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Everything posted by Roxas
Well Blayze, I realize I was thinking the same way you were. Then I remembered an important rule in the musical world. For a musical, it's [B]normal[/B] for people to spontaneously burst out into song. It's what they do, why they live. It's an unwritten, understood law of nature if you will. At any rate. I would prefer something more along the lines of what Daft Punk did. They devoted an entire CD of theirs into being made into a full length AMV Movie. Interstella 555? At any rate, I love how they did that. But that was entirely music, so needless to say, ours would differ.
I'd love to have some kind of musical formed. I may not take part in it though, but I wouldn't mind helping one be made. The problem is, musical is still such a broad genre... and is actually more like a sub-genre in my opinion. You can have Horror Musicals, Romance Musicals, Sci-Fi Musicals, the list only stops with the limit of genres. Fleshing any one idea out would somewhat be a problem for me, as I normally tend to like many different genres. I love horror, action, some comedy, and sci-fi. Although, I think an Action Musical would somewhat be a comedy in itself... as why would anyone really burst into song while beating up someone else, let alone the whole world for that matter, and not to mention the fact that the bad guy somehow knows the lyrics... At any rate, feel free to chunk whatever you feel like doing at me, and I'll help you if you need it. I just thought this would would be such a great idea at the time, and I don't want it to goto waste.
We all have our moments in the shower where bam, it hits you like nuclear warhead from 10000 miles up. I had one of those moments this morning for an rp idea. Of course, to actually find out if it was the nuke I'm thinking it is, or just a pebble my next door neighbor threw at me, is yet to be found. At any rate here's the idea. A musical rp. People would have to "sing" meaning they'd have to find lyrics relavent to the storyline, or make their own. Obviously, poets would be great for this kind of roleplay, as rhyming would help a lot. Though, I also found a slight twist to this as well. Aside from just a musical. Why not make it a "musical" musical? As is to say... like musical chairs. The first post would be required to "sing" and at the bottom of their post, they leave an OOC comment on which post they want someone to start "singing" again. For example: OOC: I want whoever to posts the 4th post on this page to sing. or, OOC: I want the whoever posts the 25th post in this thread to sing. Like i said, it's just and idea, and therefore has no storyline. If you want, feel free to use and abuse this as much as you want. I never really considered going through with this plan, but I would like to see it used someday. Note: Thanks to Sweeny Todd for inspiration. ^-^
[COLOR=#ffffff][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=Black][SIZE=1]EDIT: Bah, on second thought, sorry, can't. Too much stuff with me right now. So, I won't be joining this. It's a great idea though, wish I had the time to be a part of it. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]
Prostitution, Spitzer, and other stuff
Roxas replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
Wow... just another reason for me to hate this country. (No offense to you patriots. You fight for what you believe in, I'll fight for what I believe in.) I personally don't care. A) I'm moving out of the country with my fiancee when we get the money. B) Something's going to happen either way. Oh, and Starwind, I agree with the last thing you said. Everything else was just a bit Republican for my tastes. But yeah, we do need to like, find something to do with all the idiots in this world. They make the rest of us intelligent humans look bad. -
As most people have already mentioned. It was just an accident. It probably could have been prevented, or maybe it couldn't have. Who knows really? What's done is done and we can't change that. I'll admit it myself. When I was 10 I always wanted a pet Digimon. I knew it probably would never have happened (and so far it hasn't...) but I still wished. To make the point clear, it doesn't matter which cartoon, or which kid. There will always be some kid out in the world that will want some kind of super power, or other worldly object of obsession. It's just the way humans (especially kids) work. I find it horrible what happened, and it may spark some new thing about parents telling their children that they don't need to imitate the stuff that happens on tv. Maybe the FCC may make it to where, like WWE, cartoons/anime will have the "Do not attempt to repeat the stunts performed on this show... etc." Either way, no one is to blame as of the moment. In the future, after people become more and more cautious, and more and more warnings develope, (WARNING: Do not put penis to chainsaw. ... Well, it was something along those lines.) then people will be able to blame someone. I think as of now, no one would have guessed that some kids would have tried to imitate Gaara in some form or fashion. As for the future, we'll just have to wait and see.
Aethon walked with his subordinates toward his target point. He was accompanied by three other psychic trainers, however he could tell they didn't have a connection to their pokemon like he did with his Gengar. [I]"So... Gengar, what do you think about this mission."[/I] Aethon thought silently, looking at his shadow being cast ominously in front of him. [I]"I mean... We not only have to work with these subordinates, but there's this [/I]Captain Fox [I]character as well. I'm not about to disobey an order, but I would have perfered something different. I guess that's what I get for not speaking my mind a little more often." [COLOR=Purple]"I kept telling you that you should have, but do you listen to me? No, of course not. Don't listen to the pokemon that protects you at night by hiding in your shadow." [/COLOR][/I][COLOR=Purple][COLOR=Black]Gengar replied sarcastically to his trainer. [I]"You know, I didn't have to catch you [U]specifically[/U] when I was given my first pokeball. There were plenty of other Gastlys around."[/I] Aethon jested as he was begining to approach the Power Plant. [I][COLOR=Purple]"That's not very funny you know, and besides. We've went over this before haven't we? I don't think any of those other Gastly wanted a trainer, and probably wouldn't have been willing to protect you the way I do." [/COLOR][/I][COLOR=Purple][COLOR=Black]Gastly retorted as Aethon came to a within a safe distance of the Power Plant. "And now we wait." Aethon said under his breath. [/COLOR][/COLOR] [/COLOR][/COLOR]
Ah... D&D. Brings me back to the days when I did play... which wasn't long mind you. -_- Love the game though. And to you guys and gals who do play... you ever realize how many feats a Human/Fighter gets? They get the 7 you normally get, the 1 at first level, and the 11 fighter bonus feats, that's 19 feats at 20th' level. Imagine what you could do with all that. *starts imagining his Human/Fighter that carried a Scythe* Ah... the critical hits... x4 damage... on a 19-20... cuz I speacilized like that... not to mention the cleaving.. oh the cleaving. Anyways, yeah, I used to play.
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=Red][B]Name: [/B]Aethon Liam Elocine [B] Age: [/B]19 [B] Gender: [/B]Male [B] Description: [/B]5'9", 157 lbs. Short black hair with dark blue highlights, light tan skin, sapphire eyes. Black/Blue t-shirt, with black Tripp pants with blue stitching. He has snake bites. (Both sides of his lip pierced for those that don't know.) [B] Faction: [/B]Ex-Team Rocket, Federation [B] Commander: [/B]Sabrina [B] Biography:[/B] Aethon originally joined up for Team Rocket, under the promise of power and money. After Red single handedly thwarted Giovanni's plans, and effectively disbanding Team Rocket, Aethon traveled the world in search of strong pokemon. After returning to Kanto, Aethon caught himself up with the recent news. Learning that since Red's disappearance, that the Federation has gripped the regions in it's iron grasp. Not wanting to be left out of this opportunity for power, Aethon sided with the Federation. [B] List of Service Pokémon: [/B]Gengar (Lv 55; Note: Gengar hides in Aethon's shadow all the time. He has a pokeball he's assigned to, but prefers to hide in Aethon's shadow.) Gardevoir (Lv 65) Metagross (Lv 53) Froslass (Lv 59) (I know levels aren't necessary, but I thought I'd put them in their for other people's reference, just in-case they'd like to take into account stats. Also, I use [URL="http://www.psypokes.com/dex/index.php"]this site[/URL] when I need pokemon stats, moves, etc. I find it to be more effective.) [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[color=red][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Ellie Amanda Steed [b]Age: [/b]15 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25448[/img] [b]Trainer ID Number: [/b]13759 [b]Personality:[/b] I'm a really nice girl. Friendly, and I like to talk to others. I make friends easily, but I do tend to loose my cool sometimes. I really like babies of almost anything. I take of of others, and help them if they are in need. [b]Personal History:[/b] I've always dreamed of becoming the best pokemon trainer since i was little. My mom and dad really liked all the things I would tell them. Like... I would have all the coolest pokemon and teach them all the best moves. They've helped support me in that ever since. They and my friends believe that I have what it takes to become the champion. [b]Equipment: [/b]Camping equipment, a bicycle my mom got me not to long ago, and a special keep-sake that my grandma gave me. Oh yeah, can't forget my extra clothes. I'd also like to get some of those Trainer Specs. [b]Preferred Starter Choice:[/b] Really, their aren't that great of a choice to me. But if I have to choose one of them, I'd choose Tododile. Even though their evolution is kinda "ugly", it's not about looks, it's about ability and elemental advantage, not to mention skill as well. I believe I would be best suited for Tododile because of the fact they are real loyal once they get to know you. Having that kind of relationship with your pokemon greatly increases how well they do in battle, and also out of battle if you need them.[/size] [/color]
OOC: Ok... i didnt really know that your computer was being a poopy head. (Ignore the immature laungage please everyone... I am in a reeeeaaaaal good mood right now) IC: [color=navy]Amon quickly looked at her two digimon. A Devidramon, and a Lopmon. He was actually considering choosing the Devidramon line for digivoulution, but something had drawn him to go the Meramon line. [/color] [color=navy][/color] [color=navy]"Well, I don't mind late. I would just like to get their." He smiled weekly, and looked back to Devidramon. "I hope your... friend... doesn't mind the extra load." At that Devidramon lout out a small growl, but decided not to go on the offensive. After all, Amon and Rain seemed to be getting along just fine.[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080]"Oh he wont mind. Will you Devidramon?" Rain looked back to Devidramon, with a smirk. He looked away, scowling. "No, he won't mind. Hop on." At this she got back on to Devidramon's back, and laid her head back down, still being tired. Amon let out a small sigh, and walked over to Devidramon. [/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080]Cautious a bit at first, but he eventualy just decided to go with the plan, and hop on. Candlemon followed close behind, and hoppped up to where Amon could grab him to lift him up the rest of the way.[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080]After awhile, everyone was ready for take off. Devidramon kicked off the ground, and took flight, toward Astrails.[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=black]OOC: Yeah. Me and Frankie will be late to defend the castle, but we're gonna be thier. Don't have to much fun with out us.[/color]
[color=navy]Amon thought to himself of how amazing the VR system worked. He could feel, and even smell things. Even being the bits of data they were. Then again, wiht how advanced tachnology had come, he didn't expect anything less. He looked over to his partner, and watched him hop in peace and with a steady rythm. Thump, thump, thump. The Candlemon continued to hop in his own little world, with a slight smile on his face. [/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080]"Candlemon, would you happen to know if anything interesting is happening? Like any type of special event. I don't want to walk around with nothing to do and waste all this time." Amon asked his partner. Candlemon was broke from his rythm, and stopped to think, which didn't take too long.[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080]"Yes... I beileve that their is an attack on Astrails. Astrails is home to an evil digimon named Armageddenmon. Their are two groups forming around the place. One good group of people, leading an attack. Some with befriended digimon along for the ride. With the toher group being bad characters, also with befriended digimon, to defend Astrails. If we hurry up our pace just a bit, we could possibly get their and maybe even help out a little bit. One digimon, no matter what the level can make, can screw up a whole battle." The candle like digimon replied. He looked up to his partner and had those round questioning eyes.[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080]Amon thought for a second, and sighed lightly. He didn't really want to take the chance of loosing his partner. He knew how so much of a small chance his partner would have against most of those experienced players. He sighed again and looked ahead. "Let's go. We can fend for ourselves. We'll help protect Armageddenmon." He looked at his partner with an approving smile, and began to walk forward. Candelmon following close by his side. [/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=black]OOC: Frankie, I don't really like to take control of other peoples characters that much anymore. I know it really kinda slows things down, but the upside is that someones character is played incorrectly. I just prefer for things to go more smoothly, and for people not get mad. But you know where to leave off. Sorry again.[/color]
OOC: w00t! Sorry, it's been a long time since I've rped here. I may have lost some of my bearings, but I am pretty sure I'll find them. Also, thanks to Takuya for letting me rp. :animesmil IC: It was pretty early in the morning. The clocks all read 4:03 AM. That didn't bother Ryan, what bothered him, was the fact of whether or not his mom would find out he left the house so early. He pinned up his note onto the noteboard that his family had set up in the kitchen. He turned around, and felt his pockets, making sure he hadn't forgot his digivice. "Well, I'm all ready. I wonder what this whole Digimon thing will be like?" Ryan whispered to himself. He opened the door that led from his kitchen, to the outside, quitely. he stepped out, and shut it, making sure that it didn't make a noise this time either. He walked around to his bike, and unlocked it from it's chain. He got on, and peddled away to his new experience, [i]Digimon.[/i] His thoughts raced as he peddelded his way to the VR center. Most of which were if the more advanced players would pick on him or not. He figured that if they did, he would just try his best to at least show them a fight. He wasn't going to be afraid anymore of those bullies. He arrived at the center, and loked his bike at the bike rack (I am assuming they would have at least one bike rack. If not, the nearest chain link fence will do. Ryan doesn't mind walking.) Ryan entered the facillity, which was not that active. Then again, it was only 4 in the morning. He walked up to the receptionist, and signed-in. "Good morning, you're up awful early their." the receptionist said to Ryan, wearing one of those fake I-am-forced-to-sit-here-all-day-and-give-you-information-but-I-love-it smiles. Ryan gave a fake grin back, he didn't like her job just as much as she did "Yeah, but I want to get as good a jump as I can get. I need some experience." With that, he headed for the VR units. He looked in awe at first to the machiene that which would send him into the VR world of Digimon. After a few minutes, he sat down inside, and placed his digivice. The VR unit scanned for the information needed, and then dropped Ryan into VR. Ryan noticed a strange sensation as he was dropped into cirtual reality, but thought nothing of it. [color=navy]Amon quickly regained his vision, having lost it momentairily from the drop into VR, and looked around. He was in a small forest village. He liked the quite serenity, and yet, an equal part of him hated it. His thoughts were stopped, as his digivice began to beep. He looked at it, and tried to figure out what was going on. Then, above his head, a data bubble appeared. [/color] [color=navy][/color] [color=navy]"Well... this is intresting." Amon said to himself. Then the bubble "popped" and a small candle like creature landed in front of Amon. The creature looked up to his partner, and studdied him. "You mind telling me why you haven't introduced yourself yet?" [/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=darkorange]The creature shot a small disapproving glance, then smiled. "Sorry for that, I just couldn't find any feautres about you that would signify good or evil. Anyway, I am Candlemon, and your partner."[/color] [color=navy][/color] [color=#000080]Amon looked at the little creature, and figured that it's name fit it's appearnce... a little to well for his liking. "Well, I am Amon, don't know if you knew that already, but I felt like saying it." He smiled lightly, and realized, that he was talking to a sentient being, if all it was were bits of data. "What do you mean by good or evil?"[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=darkorange]Candlemon hopped to Amon's side, and starred outward. "By good or evil, I mean that their are two sides in this world. Good, those of which consist of Angels, Protectors of the innocent, and all those other people who I care nothing for. And Evil, which consists of Devils, Deystroyers, and any other evil essence you can think of." Candlemon seemed to glow more brightly at the mention of Devils.[/color] [color=#ff8c00][/color] [color=navy]"Good, or evil eh?" Amon said this queitly, and then thought for a few seconds. "I'm tired of people always trying to help me, tired of people thinking they are better than me, stronger than me." Amon grined evilishly. "Let's show them what we're made of." At this they both agreed on the direction they were facing, and walked out of the village.[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=black]OOC: Errr... Wow... I wasn't expecting that much out of my first time back... ^_^ I feel great. Anyways, thanks again Takuya. Also, Amon and Candlemon are headed for Astrails, I will put that in my next post. I think it may be a long way's away, but their is always the "hero" to show up at the last minute kinda thing. [/color]
Name: Ryan Abitt Age: 15 (Mothers signature attached) My son has my permission to use the VR Digimon game. Shara Abitt Gender: Male Username: Amon Seth Appearance: Preffered appearance attached. Partner Digimon: [url="http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Candlemon.html"]Candlemon [/url]Digivolutions: Champion- [url="http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Meramon.html"]Meramon[/url] Ultimate- [url="http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/SkullMeramon.html"]SkullMeramon[/url] Mega-[url="http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Barbamon.html"]Barbamon[/url] Takuya said I could join late, check the underground. Thanks Takuya! :D
Discuss Digimon: Immersion-Help Database [PG-VL]
Roxas replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Theater
Hey Takyua. Tis me, Amon. I was just wondering if I could join in late... I could my character would be like an exchange student or soemthing. and yes, I will be on everyday, and continue the rp, unlike how I was before I left otaku for a while. Just PM me if I can join, and then I'll post my character sheet. K? Thankies. -
Well, normaly I would say it's okay Kitty, but this is a bit differnent for my normal ones. Another smal note. Only tamers can fuse with tamers, and only Spirits can fuse with spirits. The digimon created, I am still figuring out a way to fix that problem... EDIT:The spirits are for the people who want them. If you're a Tamer,you can't have one. Tamers are jsut as powerful, thanks to their Digi-modify ability. EDIT AGAIN: No, Blanko, the Spirit Warriors naturally fuse. If only a few join up as Spirit warriors, Then you will have acces to others, to use to get to the higer levels. For example, Takyua, needed to use The Ice, and Wind Spirits to reach his Mega-like level.
[size=1]:Log Entry 001:[/size] [size=1]I have successfully fused up to three of these digital creatures, without any side effects. I assume Binary Code may have something to do with the fusion. I will continue research for further results.[/size] [size=1]:Log Entry 013:[/size] [size=1]My assumption was correct. The creatures Binary Coding, determines fusion compatibility. I will continue research, for a more accurate finding.[/size]
(OOC: Since you wanted me to vcahnge my characters name Takyua, I Have done so. I will edit my Character when I am done with this post.) IC: Phenreon, was flying a bit over some trees. He was hungry, as he hadn't eaten yet that day. He spoted some fox's, and dove after them. Most of thme got away, but three were injured by his talons. That would be sufficent enough for his hunger. He scouped them up, in his talons, and flew back to his cliffside home. On his way their, he took a big circle around a village. Not likling to be around others, he was more than ahppy to take the scenic route. Not too long after the bypass, he arrived at his home. Not much, a nest their, a cave dwelling, but he didn't need much. He layed his breakfast on the ground, and began his morning.
I like to dirnk citrus sodas. Like Sprite or Mountain Dew. I don't like Pepsi or Coke, but I will dirnk them if thats all their is.
I'll join. Name: Phenreon [color=#000000]Age: 5743 (Tell me if I need to tone this down.)[/color] [color=#000000]Gender: Male[/color] World of Birth: Thiers. [color=#000000]Race: Pheonix[/color] [color=#000000]Appearance: In attachment.[/color] [color=#000000]Personality: Amon is a tipical pheonix. He normaly just likes to be by himself. If he is around others, he likes to give tham a hard time. It's just in his nature. After he is statisfied that the ohters are really pissed, he will stop, and try to help.[/color] [color=#000000]Bio: Amon, since he is a pheonix, hatched from an egg. His life was normal for a pheonix. Being feed as a baby, then eventually leraning how to fly. By the time he could fly, he went out on his own as most pheonix's do. [/color] When he was finding his new home, he was attacked by a black dragon. He reluctantly flew away from the dragon, with minimal damage. He took a bite to the wing, and a pretty strong poison blast from it. Luckly for him, he could heal right away. Now he just lives on his own, staying away from others, or just giving them a hard time. With his home on a cliff side. EDIT: I changed his name for you Takuya. That better?
[color=#9400d3][QUOTE] [color=#9400d3]And for the record it's not always the quiet ones who are virgins.[/color] [/QUOTE][/color][color=black]Tis true... Me and my gf, I expect, will loose it pretty earilier. We are both like that, but when we get to be ourselves, that's something different entierly. [/color]
[size=1][QUOTE][size=1]I want all of you to veiw the following link, and then rethink your thoughts on sex and it's sacred basis. [/size][url="http://sexmap.ytmnd.com/"][size=1]http://sexmap.ytmnd.com/[/size][/url] [size=1](provided to me by Retri, hilarious)[/size][/QUOTE][/size] [size=1]Oh my god... that was freaking funny *lmao!*[/size] [size=1]Thank you for that Kamuro, I really needed a laugh. [/size] [size=1]Anyways, I say screw what others think if you don't want be a virgin, have sex. If you want to be a virgin, then don't have sex. It all depends on you. [/size] [size=1]And as for when it gets weird, well when do others think it starts getting weird. I personally say it doesn't matter. This worlds opinions seemed to be based on a majority vote anyways...[/size]
Writing Pokemon: The Fourth Legend of Reves [PG-13:Some V, and some L]
Roxas replied to Roxas's topic in Creative Works
On this Continet the Eevee's a rare. One person will see one like every 100 years. And my main charcter is getting one. YOu can't have an Eevee. -
I like your idea Takuya. It be easy on us, and him (or her...).
Writing Pokemon: Cusco Continent (Rated R for LSV)
Roxas replied to Frankie's topic in Creative Works
I beilveve you stated this elswere as well Sage. I also explained my opinion their. Now, just beacause it's Pokemon, a nice little kid show in our world, doesn't mean that in her world it is different. This is how she want's Pokemon to be. I would do the same for Digimon. It is a Fan-Fic. That is what they are for. I didn't mean to flame if I did. I just got a warning about calling someone a Ditz on another site so... I am little bit more causious of what I say.