Well, the weather has been very odd lately. Right now...over here at least, we have no snow. Though when we used to get tons of snow I would always go sledding with my dad at our favorite park that had this one huge hill in it. All of the kids would come here when the snow just came and was nice and fresh. If I were with my cousins at their house or at my house with my friends we would most likely have huge snowball tournaments.
Now though, I am to stay inside watching television, playing games that I've beaten a thousand times, and surfing the net. Its terribly cold outside but there's no snow. Even when its not cold outside and the weather is fair, there is still nothing to do since all year fun is planned according to its weather. The way it is now, we don't know what to do. I should be outside with my dad sledding, having snow ball fights, but this world is messed up and well you all get it.