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About Jahjahwarrior17

  • Birthday August 17

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    My name is Buddy, and my favorite anime is Chobits, Get Backers, Inuyasha, Trigun, and a whole bunch others

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  1. I can't believe I missed the final battle!! :animecry: Curses to myself!! Oh well, I would've voted for Asuka anyway :animesmil Congratulations to Asuka Langley Souryu!! and congratulations to Bloodseeker for a well thought out battle, and his time and dedication to the contest...great job bro!! :animesmil For everyone out there, this is Bud Man saying...peace out!! :animesmil
  2. I'm with bloodseeker...this match has put me at a standstill :animestun But different from Bloodseeker, I'm gonna have to visa versa his decision...Sailor Venus was indeed the best girl from Sailor Moon, but I still hated the show....but, Evangelion wasn't necessarily a favorite either...oh well, I'll have to put use to that poster hanging in my room LOL :animesmil I vote for Asuka
  3. after all the times I didn't vote for Rei, what makes you think I'll vote for her now :animesmil No contest who the winner is...once again, she's takin it home...I vote for Lucy
  4. aahh...up with the creepy girl again...Rei was just too darn creepy in evangelion...not that appealing either...gotta go with the blondie...*stares at a toaster* I wonder why she is turned on by this thing *drops it on the floor* weird...I vote for Winry :animesmil
  5. This isn't tough at all....what a simple decision!!! oops...internet voice shhh :animedepr well, I've never seen Hellsing, but I don't much like vampires, even if she has an arsenal of big *** weapons *crosshairs fall on me* Dammit!! *runs away* I vote for Lucy!!! *gun fires*
  6. wow....round 3 already!! This thing is going fast...now it's time for my vote...Nabiki still looks like a baby's head on a grown up body...that won't change, but then again, neither will my vote...I got three for Venus...take it home Minako!!! :animesmil I vote for sailor venus
  7. :animestun *sighs* Man, these are getting tough...well, I liked Naru, but I thought she was much better in Love Hina Again...she had more of an elegant touch to her...but in Love Hina, she was always so manly and muscular :animedepr Not appealing...but, even though Lucy rips peoples limbs off and is a devastating killer...she has a cute side when she's Nyuu :animesmil so...I vote for Lucy
  8. I can't say that I know either of these girls...I've never seen either anime that they were in...and I don't intend to anytime soon...so, My vote goes to...Ceres is creepy demon looking thing...she's got all that kick *** weaponry, but that won't do it for me :animeswea I vote for Kei
  9. Peace of cake...there's one thing that bugged me about Washu...that bizarre hair style...but Winry doesn't have bizarre hair...in case you're wondering, yes, I do focus on the hair a lot...with girls at least :animesmil I think this one was lost for Washu...Winry looks best in the bottom two pictures...so, I vote for Winry
  10. I thought this one was gonna be hard, but it was a breeze...there's no contest who I vote for...The hair? Hellooo LOL :D ...to be honest, I never liked Rei THAT much...she was kinda creepy...especially in TEOE :animedepr Sango's on a roll Bloodseeker...she might wrap this tournament up LOL I vote for Sango
  11. I can plainly tell that she's a girl...one, guys usually have broader shoulders and a muscular physique than girls, and two, I can usually tell from the eyes, but it's hard as hell :animestun Anyway, I voted for Kaolla Su because of her whitty technology, and she's always a laugh, no matter what she's doing...and she's always suggesting that they eat Tama the turtle :animedepr LOL But, she is the real humor of Love Hina...without her, I wouldn't like it as much...word of advice: she's a lot funnier in the Japanese version :animesmil
  12. Well, Bloodseeker, it wasn't like I was never gonna vote for her...In fact, I see no better reason why I shouldn't vote for her...She's my favorite character in the show...hehe...and she's a cute orange haired girl:animenose :animedepr She'd probably kill me if she heard that right now :animesmil I vote for...coincedence that they both happen to be orange haired girls...LOL :animesmil ...Asuka Langley Soryuu
  13. Well, this is an easy one...I've never seen GTO and I don't know who the hell that girl is :animesmil But I have seen Love Hina, and Kaolla Su is...my other favorite character...my first is Shinobu Maehara...wonder why she wasn't in this contest -_- I vote for Kaolla Su
  14. Hmmm...Both characters are unappealing to me, and they're both characters I've never heard of...and they're both a pain to choose one from :animesmil I'll probaby kick myself in the morning for this one...but...I vote for Nabiki Tendou
  15. Ugghh...This round is gonna be super hard :animestun This match is already pretty hard...I never like Sailor Moon, but Venus was definitely my most favorite character...Lacus has her features, but her nose is way too big...she has a nose like Lois from family guy LOL Well...I guess this one is going to Venus...I vote for Sailor Venus
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