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Everything posted by Roxas
[font=Verdana][size=2]That reminds of the good ol' days when I would wine to my parents about not having a gameboy. Then wine to them about not having Pokemon Red or Blue. Anyways I like it. For some reason they look completly different from the game (even the scenary). Guess its just me though.[/size][/font]
What OB members do you know, or would you like to meet in real life?
Roxas replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
I would have to say everyone in my buddy list; amgoddess, Blako, Kitty, mikobabe, and piro-sama. They seem to be the kinda people I like to hang out with. -
[quote name='wrist cutter']I've noticed nowadays that teenagers tend to be retards, too.[/quote] HEY! Im not a retard! Anyways I like to talk to my friends more just 'cause I hate my family. Seriously I do! I could care less whether they were burning in hell or living peacfully in heaven. If such things exist. Im an atheist so... yeah.
[font=Verdana][size=2]I dont want to live forever if my love isn't gonna be there with me, so no imortality (besides that people will start to wonder alot.) [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]One) To finally get a girlfreind thats perfect for me (never have had one probally will never get one)[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Two) To get better at my drawings (best way of exspressing my self and I would be able to draw my own anime!)[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Three) Since slavery sucks... wait that could be an evil genie so for the genie's freedom BUT as a good guy.[/size][/font]
[size=2]OOC: LashamaruChaos I will let it slide this time because your new, but next time please make sure its ok with the person before you post ok.[/size] [size=2]IC: "Oww! Hey little kid I vaule my ears!" Phayt said as he cleaned out his ear. "And ask one of our digimon if you want to know so bad. Anyways, follow us we are going to a house so we dont have stay out hear for the night." He then continued walking in the direction of the house. After a while they got to the house. This time no llights what so ever were to be seen. As far as from the outside anyway. The pictures came racing back into his head. [i]Why would Ellie attack me? I mean we're freinds. There was no reason for her to act like that. Why? [/i]Phayt thought. [/size] [size=2]"Man. I wish I knew what happened to him." Meteo said as he realized that Phayt was thinking again.[/size] [size=2]"Why? Whats wrong?" Emma asked.[/size] [size=2]"Well, something happened to Phayt and he's been depressed. He says he dosen't want to talk about it so dont go and ask him. He snaped at Meteo."Rae answered her. Then, Phayt just got up and walked out side. [/size] [size=2]"Pyromon. Would you have attacked back if you had to? I mean to protect me." Phayt asked Pyromon as he got a little bit away from the house.[/size] [size=2]"I would have yes, but only to protect you." Pyromon answered. "How close were you two?" Phayt just turned his head and glared at Pyromon. "Oh. Sorry I didn't mean to..." but Phayt just got up and went back to the house.[/size] [size=2]"Are you coming to the house or are you gonna stand gaurd all night?" Phayt asked. Pyromon then got up and followed Phayt back to the house. When he got back in the house he went kitchen. He figuered with the house this clean there has to be some food left. Amazingly, there was some soup, milk, and somthing else he couldn't realy tell. He went back to where everyone else was. "Does any one hear know how to make soup?"[/size]
Cool. Ill join. Name:Bakuryu Age:17 Gender:Male From:Mole Appearance: Bakuryu has brown eyes and black hair that comes down to his shoulders. He normaly wears a black or dark red hoody (prefers black) and has either a red, black, or white t-shirt underneath. He always zip-off pants (only as pants never as shorts). He is about 6'2". He isn't all that strong but he knows how to defend him self (Hes a black belt in Akido). Form appearance: Think of your average brown mole... now... SUPERSIZE HIM. Why I was chosen: Bakuryu was chosen because he knows when and when not to fight. And he follows orders amazingly. He also is very great at espiange(i think thats how its spelled) and spy like missions. Hes your average 'hacker'. (Not realy, hes just smart and sneaky.) Please add the upgrade!!! It wold be cool!
[size=2]"No, not yet." Phayt replied. He realy didn't care right now. He just couldn't stop thinking about what happened back at the house. [i]"Wrong! We were friends! Now Hydromon attack!"[/i][/size] [size=2]"Hey. Something on your mind, Phayt?" Meteo asked.[/size] [size=2]"Uhh? Oh. No, I'm just thinking." Phayt replied.[/size] [size=2]"Well, where I come from that is something on your mind." Rae stated. "Really though, whats on your mind."[/size] [size=2]"Phayt was atta..." Pyromon tried to answer for Phayt before he interupted.[/size] [size=2]"I don't want to talk about it right now." Phayt answered. "Besides its getting dark. I know where a house that we can stay the night at." He then started to walk in the direction of the house but stoped. [i]"Ellie! Why are you doing this? I havent done anything to you."[/i][/size] [size=2]"You sure you dont want to talk about it?" Meteo wondered.[/size] [size=2]"... YES! ... ... Sorry. I just need some time to think." Phayt replied calming himself down. He then continued walking in the direction of the house again this time not stoping. [i]"Its one of your business. Which reminds me. I have better things to do. Goodbye." [/i]He couldn't get the pistures out of his head. He just kept thinking about it. Every now and then he would sigh, and around every sigh he would run into a tree. He eventualy got ready for the tree, which wasn't very quite.[/size] [size=2]"Pyro Punch!" Pyromon yelled as he attacked the tree in front of Phayt. It came down with a crash,which would startle everyone even though they knew it was coming.[/size] [size=2][/size]
[size=2]"... Hey Phayt." someone said behind him. When he heard it he jumped scared half to death.[/size] [size=2]"Don't do tha... WHAT THE! What are you!" Phayt said when he saw that the someone he was talking to was actualy a child like thing wraped in flames.[/size] [size=2]"Me? I'm a digimon. Digital monster, if you want to be technical." the flaming thing replied.[/size] [size=2]"Digimon... right. Anyway, how do you know my name?" Phayt continued.[/size] [size=2]"I'm your partner, you can call me Pyromon."Pyromon replied.[/size] [size=2]"Partner? How am I sure that your not just saying that?"Phayt wondered.[/size] [size=2]"Here." Pyromon said handing him a strange device."It's a digivice. It's what allows you to help me digivolve."[/size] [size=2]"Digivice? Digivolve? This is getting cunfusing." Phayt replied.[/size] [size=2]"Wait. Shhhhh. ... ... Somethings coming. Follow me." Pyromon suggested. Then he and Phayt ran off. They didn't go far, but what happened made Phayt even more confused. Pyromon somehow ran inside a tree and pulled phayt into it.[/size] [size=2]"Wha..."Phayt tried to say something but Pyromon put his hand over Phayts mouth. To Phayts surprise it didn't hurt, or burn. After a while the thing that was coming went away, and Pyromon took his hand away. "... Why didn't your hand hurt me? ... And how are we in a tree."[/size] [size=2]"One, I'm your partner remember? Two, this is the digital world and unlike your world the phyisics here can be different. Now we have to find the others." Pyromon stated.[/size] [size=2]"Others? Theres more?"Phayt asked.[/size] [size=2]"Yes, but we must hurry. I think you know one of them. I think her name was... ... Ellie, or something like that."Pyromon answered.[/size] [size=2]"Ellie! She's here! God! We have to go now. ... ... Wait. How do we find them?" Phayt wondered.[/size] [size=2]"The digivice will eventualy pick up a signal. It will appeare as a blip. Go in that direction." Pyromon replied.[/size] [size=2]"O.K. Lets go." Phayt stated. Then they left the tree, and started goung to the left. After a while they came to a clearing. It wasn't that big but the strange thing was there was a house in the middle. It was sky blue, with a white picket fence. There was a light on inside. It looked like it was coming from the first room, and it was whiteish like a flashlight.[/size] [size=2]"Hey! Maybe thats Ellie. Lets go check it out." Phayt suggested.[/size] [size=2]"Wait! Does your digivice say anything." Pyromon wondered.[/size] [size=2]"... ... Yeah, but its strange. Its big.[/size] [size=2]"Maybe... but be on your gaurd." Pyromon demanded. Then they went to the door of the house and opened the door. In front of them was Ellie, and a liqudish version of Pyromon.[/size] [size=2]"Ellie. Man am I glad to see you." Phayt said as he walked up to her and gave her a hug. "and you have a partner to. Cool. Whats his name?"[/size] [size=2]"One its a her, two her name is Hydromon, and three... get off me!" Ellie yelled pushing Phayt off her.[/size] [size=2]"Ellie? Whats wrong with you? Were freinds... remember?" Phayt asked.[/size] [size=2]"Wrong! We were freinds! Now Hydromon attack!" Ellie replied as she commanded Hydromon to attack Phayt.[/size] [size=2]"But Ellie..." Hydromon tried to complane.[/size] [size=2]"I said attack him!" Ellie yelled.[/size] [size=2]"Ellie! Why are you doing this? I haven't done anythig to you." Phayt asked. Dodging Hydromons punch, which sent her flying into Pyromon.[/size] [size=2]"Its none of your business!" Ellie replied. "Which reminds me. I have better things to do. Good bye." Then she ran off.[/size] [size=2]"Wait for me Ellie!" Hydromon called for her. Then she[/size] ran after Ellie. [size=2]"Why would Ellie attack me? Come on Pyromon lets go."Phayt said.[/size] [size=2]"Phayt. ... There are others besides her. We should go..."Pyromon tried to tell Phayt but he was already walking off in the oppisite diretion.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]OOC: If your wondering, Ellie has been infected with a new version of the Dark Spore. Just so you dont go crazy from wondering why.[/size]
Phayt continued to play hackey sack for a while. After that he went and sat down with Ellie, Brittany, and James. "Hey, Phayt." Ellie said as he sat down. "Don't forget, you owe me a present." "Yeah, I know."He replied. "Why does Phayt owe you a present Ellie?" Brittany asked. "For making me late all those times." Ellie replied. "Ha ha ha! Phayt has to get Ellie a present." James laughed. "Remeber that 'peg' I was talking about." Phayt said with a slight grin on his face. "No... what 'peg'?" James said sarcasticaly. "No? Why don't I help you remember?" Phayt replied as he cracked his knuckles. "Hey! Behave your self boys." Ellie said when she saw Phayt crack his knuckles. "I don't want to be seen with you two when your fighting." "Yes mam!" James replied trying to hold back a laugh. "Shut up James." Brittany replied to James comment. Then Phayt shook his head and got up. "Where you going Phayt?" Ellie wondered. "... I dont know. Somewhere, anywhere, nowhere." Phayt replied. Then he walked to his Locker and got out his next periods books. Then he noticed some strange feeling as he started to go to his next class. "Whoa. What was that?" He asked himself. "Guess it was nothing." then he continued to goto his next period. When he was about half a yard away from the door the bell rang. "Nice timing." he said to himself. Then he opened the door to his next period class and then he woke up in a forest. "Wha? Where am I?" as he woke up.
OOC: I'll restart at third period to keep cunfusion to a minium. The P.E. class is segregated and everyone as an assigned spot before the teacher says to start the thing. IC: Phayt got to the locker room, for P.E. He got changed into his P.E. clothes and went into the gym. He sat down on his spot, and waited for the teacher to get there. The coach got there a little after the bell rang. He took roll and let them play dodgeball. Phayt was happy with dodgeball, at least he didn't have to pay attention to what was happening to his team. He was the third person on his team to get out but seventh overall. Then he noticed that there where only three people left. His team lost, but he realy didn't care. "Nice job today Phayt." one of his clasmates said. "Yeah. You didn't suck as bad as you normally do." someone else replied. "That's because dodgeball isn't that much of a team sport." Phayt replied. "Right. But I thought you sucked at all sports." James wondered. "Whatever. Just make sure that the next time I peg you, you start crying." Phayt suggested. Then the bell rang and they all went to lunch. Phayt did what he normaly did, got a soda from the soda machiene and went outside. He sat down at his normal table, and started to drink his soda. After a while Ellie, Brittany, and James all got out there, and sat down with Phayt. "What took you so long?"Phayt asked all of them. "Unlike you, we had to wait in line... for food."Ellie answered. "Yeah, I don't think he knows what food is Ellie." James replied. "Right. Well anyway... I'm gonna go play hackey sack. Any one wanna join?"Phayt asked. "Yeah... when I'm done eating!"James replied. "Kay. Just get over here when your done with that."Phayt said. Then he walked over to a spot where the grass would keep him from slipping. pulled out a hackey sack and started kicking it around like a soccer ball.
[font=Verdana][size=2]OOC: They're in ninth grade over here thats high school so...[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]IC: Phayt and Ellie both walked to their second period class. When they got there most of the kids turned around and stared at them. They sat down and got out there books.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]They were supsedly learning how to get x by itself equal to something. Phayt however was drawing some monsters, and other stuff. Most of the monsters were fighting someother other monster, like they were having a war. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Ellie was wrighting notes to her friend, Brittany. It was just your avrage note, not saying much just hi, and other meanigless gossip. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]The class was realy boring, but the stuff, somehow, broke threw Phayt's barrier of the real world. He didn't care, he liked math. It was english to him, not like ancient egyption to the other kids. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Ellie was different though. She hated math, along with history, and science. She preffered drama, and language. She loved to preform on stage or write poetry;she was great at both. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]In the middle of one of Phayt's drwings he looked up for minute t think. He noticed Ellie was looking up to and smiled at her. She smiled back and passed him a note. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][i]You owe me for making me late all those times so... get me a gift. A nice one, not a drwing although your drawings are good. A ring maybe, or a new bracelet. [/i]Phayt looked up at her and mouthed "I hate you."[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]She smiled and mouthed "I love you to." [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]OOC:Ill leave it there just in case any one has something to do in second period or has my class.[/size][/font]
OOC: Just a reminder, we're all clear on what the rating [PG] is right? IC: Somewhere in the digital world... "NNNNNOOOOOOO!!!" a creature yelled as he fell yo the ground. "Now! Where is it?" another creature with an evil voice asked. "If you dont tell me I'll just delet you and absorb the information from your remains." "I-i-it's over th-th-there." the creture responded point in a direction. "Thank you. Saddly for you though I was going to delet you any way." the evil creature exclaimed, "Darkness oblivian!" "NNNNNNOOOOOO!!!!!" the creature yelled again as it was slowly ripped into oblivian. "The fool... I will not be known until its to late." the creature explained. ~~~~~ Back on Earth... "Phayt. Phayt! PHAYT!" his mom called for him. "Ten more minutes, I just won a car." Phayt replied. "Phayt, you're only 14 how are you going to drive a car?" his dad wondered. "It's a dream, I can do anything." Phayt answerd. "Like... be late for school?" his mom asked. "Yeah, like... WHOA! What time is it? God! I forgot Ellie's waiting on me!" "You should hurry."his dad suggested. "I know, god! Where's my shoe!" Phayt replied. After he got every thing ready... "You made me late... again." Ellie said. "I'm sorry, I need a new alarm clock." Phayt replied. "I know, this is the... sixth time." "Alright, alright. Can we just get to school?" Phayt asked. OOC: Phayt and Ellie get to school at the middle of second period. THey both have algebra-1 for that class, and this high school only has 7 periods.
It's still fine, and we can start tomorrow... it's late over here. goodnight.
Fine with me Blanko. Now we have enough to start or we can wait its up to you guys.
I guess I'll join. Name:Phayt Age:15 Gender:Male Appearance: Phayt has hazel eyes and brown hair. He wears a hoody alot with random short sleave shirts underneath. He always wears zip-off pants (never as shorts just the pants) and he wears glasses.He is about 6'2'', and looks undernurished. Personality: Phayt likes to draw, write storys, and play games. He hates P.E. and any class related to it. He also dislikes history, and science. He is great at math, (he's one level higher then his grade would say. example: geomemtry instead of algebra-1) and kinda likes english. He is very quite and everyone (exept friends) is cautius around him for that reason (the quite people always snap.) The only phisacal activaty he does is play hackey-sack.
I HATE DEJA VU!!!! I want it to leave me alone! MESS WITH SOMEONE ELSE!!! This my dream where I died before I woke up: It starts at night and I'm at my middle school which is in the middle of no where(not normaly.) Well we get into our cars(strange) and do what ever we want. I go to sleep, wake up and after a while my car starts itself and drives into a garage. The garage door closes and then I notice something and I die somehow but that's not the end I hear laughing. When I actualy woke up my body was having this weird spasm thing. I was freaked out and didn't go to sleep for fear that I may never wake up again.
It's awesome! Oh, uhh... how can some be a toolphobic? Any way, I liked it and would like to read more.
You see I have already made one (Digimon: Apocalypse Forgotten), but noone is joining just looking and leaving. If you feel you can help and you know you can please help me! Thanks, for reading (no one ever does!)
This rp actually is a story I'm writing, but it should work fine. Basically, it takes place in my fifth season so you can't be anyone from the show, sorry. Also, for this you can be a digimon tamer(season 3), a spirit warrior(season 4), or a digidestin(seasons 1&2). In the digital something is feeding off the other digimon. No one knows what it is. While in the real world the internet has been acting up(sending people to the wrong site,etc.) The U.S. is really conserned by what is happening because they recentaly had a full country black out that lasted for three days. Our characters have heard about it in school (if not in U.S.) They also realize strange stuff (anythingyou can think of that involves digital equipment.) I don't care how your character(s) get into the digital world, or what they do when they get there,but still try and make sense, and make your own enemies accept the final fight which is... you'll see. Requirements to join; I need a name, age(limit 8-16), crest(digidestin only), Digimon partner(rookie), digivolution tree. Here's my characters. Name: Phayt (you don't need a last name, it's optional) Age:14 Crest:Fairness Partner:Pyromon Tree: Pyromon-->Meramon-->BlueMeramon-->BlazeMeramon Name:Ellie Age:14 Crest:Truth Partner:Hydromon Tree: Hydromon-->Frigimon-->FrostFrigimon-->BlizzardFrigimon That and if you want you can put a bio. It may help it may not.
[SIZE=4]Don't bother with this page. I want it deleted.[/SIZE] This rp actually is a story I'm writing, but it should work fine. Basically, it takes place in my fifth season so you can't be anyone from the show, sorry. Also, for this you can be a digimon tamer(season 3), a spirit warrior(season 4), or a digidestin(seasons 1&2). In the digital something is feeding off the other digimon. No one knows what it is. While in the real world the internet has been acting up(sending people to the wrong site,etc.) The U.S. is really conserned by what is happening because they recentaly had a full country black out that lasted for three days. Our characters have heard about it in school (if not in U.S.) They also realize strange stuff (anythingyou can think of that involves digital equipment.) I don't care how your character(s) get into the digital world, or what they do when they get there,but still try and make sense, and make your own enemies accept the final fight which is... you'll see. Requirements to join; I need a name, age(limit 8-16), crest(digidestin only), Digimon partner(rookie), digivolution tree. Here's my characters. Name: Phayt (you don't need a last name, it's optional) Age:14 Crest:Fairness Partner:Pyromon Tree: Pyromon-->Meramon-->BlueMeramon-->BlazeMeramon Name:Ellie Age:14 Crest:Truth Partner:Hydromon Tree: Hydromon-->Frigimon-->FrostFrigimon-->BlizzardFrigimon That and if you want you can put a bio. It may help it may not. Sorry about putting the recruit thing here I couldn't find where it was.