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Juke Box Hero

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Everything posted by Juke Box Hero

  1. OOC: Nothing against you personally Neuvoxetere, Pride just doesn't like Beelzebub. [COLOR=Blue] [FONT=Arial Narrow] Pride had only gone two or three miles when he smelled it. The stench of ten thousand harbingers of Filth. The stench of a rotting corpse in the heat of the day, a smell so intense, so evil, that he nearly vomited. "Why is it that only archdemons and such can smell him. Blech. What the fuck does he want this time..." He turned and hurtled like lightning back to the wreckage spot. Enjoying the feeling of crushed steel beneath his feet as he trod on immobilized human vehicles. Callith Alguroth simply loved to spill the blood of humans, especially in creative ways. Suffocating them in steel cages (as he described cars) was particularly invigorating to him. When he arrived at the scene, he sneered at the gathering of Spirits and Demons. "Hello. Beelzebub why are you in my region? To eat wolf spirits?" The Demon bellowed with laughter. "[i]Your[/i] region, Pride? As I recall you could barely hold Dis from Leviathan, so do not speak to me of possesive regions. She is particularly lovely, don't you think? Would you like a bite?" "Think you are real special, huh? You are nothing but a demon, no class. Pitiful, your weapon is your stench." "My weapon is anything I damn well please." The slightly older being chuckled. Pride struck himself in the face comically, and mocked a smile. "My dear Mercy! I am [i]oh[/i] so sorry! I would have talked to you [i]ages[/i] ago, but the whole Lord of the Flies overpowering my olfactories thing, well you know.." The ArchAngel smiled at him, she couldn't help remembering the good times they had had in Heaven. The good old days, back when Lucifer was still around. [i]Ahh well, thats what memories are for, right? They were my friends then, but not now.[/i] "Sigh.... Pride, long time no see. Such a shame, I too noticed ole' Beel here, had to pay him a visit." "What to do about him? I'm sure you and I have rather different goals here on Earth, but its becoming apparent to me that I don't much like Garbage King over here." "Quite." Beelzebub and the others had patiently (stange, huh?) waited for their conversation to finish. But Guilt's patience had run out. "Wha' the bloody 'ell are we all doon out 'ere, anyway?" Pride turned to answer him, however Beelzebub, still holding the girl, beat him to it. "Why did you lapse into that horrendous accent again? I am rapidly becoming bored here..." Carcharoth and Jeulnelune appeared in Callith Alguroth's hands. "Let us liven it up then." "Don't you dare Pride!" Mercy shouted, a note of urgency in her beautiful voice. "He is Demon. No Angel, Fallen or not, will lose to such scum." "This isn't the place or the time. The human authorities will be here soon." "Your point?" Beelzebub dropped the girl, and she rushed back to her companion. His body seemed to tense up, like he was gathering some sort of power. "Well, Fallen One, the ball is in your court." Pride drew the bead of Carcharoth right between Faust's eyes, and squeezed the trigger. Faust twitched his head as the fire bolt passed, dodging it by a slight margin. "Not bad, that is the first time I have [i]ever[/i] missed." An angelic voice shouted in the rapidly closing distance, "I can think of at least one other occasion!" [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  2. [COLOR=Blue] [FONT=Arial Narrow] Pride's humanoid body rippled with adrenaline, the act of throwing a Merc touring sedan was invigorating. "Ahh! Oh to be alive and on Earth once more." He smiled, smelling the rising awareness of the pair of Hell Knights only a few hundred feet away. "Perhaps I should make an aquiantance or two." He sped down the highway towards Krell and Guilt, denting the hoods of vehicles unlucky enough to be under his long stride. "Gentlemen, let me introduce myself. I am Callith Alguroth." Knell snorted at this statement. "Well Callith Alguroth, what the fuck do you think you are doing, throwing cars at your fellow searchers?" "I like to keep things interesting, what can I say. If you'd still like a brawl, I'm sure we can arrange something." Guilt tensed his muscles, feeling the raw power inside him well up. He bunched his rock like fist, but Krell waved him down, "This is Pride, Guilt, I'd strongly advise against fighting him. You see, he is our regional co-ordinator for our Prototype Hunt." "Indeed I am. Phh.... what have you fellows uncovered today?" The Sin Trapped Angel sneered, the joy of command, the joy of command away from Lucifer nearly overcoming his poise. Surveying the surrounding wreckage, Guilt smirked, "O I'd say a field 'o bloody blinkin' road rage." "...indeed. The Prototype? Any signs at all?" "No, Callith, none. Why don't you go coordinate two other lucky bastards, eh?" Krell replied, a tense politeness in his voice. Pride kackled, "That's a spiffing idea. I did, however, think of it long before you. You two just tickle my funny bone. Sayonara!" And just like that, the Captain of Hell was off. "Bastard." Guilt said matter-of-factly. "Bastard indeed." [/FONT][/COLOR] OOC: As I understand it, all of Hell wants the Prototype under control again, so I figure a multilateral recovery effort makes sense. I'll alter if need be.
  3. Yes. Silenced pistols, etc. However some situations may call for more of the big guns type thing, but not in general.
  4. Hey guys, just wanted to set this up in case anyone had any questions or I forgot anything. Feel free to ask anything or IM me or whatever. I like the idea of a Cold War Spy v. Spy very much and I want to make it work. Questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, anything drop in here.
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed][i]Red Eagle[/i][/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][FONT=Arial Narrow]It is 1964, the era of Credence Clearwater Revival, the free love movement, student riots, black panthers, civil rights movements, and other political unrest. These things are the things that one reads of in a history book. These are the things that one can see in retrospect. These things are a placid lake compared to what lies beneath. The Soviet Union?s covert and subversive attempts to cripple the United States have been in full swing for over twenty years. The young Central Intelligence Agency has fought powerfully against the KGB and its [i]gulags[/i]. The attempts on Western Europe, Northern China, Alaska, Mexico, South America, and Oceania had generally been thwarted. These past years have had clear battle lines, well, as clear as spy vs. spy can be. The grey began to grow, and no one knew who they were fighting anymore. Survival became an agent?s prime objective, anyone: your brother, mother, uncle, best friend, waitress, barber- any of them could be Soviet plants. Nothing was safe, nothing was sacred. The KGB inspired fear into the hearts and minds of all but the greatest men, and their reign of terror seemed to be spreading like warm butter on homemade bread. In February of ?64, CIA and MI6 (British Intelligence) operatives have dropped like flies in Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo, and Kuala Lumpur. In fact, all of Sinic Asia has been a mine field for American/Free World sympathizers on all but the lowest levels. At first, Langley (CIA headquarters in Virginia), thought that the codes had been broken, however, after three code changes, their agents are still losing cover for seemingly no reason at all. One analyst, a young Rita Forscythe of Alexandria, VA, began to suspect that the Soviets had an inside man high up in Langley. She took her suspicions to the Director, a man merely called Caesar. He considered the meager evidence that she presented, and found some of his own. Soon after, James Ross, director of CIA operations in East Asia was murdered. It was then that Caesar knew he had a [i]Red Eagle[/i] on his hands. Only problem was, all of his top men were squeaky clean, checked and re-checked?. Who is the [i]Red Eagle[/i]? In March, ?64, the Russian Embassy was bombed. The detonation came from the inside, and no terrorist groups claimed responsibility. Caesar immediately launched no holds barred investigations that lead to one lead: One single piece of paper that could or could not have relevancy to this very volatile international incident. An airline ticket stub uncovered in a third rate hotel closet: [b]Hong Kong 1 Way 1st Class.[/b] Meanwhile, Moscow was furious. Washington could not or would not do anything to appease them, and the tension grew to the breaking point. On July the 4th, 1964, a Soviet Envoy delivered the following message to Washington: Deliver the heads of those responsible for this blemish of Soviet Honor in 30 days, or we will assume it was the CIA and commence retaliatory action. Short and to the point, if the incident wasn?t resolved in a month, a Soviet/American War would begin, quite possibly annihilating human civilization as we know it. 17 days have passed, and nothing has happened. [b]American Goals:[/b] Find the Defector Solve the mystery of the Russian bombing before the soviets become too aggravated. Retake Sinic Asia?s shadow world from the KGB. [b]Russian Goals:[/b] Prevent the Americans from uncovering the real story about the bombed embassy. Sap the final strength from the CIA?s Asia operations. Protect the defector at all costs. [b]British/Chinese Goals:[/b] Prevent nuclear war between the superpowers. Solve the embassy bombings before it?s too late. Defeat the KGB in Asia. Unique to British: Aide CIA Prevent Chinese takeover of the Royal Crown Colony of Hong Kong. Unique to the Chinese: Remove the [i]gulags[/i] from Asia. Take back Hong Kong from the sniveling British upstarts. The British do not trust the Chinese, or the Chinese the British. However both see the value of peace between Moscow and Washington. A special co-operative team of agents has been dispatched to Washington (without CIA permission) to start unraveling the embassy bombings. In an unrelated mission, an elite three man team of MI6, CIA, and Japanese Intelligence Security agents has been dispatched to Hong Kong to find the defector and kill him. They must do so with great expediency, and without disturbing the precarious balance of local power, to prevent all of Asia from becoming the slaves of the Soviet Empire. Ladies and Gentlemen: This is what I need. 2-3 CIA Agents. 2-3 MI6 Agents. 2-3 KGB Agents. 1 Japanese Security Agent 1 Special Service of Hong Kong Agent (HK branch of MI6, however they don?t get along.) 2 Civilians. All other characters in the story will be acted by anyone as the circumstances call for. I will be contacting someone, you won?t know who, to play the [i]Red Eagle[/i]. The idea is that no one knows everything about what is going on, and that different players have the perspective of their characters. I need maturity here, so that it is played out well. The RP takes place over 13 action packed days. The story [i]must[/i] be fast paced to work, but it cannot be rushed. The Soviet players will be working against the American players, the MI6/Chinese/Japanese are sort of stuck in the middle, leaning one way or the other, but generally neutral. Think like a snake on this one guys. It is rated [b]M[/b] for a reason, I want no details held back, these are the scum of the earth in terms of morality. Realism is the name of the game[/FONT].[/COLOR] [b]Sign Ups:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Realistic [b]Sex:[/b] Male or Female, no undecideds. [b]False Name:[/b] No one named Yuri Golstovstok will be in the USA without being [i]heavily[/i] watched, so he might go by John Stockton or something. Realistic. [b]Age:[/b] Minimum is 26, max is 70. Make it fit who the character is. [b]Side:[/b] KGB CIA MI6 JSS SSHK or Civilian [b]Biography:[/b] Story of how the character came to be where he/she is. [b]Introductory post:[/b] Show me your stuff. I will post mine later. Remember L?s & G?s, there are Soviets around every corner, sniping from every roof top, and poisoning every drink. There is no such thing as trust, and there is always more than one [i][i]Red Eagle[/i]. [/i]
  6. SIGN-UP [b]Name:[/b] Pride, Captain of the Legions of Hell, Principality of the City of Dis [b]Called:[/b] Callith Alguroth by the denizens of Earth. [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Faction:[/b] Hell, specifically under Lucifer [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Guise:[/b] He wears the form of a slightly tanned human male, standing just over 6'8" tall. Pride's handsome face bears twin emeralds, blazing clean like pure oxygen, that can crush the will of lesser beings to exist. A cascade of gossamer black hair is tied behind his head with a thread of Lucifer's robe. His figure is lean and muscular. It gives off the impression of a chained and wouded bear who is oh so very close to being free of its prison. Strange tattoes mar both shoulders, the symbols chilling to look at, and are reminiscent of dark spells. They seem to have a life of their own, and have been known to move around of their own accord. [b]True Form:[/b] The arouma of sickeningly sweet flowers surrounds a twelve foot tall animated skeleton. Pride was once a Fallen Angel, but has transmuted into pure sin by the machinations of Lucifer, and thus must possess the skeleton of a long dead Knight of Hell. The skeleton has twin orbs of emerald light where the eyes should be, and a thin mane of black hair ponderously attached. The bones are bleached from years of warfare in Hell's blazing plains. Somehow they manage locomotion, and cannot be pulled apart, except perhaps by a Duke or Archangel under strenous circumstances. It is clad in huge black armor, spiked and runed with many ancient spells. [b]Weapons:[/b] For "honorable" single combat, he employs a jet black katana the is over 9' in length. It is held by a grip bound by angel skin, and the tsuba is pure emerald. The blade is vorpal and very durable, and it's name is "[b]Haymaker[/b]". Twin elemental handguns, Jeulnelune and Carcharoth. Crafted by Lucifer after the 1st rebellion, Pride earned them for great acts of meritorious service above and beyond the call of duty. [b]Jeulnelune[/b]- A sleek silver handgun that has no chamber. Instead, an orb of pure lightning magic has been permanantly fused into it's receptor, and allows Pride to fire chain lightning upon his foes. Jeulnelune can be wielded only by a Captain of Hell, but calls Pride it's master. Inscribed on the barrel is this, "Demon God of Thunder, Unleash Thy Wrath". [b]Carcharoth[/b]- A sleek black handgun that has no chamber. Instead, an orb of pure fire magic has been permenantly fused into it's receptor, and allows Pride to fire a rain of flame at his foes. Carcharoth can be wielded only by a being of pure sin (Dukes of Hell also), and the epitaph, "The Jaws of Thirst" is inscribed on the barrel of the weapon. [b]Powers:[/b] He can revert to his Fallen Angel form, but at great cost of power. Changing from his limited form of Pure Sin, back to the Fallen Angel he was in the prime of his glory, is incredibly taxing. Pride can also call upon Lucifer's legions for aide, resulting in some type of reinforcement, whether logistical or military, however this is seldom used and can be long in coming. When he has his Elemental Handguns with him, he can control fire and lightning, but without them he only has minor illusory powers. His prime power is his combat primacy, the ability to overwhelm even a most staunch defender with incredible speed and strength. When in Fallen Angel form, he can do battle with all but the greatest Knights of Heaven. [b]Personality:[/b] He is PRIDE. Driven by the desire to be first in all things, consumed by the knowlege that he is not, and clouded by the illusion that he is... makes him an incredibly unpredictable being. No matter what he fights to have his own way, he dominates others and seeks superiority in all venues. The is partially why he is not a Duke of Hell, because he has trouble seeing the big picture. Although, he does have his moments of clarity. [b]Motivation:[/b] Long ago, when he was still a Fallen Angel, his desire was to be counted among the Dukes of Hell. Pride nearly was. However, Lucifer's incredibly devious manipulation of him transmutated him into a caged version of himself: pure sin. At first he hated Lucifer beyond all others, but slowly he has come to respect him, and has learned much. Pride was eventually granted the power to revert back to Fallen Angel by Lucifer, and has since earned the rank of Chief Captain of the Legions of Hell, under the command of the Morning Star himself. Pride senses that he is close to having enough power to be free of his prison of Pure Sin, and strives beyond all things to be back to his former un-Glory. He grows stronger by the day, and knows that the era of his vengeance upon the Dukes will come within the year. Pride is the oldest and greatest of the sins, the Father of Hate, Rebellion, Jealousy, Lust, and Deception, and Pride knows that one day he could rule over a united Hell, and a conquered heaven.
  7. First off, Electra isn't pretty, she's hot. Big difference between someone...lets just say.. tempting, and someone for romance. You surely have gotten a crush on someone? I don't expect you to be my debonair self, but you gotta have some kind of attraction to something. Even dudes? My guess is that you are self conscious about something and are trying to convince yourself that you are a-sexual. Mind you, sexuality isn't the only thing that drives extra-family love, but all human beings have got it going on for someone or thing... It'll come man, don't worry.
  8. Count Down Of My Top 15, Reasons given for the top 5. 15. John Cougar Mellancamp 14. Rush 13. The Eagles 12. Led Zeppelin 11. ACDC 10. Utada Hikaru 9. The Who 8. Linkin Park 7. Tom Petty 6. The Rolling Stones 5. Fleetwood Mac- Stevie Nicks, greatest female vocalist of all time, + my ultimate guitar hero, Linsay Buckingham has to equal something special, and it sure does. The songs they wrote, especially on Rumours ('77? or '75?) seem to be the soundtrack of my life. Amazing quality, urgency, and balance on every single track. 4. Relient K- Christian Rock has come a long way over the past few years, and RK proves it. The quality of their music is on par with legends such as Deep Purple, and contemporaries such as Linkin Park. The depth of their faith and sincerity is simply inspiring. A good half hour with the Relient K boys has my soul feeling clean and my mind refreshed. 3. Doobie Brothers- What can I say of the Brotherhood a la Joint that hasn't been said already? Fantastic songs straight from a high heart would brighten even the most evil goth's day. Long Train Running is especially awesome, some of you should download it, culture up, you know? 2. Styx- I have only heard one Styx song in my entire life, so it may seem absurd for them to be my alltime no. 2, but believe me, Come Sail Away is the kind of song that is just... timeless. Come Sail Away...Come Sail Away With Me... from ashes to glorious hope, this is among the finest songs ever written. Number One. Unus. Uno. Big Kahuna: [b]Foreigner[/b] Lou Graham is a beast, no to ways about it. Urgent, Double Vision, Hot Blooded, Woman in Black, Cold as Ice, Juke Box Hero, I Want to Know What Love Is, Feels Like the First Time, Long Long Way From Home, Blue Morning, Waiting For A Girl Like You, I'm Gonna Win.... the top however many that was of my favorite songs. It might be a guy thing, but Foreigner makes me feel like a beast in a field of ants, gives me confidence that I would have trouble finding, and is generally kick ***. This is the rock group who nearly single-handedly revived rock and defeated disco. Foreigner told the world that rock wasn't dead, and the world listened. TOP 10 SONGS (Excluding Foreigner, because it would be totally filled otherwise) 10. Piano Man 9. Love The One You're With 8. Miss American Pie 7. Kashmir 6. Big Love 5. Rhiannon 4. For the Moments I Feel Faint 3. Come Sail Away 2. What A Lucky Man He Was 1. Life Is A Highway
  9. Me and some guy pals decided it would be cool to see who could jump into a soda machine the hardest. Let me tell you, its tons of fun. Just don't let the teachers find you, because thats [i]not[/i] cool at all. I almost knocked it over, but a friend grabbed it and set it right, and that was the end of our little game. BTW, no one won!
  10. Hope you don?t mind terribly if I join your tango, Cyriel, you lead, of course. ;) [COLOR=RoyalBlue] Sign-up - [b]Name:[/b] Tzu Sun [b]Sobriquet:[/b] Twister of Wrists; Fighter?s name is Amorphous Crane [b]Age:[/b] as he has no birth record he cannot be sure, but it is guessed around 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance/Description:[/b] A tall, lithe man of Chinese decent, Tzu Sun is very muscular and solid. His face reminds one of famous actor Andy Lau, and his voice like the Asian equivilent of James Earl Jones. His hair is very long and very black, tied in a pony-tail with the Chain of Pearls that his lover gave to him before they parted ways. His eyes are are stone gray and very hard to read. His garments vary day-by-day, but he prefers fighter's robes over other things. [b]Affiliation:[/b] Fallen House of Tzu, seeks vengeance for his family against the government. He has been known to work with the Pearls of Winter, but does not entirely back them. [b]Brocade:[/b] Not a Pearl, so it doesn?t really apply, although when working with the Pearls, he usually disguises himself among the White Bamboo. [b]Weapon(s):[/b] A Phoenix-wing Trident Halberd, forged in the fishing hamlet of Banpo by Wei Wushu. Sharp and durable, this fearsome weapon possesses no curse or blessing. [b]circumstances:[/b] When he was merely an infant, the entire Noble House of Tzu was slaughtered at the hands of the Wu (Picked a random dynasty, tell me which one our story is in, and I will change) Emperor. However, the soldiers of the emperor did not know that his amah had taken him to the market that day, and so missed killing the Heir to the House of Tzu. Upon receiving the knowledge that the family had been slaughtered, Ah Tat, agent of the White Pine, took him into hiding. She raised him as her own son, knowing the value of a Noble Heir to the Cause. He received the finest education, everything from equestrian skill, to Confucian and Lao-Tzu philosophy, to the entire scope of the martial arts. At first Tzu Sun joined the Cause with gusto, seeking vengeance for his family. After a while, he began to question his traditional values, and compared them to what he was doing. The young man was torn by vengeance and tradition. Alone, he could have worked out his problems and carried on, but when his affair with one of the most respected and elite agents of the Pearls of Winter became public (among these shadowy circles), he could not take the pressure, and fled to parts unknown. [b]Introduction:[/b] ?Who are you?? ?I am the Amorphous Crane.? ?[b]Aiyeaaa![/b] Scion of some house or other I should imagine. Tell me true, have you some princess or magistrate?s daughter waiting for you here?? ??? Tzu replied, rapidly tiring of the guard. [i]If he didn?t hold the power over this gate, he would be dead by now. Sigh? I need to be controlled here, any word of my return could spark an incident[/i]. ?In a way.? ?Awww?. That is so sweet. [b]Gaaaahhh![/b] You still aren?t coming in here,? The guard paused and spat loudly. ?Present your papers or [i]no[/i] Shanghai for you.? ?Mighty Official, please spare me the odious process of papers, when perhaps a little bit of heueng-yau (frangrant grease) could smooth the process?? ?1500 taels of silver.? ?But mighty lord, I am but a poor, insignificant man. Perhaps.. 50 taels will do?? ?700. I will not budge.? Sensing the avarice in the man?s voice, Tzu cajoled him, ?700 is far too much, but I can?t leave my princess waiting. Send her a sight draft.? ?[i]Gffffaaahhhh[/i]! Send her a sight draft indeed! 900 taels now. Or I shall call the captain and we will see about papers.? ?I have it here, please honored lord, open the gate so that I might give it to you.? ?Aiyeaaaa! Of course, my son,? the guard stepped out of the door, and smiled, exposing two rows of filthy black teeth. ?Give it to me, now!? ?Certainly.? Tzu Sun thrust his trident-halberd into the man?s throat, unflinching in the shower of blood that followed. ?Here it is, all 700 taels right here.? He dropped the bag of coins, which contained only 699 taels, onto the guard and entered the teeming hive of villainy known as Shanghai. He resolved to have the 700th tael made into an amulet as soon as possible. The White Bamboo girl, only half trained, but widely respected for her wisdom, crept away, hurdling through the shadows until she reached the inn. She shot up the stairs into her mistress? room like silent lightning and retold the night?s events with perfect accuracy. After a few questions about the Amorphous Crane?s appearance, the girl was dismissed with a pat on the back and a ?good work do better.? After she was alone, the mistress of the inn chuckled to herself. ?So the Scion of Tzu has returned to us. Perhaps? well perhaps many things, but this must be some sort of omen. Aiyeaaaa! If only I believed in such nonsense.? ~------------------------~ The Amorphous Crane fingered his necklace as he stared into the night sky. The myriad thousands of stars, stars noble and far away; stars melancholy and haunting, inspired him. He felt his soul stirring inside, seeking release, seeking the eternal promise of death. "It is not my time to go. When I am truly content, then I shall die. But vengeance comes first." A shade from his past called out to Tzu's mind, [i]Vengeance is a terrible path, you shall wreck all that you love. Is killing one bad tree worth burning an entire orchard? Is the death of one man worth the death of a city?[/i] "Yes, old man. I would murder all of our beloved Middle Kingdom to avenge my father. Be it as it may, as much as I burn, I pray that someone stops me. O Buddha! May I die with honor, may I die knowing that all is well." It was then he caught the scent of the lilly perfume. "Heh. A girl tailed me? I should return the favor." [/COLOR] I wanted to add something to clarify his emotional state. Anyway, maybe you should state an Arena Underground Thread for the Silk Brocade? Just a suggestion.
  11. OOC: I'm coming in late here, sorry guys I didn't realize that it started, although ULX said it was cool for me to sign up, so I'll work myself into the story gradually, as to not upset anything. [COLOR=Indigo] Jeulnelune left the room Dracula and the others were in, slipping outside in perfect silence. [i]What does he want me here for? The Silver-Haired Demon is meddling again... I need to have a personal conversation with Dracula.... He called me from the north, claiming great urgency and need for my strength, and yet when I come here all I smell are the lingering traces of the Dukes of Hell.... surely he did not call me to kill Lucifer?[/i] He stepped outside, breathing the night air greatfully. He gazed at the darkened sky, dismayed slightly at not finding even a single star in the clouded heavens. Jeulnelune swept his long black hair out of his face, and walked away from the Gwyar HQ for the second time that night. "Ug... I must have sustenance, being away from the North like this is draining me.." He took to the sky easily, thrilled to be on the hunt, fending for himself instead of Lillith feeding him. Jeul flew onwards for sometime before selecting a target, a white ranch house in a suburban development. Landing on the roof, he immediately heard the beating hearts... but the WhirlWind smelled a strange smell. "A vampire feeds here tonight, I shall pay my respects." He swung his powerful arm through the roof, balling his fist and ripping a huge chunk from the simple structure. The feeding vampire launched itself upward, striking him in the chest with surprising speed and ferocity. Jeul was taken aback, not expecting to be detected, although enjoying himself thoroughly. He grappled with the vampire in the sky, not recognizing the tatooes it wore on it's arms. "What are you?" "Alone." It roared, slashing him with great force. Jeulnelune pulled away chuckling, "You have great courage... either that or madness. Do you not know who I am?" He lifted the veil from the creatures eyes. A look of intense terror flooded its deathly face, the vampire fell to the ground unable to flee. "I am sorry, my lord." "I am not your lord. Who is?" "Kuroichi." "You lie. The Silver Haired One would not take such rabble as yourself." "I am a deserter." "Perhaps." "It's true I tell yo-" The Enieffac La'Sourcus delivered severe lacerations to the deserter's neck, and the conversation ended. [i]Combat has made me whole again, tonight I shall not feed. A deserter? I doubt it, probably a loner looking for respect. Either way, it's time to go back and see Dracula.[/i] [/COLOR] OOC: If someone wants to do the conversation with Drac so I don't take this the wrong direction I'd be much obliged. Thanks for letting me in ULX.
  12. [COLOR=Indigo] [b]Name:[/b] Jeulnelune [b]Nickname:[/b] WhirlWind, also known as the Butcher of Gyshram [b]Age:[/b] Active in [i]the[/i] Crucifixion, age at that time is unknown. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Ancient Vampire [b]Clan:[/b] [i]Gwyar[/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] See attachment [b]Weapons:[/b] Enieffac La?sourcus, crafted of the stone Cain used to kill Abel. This seven foot long sword is vorpal, and no armor can resist it. At his will it can burn black fire, or deliver a highly toxic venom to kill those who survive its bite. [b]Powers:[/b] Can phase in and out of reality, appearing easily at another location up to fifteen feet away. He has all the standard vampire powers, but few of their weaknesses. As one of the Ancient Vampires, only a stake made of the True Cross can put him to rest forever. Jeulnelune can open a rift in the space time continuum and launch vast electrical power from it. He is an incredibly skilled sowrdsman, and posseses decent abilities with a gun as well. He also possesses an incredible charm, with the same sentence he can sweep an artiste and a soldier off of their lovely female feet. No human women, and few extra-human women can resist him. [b]Personality:[/b] Incredibly calm and calculating, his face is immune to all external stimulation. His vast intelligence and quick thinking allow him to understand and react to a situation long before most people can move. He gets what he wants, although for his mentor, Vlad Dracula, and his closest ally, LeStat he has the highest respect, and will not go against them. His mercy toward human women is unusual for an ancient evil of his caliber, but as he is often quoted saying, ?I have been in both Heaven and Hell, and these human women bring back memories of both.? [b]Bio:[/b] When he is near, every heart begins to hammer, an animal instinct, the adrenal release in response to fear. Even the hearts on cards throb, and he dances to the beat. Few creatures on earth or below it inspire this kind of terror, yet few creatures have ever existed who would pierce the side of the Christ with a spear. Few of the denizens of the night would dare speak to the Christ, let alone wound Him. He nearly died of a Holy Fire that dark day, but he sheer will to exist and the terrible nature of his evil allowed him to survive. Jeulnelune joined the Roman army simply for that honor, the honor of surviving the wrath of angels. Not even Vlad Dracula knows from where he came, only that he first met the WhirlWind (as Jeulnelune later became known) a day after the death of Christ. The two devils stared each other down for many days, but neither could prevail. Parting ways for the next two hundred years, they only heard rumors of the other?s exploits. Eventually, LeStat, Jeulnelune?s closest ally and only true friend, convinced him to join Gwyar, as only truly ancient and fearsome evils can. His presence in the Clan Wars was barely felt, but the Krillat Zmaj?s troubles could not be summed up in the three names of Dracula, LeStat, and Zoku. For many years he wondered the shadows, smashing uprisings of other vampires and holy forces wherever he went. The mighty blade Enieffac La?sorcus, forged of a fragment of the rock Cain used to murder Abel, struck swifter than lightning and harder than the tidal wave. It?s vorpal edge cut effortlessly through the armor of the Krillat Zmaj?s agents. He waged a secret war, floating in and out of reality with ethereal dexterity, delivering the coup de grace on many of his enemy?s plans and leaders. He exacted particularly terrible wrath upon the Clan of Gyshram, murdering untold numbers of their operatives under the blessing of the real butcher of Gyshram, Zoku. In all his murder, he never once held prejudice or hate against his enemies, he is a pure lover of battle. Finally, in the 1950's, the great great grandson of Dr. Van Helsing stabbed him with a piece of the True Cross, however the hunter missed his heart, landing the blow on the shoulder instead. After killing van Helsing, Jeulnelune hid in his palace in the Arctic for many years, recovering from the near fatal blow. He recovered through the ministrations of the demon Lillith and the fallen angel Valeriel. Now the WhirlWind, wielder of the Enieffac La?sourcus, Jeulnelune ride forth from the icy north, heeding the call of Vlad Dracula, and with full knowledge that the wars of the Clans may be reaching its climax. [/COLOR]
  13. [QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f]That's because I have self respect and don't let other men touch my body. They have no right to if they are not married to me. I wouldn't go out with a guy because being alone with him is not the best way to know him. He might act one way in your presence and another way somewhere else. You've seen in the west people's lack of commitment to their marriages, and high rate adultery. I call that shameful and don't want to be a part of it. Your asking why there isn't absolute freedom. We are simply following our religion. If I believe in my religion then I will abide by it's laws and get my parent's approval with my marriage. Who's gonna stop me if I disobey my parents? No one, but I believe I will be punished by my lord if I do. In Islam you must still continue to obey your parents, even after you reach adulthood. My parents can't make me do anything, but God will punish me If I disobey them. I can meet him individually and directly speak with him. We don't need to be alone. And that's not allowed either. What has he got to say to me that can't be said in front of my parents? He can't tell me secrets about his life that my parents don't approve of. He can't flirt with me or make any sexual comments unless we're married. If your society is ruled by Islamic Laws, and if you give up Islam (which is very very rare, and in my opinion stupid), you get executed. Sex before marriage is punished by 40 lashes, for either sex. Adultery recieves the death penalty. And what's wrong with marrying a black guy? Islam doesn't differentiate between races, I can even marry a European person, as long as he is muslim. I'd prefer an Arabic person, someone who I can share my mother tongue with and because it would make it easier for my children to learn Quran, which is in Arabic, but it's not a big deal. There are black Arabs too you know.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Chabichou is regurgitating years of mental indoctrination. I have seen these same phrases (I have slef respect, I don't let men touch my body etc.) on websites and in literature for Islamic purposes. Although I realize not everyone wants to think likte THE GREAT SATAN, we do have some improved things over yours Chabi. How is it self respecting to let a man you do not know intimately (intellectually... what is with you people obsession with sex) ride you like a triple crown horse? Are conversations in front of your parents going to get you to know him? And 40 lashes! Barbarous! Geez... Get out of the dark ages sweetheart... I do understand your pressure to marry an Arab though, because my one grandfather abosolutely took a canniption fit when I came home with an Asian girlfriend. He was in 'Nam though, so its understnadable.
  14. Did FULLTIME KILLER come out in 2k4? Andy Lau is a beast...wow. He's like the Chinese Matt Damon, the dude can do everything, including look cool with a Bill Clinton mask on. THis movie really reassured me that the HK Action industry wasn't dead... and Kelly Lin is one HOTTTTTAAAAAYYY!!!!! Erm... I Digress.. Check out FT, it rocks!
  15. You need five thousand dollars (estimate) and good credit. Start as a kiosk/cart shop at your local mall. Carry a moderate line of the hottest DVD's (I suggest inventorying up from eBay) and like the other dude said, TCG's. I would also reccomend a web portal, offer every DVD/Manga that you can get your hands on easily. Example- At Amazon, you can buy XX manga for 20$$. At Artigato's Amazing Anime Outlet, you can buy it for 25$$, but you get a cute sticker. The consumer is two things: Stupid And the absolute arbiter of success. You gotta play them for all their worth, and maybe, just maybe, you'll survive.
  16. Patriots have bgasically won at this point. Brady will not lose with a ten point lead and only 7 to play. We have a dynasty, gentlemen! These Patriots are incredible... w0000t! I GET MY TEN BUCKS! Yah---haaa!
  17. [QUOTE=Sepiroth]Man Raid3r, where do u live. Giving free lunch to minorities just cause there minorities. I am black and I would be very offended to get free lunch just cause im black you should write your school system and demand that they change. Also i trust white people, so your cool with me I dont see race when i see people. People should be more like me.[/QUOTE] Ya I know, its insulting to be given handouts for no reason other than skin color. And as to your second paragraphthingey, I am the same way. I don't see an "African", "European", "Hispanic", or "Asian" American, I see an American. I am prejudiced against losers, not races, you know?
  18. I faced racism everyday of my life. As a middle class white male, I have no problems right? Obviously the black man, the Asian man, and the Hispanic man (as inferior as they are), need more aide and assistance, right? In my school district they provide free lunches for minority students, including some of the wealthier African families around, but us whities have to pay 1.87!! Obviously I am rich because I am white, right? My dad is a pastor, and if the church members were not generous at times, we would be... well its tight at times anyway (thank God for grandpa; and mom's genius at money managing). Racism against whites is built into the culture. It sounds absurd, because one cannot be racist against whities, right? White women do OK, but us white guys... whoa! Everyone and their brother hates us, distrusts us, and uses us for money! It is o so sad... AND WHITE GUYS CAN'T WIN!! I am have dated Hispanic and Asian girls in the past, and RECIEVED RIDICULE FROM OTHER WHITIES!! Minorities don't trust me because my skin is white, and other whities don't like me because I am not against minorities... GEEZ. FIRST PARAGRAPH IS SARCASM!!! PLEASE DO NOT MISREAD
  19. Go to a friends house to study. Study for 40 minutes, so you aren't lying, then do whatever you want. Or study in your room, and leave some books out, and if someone interrupts whatever you want to be doing, just hop to the book quick... lol
  20. [QUOTE=Cyriel]Awwww, that's so... heheheh, that just makes me laugh. So I'm not the only one who freaks out about these sort of things. Hmm... 1. Remember that you still have 2 1/2 months left to freak out. You can freak out later - just procrastinate now. 2. Get the cheapest tux you can find - I guarantee that we can't tell them apart....unless I'm just stupid, but I don't pay attention to these things. 3. Actually, do you even need a tux? I'd just dress up in a nice suit...but since I'm not a guy, I dunno. Well, maybe the girl will get mad, although I think I could care less... 4. You're a sophomore? When did this happen?[/QUOTE] 1. Very true. I wasn't really panicked...just a little off guard when the word got to me hahaaha 2. My sentiments exactly, there are few fashion experts in Johnstown PA. 3. I don't go to this school, but I hear its pretty.... ritzy, so I will probably need one. 4. Ok. I am really a junior, because I have completed all my classes. I go to classes with juniors, I am going on the junior trip (not as cool as snr. trip, but hey!) I am one class short of graduating next year!!!!! So instead of doubling up, I am gonna spend my year doing two things: A. TONS of AP courses (don't even tell me the horror stories, I am still naive about some things) B. Chillaxing before college I used to word sophmore to inspire a little more sympathy..lol.
  21. I have just been asked to a prom! I am a poor, confused, but very hot (apparently...) sophmore and I need advice. I have 2 1/2 monthgs to figure this out, but how much money do I need? (I have 10 bucks right now, and very small income...please don't say 2 grand or something) I need a tux, are cheap (not THAT cheap, just not expensive) ones ok? ACKKKK I AM FLIPPING OUT! No not really. I am going to ask some of my older friends, but I would still like some advice...
  22. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]Dude, don't you think that's a bit of an over kill? Take Michelle Yoeh to the prom and Lucy Lui to the after party. That way you don't have to get into a fight about who gets what dance. They say I have ADD but they just don't under...hey look a chicken! Chibi HOrsewoman[/color][/QUOTE] That's a bloody fantastic idea! You are the (wo)man! Or maybe I could let them fight... in a large, muddy arena to see who gets the dances.... heheheh, pardon, I digress.
  23. My first thought is...a little riske for this arena, but I think my second will do. I would pay 1,000,000$ to see myself going to the prom with Lucy Liu on one arm, and Michelle Yoeh on the other. And then the party afterwards of course. ^_~
  24. [b]Name[/b]- Felix [b]Age[/b]- 28 [b]Gender[/b]- Male [b]Biography[/b]- The last son of the House of Lucius Maximus Pacifica,a legendary Roman general, Felix is a rare breed of orphan. In spite of his aristocratic bloodlines, he has little formal education, and spent most of his youth working the docks. Without the backing of a vast and incredibly rish family, he could not even dream of making senator, let alone praetor or consul. He knew this from an early age, and instead of yearning for what he could not have, he focused elsewhere. Taught by old sailers, both cruel and greedy, he mastered many skills and languages. He learned to fight just to survive, even in the alabaster cities of Jeannette and Isabella, the docks are not friendly places. Prodigal with gladius, spear, and strategy, Felix easily gained entrance to the army at the age of 17. In many of the early battles, he earned countless awards and was recognized for many heroic achievements. The breaking point in his career, up until which he was only a minor officer (no academy training and political support does not help one in the military), came in a dark, wintry night. He alerted an entire legion to an unexpected onslought of the Locust barbarians, and earned the Grass Crown, Isabella's highest honor. He led the band of rapidly failing legions against the hydra-like foe, and as Orpheus lead the savage race, Felix also rallied the armies to him, and then to the Praetor Maximus in the darkest hour. In the Halls of the Senate, he survived the mighty wrath of the Princeps Senatus, and his elite Praetorian Guard. Having returned from the East, and having witnessed a fantastic, impossible enemy, he now hides out in Isabella.
  25. My biggest fear is the end of an era.. I mean the end of an Era of People, I know change must happen, and mostly it is good, but...it saddens me so, and I am afraid. For like six-seven years now, it has been me, Jake, Geoff, Jesse, Adam, Nathan, and Schropp. We were the dominant personalities in everything, the powerful posse, the leaders of the local stuff we were in... Geoff is already gone, Schropp and Nathan too, off to college. Jesse and Adam are gone next year too, and Jake is the year after that. Being the youngest of the posse is tough... I'm seeing us all fade away, and I very much fear being the "big man" alone, its always been "the posse", you know? On top of that, most of out female friends are gone too, Kelly, Tiff, Cayla, Jen, Beth, Kim, Joey, etc., or are gone next year. Its just so wierd, being the last man standing, the last one to take up his own path, and depart. Its scary and very lonesome. That is easily my biggest fear, my other fears include bean paste at the Japanese restaurant, and running over people in sports. I just gotta see the brightside and enjoy the last days of the PowerfulPosse.
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