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Everything posted by aznpennywatcher

  1. i think i prefer anime because i was introduced to it first. i was in first grade and the pokemon franchise had reached its highest, in my opinion. i never really got manga. i bought one manga volume of inuyasha and i didnt understand it easily because the fight scenes were hard for me to imagine. but my friend says that the manga story lines are A LOT better, due to the fact that many girls wanted a lot out of the anime and not the manga. it just makes the manga version much more realistic. for example, in inuyasha kagome and inuyasha kiss. that would take a really long time in manga. the anime was supposed to be based on the manga but they messed up the story line. :babble:
  2. i think the worst dubs are astro boy. ive never really seen it, but i saw parts of it on g4. i thot it was kinda funny, but then again its an old anime, and anime wasnt really popular in america. i think, i wudnt no im just a kid. [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Please try and put more effort into your posts: this is looking pretty spammy. Spelling checks are useful, as is proper punctuation -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  3. i dont know where u got the idea that every1 hates sesshomaru and kikyo. i personally dont. i actually know sum girls who luv sesshomaru.
  4. i like anime but therew one that i really didnt like. i 4get wat its called, but it was about a guy who meets an older woman and they fight w/a guy w/HUGE eyebrows. and they fight w/guitars that they pull out of their chins. i thot it was weird and the story line was 2 weird that i didnt understand. it used 2 show on adult swim. either b4 or after big o. [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Please refrain from using abbreviations in future- wherever possible, type words out in full. It looks much nicer, heh. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  5. my favorite quote has 2 be frm homer simpson. first: youve tried and youve failed, the lesson here is dont try. second: a woman is more like a beer, they look good, they smell good, and youll step over youre own mother to get 1. random quote: i may be fat but youre ugly, i can diet. :laugh:
  6. :D i agree w/saiyuki chick. i luv ddr extreme for my ps2. my gawd that sounds so azn, o well. i like all the party games that they have. but for action i like samurai warriors. sum1 deleted my file for sw and it took me ( my bro and cousin ) to get to where i was. it was crazy. the best fighting game is soul calibur 2 or super smash bros melee . i no ts old but i like link.
  7. my favorite rpg character has 2 be bard from the bards tale. that game is so funny, i laughed at every single joke, even if i didnt get it. i mean the guy argues w/the annoucer. :laugh:
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