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About Kareiyasha

  • Birthday 09/28/1986

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    A cunning,sophisticated young lady ^_~!
  • Occupation
    Advertising/Public Relations Student.

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  1. Woot! Uber fun thread! Now this question is easy for me to answer, simple because even before i knew what Cowboy Bebop was, my friends have ALWAYS told me that I'm exactly like Faye Valentine, right down to the very last detail. And here's why... 1. Faye has a huge -Don't Bother None- Attitude. If she's offending someone with what she says or glorifying them, she doesn't care. So many people beat around the bush when it comes to telling people things. But with Faye everything just comes flying out of her mouth without a care. I'm exactly this way. I never think before I speak. You either like it or you lump it and I couldn't give a sweet.... ^_^;; heh, ya see? 2. She's got her habits. She's a smoker folks, and so am I. Always have been, and I more then likely always will be. It's a nervous thing. It not only calms the nerves but it's like taking a shot of espresso. Excellent little hitch. If you're going to pick up a habit, I strongly recommend it. 3. She's cunning, but can clutz out now and again. Most times she makes herself look smooth as silk. Like she knows what she wants and exactly how to get it. However, when she's under a large amount of pressure, Faye's been known to fold her cards rather then focus. I'm often the same way. I don't work well under pressure of a huge magnitude. (unless I've procrastinated, then I'm the Queen ^_~!) 4. She's Loud... I'm Loud... She's Sarcastic... I'm Sarcastic. 5. There's a hidden sense of loyalty. Although she doesn't voice it a lot of the time, Faye is willing to do just about anything for her friends. She worries about them and often times tries her best to help them in times of need. She may not always act it, but then ultimately when push comes to shove, she's there. I'm often the same, I stick up for my friends when I hear people talking about them behind there backs, I'm beside them no matter what the situation. And though they may not always think it, I'm there for them. 6. She needs her alone time. Faye often wanders off on her lonesome when she needs to do some thinking or when she needs to get herself back into check (IE: Watch Jupitor Jazz) I often do this, whether I take a long walk or I go outside for a smoke, I try to get away from the crowd for a few moments. 7. She's got a past, one that pains her and one that's greatly in depth. When something about it comes up it's just reopening the wound. I realize everyone has a version of this. Everyone's had there bad expereinces. 8. ...heh Last but not least. BlackJack... I turn up a 21 quite a bit if I don't say so myself ^_~! and how we differ? The bod... but I'm working on that.
  2. *grumbles* The maturity level of this post saddens me greatly x_X
  3. Alright, Let's see... Number 1. This song would have to be the song [B]Distractions by Zero 7[/B] which highlights my slightly pessimistic and yet joking attitude. [CENTER] [I]Fancy a big house Some kids and a horse I can not quite, but nearly Guarantee, a divorce I think that I love you I think that I do So go on mister, make Miss me Mrs you. I love you, I love you, I love you, I do I only make jokes to distract myself From the truth, from the truth.[/I][/CENTER] Number 2. Would have to be [B]You're an Ocean by Fastball[/B]. The song is upbeat and shows my more optimistic side and the warmth in which I try to approach my friends and loved ones [CENTER] [I]You're an ocean, you're an ocean Settle down, settle down What's the commotion? I'm an island, but you're an ocean It's a stormy sea of love and emotion You've got me suspended motionless inside Make the warm winds circle round my head just like you do If I could do it, I could turn it to you I believe I'd buy whatever you would sell to me Nothin' in my life ever came with a guarantee[/I][/CENTER] and then Number 3. That's definately a song by a Canadian artist named[B] Matthew Good[/B] who wrote a song called[B] The Fine Art of Falling Apart[/B] which shows the lonliness I feel sometimes. [CENTER][I]A time of darkness There lived a girl in a cave in the woods Disguised as a bee At night she would fly into the city Sting the cause And sting the cost And she would hover over me Whispering And so we sing We're surfacing We're surfacing I stand alone and I I fight alone and I Stay clean by feeling cheap And baby, there ain't enough room in this world For perfection's like you And monsters like me[/I][/CENTER] Hope you know me a little better now ^_~!
  4. [QUOTE=James][color=#811C3A]When you consider the enormous size of this disaster, and the concept that many millions of people are currently suffering as a result (both directly and indirectly), it's absolutely callous to start talking in such a way. People are seriously hurting and they need help, not a big, fat, idiotic dose of teenage angst. It's pleasing to see more and more people come aboard with the aid, though. Coca-Cola is going to be providing shipments of fresh water, Starbucks has donated $100,000 and various other businesses across the world are coming to the table. Some of it is a bit weak, but it all counts.[/color][/QUOTE] I agree whole heartedly, but we all go through that phase where we believe ourselves to be heartless... sometimes when we're young it's easier to act this way so that we don't allow ourselves to get hurt. Especially at a young age. However, attempting to be cold-hearted in this situation is not going to change the fact that over 100,000 people have died in this tragedy. I would say that most of us live in places were we were fortunate enough to not have family there in the time that all of this has happened. This is not the time to hide our emotions and try to close ourselves off. Please try your best to sympathize for these people. Now, as for helping these people, the Otaku Boards is obviously not the place to go for help, however, I would ask that everyone tries to contribute in any way possible. Try to donate just a couple dollars, or even if it's just a small prayer (if you're religious.) Hopefully the people of the far South-East will recover as quickly as they can.
  5. My most awkward experience huh? Alright, well considering My life I've had quite a few of them, but I think this one takes the cake. About 4 years ago I was at my friends birthday party. We were having it in her basement and I had invited my cousins band over to play for us. I though there was going to be like 25 or 30 people there so my cousin was syked that so many people were going to watch him play. So he gets there and theres maybe 10 people. ...MAYBE. 5 of which I've never met before and there all like 25 year olds, drinking and carrying on. At this point I was like 14 years old, and my friend was just turning 15 (btw, this was the day I realized what kind of a turbo-slut my old friend was -_-) ANYWAY. it's late probably like 2am and and the older guys are really drunk. Well there were balloons laying around and one of the older, drunken guys pops one and cuts off the tip where the knot was. I had no idea what was going on, but he walked into the corner and proceeded to put the balloon on his.... :rolleyes: luggage. Obviously he wasn't too drunk because he didn't expose himself to us. My older cousin continuously tried to sheild my eyes and kept telling me to go home. (since I lived just down the street) Stupidist party ever... x_X needless to say, I'm no longer friends with that girl. Doing stuff like that is pretty tasteless... Sorry if this stroy was a bit Raunchy for you people ^_^;; Just tellin' it like it is.
  6. A friend of mine introduced me to Johnny the Homicidal Maniac about a year ago. I have to tell you that at first the whole concept kind of freaked me out. The art was geometical and jagged, and the plot line was dark and cruel. I have many friends who think along the same lines as Johnny. People who think that Everyone sucks and should be punished for their stupidity, and for the fact that they're annoying without even knowing it (Heh... like the word Wacky, Right?) Then to turn around and confess that they're not happy. I'll admit this JTHM idea is VERY creative and could never be anything but. However in my opinion art like this just contributes to teenage or "Young Adult" Depression. It saddens me to believe that people can be so angry and yet wish to be so happy at the same time. the only thing different about this graphic novel/comic book is that there's a comic twist to it all. Take away the fact that Johnny ties people up in order to see if his food is still good (o_O) and you're left with an angry young man who vents his frustration and self hatred on others by... killing them. Is this something we want to reinforce in today's youth? **Advertisment!** [COLOR=Red][SIZE=4]Hey Kids! Do you hate yourself? Do you wish everyone would just die? Looking for someone to kill the people who annoy you? ACT NOW! Kill them yourself![/SIZE][/COLOR] :flaming: **End Advertisment** Heh... No, not a good idea. I've always been a firm believer that if you're not happy, then make a conscious choice to try to be happy. Everyone's got a reason to be depressed, whether or not you act depressed is up to you. And as for the Art. It's unique... and it's different. Yes there is a story line, but subconiously its just placing more anger into the media then what they're already is... I'd say enough people in the world are angry enough... -_- wouldn't you? Sorry if I've pissed anyone off. I respect him as an artist, but this black comedy that he writes, is just a little too dark for me.
  7. Alright, Everybody Loves Raymond bugs me simply because Ii think Debra is a nag and thats she's way too hard on her poor husband. That and Robert's a baby "Oh look it me! I'm so under-appreciated because everyone focuses on the accomplishmenst of my little brother." Oh! Bugger off Robert! one sibling is ignored in every family. I too greatly appreciate Seinfeld. The acting and writing was fiarly sharp. The characters are timeless and have unique personalities. and truthfully *whispers* I was never a big fan of The Simpsons... Sure there's the odd quote that makes me chuckle.. but I'm kinda sick and twisted, so romper room hugs and chuckles humor doesn't do it for me...
  8. I must have been closed in my little shell pretty tightly because I only heard about this a full 48 hours AFTER it happened! Naturally I felt horribly for the people who live and work there. Anyway, I was getting a drive home from work from my step-dad and I was talking to him about it. He the proceeded to tell me about a woman he knows who makes his lunch for him sometimes at a small coffee shop by his office. He was talking to him the other day and told him that her nephew was on vacation in Thailand and that she has been praying that the young man managed to make it out of there alright. The most heart breaking part he said was the fact that seemed to be trying so hard to keep the smile on her face. I mean the death toll is already 7 times that of what 9/11 was and yet people in North America aren't freaking out. I know this was a NATURAL occurrence, but I feel like I need to help out somehow.
  9. Heh, take a look at my signature and avatar. The very Handsome Alan Cumming reigns from the UK. However, as for this "more night life in UK" thing... well of course. Pretty much everywhere in Europe has a very profound night life. I've had the privilege of cris-crossing Europe. If you ever get the chance to go to the UK or any part of Europe you really should. You'd be surprised to how different things are over there.
  10. You've done a very dangerous thing in inroducing religion into this equation. Homosexuality should not be discussed in a forum with teenagers who hardly know any better. If I were a moderator I would lock this thread so fast it would make your head spin.
  11. Well Like any Classy and sophisticated young woman, I'm dreadfully into Sex and the City. I whorship it. I do everything from drink Cosmopolitans to visit jazz clubs ^_~! Very trendy. I was also very hooked on Angels in America when it was playing. Now i own it on DVD
  12. My dream job eh? Hm, I'm guessing that it would have to be something either in advertising of public relations. I love persuading people and I love being in social settings with other people. So that would probably be it for me.
  13. I completely agree! I love both signs greatly. A few more to select from would be awesome though ^_^
  14. Alright, I've posted eariler in this Forum, but I feel that I should post again. I stated that maybe we should drop the titles of our sexuality and just be sexual, but yes I agree different sexualities are becomming trendy. This saddens me. Honestly, I'm eighteen, and I don't think that I'll ever know what my sexuality truly is, all that I'm aware of is that I appreciate both sexes, male and female alike. There's something so beautiful about the female body, and something masculine and protective about the male form, but I don't choose my sexuality to please others and certainly not to seem cool! Anyone who does this has MAJOR self-esteem issues. If you believe that you may be one of these people who is comprimising their sexuality for trend setting reasons, or for popularity I suggest you futher educate yourself on hetro/homo/bi sexuality and decide for yourself what you're interested in. Sexuality is a way to express our intimate selves. the fact that it's being treated like a fifty cent whore of the media and society upsets me greatly.
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