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Everything posted by ArchAngelmon805

  1. Yeah and the guy also looks like the guy from cowboy bebop...just a guess though
  2. Yu-gi-oh is good, but mon colle knights i couldn't get in to. Just seems like the animators got high and made a stupid show, course i could say the same for alienators. ahh, no point.
  3. The Group i typically hang out with here where i live don't like the movie, but i do, yeah the ending was sad, but the plot and artwork was great. i don't know about you all but it kind of places you, the watcher, in the place of the main character. really good anime though.
  4. Hey Cibo if you are talking about the chicago con i was there and got Philip Moy, guy who draws powerpuff girls autograph and he did a rouch sketch for me, i had a lot of fun, think next time i shall dress up, also took a lot of pictures too.
  5. Thank you Transtic, that was unnecessary, as for why i wish to know about this part in the series, believe it or not it takes place after beast wars and involves the story of what happened afterwards or during one of the two, for what i know right now, Scurge IS the original optimus prime.
  6. The entire cd rocks i like, just for those who want to more about the anime, the artist who is doing the videos is the same guy who did "Lensman" and another anime each were pretty cool too. anyone know why they wear the masks?
  7. Hey i need any and all sites related to the series on fox right now and that is anything you all might have on it.
  8. Vampire Hunter D was the first animea i had ever seen man what a great movie can't wait to see the new one. In the words of a guy who stays up late Mainly "the Plague" from Hackers ..."God wouldn't be up this late!"
  9. Yes it was a great show, but one thing THE FOX CHARACTER WAS GAY i'm done ranting he he Samurai Pizza Cats was the coolest wish they would show it again...Ninja Turtles please that show got stupid when they started mutating them more...don't ask how i know that. In the immortal words of Bart Simpson... "Eat my Shorts!"
  10. i don't have aol only yahoo and msn
  11. dude if you want to talk to me on yahoo its neoarchangel805...otherwise thats the only messenger service that i have so give me a shout man, oh and the ending is freakin awesome
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