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Everything posted by Roxas
A tall figure was in the forest. He had brown hair that went down to his shoulders, and deep green eyes. If you looked closer, you could see that his ears are slightly pointed. He was wearing white baggy pants and a blue long sleeve shirt. Around his neck, was a necklace with a symbol attached to it. Even from a distance you could tell that he was undernurished. On his right hip was a long sheeth, and a shorter one on left. "Well... not much else to do. I can't help but think that I am forgeting something. Umm... oh crap it! The elder!" Ryan said to himself. Not even before he finished his sentence he was already running off. His sheeth's rattled as he ran towards the village. After a while, he was just outside the hut of the Elder. He slowed down as he came in and looked around. He bowed in respect and sat down. "Did anyone here forget about this besides me?" he asked out of curiosity.
[quote name='James][color=#d6a204']Oh, and driving on the left is common in most countries as far as I know. [/color][/quote]Yeah I know. But Austrailia just plain puts it out there and Britian kinda does. I could never drive on the left... except in Grand Theft Auto. Tanks! [quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1]Aah, the blissful ignorance of your average American :p There does exist a world outside of America. And in it, many countries drive on the [b]left-hand side[/b'] of the road.[/quote][/size] I know that other countries do that. I am just saying it strikes me as strange. I am not saying that Austrailia is the only country that does it. AND, I am not your average american! Those would be your slightly ingnorant retards who eventually run for president *cough* Bush *cough*. I am wanting to be an architect. I understand math as if it were my first language. And I am an atheist. Most people here that I know of are christians. Then again I do live in the "Bible Belt".
Corey... there are stranger things in this world. Austrailians just happen to be one of them. But trust me when I tell it can get weirder. Besides the fact that Austrailians drive on the [b][u]LEFT[/u][/b] side of the road. That just seems strange. Then again they say that driving on the right side is weird. Focus Phayt focus! *smacks self couple times* My shower... has four functions last time i checked. That is unless my mom changed it on me. Killing spiders... good. Tortureing kitties... bad! I have four cats thank you and one of them is pregnent. I can draw in my shower but not on glass. I use this plastic material on the wall. Showers are the best invention us humans have ever made... besides internet, video games, somethings best left not mentioned *cough cough*, and chicken sandwhichs. mmmmmmmmmmmmm.... chicken.
Name: Ryan Age:17 Gender: Male Description: Ryan is about 6 feet tall, and is undernurihsed. He has green eyes, and shoulder length brown hair. He wears white pants, and a blue long sleeve shirt. He also has a necklace with a symbol on it. (I will attach the symbol as soon as I can get it scanned.) And has the tatoo of a pheonix fighting a dragon on his back. Race: Half-Elf (thats ok right?) Weapons: One long sword, and a short sword. He's left handed so long sword, goes in the left hand, and short goes in the right. Egg color: think of a dark rainbow. Creature: Chimera. For those of you who don't know a chimera is a creature that has different parts of different animals. For example one chimera could have the head of a lion, the body of a horse, the tail of a komodo dragon, the wings of a dragon, and the legs of a tiger. Creature Descreption: [b]Mine[/b] has the head of a bull, the body of a human, the arms of a wolf, the legs of a leopard, and the wings of a vulture. Creature Name: Aremic Creature Abilities: Aremic, has the speed of a leopard, the somewhat limited ability to fly (he weighs about as much as really fat human no offense to you over weight people), and is really strong. Since that he can't shoot fire or control water. But he can run up to you and punch the crap out of you or just scrath yo to death.
It has been 10 years since Lan and Megaman.exe have defeated Duo. Since then, all has been well. Net crimes had taken a back seat in the world and who ever had tried to came face-to-face with Protoman. Chaud, since then, has become the head of his own department in net crime prevention. Lan, is now one of the leading programers of the world, and also married Mayl. Dex, Is now one of the best net battlers in the world. Yai is now a model and has stared in some of the movies since Duo. Bass hasn't been seen since Duo was defeated. Megaman during one of his adventures into the undernet was attacked by a unknown virus. After that Megaman would everynow and then have a huge clitch in his programing. Lan was growing conserned so he turned off his PeT. He hasn't turned it on yet. Now, net crimes are starting to rise again. Chaud so far has it all under control but the rate at which they are increasing, it will eventually be too much for him alone. This is were we come in. You can be your own character or you can be one of the ones above. NOTE That if you choose to be one of the ones above you will have to follow what I need the character to do everynow and then. Now that thats out of the way here's what I need. Human Character Name: Age: (9-15) Gender: Apperance: Personality: Not to much but enough to understand how your character will act. Leave room for improvement. NetNavi Name: Gender: Matrix: For those of you who dont know this also called apperance. Personality: Chip Folder: Just use my staring folder if you dont know any and pm me for the whole list. Styles/Souls: If you dont any pm me. NaviCust: dont need the grid just give me some programs and if you dont them pm me. Chip folders are limited to 20 not 30 for this. There are also no such thing as mega, giga or secret chips, they are all just chips. You can either have a 3 styles or 6 souls. Also note that battles are going to be like the anime. Here's my character. Human character Name: Ryan Abitt Age: 15 Gender: Male Apperance: Ryan is about 6' tall and is undernurished. He has siverish hair with platinum tips. His eyes are aquamarine. He wears a black hoody over a short sleeve shirt that says "1f u c4n r34d th1s, u n33d t0 g37 l41d." along with balck zip-off pants. Personality: Ryan is kind of quite and a little bit stuborn. Net Navi Name: Phayt.exe Gender: Male Matrix: Phayt looks similar to Megaman but his a little bit taller and is silver and platinum in color. Personality: Just like ryan but more quite and stuborn. Chip Folder: Starting [font=Verdana][font=Tahoma]Cannon x4; Sword x3; Wide Sword x3; Long Sword x3; Area Grab x3; Recov10 x4[/font][/font] Ending [font=Verdana][font=Tahoma]Holy Stage , Dark Aura , Recov300 , Protoman , Variable Sword , Custom Sword , Slasher , Salamander , Fountain , Bolt , Gaia Blade , Sword , Wide Sword , Long Sword , Grass Stage , Folder Back , StepSwd , StepCrs , HeroSwd , North Wind [/font][/font] [font=Verdana]
Well, over here we have the Sat-9 test thing and ACTAAP. The ACTAAP is like more of a written test and is alot harder but it is also the supposedly the most acurate test in the U.S. My point is eventually it will be nothing but written test. I personally dont like them and would be more satisfied with eating dirt but I do agree with the fact that they are very acurate on telling us whether or not we make a rock look like Einstine, or Einstine look like a rock. I seriously would rather sit there filling in those stupid little bubbles than write a paragraph about something I just now learned was on our Earth. So I say the standerdized test are better... for me anyways.
If you have the ability to understand something as confused as that yes. But thankfuly for me I do have the ability to understand it And i totaly agree with you, at least on what you think he meant to say. Other than that... i have no other help for you cause Im a male so... yeha do the science.
Ok. Now before anyone reads this know that i didnt read all the preivous posts. I am just going to say what i think i be gone. I say, and i can actually say something beacuse i was suicidal once before, that the people who think about, attempt it, or just plain carry it out do it becuase they think that no one cares or would prefer them dead. Now note that the only things that stoped me was the pain (never attempeted just thought about it and about how much it would hurt) and my new born neice. That showed me so much about life that I had never saw before. The fact that its so fragil. How much it deserves to stay here as long as possible. Really though i dont think im completly over it. I have thought about since then but caught myself. Then i think that there is just a part of me that wont forget whats happened to me and doesnt care what anyone will think and it wants to bring back down. Just know that it will eventually get to the point to where it is selfish. No matter how it starts. So it could be attention, but if it lasts long enough they will begin to think that know one cares and actually start to really think about it. Theres my whole paragraph on the thing (wow) so read if u care.
Right. May I just point out that it might be possible for global warming to cause longer and colder winters as well. I mean nature does sort of balance it self at most doesnt it? And yes it does get colder over here in Arkansas as well. We're just now exiting winter... I think.
Yay! Must Join! Name: Ryan Abitt (felt like the last name should be there) Age:15 Gender: Male Appearnce: If I attached it right its attached. Its the human. (duh!) Digivice color: Red and black Crest: Friendship Digimon: [i]Fresh:[/i] Pururumon/Bubble blow [i]In-training:[/i] Poromon/Baby breeze [i]Rookie:[/i] Muchomon/Tropical Beak, Ardent Flame [i]Champion:[/i] FlareRizamon/Blaze buster, Raging inferno [i]Ultimate:[/i] MetalTyranomon/Fire blast II, Nuclear laser [i]Mega:[/i] Machinedramon/Giga Cannon, Dragon fire
[quote name='Zell2003']I can painfully relate to that..:([/quote] That sucks doesnt it? But... I have good news... kinda. I have a girl-friend. Thing is... I live all the way in Arkansas. She lives in Florida. But so far things are working just fine.
Anime Which animes should be on or put back on t.v.?
Roxas replied to graysky07's topic in Otaku Central
Well. I want Escaflowne, R.O.D the tv, Gad Gaurd, and Card Captors. I dont agree with the people who want Gundam Wing to come back cause all it would be is re-runs and I hate those so... I want Escaflowne to come back just cause I never did see any of it really just the frist three episode and that still was enough to get me hooked. R.O.D the tv cause I WANT THEM TO SHOW THE END GD! *takes [i]deep[/i] breath* Gad Gaurd for the same reason as well as Card Captors which was better than Pokemon (when I liked it), Digimon, and Yu-Gi-Oh! all put together! -
The one I like the best is Gundam Seed Astray. It is the most perfect side story for Gundam Seed. It's art is wonderful. I hace only read the manga so... It also has one of the best story lines ever. The normal Gundam Seed Astray is kinda jumpy though. Gundam Seed Astray R though has better art and a less jumpy story line. The one I liked least would have to be The 08th MS team. The art sucked (just me) the stroy sucked (again just me) and the characters sucked (agian just me...). I mean you could have at least got good charaters. (by that I mean personalities for them.) But then agian I only saw the first episode so... guess I cant say much.
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]Right. Anyways you people dont know what the cool ones are. I would want the ability to create/manipulate/become/and teleport to and from shadows. Think about it. You dont wanna be seen just make your self a shadow. Or you wanna scare someone you just move there shadow onto a wall then start cahnging it into Bahumt or something. I like the shadows so... this my power and you guys cant have it.[/size][/font]
Ooooooooooooooooo! Joining. Name: Phayt Gender: Male Age: 14 Natural Personality: Phayt is one of the people who when is fighting or is doing anything that has to do with luck says "Im a lucky bastard". He never thinks things through and improvises alot. He likes to show off as well. Description: Bout 6' and has black hair. Wears a head band and a black shirt with black pants, and a white over shirt. Average build and slightly messy medium long black hair. Bio: Phayt always wanted to be a piolt for a gundam since a kid. He did realize however that there were few gundams that naturals could piolt. This basically crushed his dream at becoming a gundam piolt. He then found Red Frame while on one of the junk guilds assignments for him. He decided that since he found it he would take it. Since then he as been piolting Red Frame everywhere. Mobile Suit: Astray Gundam Red Frame Mobile Suit description: Phayt found Red Frame with the Gerbera Straight. He also found a Scale System with it which alows Vehicles to move freely through water, sand, and loose soil. He made great use out of that system by modifieing it to were it was compatible with Red Frame.
Well since you forgot knowledge can I decide its country? Name:Phayt (for now until I can get an Egyptian name) Age:14 Appearance:Phayt is 5'7" and wieghs 103.5lbs. and looks undernurished. He as tanned skin since he lives in Egypt and wears short sleeve shirts and shorts most of the time. Country: Egypt (ill get back to you on the city) Crest: Knowledge Bio: Phayt actually was not born in Egypt, his parents brought him their when he was not even a year old. Thus he speaks both Egyptian and American. During the younger years of his life he played some games here and there but he didnt really like that. He would rather work on a puzzel or play a game of chess. He was really smart, in fact he has an I.Q. of 247. Digimon: I will finish both the bio and this later gotta go to school.
I can understand why people like Blanko dont like it. I used to be like that. Its just the fact that some people take it way to seriously (some people take halloween to seriously but thats something completely different). And when you do something for someone they think that you love the person alot or something when you could be doing because you wanted to be nice or the person never gets a valentine so you wanted to make them happy you know? This V-Day was different for me for two reaseons this year. 1) I finnaly got my first girlfriend (not on V-day) and 2) Now that Im in high-school it seems so different. I mean at my middle school they have a dance, and so many other things and the elamentry is completely different its like they have a free day! But I was fine with that change. Other than all that, my V-day wasclose to perfect.
I also am sorry for what i said. I was pissed too. But now im fine. this is the first v-day that ive ever had a girl friend for (which happens to be my first) YAY! HAPPY V-DAY!
V-day. I hate that day so much. It is the one day of the that I would rather be either really really sick or grounded or somethiing. Anything to get me away from all those a55holes. To make it worse though I have a crush on someone she knows it and I plan on doing something for her on V-day. (This would be my first time so nervousness, 'what do i do?' all that.) But you know how people are in school. They only like each other to be cool. To get laid and most not importantly to finaly not be a "strange" person. Worst of all though its ok for them to have a bf or gf but not for us? No if anything they need to get their head out of their *** and use their small little brains. I hate V-day.
Me... I want Astray Red Frame and Gold Frame. They are both gundams from the Astray side-story of Gundam Seed. Red Frame is cool beacause it can supercharge its weapons but it must sacrafice core energy to do it. Although if you do it right you can create a ball of energy that can be thrown to your enemy! Gold Frame is cool because it has both Blue Frame's ablity to be modified heavily for the situation and Red Frames ability to super charge it's weapons. Another name for Gold Frame is Amatu which means heavenly.
I was just wondering if any had heard of it. If you have do you think that you could help me find a site that I could read its manga? Anyways, I think it is a pretty awesome side-story of Gundam Seed. It is a bit jumpy though with its important events to Gundam Seeds important events. But other than that it is awesome.
OOC: You read my mind! Sorry about leaving you with battle duties again. I will finish this thank you. IC: "Right!" Phayt yelled back as he started to run off. He held up his tag and watched it as it started to blink like a radar. With every step the frequency between blinks grew faster. Eventualy there didn't seem to be a blink to it. He looked up and saw an oasis. "This must be it! But where is it?!" Phayt asked. "Phayt! In the pool!" Pyromon yelled as he pointed in the pool of water. "Right!" Phayt replied as he ran to the pool. The crest inside then lifted up and flew into his tag. "Meramon digivolve too..... BlueMeramon!" BlueMeramon said as he was done digivolving. "Nice. Now lets go help Meteo and Kyukimon!" Phayt yelled as he started to run back to where Meteo was. Eventually he found his way back to Meteo. "Need any help?" BlueMeramon asked Kyukimon. "Yeah some help would be nice!" Kyukimon yelled back as he smahed one of the Flarerizamon with a blade twister. "Ok. Super Nova!" BlueMeramon yelled as he threw a huge ball of blue fire toward the other Flarerizamon. It was instantly deleted under the force of the impact. "Whoa! ... BlueMeramon is soooo cool!" Phayt stated as he watched the Flarerizamon disingrate. OOC: Now I am brain dead. Dont worry though I will think of somethinking eventually.
"Alright I guess we dont have to worry about the Tyrannomon anymore." Phayt stated as the two fell to the ground. "Just because we took two out doesn't mean that more wont try to come." Meramon said as they continued to walk. "Yeah I guess your right. Anyways, I wonder where we need to go?" Phayt asked. "You mean you have no idea were we are going?" Meteo asked. "Not exactly. I mean we have gone in a straight line so we aren't going to get lost, but I dont know exactly were we are going if you want to be exact." Phayt replied. "Yeah we wont get lost, but we may get eaten." Meteo replied a little bit edgy. "Oh waht are you worring about, you have a digimon capable of reaching ultimate level. Whats the worst that could happen?" Phayt said. "Phayt, you know that worst thing that could happen? Well, I think it may have just happened." Meramon stated. "What?!" Phayt yelled as he looked up. "What are those?" Phayt yelled again. "We are called Flarerizamon. We origanaly came this way to fight the Tyrannomon but your digimon should do just fine." a Flarerizamon stated.
No other force to act on the flag? Hello! Gravity. The moon does have it. Thats also another on of them science laws. I do understand the stars thing however.
I have no idea wether or not we did land on the moon or not but I dont necescarilly care. But think of it like this, there is said to be no wind in space so how could the flag wave? Also all the cross hairs are soppossed to be in the front of the picture on top of anything. my forth and fifth grade teacher would agree with yours on that fact because he is the one who told me that. Other than that I dont have any evidense that we actually did land on the moon. Sorry.