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Juke Box Hero

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Everything posted by Juke Box Hero

  1. Jack and Coke indeed! Ahem... Coca-Cola Classic is easily my favorite. It is amazing... like a beautiful woman! I can't even describe it... its just... bliss. I have one everyday at lunch, while all the kids at my school drink pisspi-err pepsi. CocaColaClassic Forevah Baby!
  2. If I get the time, I'll add the lyrics, but my top 5 Most Beautiful and Why are as follows: 5. Bridge Over Troubled Water (Simon & Garfunkle)- I totally care for the people I care for, and this song reflects my willingness to sacrifice things for my friend's good. 4. Bound To Fall (Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young)- This song reminds me of the... ups and downs that people go through... sort of hard to explain. 3. Carry On My Wayward Son (Kansas)- Redemption, humility, and restoration all rolled into one incredible Rock'n'Roll Package. One of the few songs that brings a tear to my eye. 2. Long Distance Winner (Buckingham & Nicks)- The melodic edge of Stephanie Nick's voice coupled with the greatest guitar player of all time, Lindsay Buckingham (move over Phil Keagy and Jimmi Hendrix) is incredible. Dark flowers and your face fascinate me/You love only the tallest dreams/etc. 1. Piano Man (Billy Joel)- What can I say? I commentary on the dregs of life, yet romanticized into a sort of bluesy ballad. This verse, the first, particuarly captures me: It's 9 o'clock on a Saturday, and the regular crowd shuffles in, There's an old man sitting next to me, making love to his tonic and gin, He says 'Son can you play me a melody, I'm not really sure how it goes, But it's said and it sweet and I knew it complete, When I wore a younger man's clothes' Something about the fleeting vigor of youth and dying dreams just captivates me like nothing else.
  3. She sings a lot more than just Simple and Clean. I just picked up her CD "First Love", and its fantastic. songs like "Automatic", "B&C", "First Love", and "Give Me A Reason" are classics of Japanese pop music. I know about 13 words of Japanese, and yet I sill get a lot out of her music. It makes me wonder if music is a universal language, with genre being dialects? Anyway, check out First Love, or Distance, or Exodus. All fantastic. Forgot to mention, if you want something in English, go for Exodus. Its her English Debut album.
  4. (Sorry I forgot ratings last time Mod Types) Jeulnelune Saga- Volume 1: Marching Westward Two cities, each like an alabaster star blazing in an otherwise bleak and hellish world. Set seventy miles apart, Isabella and Jeannette are the last bastions of civilization a mere 300 years after the war between Rome and China destroyed what little knowledge and culture that remained. For each of the 300 past years, a treaty of formal alliance and eternal friendship has bound the destinies of Jeannette and Isabella together. When the barbarians had come out of the East, South, and North, what was left of Rome?s fine legions and the militia of the cities repelled them time and time again. Like the hydra, it seemed the men of Jeannette and Isabella that cutting one of the barbarians down only replaced it with five more. The hordes of these wild, gibbering men swept like locusts across the remains of farmlands, setting them ablaze. Without food, the fate of the cities became bleak, and each citizen braced for the final assault, vowing that it would not come lightly for their foes. It is said that in the deepest darkness, light is coming fast. Known simply as the Praetor Maximus, an amazing man appeared out of no where, rallying the battered armies of the fallen Rome, and the Two Cities to him like a Greek hero of yore. With Praetor Maximus spear heading the legions, the unknown barbarians were beaten back, leaving hundreds of thousands of their dead behind. The mighty horde was routed to the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. Still out numbering the legions 10 to one, the barbarians drew strength from desperation and lashed viciously into the legions, regardless of their appalling losses. After ten days of fighting, only Praetor Maximus and his ten elite praetorian guard were standing. Returning to Jeannette, the war-time capital of the alliance, the 11 soldiers received a triumph like no man has ever received before, or shall again. Hailed as demi-gods by the masses and as archfiends by the Senate, the most impaired observer could see what was coming. Praetor Maximus fell to the skilled blade of Princeps Senatus, chief of Jeannette?s Senate. Four of Maximus? elite guard avoided death that day, riding like the wind into the unknown Eastern territories. These four found shelter in the remains of an ancient Roman outpost. Taken in by the old, semi-sane hermit that abided there, they began to recover their strength. As the Four stayed there, the hermit?s words began to haunt them. He seemed to know something important, but never chose to divulge it. Six years later, when the old man died, the Four buried him in the wastelands. In preparing to light the ancient fortress up, and return it to honor, one of the Four found the hermit?s diary. The only two words within it were ?travel east?. The entire volume was filled with those two words, and upon sharing the discovery with the other three, they began to search around. While they searched, a traveler passing stopped, and asked for a drink. Feeling strangely comfortable with the stranger, the Four invited him in. As he drank, he told them of a terrible evil rising in the East, and of the millions of people dead in the Orient at the hands of this evil. He left as quickly as he came. The Four uncovered a dusty leather tome. The words within shocked them, and they finally realized their purpose: [i] Dread Legion?crushed what was left?of? Locusts? expanding westward? past the Caucasus a year ago... steady? unstoppable. All dead? no survivors.[/i] If the Locusts (as the barbarians were called), were routed by the mysterious Dread Legion, and this legion was marching westward, and they were already past the Caucasus? Jeannette and Isabella, the Four?s beloved homeland were directly in the path of this unknown evil! Deciding quickly, two of the Four rode like the wind to Isabella, disguised as merchants in an attempt at warning the rebuilding legions. The other Two, in an insane reconnaissance effort, rode on black stallions into the East, seeking to find the truth about the Evil in the East. The two that rode East soon found what they were looking for. Looking down into a valley from a mountain vista, they observed mailed, uniformed soldiers methodically destroy the small hovels that resided there. They thought little of what they saw until the soldier?s commander appeared. A vast man, clad in the finest silks and gold (generally a total layer of bling-bling) sounded with evil laughter, proclaiming, ?In the name of Jeulnelune, Emporer of Earth by right of Conquest, I, Apotheosis, General of the Dread Legions, take possession of this land.? Skirting around the rapidly growing encampment of the Dread Legion, the two delved deeper, nearing the Caucasus. They saw vast columns of infantry clad in black armor and uniformed meticulously, lumbering siege weapons indescribable in their minds, a multitude of archers, and cavalry to the floor. All of these soldiers marched as one unit, and the two found no fault in them. Fleeing before the mighty host, the two scouts rode like lightning back to Jeannette, praying to all gods, pagan and civilized, that the other two were successful in raising the Legions of Jeannette and Isabella. Still nearly five-hundred miles from the two cities, they knew there was some time left before all was lost. The two that rode in warning to Jeannette and Isabella failed to even achieve audience with Princeps Senatus in the first three weeks of their arrival there. When they did finally gain audience with him, he was skeptical of any such force being marshaled in the East. Until the other two returned (also disguised as merchants) with their report, nothing was done in preparation. Princeps finally ordered legions raised after much wasted time convincing. The legions were very strong, but the Four feared that even this host of the Two Cities could do anything more than wound the monstrosity was coming. Slowly and surely it is coming. Dismissed as unimportant, the Four took up quarters in the city of Isabella, away from all the political hubbub that could get them discovered. There they finally had time to think about all that was occurring? [i] Who was that stranger? Why did we feel comfortable with him? Who was the Praetor Maximus, and why did he come when he did? How can the Dread Legion be stopped? How long can we lodge here before we are discovered?[/i] To these and other questions, they had no answer. Basically, the story that we will act out is like this: The Four must find a way to defeat the Dread Legion, stop the corruption of the Senate in Jeannette, and remain unidentified the entire time. I need the following players- The Four- Anything goes here, these are uber-Elite soldiers 6 years out of the service, they can be anyone as long as they kick ten kinds of punk ***. 1 Four Spot Reserved for: Fruede Princeps Senatus- Yea, we need someone to be the lesser of the villains. He is the typical egomaniacal, badassed, corrupt political leader. Other than that, do whatever you want with him. Apotheosis- This is out prime villain, so be evil, and totally crazy. A senator?s wife, and a Jeannette/Isabella General are also needed. Other characters we will create at convenience, and they shall be played by all. Sign-Ups: Name- Age- Gender- Biography- The most important one. Be very detailed. Personality- Notes-
  5. Hmmm.... yes, us Whities can have strict parents too. Mine were... but they changed, and I am trying to figure out why, so it might be helpful to you. Nope not a clue. Sorry, but I think I have something for you. Since you don't seem to have confidence in your ability (if your face to face comminication skills are on par with your AIM ones, I'd think you'd be fine... but... you need confidence to pull that off, so wouldn't go that route.) to finesse your way through, you gotta weigh some things before you move on it. How severe will your parents' wrath be? eg. beat you to death? ground you till you are 42? Or give you the "We're disappointed in you" speech? If its the speech, forget it and just tell them. You are a fantastically intelligent girl (don't argue that one, I can see for myself), and will have little or no trouble paying for college should your parents decide you to be unworthy. I know that one's bond with ma and pa is tight, but there is a point when its just too much. You can't please everyone all the time. There is no way your parents will stop loving you if you get a B (GOD forbid!!), Asian or not. My advice is, listen to some Cecilia, kick some serious *** with Talim(more of a Raphael man myself), down them BrownSugarPopTarts (my fav too) and some ice cream, and tell them. I promise you the world will not end. Your parents have too much to be proud of you in to completely flip on this. Sure, they might be totally pissed, and your home-life may not be the best for a while, but its the same thing as if you..say... snuck out for a beach house poker night. Just take a deep breath MSK. You are going to be fine. EDIT: didn't see the fact that this is a moot point now..lol. ahhh who cares, apply in general.
  6. It is all, and I mean ALL about the cash. If I had a choice, I wouldn't work at all, I'd lounge around a club all day, sipping martini's and picking up phone numbers. However, those things cost money. And vast amounts of it. I originally wanted to be an engineer or lawyer. Both are interesting careers with high reaching possibilities. Then I took economics, and found that it is my greatest gift/talent. I started reading Business Week, and guess what I found out? MBA's from elite schools can pick up 150k~$ US [i]starting[/i] salary. I did some math, I can be 24 years of age when I complete my masters (including a year or so of work) in Global Marketing/Finance (one of the two), I can be debt free by 25 1/2. 150,000$ is a lot of money for a young single guy. A LOT of money. Then I saw some other statistics. If I am average in my field, I can be pulling in 500K by the age of 30. If I am elite, and I feel I have the ability (joss is joss though), the figure is limitless... CEO's and COO's of Fortune 500's can pull in as much as 200 Millions in salary..... I understand that only the VERY best make it to that level.. but 200 millions is a mind boggling amount. 200 millions aside, 500,000 is quite enough for a night on the town, even in the ritzier neighborhoods. If things go even reasonably according to my predictions, I can retire at 45, and do cool stuff till I die. Like travel, etc. If I chose my career based on what I love to do, this would only be about 3rd on the list. I'd probably be a CIA Agent, or a riot cop... But I must have cash to preserve my level of lifestyle, so I can pursue the things that make me happy.
  7. I can almost say I am a pureblooded Scotsman... but no. I am 70& Scots, 20% English, and 10% German. I arbitratily picked those percentages... so I may be way off. Anyhoo... I am the typical Anglo-Saxon/Western dude.. 5'11", (although I like to say 6'), emerald green eyes, jet black/suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper dark brown hair, and a lean figure. I also have an elf ear... lol. My left ear is really pointy! And no, it wasn't a car accident, just genes. One strange thing is, my cheekbones are really high, but they aren't prominent... I am never asked where I am from... lmao!
  8. Some 500 million dollars were spent on the campaign, so whats the problem with spending 3 million on a party for the victor? Poor DC has to foot the bill, but poor DC also has to foot the prestige of being the US Capitol, it must deal with the obvious pain of having one of the world's stronger business areas, and, worst of all, poor DC must bear the shame of being the most protected city in the world (except maybe Langley).
  9. I am not even sure what grade i am in in HS... at the beginning of the year i was a sophmore.. but then i tested out of a bunch of crap, so now i am a junior, so i might graduate next year. That said, what is some advice from older, more experienced members in regards of applications? I have 4 Uni's I'd just LOVE to attend... but I understand that it doesn't work out the way one wants all the time. Northwestern, UPenn, UPitt, and CMU.. Is four enough to apply to? I must go to an elite business school, but I am new to the applications scene.
  10. Perkins of Canton, the first American China Trading operation in the 1830's, head captain was Lochlin Ross. Lochlin Ross is my great grandfather's great great uncle. Really distant, but cool none the less. My Friedrich family produced a governor of Pennsylvania, and several senators. That's pretty cool.... My grandfather is an award winning and very respected research scientist, who is a senior fellow of the American Society for Metals (of Metals??). He developed many of the materials used by the NASA program, and numerous things for the navy/army/airforce. He's worked in the defense industry for many years, and every time a cruise missile kills another used camel salesman, material taht he developed explodes. My other grandfather is a reitred colonel from US Army. He served 3 tours in Vietnam, has a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star among other things. He is noted for leading the charge up Hamburger Hill. Tells some killer stories. I have a ton of great uncles, etc. that served in wars but gramps went the highest.
  11. Cyriel- Amazing writer and honest, wonderful person ChibiHorseWoman- Crazy, opinionated chick. Gotta love that. James- Anyone whose project is this successful, I must meet.
  12. [SIZE=4]Jeulnelune Saga: Marching Westward[/SIZE] [FONT=Arial] [COLOR=DimGray] Two cities, each like an alabaster star blazing in an otherwise bleak and hellish world. Set seventy miles apart, Isabella and Jeannette are the last bastions of civilization a mere 300 years after the war between Rome and China destroyed what little knowledge and culture that remained. For each of the 300 past years, a treaty of formal alliance and eternal friendship has bound the destinies of Jeannette and Isabella together. When the barbarians had come out of the East, South, and North, what was left of Rome?s fine legions and the militia of the cities repelled them time and time again. Like the hydra, it seemed the men of Jeannette and Isabella that cutting one of the barbarians down only replaced it with five more. The hordes of these wild, gibbering men swept like locusts across the remains of farmlands, setting them ablaze. Without food, the fate of the cities became bleak, and each citizen braced for the final assault, vowing that it would not come lightly for their foes. It is said that in the deepest darkness, light is coming fast. Known simply as the Praetor Maximus, an amazing man appeared out of no where, rallying the battered armies of the fallen Rome, and the Two Cities to him like a Greek hero of yore. With Praetor Maximus spear heading the legions, the unknown barbarians were beaten back, leaving hundreds of thousands of their dead behind. The mighty horde was routed to the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. Still out numbering the legions 10 to one, the barbarians drew strength from desperation and lashed viciously into the legions, regardless of their appalling losses. After ten days of fighting, only Praetor Maximus and his ten elite praetorian guard were standing. Returning to Jeannette, the war-time capital of the alliance, the 11 soldiers received a triumph like no man has ever received before, or shall again. Hailed as demi-gods by the masses and as archfiends by the Senate, the most impaired observer could see what was coming. Praetor Maximus fell to the skilled blade of Princeps Senatus, chief of Jeannette?s Senate. Four of Maximus? elite guard avoided death that day, riding like the wind into the unknown Eastern territories. These four found shelter in the remains of an ancient Roman outpost. Taken in by the old, semi-sane hermit that abided there, they began to recover their strength. As the Four stayed there, the hermit?s words began to haunt them. He seemed to know something important, but never chose to divulge it. Six years later, when the old man died, the Four buried him in the wastelands. In preparing to light the ancient fortress up, and return it to honor, one of the Four found the hermit?s diary. The only two words within it were ?travel east?. The entire volume was filled with those two words, and upon sharing the discovery with the other three, they began to search around. While they searched, a traveler passing stopped, and asked for a drink. Feeling strangely comfortable with the stranger, the Four invited him in. As he drank, he told them of a terrible evil rising in the East, and of the millions of people dead in the Orient at the hands of this evil. He left as quickly as he came. The Four uncovered a dusty leather tome. The words within shocked them, and they finally realized their purpose: [i] Dread Legion?crushed what was left?of? Locusts? expanding westward? past the Caucasus a year ago... steady? unstoppable. All dead? no survivors.[/i] If the Locusts (as the barbarians were called), were routed by the mysterious Dread Legion, and this legion was marching westward, and they were already past the Caucasus? Jeannette and Isabella, the Four?s beloved homeland were directly in the path of this unknown evil! Deciding quickly, two of the Four rode like the wind to Isabella, disguised as merchants in an attempt at warning the rebuilding legions. The other Two, in an insane reconnaissance effort, rode on black stallions into the East, seeking to find the truth about the Evil in the East. The two that rode East soon found what they were looking for. Looking down into a valley from a mountain vista, they observed mailed, uniformed soldiers methodically destroy the small hovels that resided there. They thought little of what they saw until the soldier?s commander appeared. A vast man, clad in the finest silks and gold (generally a total layer of bling-bling) sounded with evil laughter, proclaiming, ?In the name of Jeulnelune, Emporer of Earth by right of Conquest, I, Apotheosis, General of the Dread Legions, take possession of this land.? Skirting around the rapidly growing encampment of the Dread Legion, the two delved deeper, nearing the Caucasus. They saw vast columns of infantry clad in black armor and uniformed meticulously, lumbering siege weapons indescribable in their minds, a multitude of archers, and cavalry to the floor. All of these soldiers marched as one unit, and the two found no fault in them. Fleeing before the mighty host, the two scouts rode like lightning back to Jeannette, praying to all gods, pagan and civilized, that the other two were successful in raising the Legions of Jeannette and Isabella. Still nearly five-hundred miles from the two cities, they knew there was some time left before all was lost. The two that rode in warning to Jeannette and Isabella failed to even achieve audience with Princeps Senatus in the first three weeks of their arrival there. When they did finally gain audience with him, he was skeptical of any such force being marshaled in the East. Until the other two returned (also disguised as merchants) with their report, nothing was done in preparation. Princeps finally ordered legions raised after much wasted time convincing. The legions were very strong, but the Four failed that even this host of the Two Cities could do anything more than wound the monstrosity was coming. Slowly and surely it is coming. Dismissed as unimportant, the Four took up quarters in the city of Isabella, away from all the political hubbub that could get them discovered. There they finally had time to think about all that was occurring? [i] Who was that stranger? Why did we feel comfortable with him? Who was the Praetor Maximus, and why did he come when he did? How can the Dread Legion be stopped? Who is this Jeulnelune? And what of his general? How long can we lodge here before we are discovered?[/i] To these and other questions, they had no answer. [/font] [/color] __________________________________________________ Basically, the story that we will act out is like this: The Four must find a way to defeat the Dread Legion, stop the corruption of the Senate in Jeannette, and remain unidentified the entire time. I need the following players- The Four- Anything goes here, these are uber-Elite soldiers 6 years out of the service, they can be anyone as long as they kick ten kinds of punk ***. Princeps Senatus- Yea, we need someone to be the lesser of the villains. He is the typical egomaniacal, badassed, corrupt political leader. Other than that, do whatever you want with him. Apotheosis- This is our prime villain, so be evil, and totally crazy. A senator?s wife, and a Jeannette/Isabella General are also needed. Other characters we will create at convenience, and they shall be played by all. Sign-Ups: Name- Age- Gender- Biography- The most important one. Be very detailed. Personality- Notes- I am one of the Four. Merry Christmas all!
  13. I hate what abortion does, and on a philosophical level am 100000% against it. However, I value every life equally- mother and child being no exception. Abortion for convenience I believe is always wrong, but abortion because of medically charged, or rape sitautions is understandable. Put in plain terms, a chick that bangs five guys a day, and gets pregnant, and aborts the kid for no reason I would say that she's 100% wrong. But a woman who is raped, or who will die for giving birth, then its understandable. I pretty much agree with DeathBug in principle.
  14. I'm not much of one for Europe, although others have enjoyed it deeply. I've never been, but I'd love to go all over Sinic and South-East Asia. For some reason those areas enchant me, and I know o so little about them. Even if its only one town down the highway, I love to travel, and never fail to take a travel opportunity that falls on my lap. I love the excitement of new, and unexpected things. A chance meeting with a stranger could lead to a huge twist in the story of my life. I love the anonymity that it brings. In my town, my Dad is the pastor of the major church, so I'm pretty much known by everyone. I love walking into a mall or restaurant, and being nothing more than the latest customer to the myriads that surround me. That lonelyness is one of the most pleasing things in all of the world to me. I hate tourism though. I travel, I don't tour. Shiney shirts and Sandal's resorts are not my ideas of true excitement and glory. I want to be living it up, we all do, but at the same time, I want to be in the real world more, not isolated from problems. JetSet GlobeTrotting = The Life.
  15. Its not segregation, its courtesy. And being a chauvinistic white Protestant male, I expect my cocktails to be delivered by Asian females wearing miniskirts who are no older than 21.
  16. [QUOTE=Sword Breaker]My fav band of all time has to be Rush. Somthing about them just screams "**** I'm good" and I like it. With hits such as Roll the Bones and The Trees, Rush is probably the best Canadian band in history (Except the Guess Who) and has one of the best drummers in the world. I'm not exactly sure what it is that makes them good, but it's probably because of the amazing drumming, and the incredibly eccentric, yet awesome, vocals by Geddy Lee. Rock on! (Download some of Rush and you'll see what I mean)[/QUOTE] Rush totally rocks the Guess Who. Geddy Lee is the man! Limelight, Fly By Night, By-Tor, and Tom Sawyer are also worth DLing. THe whole feel of the sound... is hard to describe, but totally awesome.
  17. How have we helped Japan? You must be blind. We gave them the opportunity to become mighty. An opportunity they took. Through our help and their ingenuity they are Asia's premier economic and political power. Second only to the United States for economic prowess, Japan is truly a mighty nation. Before WW2, Japanese railroad boarding stations were made of concrete. Now they are made of marble. From bycicles to sportscars, huts to high rises. All because they took it upon themselves to better their own lives. And we Americans gave them that chance. As much as you don't want to admit it, you only have the right to something if you can stop others from taking it. Right of conquest is seemingly barbaric, but nothing is more true.
  18. "Ahh! Mr. Bond, I don't want you to talk, I want you to die!"- Goldfinger. "Silly rabbit.."-Bride "Tricks are.."- O-Ren "For.."-Bride "Kids.."-O-Ren "Bite my shiney metal ***!"-Bender "Is she beautiful?"-Bond "She has the face of a pig."-Tiger Tanaka "The hell with that idea."-Bond "Bond, James Bond."- Bond "Vodka martini, shaken, not stirred."-Bond "He hates caucasians, despises Americans, and has nothing but contempt for women. So it may take you some time to warm up to him."-Bill "It appears it is I that has penetrated you."-Go-go Yubari
  19. First off I would like to clarify one thing: I am against restricting the rights of any people group based on religion or ethnicity. We started this conflict..? No. Perpetuated it? Yes. In 1938, [i]American[/i] companies located and set up extraction operations for oil in Saudi Arabia, while the Saudis were cavorting around the desert on camels. Honestly, did your vastly impressive and wonderful culture ever do anything for itself? Yes. The leader your wonderful people allowed to take power gassed you, you take advantage of Western ingenuity daily, have a culture that in its very design does not give women sufferage. Your mighty oil resource would never have been discovered if it wasn't for European and American scientists, explorers, and merchants. Women are elevated to the status of human because of Americans. Your power, water, AC, and other systems are modernized because of our generosity. Don't give me this ******** about American imperialism when MY ******* tax dollars are going into your plumbing. You are a bunch of sycophantic, complaining losers that has never accomplished anything positive without the intelligence and ability of others. Israeli's are our friends. They do not shoot up our embassies, blow up ur trade centers, snipe our brave soldiers, or buy arms from ex-Soviets. Sure they spy on us, and buy our arms at rediculously cheap prices.. but we spy on them, and the arms in their hands is beneficial to us. We are fighting the war in Iraq (and I am not sure whether it is correct or not at this point in my life) for three reasons: 1. We must keep oil in the hands of pro-American nations. Period. That's common sense and good governance.Our entire system of life revolves around oil and its by products. It was absolutely correct to protect Iraq's only valuable resource from unfriendly hands. 2. Because of the strategic importance of the Middle East, it is imperative for us to remain at least cordially treated there. Iraq has for years taken our face and **** upon it. There was NO reason to tolerate that treatment from a nation like Iraq. Thankfully, we finally have a President with some [i]cajones[/i]. 3. There is documented proof that the government and people of Iraq are sympathetic to the enemies of the United States. We don't like that, thus you got to taste a little bit of American lead. Iraqis can blame themselves over that one. Very stupid to be in open defiance of the most powerful nation to ever grace God's Earth. I am an amateur statistician because of my love for Wall St. The survey you quoted does not give accurate/acceptable documentation of its demographics, nor does it give time periods, collectively summarized data, or cross references to other surveys. To the business mind, it is invalid. Give us the link to the full report, and we'll talk about it again. Merry Christmas, and God Bless America.
  20. [b]Tracia Enguardia[/b] [i] ?How could you do this to me? I am your brother!? ?Jack, I am sorry, but everyone has a price.? ?What is yours?? ?My daughter?s life.? ?That was not what you think it is!? ?She has it hard enough with her mother dead.? ?You know? [spoiler]fuck[/spoiler] who told you?? ?You did.? Glock ended the conversation. [/i]
  21. I don't believe that IQ tests do anything to accurately measure intelligence. Neither do grades or test results.. But grades are a measure (accurate or not, is totally debateable) of applied intelligence and work, and in that regard I do about a 95% course average overall for this past semester. Strange...
  22. Hmm... I see what you guys are saying and I appriciate it. I've read too far into things before you see, I tend to... carry things out to "conclusions" without a lot of thought. I really have never recieved baked goods when the situation did not invilve some form romantic affection, although I consider its entirely possible for it not to be. I see that aspect in a new light, thanks. Jill really has never been the "friendly" type before, which was the main reason I freaked out about it, but hey, people change. Thanks for helping me examine this a little more rationally.
  23. Zeppelin kicks ten kinds of punk ***. You ever hear Kashmir? If not, check it out, totally rocking. My favorite pure rock band is the Stones. They are living Legends.. they defined an entire genre's image... Who can argue with Mick Jagger? Paul McCartney? nah. Stephen Tyler? maybe. I Can't Get No Satisfaction, Sympathy for the Devil, and Honky Tonk Woman are my favorites from the Stones. Aerosmith, Fleetwood Mac, CCR, and the Scorpions all deserve honorable mention. Rock On!
  24. I will not use real names, but I will use the real situation- I have known "Jack" for about five years. I have known "Jill" for about 4 years. Jack and Jill have been seriously dating for 1.5 years, but Jack is going to college next year, and Jill is a sophmore. I am a sophmore and close friend of both Jack and Jill. Although Jill and Jack are currently dating, and strongly so, Jill hits on me constantly. Examples- Calling me "honey" Making me cookies for X-mas un-solicited Hugs, pats on the back, and other contact at awkward times etc. Jill is an attractive girl and I have nothing against her, however Jack is among my 3 closest friends, and I cannot and will not back stab him with Jill. That said, what do I do to dissuade Jill from persuing me further, while not creating a scene? So far I have done nothing. Jack knows nothing about any of this, although Jill's mom certainly does... which totally freaks me out. So, opinions?
  25. [FONT=Arial Narrow] [b]Name:[/b] James Haliburton Zotica [b]Age:[/b] 2500 give or take [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Shadow:[/b] Wave [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing a fearsome 6? 4?, Zotica checks in at 220 lbs. of pure athletically toned power. His frame is broad, and he looks balanced and well proportioned. A carefully groomed cascade of jet black hair is carelessly tied behind his head with a chain of black pearls. Two feral green eyes rage on his handsome face. High cheekbones provide a vista for the twin orbs of gossamer emerald to gaze from. His clean shaven, tanned skin contrasts so strikingly with windows into a most adamant of souls. [b]Weapons:[/b] Twin swords, Tsunami and Tai-fun; Glock 18 on occasion. [b]Personality:[/b] As mysterious and formless as the watery abyss itself, James H. Zotica is impossible to read. He is always in control of his face and emotion, and reveals nothing through body language and speech tones. Only through his carefully crafted words can one really understand his true message. He knows what he wants, and does everything and anything to get it. His Machiavellian morality suits him quite well, as he views life and the people in it as his pawns in the cosmic chess game. He is well versed in the arts of conversation and detection, leaving one with the impression that his blazing green eyes can peer into the endless depths of the mind, and read its contents like a colorful real-estate flyer. [b]Bio:[/b] Born of unknown parents in ancient Scotland, James?s early history is forgotten legend. He remembers only a few scenes of his vast life, leaving visions of lovers dying, children crying, and comrades falling away haunting his sleep eternally. Although his body appears eternally young, his glowing eyes reveal to an astute observer a long and sorrowful history. He was there when the Soul Watcher had been sealed the first time. He was part of the last battle, fighting with the Dark Shadow mightily against the Old Man. In that battle, his selfless efforts gave the Dark Shadow the victory, willingly giving the Soul Watcher his mind, and thus leaving it open for the sealing action. Although Zotica was not injured mentally during the battle, something odd found life in the fertile crescent of his soul, a foreign, subverting presence yet undetected by even his mighty defenses. When the Soul Watcher entered his mind, a small part of its essence broke off and buried itself deep within the folds. [i] Can he be trusted to once again aide the Dark Shadow? Can he trust himself? Why the nightmares for so many centuries? [/i] [/font]
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