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Everything posted by Jahjahwarrior17

  1. Gaou...Chii's losing... :animecry: :animecry: :animecry: What do you guys hate so much about Chii?
  2. I've never seen Rah Xephon...I don't really have any witty comment for this one, sorry :( I just say that I know Tenchi Universe only from the dub that they played on Cartoon Network...but Washu was my favorite character out of them all...don't exactly know why though...I vote for Washu
  3. :catgirl: KAWAII!! :catgirl: Does anyone really need to ask who I vote for? I've seen a lot of Full Metal Alchemist, but Winry doesn't have that innocent appeal that Chi has...They're both blonde, but I'm not running a hair length contest :animesmil Chobits was the first anime that I ever bought on DVD, and the first anime that I actually got into...and now a word from the contestant Chii: Chii? Well said :animesmil I vote for Chii
  4. Kagome...Sango....Kagome...Sango...no contest...Kagome has her features and her arrows...but what happens when her arrows are gone :animedepr Luckily, a boomerang always comes back to you :animesmil I vote for Sango
  5. Ha ha ha...for once we actually agree Bloodseeker...the short hair factor is a real killer of the mood for both of the girls...but I always dig a chick with a gun in her hand...but not a cigarette in the other one :grumble: Girls smoking...another mood killer :animedepr The only thing I've seen Rei smoke, are angels :animesmil I vote for Rei Ayanami
  6. hmmm...interesting...so that's why she looks like that...oh well, I've never seen GTO anyway :animesmil on the other hand, I've never seen Ranma 1/2 either :animestun :animesigh Now I'm starting to regret voting for Akane...then again :animestun Akane looks cuter :animesmil
  7. You guys have the best smilies...I have a question...would it be possible for me to get these smilies for another website :animeswea Just a thought :animesigh
  8. ROFLMAO :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil That's too funny...It sure seems like it doesn't it... but no, I just vote for whoever looks more appealing...cute, you might say :animeshy: But, I don't see any cuteness in the GTO girl...she looks like she has a dirty secret behind her back :animeswea Not appealing :animedepr LOL
  9. :animeswea :animeswea Maybe it was Mihoshi...oh well...I never like Ayeka anyway...nope, I haven't seen the Tenchi OVA...what the heck is in oVA anyway :animeswea
  10. oooo...IceRose, you're spamming :animedepr You must give reason why you pick Lina :animesmil
  11. *looks up and down at both girls* Gah...I've never seen these girls before!! :animestun They both look good...hmmm...The Ranma 1/2 girl...I don't know why, but she seems to be saying to me "Vote for me, vote for me" LOL She has a good figure, minus the short hair :animesmil I vote for Akane Tendou
  12. I'd have to strongly disagree with you, and this time I actually have back up, seeing as I have seen both animes :animesmil I think Ayeka is a dimwit...she was always to serious and really clumsy too...but Kaola Su always entertained me with her zany antics and her crazy technology...pigtails are a real knockout for me too *ding ding* :animenose LOL I vote for Kaola Su!!!
  13. I'd say one of my most favorite romance/drama animes would be Da Capo. It's kind of depressing, but it also has it's funny times, and the occasional fan service :animenose You should check it out!!
  14. Much better pic of Lina *takes a sigh of relief* :animesigh.........But my vote has already been submitted-SORRY :animesmil
  15. *Breaks free from the ropes and slices all your limbs off with a kitana* Now you'll know the pain that Nana went through...Hahahahahahahaha :devil:
  16. :animestun Oh man...this one is hard...they both look appealing this time...Hmmm....I'm gonna need a little time to think about th--Ok, I'm done...I vote for Nana...Sorry Asuka, loved you in Evangelion, but what can I say...I'm a sucker for pink haired girls :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil Plus, the ribbon in her hair makes her look so..so..KAWAII!!! :animeblus
  17. Auggh, Mommy!! :animedepr The slayers girl is really scary...especially with those huge funky earrings...I vote for Kagura...I've never seen Azumanga Daioh, but at least she doesn't have huge funky earrings :animesmil :animesmil
  18. Even the mention of this name makes me uneasy...Reign the Conqueror...The guys looked like girls and their revealing outfits almost made them look like they were wearing thongs *blech* And the girls looked like guys with their huge muscles and all...I couldn't follow along with the plot either...I'm so glad Cartoon Network took it off the air, and I hope they never put it back on
  19. Hmm...Caska wins? But it was a tie...4 people voted for each...I don't really care, but when Chii is up...she'd better win :animeangr :animesmil
  20. Once again, I don't think either of the girls are very appealing, and I've never heard of these animes...so I voted for the Silent Mobius girl, because I don't really like short hair on a girl :animesmil
  21. Well...this one was a toughy...I actually don't think either of the characters are appealing..but I voted for Merle because the other girl looks like a baby's head attached to a grown up body :animesmil
  22. Well, I vote for Lacus Clyne because I think she has more of an appealing look than Motoko Kusinagi...muscular women just ain't my thing :animesmil I love a women with a gun though :animesmil
  23. I'm sorry, I've been so busy lately...I converted the sig to imageshack and it shows up on the forum...I've got it all settled :animesmil PS I'm sorry for the triple post...I don't really know how to edit a post :animeswea But I won't let it happen again...SORRY
  24. Not to be mean, or anything, just a little info...The one in the sig is Freya :animesmil
  25. Thax dude...It's awesome...Thanx for comin through for me [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] Ahh man...the IMG tag doesn't work...for someone to see it, they have to click on the URL...do you know what happened? [color=teal]EDIT AGAIN: [color=black]Another thing, no one can see it if they click on the URL because they are not a part of otakuboards...geez, could anything else go wrong today :animeangr[/color] [/color]
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