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About Kai123

  • Birthday 10/31/1989

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    hello my name is Renee' which i go by Rei.
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  1. i havent got to see the movie. but from u all it sounds good i should try to get it LaTeRs :catgirl:
  2. i was told it was already out by that i mean the movie...well i havent seen it but some of my friends have and to tell u this[spoiler] wrath dies in the movie but ed does leave the gate and finds al...[/spoiler] :catgirl: [INDENT][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Kai123, I added spoiler tags to your post. Posting a spoiler without consideration for those who may not be as caught up as you are is rude and will not be tolerated in the Anime Lounge. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46199]Click here to find out more about spoilers.[/URL] -Arvi[/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT]
  3. i dont get it!!! whats the deal with kimblee?? oh yeah does any one know what type of alchemist is kimblee?? :catgirl:
  4. "Hey are feeling okay Kira??" ask Sasuke. " Yeah...I'm find Sasuke. Why do I have to wear blue!!!" saids Kira. "Oooo, then what colour do u want to wear then?" asks Sasuke. " Red and Black!!!" Kira said loudly.
  5. yeah NASCAR is helping out with this and i'm glad i won 2 races and gave my winnings for them and for evry lap i did was the mmoney to give them. i hope it will be alright then.
  6. Whats this about??? :catgirl: can u all tell me what it is about??? Thanks uif u tell me Renee'
  7. Ummm, Tyler u just gave it away to me. on Otaku and the name for it is Kai123 too. :animeswea sorry to burst ur bubble for that.
  8. :animeangr theres nothing worng with that because they changed their names to english. so u just cant blame them for that :catgirl:
  9. Okay have fun tell about it tyler!!!! i want to know about it too :catgirl:
  10. Hey i wonder if Tyler is back yet? But who cares about that now. i dont now what to talk about now :catgirl:
  11. I found i picture of him trying to kill himself. i know that anyone wont let that happen!
  12. Hey does any one like fullmetal Achemist? if u do down there is some pictures of Roy^___^(Blushing)
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