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Everything posted by Jahjahwarrior17

  1. I wouldn't know, I've never seen Ranma 1/2...but I have seen Chobits, in fact I own 6 DVDs...and there isn't really that much panties in it...the episode when Chii goes looking for underwear and the wind blows up the girls skirts...and the episode when she accidentally works for a strip joint...I believe that's it...oh and then the episode when she takes off Yumi's bakery outfit
  2. Hmmm...can you put... I love Sakura...LOL... I can't think of anything else...Thanks for the sig, it looks great...a little suppestion though, try fading the big pic of her a bit, it'll look really cool...Thanx
  3. I've never been on it before...I don't think it costs money, but you might have to register...if you can't, it's cool, just use photobucket, I just won't be able to see it at school, but I can see it at home
  4. Hmmm....I think I have a pic...but you don't necessarily have to use it...I just show you who it is...check the attachment [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] If possible, can you make the [img] Imageshack instead of photobucket, because photobucket is filtered at school and I won't be able to see the sig at school
  5. Can someone make me a sig please...I want it to have Sakura from Da Capo...and put the attached file in the background, minus the words...if you have any other suggestions, feel free to put it, just make it look cool...Thanx
  6. You know, I think that's the same company that made Najica: Blitz Tactics...A strange buch of people, eh?
  7. How do I find these so-called "cookies"...and I really have no idea what you guys are talking about...I just want to get back on theotaku.com
  8. But how do I get to my account..because as I have said already...as soon as I click go, my whole internet explorer shuts down
  9. I tihnk your site is awesome, each day I'm on the computer, I visit this site the most...until recently. That's why I'm writing to you. I have a question. Usually when I type theotaku.com and click go, I'm directly sent to theotaku and my account is already opened up...but strangely, whenever I type in theotaku.com and click go, my internet explorer immediately and unexpectedly closes...and it happens every time...I'm not able to view my Anime hubs or look at my buddy list(not like there's anyone in there anyway) and I love to check out other people's work and see where I need to improve...I don't know why this happens, but it happens every single time...can you guys please tell me why, if possible?
  10. It worked!!! Oh jeez...I have to count on other people to resize my images... :animesigh That's kinda embarrasing...thanks so much Ozy, you came through for me once again
  11. Yeah, I think Najica went a little overboard with the "panty shot" too...But I guess we guys like that...It keeps us interested in a way...can any other guys agree with this?
  12. Alright, it's worth a try...I'll start out with my cheerleader I was bored one day, so I drew a cheerleader, but I didn't know what to do after that and it came out really good, so I drew wearing our school's outfit...I think it came out good, what do you think?
  13. Thanx, but all the credit goes to Ozymandius Jones...That guy is a legend...and I found the avatar at google...back to the subject, not only on anime, but also in Manga...Volume 1 of Get Backers, Ban has a conversation with two girls about food...the camera angle is focused behind them, up their skirts..."panty shot"...and the conversation has nothing to do with any sexual theme whatsoever... they were talking about where to eat...It interests why it happens so much...you know personally I think it's for funding...they make a lot of money from guys who are obsessed with anime panties... :grumble: not me
  14. :animeswea I'm not obsessed with panties, I'm just really interested in knowing why...and what Dagger said was a real help... it is fanservice, but in a way, does that mean it's sexual...the "pantie shot" is directed at male fans
  15. I don't know if this will work or not but I would really like to post my art on theotaku.com, but I don't have the software required to resize an image...so what I'm asking is...could someone resize my picture to theotaku requirements and send it back to me? Or, whatever it'll take to have my artwork posted Thanks
  16. True...I never looked down on any of that...oh gosh :animesigh why didn't I read the rest of that article...couldn't it be possible to express the same motives without showing the ladies' underwear...and there actually are a lot of animes that don't...Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, and one that really baffles me...Inuyasha...Throughout the entire series, Kagome is always wearing some type of skirt, yet her underwear never shows...It's possible that it might be Japanese tradition, who are we to question another culture...please understand, I'm not a pervert, I'm just very curious why
  17. :animeswea Not really the answer I was hoping for, but we're definitely getting somewhere... have you seen any anime with the "Panty shot"in it? If so, which ones?
  18. I just wanna add something real quick here...Manga is a Japanese word, it means comic...if you were to say show a Japanese an American comic, like Spiderman or something...isn't it safe to say that he would call it manga because it is a comic Oh and a side note...I really only liked the 2nd renaissance in the Animatrix because it kind of gives you a view on how the Matrix was started
  19. The Butt Shot? Interesting... I don't remember seeing any butt shots in disney movies, I guess I don't pay much attention to them though. Technically, I wasn't aming this thread at Najica, I thought it was a really good series. I was just using it as an example. More examples include: Love Hina Again, Mahoromatic, Da Capo, DearS, and a whole bunch of others that have the so-called "Pantie Shot"... Once again, I'm not against it, I'm just curious why they do it so much
  20. Well...I was looking at an Anime Insider magazine from my friend and I skimmed by the article...I din't get enough time to read the whole thing, but I did read something about Disney being the first to show ladies underwear(Minnie Mouse)...but that's it, I wanted to read the rest, but the bell rang(I was at school) and I had to leave for Spring break...all through the break, I've been stuck on this subject... so I hit up my pals at theotaku to see if I could get an answer
  21. I have a topic that has been baffling me ever since I saw my first anime with this in it....now I'm not saying this is a bad thing, far from it...but coming from a guy, I'm interested in knowing this: Why do they show panties so much in anime? I'll target a specific anime that has panties in every single episode...Najica Blitz Tactics...whether an upskirt or just plain underwear, I'm interested...Can anyone answer my question
  22. Hah...Got it...I love it, it's awesome...I hope you don't feel offended but I kinda like my animated avi...You are a legend at making Banners!!! Thanks again!! :animesmil
  23. That's awesome!! Thanks so much!! But uhhh....one little question :animeswea How do I set it up?
  24. Thank you so much for trying, this was my first post and I didn't think anyone would reply, but I guess I was wrong. THANX!!
  25. Thank you so much for that info.... but, that's just it...I don't have a PC... :animesigh ...I have a Mac... and it doesn't come with paint either...oh, what do I do :animestun
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