Read the goddamn topic title before you offer a "misconception of subject" bash. Unless you learn a little sense of dry humor, sarcasm, and style I shan't consider you worthy of being addressed.) Actually, looking back at everyone's quotes again, they really have plenty of truth laden in them. It just takes someone with half a brain to see it. (Really? Let us sample a few from Mr. Reflux- "They-ah's a some-then a-wrong with-a mah Clock..." Wow, I was inspired by that one. This one isn't a quote, but rather a source: My deeper quotes come from people like Krishnamurti, Jesus (the Bible), and Bruce Lee. That's deep. I mean Bruce Lee and Jesus? Wow, think about that for a second, before you apply your acoustic romanticism to it, and look for the depth.) How about you grow up, and when you're old enough to be mature and respect people's values and ideas post again. Until then, shut the ******* up. (Follow your own advice. Respect my view and opinions, excercise maturity, show that you are better than me. That last statement nearly knocked me out of my chair with its sheer childish hypocrisy. What was your bleeped word? **** has four letters, hell has four letters... ******** i thought had two ll's... your vocabulary's sophistication just stifles me...) Until next time, ye anti-cereal box squad. PS- SOmeone make a siggy club- Anti- Cereal Box Squad... that would be ******* awesome! I'm sure ozy will cook you up some hot banners if you ask her real nice.
  20. [QUOTE=Gelgoog Pilot]That is the most retarded answer you could give someone...Of course you can...its all about repitition. If you keep friggin playing the same game over and over you tend to get bored with it. Same can be said about any actions (take work for example), it seems everything is good with moderation. Also I'd like to go along with what the others said, if the person thinks there maybe too much going on...then she's obviously not comfortable with it. Another way you can have too much sex. I'm sure I would be comfortable with doing it twice everyday or some outrageous thing like that...because...I'd get burnt out, and that's a lot of pressure on someone.[/QUOTE] Kindly learn to recognize sarcasm before you call [i]me[/i] retarded. Perhaps you could try googling it. Such a pity voice tone can't be recognized on message boards.
  21. [QUOTE=vegeta rocker] 1. Are we having too much sex? 4. Should i try and cut down?[/QUOTE] I will address number one and number four, as I do not like to offer advice on relational issues. 1. The **** is too much sex? Your orgasm must have gone to your head and mushed something around. The act in and of itself cannot be defined quantitatively as harmful, although other factors can apply here. I suppose your uh... pearl on the step could require more and more stimulation to achieve the clouds and the rain, but thats hardly a bad thing, right? 4. If you really want to cut down, copulate so much that it becomes boring. That will force you to take a step back, and either become more inventive, or just drink some wine with clothes on rather than off. But to answer your question, I don't think you should. Keep those good old fashioned juices flowing and prove to society that there are still some things that don't need to be over analyzed.
  22. You know why all incest should be illegal? Brother Jack and Sister Jill go and have themselves one hell of a hot **** in the family bathroom, but Brother John decides to leave the TrojanMan out of that relationship, and Sister Jill becomes two people instead of one. Neither believes in abortion, so the baby is carried to term. This of all this: To Dad John, the child is a grandchild, same with Mom Janine. This isn't complicated, but think of it from Jill perspective: neice and daughter. Neice and daughter. That is ****** up, no doubt. Save a neice and a daugher, don't boink your sister...
  23. My sincere apologies to those people whose fonts are so... [i]stylish[/i] that I was unable to read them, my post does not concern you. As I scanned the "deep" thoughts that some of you offered, I was struck by one titillatingly obvious thought, (I admit it isn't very deep), these quotes, generally speaking, are the sorts of things that people find on cereal boxes. And once you've found a cereal box quote, you sot of want to hush it up, not use it for a while, you know? Then you can slowly reintroduce it in your conversation, maybe only one idea at a time for the longer cereal box quotes, or a word or two for the shorter. Unfortunately, one begins to build a reputation for cleverness, and to use a cereal box quote "it is better to be cleverer than you appear". Once this rep, this "street cred" is established, your peers call on you to perform it time and time again. I have news for you, there are only so many cereal boxes. But alas, I am being unfair to the quotes themselves. They are not quotes at all, but merely words taken from the mouths of unsuspecting people, and stamped onto cereal boxes and into the pages of curmedgeons and poetry books. The ideas may be true, but in the shallow, and again I speak generally, way these ideas are thrown about, they become so cheap that a bowl of fruit loops has greater redeeming value. My point with all of this being that one should never attempt to cultivate a legend, or air of mysteriousness with cereal box quotes. The best way to achieve "mysterious" or "wise" status, is by only speaking when you've got a nailer. All ye of cereal box quote kingdom: listen much, speak less. and think not.
  24. Niccolo Machiavelli is my all-time favorite author. [i]The Prince[/i] is an ultimate masterpiece of politic and power, rivalled by none in its genre. Not only the work itself, but its reflections of Florentine society in all of its rich complexity and spirit and the aftertaste of its culture given in the digestion of the text: culture steeped in the highest artistic virtue, while walled by death's cruel gaze. James Clavell and Thomas Harris are also awesome, creating master characters such as Dirk Struan and Hannible Lecter
  25. [FONT=Arial] Dirk judged the time that Sarah Nevada had walking very carefully. Exactly 37 seconds, which was the number his "uncle" Chen from Hong Kong had told him (good luck or something..), before he walked after her. [b]"Miss Nevada, I think you left this!"[/b] he called, a tone of sincerity creeping into his voice. He was pleased with this craft. [b]"Here, you can't teach without your chalk!"[/b] "Oh, you must be mistaken, thats not mine, that brand is far too expensive." She mumbled, still tingling from Jace's rather Cockney comments. [i]FUCK! HOW COULD I HAVE MADE THAT MISTAKE![/i] Dirk roared at himself, but let nothing show. [b]"Really? I could have sworn you dropped it. Take it anyway. How's Vis. Art going these days?"[/b] Nevada's ample chest heaved, she was very pleased that a student actually took interest in her work, rather than her body. Dirk laughed on the inside, enjoying the relaxed way she carried herself while they talked. "Very well... although I could use a few more students like you, a fine young man. Would you consider joining us?" Dirk forced an amiable chuckle, [b]"Thanks m'am, but I'm not that young you know. You only have me by what, three years? Thats chump change in the game of life."[/b] Sarah didn't think much about those comments, "Well, will you join our class? I'm sure I can have it arranged with the guidance couselor." [b]"I'm a very careful man, Miss Nevada. I like to know what I'm getting into, you know, perhaps we could meet somewhere, and you could go over the basics with me? Who knows, I may even teach you something."[/b] Nevada didn't think that was appropriate, but she also thought that Dirk was one of the more noble students, "Perhaps in the future, Di- Struan, I'd like that." Her face nearly turned red, however Dirk sensed he had succeeded and said his goodbye before she became embarassed. [/FONT] OOC: Don't worry, Dirk isn't going to boink a teacher (or maybe he will ;) ), I just felt that this creates an opportunity for high hijinx/hilarity in the future of our RP
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