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Juke Box Hero

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Everything posted by Juke Box Hero

  1. [FONT=Arial] Dirk smirked, watching his alarm clock go off. He'd been up for two hours previous, like all mornings, running his three mile morning warm up. He'd already groomed and showered by the time the clock went off. [b]"Why do I even set the damn thing?"[/b] he chuckled, clicking it off. This had become a morning ritual for him. He sighed, grabbing his bag and exiting his small flat. He took the stairs down to the parking lot and threw he school stuff carelessly into the back of the S7. Struan drove to a cafe and purchased a double shot mocha, [b]"Hot damn! Thats the way to make a mocha, whats your name oh Coffee Goddess?"[/b] The saleswoman was young and attractive, but she wasn't that young. "I'm Kiku, and I'll trade my phone number for a copy of your high school diploma." He paid for the mocha, wearing a sly grin. [b]"I'll tell you what, give me that phone number and I'll fax it to you, huh?"[/b] "I'll admit you're pretty hot, for a kid, but school starts in fifteen minutes, and you better get going." She chortled, laughing at her own matronly tone. Dirk gave up and went on his way. [/FONT]
  2. Hmmmmm...... Japanese, huh? Well I have a great idea for you, but before you lookie lookie, you gotta hear the story on this one. You see, one day I was at the gas station, and this incredibly gorgeous Japanese gal drives up in her silver Beatle rsI, and I am stunned. I do manage to talk to her, however, and get a phone number. So I call her up the next day, and I'm like, "Hey, wanna go for a drink at Central Park Cafe?" She thinks for a sec, "Sure thing, by the way whats your name?" I tell her and ask the same thing, "Whats yours? Reiko? Ryoko?" "No, no silly, those are my sisters! I am [SPOILER]Brunhilda[/SPOILER]" Moral of the story: [spoiler] there are Japanese women named Brunhilda, and your annoying culture obsession drives me into the wall with intense boredom.[/spoiler]
  3. [quote name='Baron Samedi][SIZE=1']I guess humour is a lost art :rolleyes: [/SIZE][/quote] As is sarcasm I'm afraid.... I really have no set type of girl I like... totally depends on what I'm after that particular day really. Although I do prefer darker hair and features, as blonde isn't really my thing. One thing is for sure: femenine girls only. Butch isn't my thing at all! This is not to say that I like a submissive/property status type deal, but a woman is a woman and should use her qualities properly. She also has to be able to stimulate me in conversation and be intelligent enough to help work through problems that arise, as she is sort of like a partner on my team for life.
  4. Name: Dirk Struan Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: 6'3", 200 lbs of muscle toned by years of sports, Dirk surprisingly wears 30W36L pants. His eyes are incredibly green and vivid, marking his handsomely chiseled face unique. He carries himself well, and move very quickly for his 200 lbs. His hair is dark dark brown, and his skin fair (whiteys! yay!), although somewhat tanned from outdoor running. He is not Orlando Bloom handsome, in fact there is nothing boyish about him at all, well, other than his charm. He is more... Matt Damon handsome, to put it into move star terms. Location:No map, just stick me in a nice bachelors pad (daddy still loves him enough to send large chekcs and frequent intervals) Personality: Edgy is the word that describes him best. His edge permeates to the corners of his being, and coupled with his incredible wit, drives the women to him in droves. He hates the fact that his new school has a 'prince', as he held much the same position at his last school. Despite that fact, he never has trouble finding a date, although he is much chagrinned that his "crush" has eyes for another guy (never give up!!). He is a straight A+ student, and (well would have been if in the States) an All American (all Japan? is that a thing there?) athlete in both soccer and basketball. His scoring, rather than his defense, could land him a starting spot as wing striker on most teams, and in basketball he is a slashing small forward. Dirk is also very political, and handles himself well in most social situations, however, if people fail to give him the respect he feels he deserves, he may become slightly cross. This is rare, however, and he is generally a pleasant fellow to be around. He can also loose control of his sarcastic whip at times (ie. all the time), which generally leads to mass confusion as it is impossible to tell when he is serious and when he is joking, as his tone never changes. Short History: Struan's father, Culum, is a [i]very[/i] successful businessman in Tokyo, however when Dirk and his (now ex-)girlfriend Ryoko where caught in a rather circumspect situation, it was decided that Dirk's city life was over until he 'matured'. He is Scots/English by birth, and is in love with Asia, much like his father. In fact, he and his father are very similar, which was probably why they could never live in the same home. It was ineveitble for Dirk to be sent out into the boondocks of Japan, because of his rather... dubious moral decisions. Now all he does is hang around with Drew and his other pals, waiting for the day that he can scoop Kaela into his arms. O ya, they also consume inordinant amounts of pizza. Subjects: Business, History, Gym, Performing Arts Relationships with other students: ~Alex (Reiku)- Get along, but they compete in everything. ~Micky (Innocent)- One of Dirk's better friends, especially because of Drew ~Rin (Kitty)- He regards her as an ace in the hole should something fall through ~Zeph (Sakura)- Respects his self control, bothered a little bit by his mysteriousness ~Ran (Opal)- Takes every opportunity he can to school him in basketball, loves to compete with him because Dirk usually wins. ~Aka (StarrStruck)- Really digs her because of her wild friends, however he feel that he is too clean cut for her, but feels a Yank (his mother was American) comraderie. ~Maria (Kairi)- Absolutely disdains her for her punk aspect, won't acknowledge her existance. ~Hoshi (Ozymandius Jones)- Cute chick, but could use with darker hair, not really well known to him. ~Jace (demonchild781)- Struan itches to fight Jace at every possible moment, his physique and competetive nature compel him to do so, however he has nothing against Jace personally. ~Ken (Astdis)- Hangs out occasionally, not really into the class clown as a friend, but doesn't bother him. ~Kaela (Skye)- Totally stunned by her incredible looks, will play any angle and do anything to have her (She knows nothing of his Machiavellian nature). ~Kina (Albel the Wicked)- Never interacted other than the "please pass a pencil" bit. ~Drew (Jung-Woo)- Gets along extremely well, they aren't best friends, but strong anyway. ~Tanaka (Solar Princess 'ty for list BTW')- Doesn't not get along, but not really known. ~Haruko (lil kitsune boy)- As she is new to the area, Dirk has never really seen her before.
  5. [QUOTE=Cyriel][COLOR=Navy][CENTER] One day I walked into the bathroom stall, and I happened to find a banana peel in the little open container for feminine napkins...:animestun What the schmack was that doing there? Why in the world would you eat in the bathroom? It's disgusting![/COLOR][/QUOTE] I really hate to point this out my friend, but that wasn't there for eating. Moving on, I really just look for the unused urinal, doesn't matter where it is. I generally do not have need of a stall.
  6. Rock and Roll. From CCR to Crue to Aerosmith to ZZ Top. I also like pop-rock (Karla Bonoff, etc.), and hybrid (LP), metal etc.
  7. [b]Foreigner[/b]- My alltime favorite band. I'm told that it is guy music, but as a hyper biased fan I strongly disagree. Who doesn't get blood pumping over Hot Blooded, Urgent, Long, Long Way From Home; or Woman in Black? These are prog/arena rock classics. Mick Jones is an incredible musician and leader, giving creative energy and cohesion to a somewhat tense band. Then of course we have Lou Graham. His edge, his style, his pure rock and roll vitality bring Foreigner out of the pack and into the league of Classic Rock. Few capture simultaneously his incredible talent and rock and roll image into one refined package. This guy is just incredibly cool. On that note, he is playing in my area, but mum absolutely will not allow me to sneak into the bar to see him... bloody mothers these days I'll tell ya... Foreigner pushed disco out of the Top Forty with the help of Styx and others, they led the fight to kill disco off and succeeded! How cool is that. Foreigner Four is their most complete album in my opinion, bringing classics like Juke Box Hero and Urgent together with totally awesome tracks like Break It Up and Woman in Black (Personal Favorite). Check it out, I got it for like two bucks on eBay. [b]Led Zeppelin[/b]- WOW. One word that describes the ultimate rockers to me. They are the complete package: incredibly deep lyrics, by far the best instrumentals in rock and roll, the one two combo of Page (sp?) and Plant... What else do you need? There is no same genre answer for Zeppelin. They spawned some of the greatest songs ever created, Stairway to Heaven (yes I am an evangelical Christian... and yes Stairway to Heaven is THAT good..), Kashmir (My fav Zeppelin), Ramble On, etc. Sorry to all of you Iron Butterfly Fans, Zeppelin was the bridge to and the founders of heavy metal. Sure Sonata Arctica and Metallica have come a long way from Kashmir, but the roots are clearly there. Who else can be honored with creating an entire Genre? Elvis, and the Beatles for rock and pop rock respectively. [b]The Who[/b]- I absolutely love Tommy. Someone said that Genesis tried to answer Tommy with something or other, so sorry Collins/Gabriel, you can't answer Tommy in that arena. Tommy aside, the Who's incredibly diverse range of songs (fun, serious, love, social commentary, etc.) coupled with incredible playing and singing from Daltry and Townsend (WOOOOOHOOOOOO GO PETE!) are unmatched. Who hasn't felt the anguish of Behind Blue Eyes? Pictured a sea of love in Reign O'er Me? Danced to Baba O'Reilly? I pity you if you haven't. Townsend certainly stands with Lou Graham, Steven Tyler, Mick Jagger, Robert Plant, Roger Waters, Mark Knopfler, Eric Clapton, and John Lennon as the Gods of Rock (There are others I guess...). [b]Fleetwood Mac[/b]- My first favorite band (I took one look at a pic of Nicks from '77 and was like... WOW move over Liu!), FM's incredible diversity over one theme of songwriting is better than any I have ever heard elsewhere. You have to go very far genre wise to get from Tusk to Big Love, from Storms to Go Your Own Way, from Rhiannon to Paper Doll. When I want a love song and I don't have any EWF or Chicago on hand, FM's Greatest Hits goes in. I am about to open myself to a lot of criticism here, but I don't care. Linsay Buckingham is history's greatest guitar player. Santana, Hendrix, and Keaggy are fantastic, but if you've ever hear Big Love you know what I am talking about, its incredible. It sounds like three highly skilled guitarists are playing all at once, and its just him... He may not be the best singer, but there is no one who beats him in technical guitarship. Nicks beats out Ann Wilson and Olivia Newton John as my alltime fav. western female perfomers. Not only was she incredibly hot in the '70s, she can both sing and write songs. Her voice has an edge on it that no one I have ever heard possesses, she delivers her notes clearly and with style that is unmistakeably hers. [b]Dire Straits[/b]- The thinking man's answer to Genesis, Knopfler's both skillful and sarcastic lyrical delivery is above Collins and Gabriel. I won't detract from the awesome "Supper's Ready", or Genesis as a whole, but Dire Straits simply outclasses them. Their songs are like a Hemingway novel, uncluttered, but very, very deep. Money For Nothing, Telegraph Road, Private Investigations, Brothers in Arms, etc. are all incredible pieces of both music and commentary. MFN's unforgettable opening "I want my M T V..." haunts me every time someone speaks of that network. Knopfler, although not as cool as Graham, is definetly my overall favorite singer. You simply must check out his solo CD Shangrila. Our Shangrila, Trawler Man's Song, Road to Tupelo, hell, the whole CD is just awesomely deep, stimulating, and musically impressive. I love many other bands that I don't have time to write about, but I will make a non comprehensive list to honor them: Chicago, Rush, Boston, the Beatles, ACDC, Bowie, the Cure (pseudo classic maybe... whatever they are I like them anyway), Tom Petty, Mellancamp, Van Halen, Twisted Sister (guys check out Girls, Girls, Girls :P), Styx (Come Sail Away, alltime favorite song overall), Cream, Clapton Solo, Synynrd, Crosby Stills Nash and Young, CCR (Greatest Band of All Time Over All Hands Down), Beach Boys, Aerosmith, the Stones, Police, Jim Croce, Jethro Tull, DEEP PURPLE (wooohooo), Guns'N'Roses, Journey, WhiteSnake, Super Tramp, Cheap Trick, YES, Santana, ZZ Top, the Eagles (competes with CCR, just not a personal top 5), etc. Classic Rock is definitely the best music of ALL TIME. Mozart doens't hold a candle to Steven Still or Fogerty (sp?)
  8. Where is CCR? CSNY? This top ten list sucks. Toys in the Attic, Shangrila, and Led Zeppelin Four oughta be there. Fleetwood Mac's Rumours, Foreigner's Four etc... Where is Pet Sounds in the top ten? Gotta go with the classics....
  9. Where for art thou my last resort? Raid3r Gray. Gray. Gray. The name I seek is always gray. It matters not the time of day, Or whom it is with I wish to speak, They all stand silent, bleakly still, Although with ease and carefree song The one I seek no longer hulloes along Leaving me with less than nothing, For an unwanted conversation Is less than milk expiring. Though I try so hard, I vent, burst and cry exasperation The phone has failed me, The letter too slow, E-mail unchecked and Blackberry batteries too low This last of last resorts Fails me too often, Like counting a flush of royal ?port. Is it Satan or Murphy? What force infallibly blasts me? All I seek is friendly banter With those locally with I cannot canter. Or perhaps a check of health and wine Across time zones hellish and divine. I seek my comrades, my old friends My brothers, chums and pals, Good old boys and ?mothers? Why your treasures from me hide? Why do you ride against me with everytide? You tease and offer, Little by little Tantalized. Where, where, where O Where for art thou Thou so slow Loving and hating thou my foe O thou my buddy list! I wrote this during a sudden fit of disappointment in that no matter who I wish to speak to, I can rarely reach them.
  10. If I didn't have friends in different time zones, I wouldn't stay up all night. But I am addicted to conversation on most levels, so I have no choice. I need VERY little sleep to go on (my career scoring high in PIAA basketball (36) came during a 48 hour no sleep period). I don't get irritable, I get quiet. I stay lucid till I MUST sleep or I will die, then I just go out for about seven hours and am ready to do it again. It's just because I am in good shape, I'd kill myself the way I abuse my body if it weren't pretty resilient.
  11. Starrstruck is faster than I had expected. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Indigo] Tzu's halberd dripped with blood as he dashed through the alley's of the Shanghai slums. An urchin gang had jumped him with a knife, and all the patrolling officers' had seen was a grown man fighting with children. He successfully drove off the urchin's with minimum damage dealt, police officers, however, are slightly more viscious than a lack-a-daisical mugger. An entire squad of angry policemen chased him hard, their athletic skill showing in the way they kept ground with him. He threw a melon seller's stall down behind him, ignoring the angry cry of the melon seller's wife. An arrow wizzed by his face, and Tzu knew he was in the frying pan. He leapt over a small hovel and climbed the wall of a more impressive one. Waifs and beggars continued cackeling amongst themselves as he flew by, branding him instantly as another criminal not worthy of attention. He sprang loose from the hovel and landed roughly on the ground below. The police had lost him for a few seconds, his acrobatics had thrown them off. He shot up and sprang onward, realizing that he was only a few hundred yards from the port. He ran to the smallest gate to the port, grimacing as he heard the angry shouts of the pursuing officers. Tzu ran the customs guard through in one fell swoop and dashed onto the closest jetty. A junk had just left, and was approximately fifty feet out. The young man called upon his youthful vigor and cleared the smaller junk which had just docked, swimming furiously after the recently departed one. The crew took stopped their work momentarily, jeering at the policemen who refused to tarnish their uniforms buy jumping into a filthy harbor. The sailors instantly began calling odds and taking bets as to whether the swimmer would reach them. Their captain ordered them to work again, "Let this fool to his joss, if he makes it so it is, but if he doesn't, I will not be responsible for saving his life before the gods! Get back to work you lousy motherless whores!" They jeered heartily at their captain, calling odds as they worked, debating the swimmer's energy reserves. Tzu caught the slow moving boat and climbed aboard, much to a few sailors dismay. He shook his hair dry as money changed hands, ignoring the captain as he approached. The captain eyed him, seeing the expensive, fitted clothing, unique weapon and blood spattered frame. "I've seen you before, I would swear to it... who are you?" "I am a shadow fleeing from darkness, eternally seeking a rose that I cast aside in ignorance and haste." Tzu spat, marvelling at his own composure. The captain did not know his identity, however he knew his story. "This ship is headed to Hangzhou, we will beat all pursuers, but everyone works on my ship." Tzu exploded with laughter, "Hangzhou! I'll be damned, the gods have shown favorably on my joss today! I've experience navigating and fighting, and I've a strong arm to lend around deck." "Good lad. Back to work me hearties! Hangzhou tomorrow morning!" Tzu put incredible enthusiasm into the tasks he was given, brimming with jubilation at his luck. He desperately needed to go to his contacts in Peking, but had no official entry papers. Not even he'd attempt to just bust into Peking alone. Four Fingers Wu, an old friend of his and master black marketeer, always had a fresh, official set of Peking entry papers on hand. For a price. [i]What price will he call upon me to pay?[/i] [/COLOR][/FONT] Ok Starrstruck, you can pick Tzu up from where he exits the junk.
  12. [quote name='CB Shin']Plain and simple, the Death Penalty is not the solution here, but rather, a part of it. The philosophy of "An Eye for an Eye" was developed by Hammurabi in ancient times. I believe that we, as a modern society, have alternate solutions. There are flaws in both points, i have seen. On one hand, killing a person can be seen as immoral, wrong and sometimes, ineffective for wiping out the crime as a whole, however, on the other hand, keeping them alive is a waste of resources. No, we have to instill a type of mentality in society that will eliminate crime almost entirely. The way I see it, Crime is much like Heresy, it is not simply enough to kill the Criminal/Heretic, but to destroy the thoughts they ever had in the beginning. If one dies without realizing he did anything wrong, you can be sure that there will always be others who will commit similar crimes. The alternate solution? An extreme rehabilitation program that will teach these people shame for their deeds. Only when they have realized what they have done can they die. It may seem cruel to kill them after they are rehabilitated, but in order to ensure these crimes do not happen again, we cannot take risks. I feel no mercy for those who give none...[/quote] Perhaps in an ideal world. The science of economics is the study of how to distribute limited resources for maximum effectiveness. Spending untold fortunes doing psych washing on countless criminals is not only unrealistic, its imbicilic. Even the mighty US of A, greatest economy to ever exist and by far the most powerful in the world (The entire EU doesn't put out as much as the Pacific Rim States), cannot afford such fripperies. The line about someone dying without knowing his wrong, and thus others will follow in his footsteps is utter nonsense. How will Joe Schmoe's knowing what he did was wrong prevent or dissuade me from doing the same thing? Life is a action/reation game. If one decides that an action is worth the reaction, one will do it, regardless of the pyschological aspect of criminals that one has never met/interacted with. You feel no mercy for those who give none? There is no grace in your life?
  13. Northwestern's Kellog School of Business (or Wharton, haven't decided yet) should be my alma-mater in a few years, anyway back to college ball. I hate U of I and UNC, but I love the ACC so I have to root for UNC. Duke is my favorite team, followed by Gonzaga, Pacific, and Penn. Duke got eliminated by the blathering fuckwhits: Michigan State. GO ACC! UNC WILL CRUSH THE ILLINI AND THERE POT HEAD LOOKING GUARD MAN DEE BROWN
  14. I am willing to debate you on the Socialist/Capitalist argument on any point and at any level, I put Alex Keaton to shame in the capitalist department. I encourage you to throw out some talking points, because basically all you have said is that you are for the intellectual proletariat. I'd like to take this to the realm of the philosophical, rather than the historical. One note: I have nothing against you personally, and wish our discussion to be purely for the sport of intellectual stimulation. Three questions for you to start us off: 1. Do you believe in the inherent goodness of man? 2. What is more important, the individual, or the greater good? 3. Do you dismiss private property as intrinsically corrupt, a thing merely intent on the destruction/enslavement of the common man? If so, why?
  15. I play basketball, soccer, football, volleyball, hockey, tennis, golf, and track. Lol. I only started being athletic when I was about 12 years old, but now I am teh super b3ast of running jumping and slam dunking (i wish...). In terms of watching sports, I am a fanatical Fan. Football- Oakland Raiders NCAA Basketball- Duke Bluedevils, Gonzaga Bulldogs, Penn Quakers, and Pacific Tigers NBA- I hate the NBA, but if I must watch it, GO Sacramento Kings. Soccer- Arsenal and the Metrostars. Of course Germany, S Korea, Japan, and the USA in the World Cup. I cry when my teams lose. A piece of my being is torn from me and trampled by rapid Spainiard Matadors without capes.... GO TEAM GO!! JUST WIN BABY!
  16. I am addicted to hot sex with clones of Asian supermodels in super-speed upside down rollercoasters while on a cocaine high. And thats only on weekdays.
  17. Sorry about the delay, but Gonzaga, Duke, and an F1 Race were on my plate this week ^_^, in writing third person, I will be using Tzu as his name. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Indigo] Tzu leaned against the teahouse's balcony, smiling at the moon. He was pleased with himself, as usual, but more so this time. Not only because the courtesan lay exhausted in the room, not because the 699 taels had spread, making him into some sort of rumour figure again; but because he knew she knew he was back. [i]It's all that matters now, anyway... I better get going.[/i] He slipped over the balcony, leaving the green stone in the room at the woman's head. Getting out of the suite was no problem, but exiting the privacy walls could be tricky. The madame had aided his entrance, as he had known her in his previous life, but promised no help on the exit. Several imperial officials of a minor, but still very imperial, rank stood drunkenly conversing about their latest conquests at the gate fire. [i]House of Twin Lilies[/i] (a name earned by the somewhat dubious practices of its founding... "partners") was situated at the very edge of Shanghai's pleasure district, directly adjacent to the main causeway- a 75 foot bridge suspended over a nameless waterpassage. It was lightly guarded, and always bore an inordinate amout of traffic, but still, Tzu did not want to show his face around too much. He knew too many people, or perhaps it should be said he was known. Athough never a Pearl, Tzu Sun's misadventures under the banner of their cause had stirred up a beehive of furious manhunts and schemes to secure his capture. Fortuneately for Tzu, he always managed to put someone elses neck in the noose. "Ah Tat always told me a drunk man is a man without spirit of reason or memory. [i]Dew Neh Loh Moh[/i]* on her if she is wrong." He muttered, affecting upon himself an aspect of drunkenness. He stumbled in odd directions toward the group of men, passing through them with a toothy grin and a few obscene gestures celebrating the quality of the Twin Lillies. The gestures were returned with enthusiasm, and he was invited to join them. "I be honored, lords, but, my lovely wife is waiting for me just around the block, and I can' leave her waiting." This earned him a racous applause of laughter, and he was sent on his way with various perverse advice and suggestions. "Bastards," Tzu cursed, meandering onward into the pit-black Shanghai night. [/COLOR][/FONT] *An incredibly vile Cantonese (I think) expression, the definition I will not give here. I got it from James Clavell hahah
  18. [quote name='_Hikaru_']I have a ghost in my house, or so me and my friends think.Like once we woke up (at a sleepover) to a boy laughing in the room next door and as I have no sibling or anything...we went in and it stopped.... :animenose[/quote] Nope. I have better things to do than hang around and ponder the evidence of supernatural beings outside the realm of angels and demons. Sayonara.
  19. First Love? none yet, Love is so strong, I haven't ment anyone who qualifies as a "love" yet. First fiance (1st grade was great)? O my, I must have been seven, I remember she was 8, because I was teased for liking older women. Anyway, we hung out all the time at school, and eventually came into the habit of kissing in that... blank period between class and lunch. These puppy pecks hardly count as real kisses, but it was really awesome to me as a seven year old. Most girls I meet that I could fall in love with, I am only around for a few days, thus I don't know. Like Conference last year, I met a girl who was on the same page as I was on so many levels, alas I only had five days with her, so I never found out. I'd bet any money the same will happen sometime this summer.
  20. [QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f]I thought it would be interesting to start a topic based on the Islamic religion. However, the point of my thread is only to try to convince you that the Quran is the word of God, but not neccesarily that Islam is the "right religion". [/quote] [QUOTE=Chabichou] As far as I know, there are three scriptures which have been said to be the direct word of God: the Torah, the Gospel and the Quran. However, all of us agree that the Torah and the Gospel have been changed time and time again. No two Bibles are alike. [/quote] Translated time and time again, not changed. People may disagree on one man or the other's translation efforts in terms of accuracy but not in terms of content change. John 1:1 states "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." The Word is Jesus Christ, and the Bible is the Word of Christ manifested as Scripture. Jesus was the same yesterday as He is today and will be tomorrow. Since He is the Word of God, and the Word of God is the Bible, and He is unchanging, then the true Bible does not change. [QUOTE=Chabichou] What about the Quran? The Quran states that it is the last scripture to be sent down from God, and the God has take it upon himself to preserve it. It is true that the Quran has remained completely unchanged for over 1400 years, since the time of it's revelation. Not a single word, nor a single letter has been changed. [/QUOTE] 2nd Peter 2:1 "But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction." [QUOTE=Chabichou] Cristians believe in the Torah, they believe that it was sent down by God, but they follow the Gospel because it is the most "revised" message so far. Is it not possible that yet another book would come after the Gospel? I don't that is is stated anywhere in the Gospel that no more books will proceed it.[/quote] The Gospel Of Christ and the Epistles of Paul and the General Epistles and the Revelation of John are not revisions of the Old Testament. They are the fulfillment of the Old Testament. The entire Old Testament leads up to Christ, here is a list of the prophecies that I put together: The Messiah must.../ Prophecy/ Fulfillment by Jesus Be born in Bethlehem/ Micah 5:2/ Matthew 2:1; Luke 2:4-7 Be adored by great persons/ Psalms 72:10-11/ Matthew 2:1-11 Be annointed with the Spirit of God/ Isaiah 11:2, 61:1/ Matthew 3:16; John 3:34; Acts 10:38 Be hated without cause/ Isaiah 49:7; Psalms 69:4/ John 15:24-25 Be undesired and rejected by His own people/ Isaiah 53:2, 63:3; Psalms 69:8/ Mark 6:3; Luke 9:58; John 1:11, Be plotted against by Jews and Gentiles together/ Psalms 2:1-2/ Acts 4:27 Be betrayed by a friend/ Psalms 41:9, 55:12-24/ Matthew 26:21-25, 47-50; John 13:18-21; Acts 1:16-18 Be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver/ Zechariah 11:12/ Matthew 26:16 Have his price given for a potter?s field/ Zechariah 11:13/ Matthew 27:7 Be forsaken by His disciples/ Zechariah 13:7/ Matthew 26:31, 56 Be struck on the cheek/ Micah 5:1/ Matthew 27:30 Be spat on / Isaiah 50:6/ Matthew 26:67, 27:30 Be mocked / Psalms 22:7-8/ Matthew 27:31, 39-44 Be beaten / Isaiah 50:6/ Matthew 26:67, 27:26, 30 Be thirsty during His execution/ Psalms 22:15/ John 19:28 Be given vinegar to quench that thirst/ Psalms 69:21/ Matthew 27:34 Be considered a transgressor / Isaiah 53:12/ Matthew 27:38 Be buried with the rich when dead / Isaiah 53:9/ Matthew 27:57-60 Be sought after by Gentiles as well as Jews/ Isaiah 11:10, 42:1/ Acts 10:45 Be accepted by the Gentiles / Isaiah 11:10, 42:1-4, 49:1-12/ Matthew 12:21; Acts 10:45; Romans 15:9-12 Be my guest and check up on this list. This is a clear indication that the Old and New Testaments are not at odds, or are revisions of each other but rather one long story: The Story of Jesus Christ. The Law of Moses was given to man to illustrate the need for a perfect sacrifice, a.k.a. the Lamb of God. Jesus was that perfect sacrifice so that all who come near to Him may go near to the Father also. John 14:6- Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. [QUOTE=Chabichou] Jesus was an Israelite/Jew right? At that time, his people were following the teachings of the Torah, but the Torah's message has been altered, and the jewish rabbis of the time were taking advantage of people using religion. Jesus comes along with his miracles and a new book. Many people start to follow Jesus' teachings. It's not like they converted or anything. They simply knew that God has sent them another prophet (or as Christians believe, his Son) down with a new book, which corrected the mistakes in the altered Torah. [/quote] Yes, the Law of Moses had been perverted by corrupt men. Jesus did not come to simply bring a new book, the change was too radical. He came to fulfill the law, and make man free from it. They didn't convert, they finished their religion. Judaism was the foundation system that created the situation that Jesus needed to complete His purpose. [QUOTE=Chabichou] But even if Muhammad was able to express himself so beautifully consider this: The Quran was revealed bit by bit over a period of 23 years, and never did a single aspect of its style change! How could any human keep the exact style of speech for 23 years? Furthermore, Muslims follow the sayings of the prophet (the hadith) in addition to the Quran. Muhammad expressed his teachings [B]in his own words[/B], which had a completely different style than the Quran. How could a human maintain two completely different styles of speech for 23 years? However, the Quran has no author. Anyone who writes a book would put their name on it, but their is no name on the Quran. Furthermore, Muhammad was the only person to ever teach the Quran. He always knew the verses before anyone else. [/quote] No doubt about it, Mudammad was a smart man. It is not difficult to maintain two distinct and untainted styles of expression, especially for a talented poet like himself. The reason he knew the verses first is because he wrote them, Gabrielle serves only one master: Jesus Christ.
  21. There is no one on earth that does not have a price. You guys have limited your acceptable bribes to cash, but one must remember that cash is only a small part of the vast and varied world of payoffs. I know I sound Machiavellian, and I am, however it is a fundamental (and [i]nearly[/i] universal) aspect of human nature. For example, I doubt many people would murder their mother for even ten billion dollars. But would you murder your mother in exchange for vast funds being directed against world hunger? Illiteracy? Cancer research? For the not so noble among us, would you murder your mother for the true and undying affections of "the one"? Ok, so murder is extreme. Would you do a porn movie? Illicit photos? Depends on the reward of course. Some wouldn't do it for ten million dollars, but most would do it to see the desires (not fulfilled by the movie....) of their loved ones fulfilled as a reward. There is not a man, woman, or child on the entire Earth who could not be bought. Someone having the resurces/power to fulfill that price is a different story.
  22. Hmmm.... I filled out a bracket, not super logically, but somewhat logically. My final Four: Gonzaga Vs. Oklahoma State Duke Vs. Kansas Championships: Gonzaga Vs. Duke Winner: Duke I know, I know, the Bulldogs will never make it that far and the Devils "will just go away". But that is my Official Prediction. It just seemed right to me for some reason.
  23. Top 5 all Time Great Guitarists According to Raid3r 5. Eric Clapton 4. Phil Keagy 3. Jimmi Hendrix 2. Eddie Van Halen 1. Linsay Buckingham Just my observations from listening to countless hours of rock music.
  24. Wooohoo! It's that time of year again, the NCAA Division 1 Men's Basketball Tourney is fast approaching. The ebb and flow, ups and downs, heartbreaks and cinderella's.... Nothing in the realm of DRAMA compares with March Madness. The Illini are coming off a near perfect season and are easily 1 Seeds. North Carolina and Duke are probably 1 Seeds as well, but Duke is up in the air (them or Wake) What teams are you guys into? Who do you think will win the whole thing? I really love the BlueDevils of Duke. I'll never go there, but they seem to have the magicalness that has cemented me into a hardcore fanship. J. J. Redick is definetly my Basketball Hero :animesmil, him and the Land Lord of course. Coah K is the man, and the Cameron Crazies Chicks are really hot. I'm not too keen on Dukes Nation Champ. chances because we have no depth. However, on any given day Duke can play with the best in the world and come away with a win. I'm off to go see if the bracket games have opened yet.
  25. OOC: I hate to post again so soon, but I sort of need to. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Blue] Pride eyed Rezel, studying him up and down. A voice tugged at the back of his mind, "The Prototype is the prime objective, not killing everyone who upsets you. It is [i]my[/i] wish that you order your priorities in a more acceptable manner." "Yes, my Lord." He muttered. "But I will give him a show before I leave." "What are you babbling about?" Rezel demanded, his desire to get this overwith very strong. "As much as I would like to, today is not the day. Chain of command and all that you know." Pride had trouble getting the words out. "O Fuck! I hate being overridden. I am no mere manifestation of Sin. I was once as glorious as yourself, and I [b]shall[/b] be again!" Callith Alguroth became Pride, Fallen Angel, once again. Massive black feathered wings sprouted from his back. A crown of un-glory adorned the air above his head, he shone with light both radiant and chilling. The air in the area twirled with the raw power, and the twin emeralds blazed with incredible fury. [b]"Next time I will fight you, Lucifer's command or not. I have to go reorder my priorities."[/b] His voiced boomed like thunder over a raging sea. Taking to the sky, he winked at Mercy, and laughed a villianous laugh worthy of a mighty being of evil. [/COLOR][/FONT] OOC: Again, I didn't want to post so quickly, and I avoid doing so as much as possible. I am not in anyway trying to dominate the story more than anyone else. Have fun all!
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