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About kiMi

  • Birthday 06/05/1991

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    Certified music addict hehe!! I also like reading books and writing stories..
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  1. I have another freaky dream I wanna share.. I was in a hospital and I was wandering around looking for somebody. A doctor came out and asked me what I was doing there.I told him I was looking for a doctor. He told me to follow him and he led me to a room with lots of people. It was a class and I went outside coz I didn't know what to do. I was walking around when I saw an exit sign. So I opened the door when suddenly 2 doctors came out and speared me to the ground. One doctor was holding a big injection and I was trying to get off them but to no avail. The doctor suddenly injected me and the next thing I knew I was unconscious. I woke up and the weird thing about it was I felt the pain of the injection! :eek: Most of my dreams consists of me being chased in a hospital, a street or even in my own house. :(
  2. Three songs that illustrate me.. eh? Well here goes.. 1. [B]Welcome To My Life[/B] by Simple Plan- Because this song is exactly how my life is. 2. [B]Perfect[/B] by Simple Plan- Well simply because my parents, my friends, the people around me expect me to be so perfect and when I don't live up to their expectations they get mad at me and stuff like that. 3. [B]Hold On[/B] by Good Charlotte- Well my life is full of **** that's why there are times when I just wanna die. Then I listen to this song and it helps me calm down and hope for a better tomorrow.
  3. Haha! I remember a recurring dream.. I was being followed by a black shadow.. Wherever I go, he's there.. It just freaks me out.. *shudders*
  4. @Kitty and SaiyanDestroya The both of you have funny dreams! :laugh:
  5. I too had a freaky dream once.. I was in my school and it was a sunny afternoon. I was headed home that day. I went to the gate and said goodbye to the guards and stepped out. When I stepped out, I suddenly heard gunfire shooting at my school. I was so scared that I lied down so that I wouldn't get shot. When the shooting stopped, I stood up and turned around to see everybody in my school dead.. There was tons of blood and my dream was just covered in red. I suddenly woke up in a cold sweat. I have tons of freaky dreams but I'd rather not share it coz I'm too traumatized. :(
  6. I haven't got the cd yet but I'm planning to buy it for Christmas.. And I agree, American Idiot is their best album yet! Oh and Boulevard of Broken Dreams is stuck in my head too hehe! :D
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