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Everything posted by Sango905

  1. The only video game I'm playing right now is Phantom Brave for PS2 it's kinda old though but it has a good story line ^.^ :babble:
  2. [FONT=Verdana]xxx[/FONT] [COLOR=Purple]xxx[/COLOR] Okay, I think your friend should try to talk to him and see what is makeing him drink. And, if she does find out the problem she should decide what to do from there :)
  3. Anyone see the anime "Rain?" Well if you have please agree with me and say it sucked! It was a disgrace to AdultSwim I say a disgrace! :mad: It's story line was horrible and those artists were obviously on crack or something. It had absoulotly no point at all.
  4. Okay this phrase is from the novel "Odd Thomas" by George Koontz, "I see dead people but by God I do something about it!" I have to say I died laughing at that. So please tell me what ya think! :D
  5. [quote name='Queen Asuka][color=crimson][size=1]I've heard of it! YES I HAVE! I've even read every volume that you guys have at your house. *laughs* I had heard of it a long time ago though, although I never bought the manga for myself. I don't believe they've released the TV series anywhere around here yet, so I guess we'll just have to be patient.[/color'][/size][/quote] Oh my Bob I've seen the anime and read the manga and honestly I think it ROCKS >:O And I feel bad for those of you who haven't seen it. :D
  6. [QUOTE=SaiyanPrincessX]Here are a few little things I made in bordom a few days ago. I had no idea what I was going to come up with, just messing around. Please C/C.[/QUOTE] Yes I agree....very....random.....!
  7. [COLOR=Purple][COLOR=Purple]xxx[/COLOR][/COLOR]Weeeeeell I think Finger Eleven is "proper rock" because well they don't rap they're not exactly heavy metal and are anything BUT pop rock! So if you want to disagree listen to them and see for yourself. Tanko for listenin >:)
  8. [QUOTE=Daermon_Nashabe]When I say Proper Rock Band I mean a band that plays full rock music, not a hybrid of Rap and Rock or Pop and Rock but real rock. Real Rock also counts as Metal or Punk (Usually) It's just that sometimes it is hard to tell which is which. Short Example- Papa Roach's earlier music- Not Proper Rock (Rap-Metal) Limp Bizkit- Not Proper Rock. ( Rap-Metal) Good Charlotte- Close to proper Rock but it is a hybrid of Pop and Punk. AC-DC- Proper Rock ( One of the best rock groups around) Most eighties rock- Not at all rock ( So many are pop-rock) Silverchair- Proper Rock Maroon 5- Not Proper Rock (Pop Rock) Linkin Park- Hell No ( Rap-Metal) I could create a list as long as I am tall ( 6') but I do not have the time or the patience to create said list. Just state what you think is the proper choice and why.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Purple]undefined[/COLOR] Ok well I have one for you its called Finger Eleven you should listen to them they're AWSOME :devil: O_O but anyways they're good. One of they're best songs is "Good Times"
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