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Everything posted by Roxas

  1. I got one nickname... Ferret. I am fine with it. I got when I spent the night over at a friends house. I sleep in a ball like form (just like a ferret) and when I woke up my freind just called me ferret. Strange I know but its true.
  2. [quote name='MehrLicht']Yes, we will find out. But i mean elfpirate and phayt, you two should admit (and i mean no offense here) that you might not be the best candidates to give information about OB members. You both have each been here for about a month.[/quote]Not really for me. I had another account (Dynete) but I forgot my password, and got a new email address. Ive known about this place for about a year or two. Its gotten better also. So... I might qualify for being a candidate.
  3. I agree with elfpirate on this fully. But there is still one more way a person can grow up and retain that balance. If they grow up around an equal amount of both good and evil. The posibilty of that happening however is very slim so it may or may not happen.
  4. Hum. I agree with elfpirate on this. There does seem to be more girls on the boards than males. Oh well we will find out soon I guess.
  5. Roxas

    Taboo [PG-LSV]

    Phayt walked back to his room after he was done eating the mountain of food. When he got back to his room he noticed that it didnt have enough emotion any more. He wanted it to be more welcoming. Yet he didnt feel like messing with right now. He sat down for a bit thinking to himself. [i]"Well, at least I'm not out in the forest anymore. No more hunting my own food, no more people trying to kill me, and most of all, no more being alone." [/i]Phayt thought to himslef. After a while he fell asleep. A monster deystroying a village. He was there trying to stop it, but he failed. He died. "NO! ... ... Oh. Just a dream. Why would I have that dream though? Maybe... the first hero of earth was there." Phayt said to himself. "Oh well, I just ate to much probaly. Anyways, I guess I should go do something. What was there to do? ... Oh! I guess I could go train." He contnued. He then went to go find his way around. He eventualy found way to the training hall. When he walked in Azuru was still training. He walked around wondering what he should do. He saw a hammer and picked it up. It wasnt anything special, just an average warhammer. He swung it hard to the gorund. It came crashing down with a loud thud. At this Azuru jumped and turned around. "Oh! Its only you." Azuru said slightly shaken. "Sorry. I just... I didn't mean to scare you." Phayt said changing his mind half way through. "Its ok. I guess we're even now." Azuru said. "Uh? Oh! Yeah I guess we are." Phayt replied. He countinued his trainig a little farther away from Azuru. He was a little bit uneasy being in the same room with someone else. He just wasnt used to being near other people. After a while Azuru walked out of the training hall. Phayt became comfterble after that, he just felt more normal being alone. After a while of training he stoped and went back to his room. He fell on his bed face first and sighed. He moved to where he could breathe and sighed again. He fell asleep not long after that.
  6. Roxas

    Taboo [PG-LSV]

    There Phayt was. Among others just like him. He felt a little bit uncomfortable being around people, but he knew that they wouldnt hurt him. "Hi. Im Phayt." Phayt introduced himself to the others. "I am glad to meet all of you." "Hi. I am Mizu. The hero of Water." Mizu replied to Phayt. "And Im Azuru. The hero of Sound." Azuru replied. "Hi. Im Hiroshi. The decendent of the hero of life." Hiroshi replied as well. "Follow me to your room. You may want to rest." Hiroshi said as he started to walk off. "Wait!" Phayt yelled. "I want to know if Ziarre is ok." "She will be fine. Please, follow me." Hiroshi stated as he started to walk off again. Phayt followed him to his room. When he got there he sat down at his bed. "You may want to redecorate the room if you want." Hirosi stated as he left the room. [i]Yeah it seems empty of emotion. I like it this way though. Dont have worry about much. I will keep it like this. [/i]Phayt thought to himself. He then remembered that he was hungry. "Still havent had any food." Phayt said to himself. He then wlaked out and walked around the place trying to find the kitchen or whatever it was. He found his way around after a while. "I guess this is place." He said to himself. "Hey. Hungry?" Someone said form behind him. "GOD! Dont do that! Oh... yeah. What all is there?" Phayt asked. OOC: It can be anyone who scared Phayt. Just talk to him and stuff.
  7. Roxas

    Taboo [PG-LSV]

    Phayt coantinued to walk forward for a bit. "At least I lost those idoits. Darn... I still havent eaten anything." Phayt said to himself. The forest was quite from what he could here. He liked the silence, it was so much better than in the morning with all the birds chirping. He hated the fact that nature could be so happy at any moment. He hated the fact that people couldnt accept him for who he was. He stoped walking after a bit. He thought he saw someone in the shadows, but when he focused in the spot he only saw shadows. "I realy need to eat something. I will find something eventualy." Phayt said to himself again. He started walking forward again. He didnt think about looking around. he would be able to hear his breakfast... but not anyhting else. What happened next was fast. He felt someone grab hold of him, and then he heard a voice... "I dont mean you any harm." the voice said to him, "I only wish you to come with me." "Why should I? Besides... I would only get in the way of whatever you want me to do if anything." Phayt replied. "Just let me go. I wont fight. I just want something to eat." "I can give you a chance to not have to find your food. I will let you go only if you come with me." the voice stated. This time he noticed that it was a girl speaking. "Thanks for the offer, but I dont like humanity. They only wish for my death. If I went with you they would try to kill me." Phayt replied. He tried to break free slowly but only failed. "I wont bring you to humanity. People also want to kill me as well. There are others just like you and me. They also want you to be with us. We can help you develop your powers." the girl stated. "How do you know about my powers!? What do you mean others!? Just let me go!" Phayt asked while tring to break free. He tried all he could to break free but he still failed. He gave up after a while, realizing that he couldnt escape. "I... I... I guess I will came with you." "Alright... but you wont pull anything on me, right?" the girl asked. "No. I wont." Phayt said. At this she let him go. "Im Phayt. I thought you might want to know my name." He continued after she let him go. "Im Ziarre. Nice to meet you Phayt." Ziarre replied.
  8. [QUOTE=elfpirate]It's not easy being a female skater here, either. I actually got hit upside the head with the trucks-side of a local skater's board because he was angry that I'm a chic and could skate as well as he could. [/QUOTE] I wouldnt care if you could (and most defintly can) skate better than me. If anything I would ask you to possibly teach me. Anyways... I just need a new board and I will try at it again. I am kinda getting better.:D
  9. [QUOTE=DerelictDestiny][color=darkred][size=1]If you think you don't have the chance then you won't have one. It's called self-realization. You just sabotage yourself unneccessarily. [/size][/color][/QUOTE]I forgot to say that I still try (not despretly) even though I think that I dont have a chance. Im strange and I understand that most of the things I say make me sound dumb but I actually am kinda smart. And thanks for the very helpful advice DerelictDestiny, but I already knew that. Sorry for being mean I just... yeah. I dont always need someone to cheer me up just when I get close to suicidel. (I have been there and it wasnt fun.) Im fine now. I just think that when I figure my self out (I dont know exactly who I am) that I can figure out who is right for me. For fight now it is still the same as my first post here.
  10. I look for the same type that Heero Darkangle looks for, the exact oppiste. Im not cold hearted just really depressed. So someone who could chear me up, and someone who understands me. I say that because I have a hard tiime expressing myself. The only two things that do expresse me well are my art (best way) and my stories (second best.) Someone who understands that there is no such thing as normal. I dont know why I bother though, I know that I dont got a chance at having a girlfriend. :(
  11. [size=2]I cant skate worth crap, but i still try. Well cant do any moves, dont really got a board right now, and favorite skater... cant say one so Ill list them: Hawk, Margera, Mullen, and Muska.[/size] [size=2]Im strange I know. [/size]
  12. I guess I either want to be an artist (I love to draw) or an author (I love to wright). If I were both that would help out to that way I could do my own covers for my books! But realy I have drawn since I was three (currently 14) and Ive only gotten better. The wrighting thing however started when I was 13. I met a new friend and he had great fanfic ideas and storys so I decided that I could do it. There is however the fact that I am awesome at math. I might end up teaching it.
  13. [size=2]"So, Ellie has some kinda spore thing in her? Can we get it out, or disable it? There has to be something that we can do." Phayt asked while walking in circles, thinking.[/size] [size=2]"Hey, dont burn a hole in the floor." Meteo said to Phayt, "Besides, we will eventualy be able to save her. Otherwise she wouldnt be here, right?" Meteo ended turning his head to Kotemon. [/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]"Yes, she would not be here if she wasnt supposed to help us in the end." Kotemon stated. [/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]"Hey guys. Im sorry for being an idoit so far, and Im sorry for yelling at you. Also its getting late, so Im gonna go look for the bedrooms." Phayt exclaimed. He then walked up some stairs that led from the first room to the upstairs. When he got up there, there were four doors, two of them on his left and two of them on his right. He checked the first one on his left first. It was a closet, not much in it except for a broom and some boxes. Next he checked the first door that was on his right. It was a bathroom. It was mainly all white and ad what most bathrooms had. Then he checked the last door on his right. It was a bedroom. It looked like a childs room because the bed was kinda small, and their was a toy chest in the room. [/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]"Hey guys I found one room but Im going to look at the last one just in case!" Phayt called down to them. Then he checked the last room. It was another bedroom. It seemed to be the adults room because the bed was larger and it was more neatly set up than the other. Then he wnet back down to tell them. [/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]"Ok guys their are two bedrooms up there. Oneon each end to the left and right. The girls can go up first and choose the rooms they want." Phayt stated when he got back down to the room where every was at. [/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]"Thats very nice Phayt. I guess you and Ellie were very close." Rae replied. [/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]"Yes we are very close, and nothings going to break us apart. Not even some stupid dark spore thing." Phayt said. He seemed very serious about what he said. "Anyways you two can up and choose your room, we will wait until then." [/size]
  14. [font=Verdana][size=2]Bakuryu didnt go to sleep at first. Although his boky wanted him to he still had to think about Earth. [i]I wonder if time is faster here or that Earth is still on the same second. I hope it is, because I dont want anyone to worry about me. Not that many people will, but some people have hearts. Still though, how long could this take. I mean Im not exactly all that sure of this, but Im still going to help them. Besides, what if I dont and they dont let me back. Then again I kinda like it here. Its all nice and cozy so far. Except that vampire dude, he scares me. I wonder... ah nevermind. [/i][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Then Bakuryu fell asleep. He didnt exactly have any nice dreams, but not many people would dream about the perfect world after what he went through. Accepting the fact that you are in a differnet world with dragons and stuff isnt all that easy. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]When he woke up he walked outside and tried to find his way to the dinning hall. He didnt pay that much attention to what happened after he transformed. He did try and 'smell' his way there. He found his nose into a wall, and his back on the floor. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Oww! Oh. Maybe not everyones awake yet. I need to be more careful." Bakuryu said to himself. He got up and started to walk again. He eventualy found his way to the dinning hall. He saw a girl in a red dress, and went over to her.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Hey. Uhh, this is the meal chamber isnt it?" Bakuryu asked.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Yes it is. Please take a seat. Anyware is fine." the girl replied. Bakuryu then choose a seat and sat down. He wondered when everyone would get there beacause he didnt realy like eating alone in a place hes not comforterable in. [/size][/font]
  15. [font=Verdana][size=2]Phayt ate his soup quitely. Everynow and then he would stare off in to space. He just couldnt figure out why Ellie would attack him. After he finished his soup he got up to go rinse and clean his bowl [i]It wouldnt be nice to leave this place a reck. [/i]He thought to himself.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Hey. Where you going?" Emma asked as Phayt got up.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Im going to go clean my bowl and then Im coming right back. Dont worry." Phayt replied. He came back a few minutes later, and sat down. "... Before I came here, I had some very good friends. Well, one of them is here. Her name is Ellie, and you could say she's my girlfriend. The thing is... when I found her, she was different. She attacked me. She would never do anything like that. She didnt even care what her partner had to say about it. She just forced her to attack me. God damnit!" Phayt said. He couldnt handle it anymore. He smashed his fist down on the chair he was sitting in. He wanted so much to just stop the pain. (He's very emotional which doesnt make much sense 'cause he hides most of them.)[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"So, what you're saying is that your girlfreind is now trying to kill you?" Meteo asked.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"YES! GOD DAMN! I just got through saying that do I have to repeate my self?" Phayt yelled. He didnt want to repeat himself. That was last on his list of "Things to do [u]after[/u] I die".[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Ok. Ok. Dont get so angery. We're here because were your freinds. Remember?" Emma stated. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Sorry. I just... I just dont want to remember that." Phayt replied. "Hey, Lucemon wasnt it? Would know anything about why Ellie would attack me. Its just your an angle and well you know." Phayt asked. He thought that atleast one of the digimon should at least have an idea of what was going on.[/size][/font]
  16. [font=Verdana][size=2]"This is all a dream. Im just having a nightmare. None of this can happen." Bakuryu said to himself. Then he closed his eyes, and opened them. "Ok. Isnt that supposed to work?" He asked himself. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Well... normaly it will, but your not asleep." Meteo replied to Bakuryu. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Who asked you!? Besides if I'm not dreaming then this is real. So, I am in a world next to Earth diminsion wise?" Bakuryu yelled but then calming down.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Pretty much, yes." Meteo replied, "You could put it like that. Hey, Tala. Im going to let this guy go now. He dosent seem like he will do anything."[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Very well... You may release Bakuryu." Tala replied. At this Bakuryu was released and he walkd as far as he could away from Meteo, but not towards the exit of the cave. He didnt want to be near Meteo, or be punched again. He just sat there thinking.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Tala, was it? So you chose us to become these new 'changers' right? Well why did you choose me or the other guys and not the guy down the street?" Bakuryu asked Tala.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"I choose you because of your talents, among other things. Talents mostly. You have come to understand quite fast, why?" Tala answered.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Well... I never did have a grasp for reality. I guess this home for me. I always thought that there was something out there, but I never did know until now." Bakuryu replied, "So, I guess I'm ready for this 'transformation'." Then Bakuryu just stood up and waited for the others.[/size][/font]
  17. Youre welcome Kitty. I also have more people to add; Bloody_Moon, and maybe LashamaruChaos. I hope I realy do meet some of the people if they are who they say they are.
  18. I think that I can identify my self with Raven from Teen Titans the most. Except Im slightly more social than she is, I dont have super powers, and I'm a male. I also can relate my self with Maggie from ROD, but I dont like books as much. So just take away the super powers, make more social, stop the books, fuse the two, and make male and you have me.
  19. Roxas

    Taboo [PG-VL]

    Ok here it is. Name: Phayt Age: 14 Gender: Male Appearence: Phayt has brown eyes and dark brown hair that goes down to his shoulders. He wears black zip-off pants, and a clayish red hoody over a red t-shirt. he has a scar on his left hand from a deep cut. Personality: Phayt is a quite person who hides his emotions. He is really depressed because his parents died. He mostly hates anyone, but he will learn that no one's perfect and that everyone makes mistakes. He likes to draw but he has never been able to after his parents died. He wanted to make the best picture in the world when he grew up, but now he thinks that that will never happen. Bio: Phayt has been out in the deeper part of the forest, but not to deep for fear of what may live back there. He lived off the small animals he killed. (squrile, rabbit) Hero of: Earth Weapon(s): Daimond Hammer- creates a small earthquake that travels in a cone-like direction from the point of origin. (V like from the point where it hit.) Thorn whip- a whip with thorns on it that secreate a poison that cause illusions. Magic: Ragnarock- A large dagger like rock forms over Phayt and flies to the closest threat. Takes a crap-load of energy however. Earthen Form- Phayt can go into the ground, mold with the ground, or manipulate the ground. Takes ten times as much energy as Ragnarock.
  20. Roxas

    Taboo [PG-LSV]

    [size=2]OOC: Hi people. I oked it that I could join this with Bloody_Moon. I hope this goes well. [/size] [font=Verdana][size=2]IC: Phayt walked around the forest alone. He didnt mind it, in fact he prefered it. He hated all those bastards who killed his parents. He just wanted to live, and eventualy kill all of them. Though something inside of him kept him from actualy wanting to follow threw with that thought. He continued to walk around for a bit longer.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Snap! Phayt turned his head to where the sound came from. "... Must have been an animal." Phayt said to calm himself down. He was however getting hungry. "Humm. Maybe I should go find something to eat." He said rubbing his stomach. He then walked around for a bit picking up some sticks here and there. He then threw them down in a pile and continued to walk around. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Now... wheres some good vines." he said to himself. He walked around for a few more minutes, he did pick up some mushrooms however. He didnt eat them, they were bait for a bigger dinner. He eventualy came across some 'good' vines, and took them down. "Well here we go." he again said to himself. He then began to walk back to where he had thrown down the sticks. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"... Man I wish I didnt have to live like this." Phayt said to himself.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"We can help you with that." Someone said from behind him.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Hey! Who are you. What do want with me." Phayt replied to the person while looking around noticing that he was surrounded. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Oh... that wont matter, but what will is wether or not you survive." Another person from his left stated.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Crap! Why do you want to kill me?" Phayt said while reading himself for anything. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"That is none of your buisiness. Now... prepare to die!" The first person stated while lunging toward Phayt. Then everyone lunged toward Phayt. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Oh yeah! Well I am not gonna die today!" Phayt yelled out. He then ran to his left and then punched at the guy who was there. The guy doged Phayts attack, which was exacttly what Phayt wanted him to do. Phayt then rolled threw the small opening and continued to run. "Hahaha! You stupid idoit!" Phayt called out.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"You fool! You let him escape! Arrgh! Go after him and dont hesitate for anything!" The leader yelled at his group. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"What are planning on doing!?" someone asked while starting to run after Phayt.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Oh! You'll see." the leader replied.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Well they arent as dumb as they look. Dosent matter, I know these woods well. I'll lose them eventualy." Phayt said to himself while running and jumping threw the forest. Then his stomach groaned. "Darn! I still haven't eaten anything, and all this would surely scare off any food."[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Meanwhile the goup of people were still chasing him. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Dont let him out of your sites!" one of the people yelled to the others. He was apparently the second leader or something like that. "Ahh! God! This kid is good." the person yelled as he almost fell into a pit of alligators. "I wonder how he got around that. Why do we have to kill him! He would be a great addition to the group." the person continued.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Back with Phayt. "No. Not there. Almost. THERE!" he said as he was looking for something. Then Phayt grabed a vine and swung around a big tree. After it started to slow down he grabed hold of a ledge, and then climbed up and jumped down into a pit. After that he closed the hatch he had desined,and set up the support. "They will never find me here... I hope." Phayt said under his breath.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]OOC: Sorry for making it soooo long but I wanted to get that out of the way. And thanks again for letting me join Bloody_Moon.[/size][/font]
  21. [size=2]Bakuryu walked slowly down the hill to his house. "Man! Why does it have to be so cold!" He said to himself, while shivering. "I hate the cold! I wish was some where warm right now." he continued.[/size] [size=2]"I could grant that wish." someone said from behind him. From the sound he noticed it was a girl.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]"Yeah... right. Anyways, my house is warm and Im almost there so you can forget about your offer." Bakuryu replied to the girl. [/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]"Fine. Suit yourself." the girl stated. Then Bakuryu heard something like someone running. He turned around thinking that the girl was running away, but she was directly at him. [/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]"What the hell! Wha-" Bakuryu tried to say something but was punched in the gut and got the wind nocked out of him.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]"Im sorry I had to do that," the girl said. "but I had to get you to come with me one way or the other." Then the girl helled up what looked like, from Bakuryu's point of view, a crystal. Then a portal of black and red swirls opened up beneath him. He then fell into the portal, and though he wanted to say something he was still recovering from the blow he took in the gut.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][i]"Man, this girl can hit hard!" [/i]Bakuryu thought.[/size]
  22. YAYNESS!!! A cool Halo rpg! Spartan Class: Lieutenant Colonel Name: Ryan Abitt Sex: Male Code#: Spartan-213 Skill: Ambidextrius (Both right and left handed, if Im wrong Im close.) Main choice of weapon: M7/Caseless Sub Machine Gun (SMG) (Duel weilding) Appearance: Ryan is about 6'11". He has Brown eyes and dark brown hair. He is averagely fit for an army personale. History:Ryan was one of the quite people. Never talked unless he needed to. Never showed any emotions. He turned out to be pretty good at using two weapons in combat. He would use one until it had to reload then use the other until it had to reload and so on. He started with pistols and then went to SMGs. For some reason he always did things right when he was told to, unless they needed to be done at a certain time. He likes to listen to music when hes in combat alot. Most of it is rock, and other simmilar music. My other dude. Race: Elite Name: Fate (The Covenant have names like that. The prophets from Halo2 are named the Prophet of Regret, Truth, and Mercy.) Rank:Stealth (If I cant have that, Spec Ops) Weapons: Plasma Rifle-Needler duel weilding Appearance: Gray armor when visible. (Black armor for Spec Ops) I hope this is ok
  23. [quote name='ScirosDarkblade']Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! Oh man, that's pure gold. Do you realize what you're saying?[/quote] For me... Yes. What Im actualy saying... maybe not.
  24. I beileve that if the woman was raped, or someting similar that she shouldn't abort but give the child to the person who gave her the baby (expesicaly in the case of rape.) and if the person doesnt want the child put the child in a foster home or something. Everyone has a right to live. And also what if you were one of those kids who your mom was thinking about going with abortion, how would you fill? For me... I would break down and most likly get suicidel. Woldn't you?
  25. Name: Ryan Abitt Age:14 Appearance: Ryan is about 5'6" and looks under-nurished. He has brown eyes and dark brown hair. He mostly wears long sleeve shirts and pants no matter what time of year it is. He has a scar on his left arm where his step-dad litalary threw him out of the house and he landed on a broken piece of glass. Gender:Male Personality: Ryan is basically a victim. Bio: Ryan was born to his mom and step-dad. If you just looked at him he seemed like your average kid, but he wasn't. His step-dad would come back home every night drunk, and start arguments with his mom. Ryan and his little brother just had to sit there and listen. Sometimes his step-dad would hit his mom, and Ryan would want to stand up for his mom but never knew what to do. When he was seven his parents got divoriced and his step-dad gained custity of him. When Ryan would get back home his step-dad would almost always be drunk, and someone else would be there also (a friend or someone closer than a friend). Ryan sometimes would get yelled at for just walking around the house. One time he got thrown out for asking his dad to go get some food. When he could finaly get back in his dad was passed out on the couch with a box of beer in his arm. His dad woke up and realized that Ryan was back inside and litalary threw him out. This time he deciced he didn't want back in, so he walked around not doing much because of his hunger but enough to survive. One night he fell unconcius and was sent to the hospital. When he woke up they asked him a bunch of questions, like 'Whats your name?' or 'Who do you live with?' stuff like that. After he got better they sent him to a foster home. It was better there, but it still sucked. Now he just does what hes been taught is right (which really isnt right but its not wrong either.) Sorry for making it long, and I hope that its ok.
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