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Everything posted by Jahjahwarrior17

  1. Sadly, my computer doesn't have any photoshop or anything, so I can't make a banner, but I would like one. So, can someone please make me one? I want it to have Ginji Amano(Get Backers) with a serious face expression and scattered lightning in the back ground and I want it to say: 150,000 volts... Feel free to add any effects that will look cool if you'd like, just use your imagination Thanks, later
  2. Auuugghhh....no matter how hard I try I can't import any of my drawings to theotaku.com...i really want to post my art and see what people think of it...can someone please tell me how in detailed steps I have a scanner, but whenever I scan my drawings, they always tell me something about pixels, like they're always supposed to be 700x1000, but I have no idea what that means....Somebody please help me!!!! :animeangr
  3. Hmmmm...Well I agree with the one guy about Chii form Chobits, but either than that...Sakura from Da Capo...Though she's pretty devious...I love girls with pig tails (Check out the attachement)
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