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Everything posted by LPpunkrocka
i've put blonde streaks in my hair back when i was ten, and dyed it highliter orange once for halloween. lucky for me, that was permanent. lol my naturaly hair color is dirty blonde. i haven't dyed my hair at all besides from thw 2 incidents io just mentioned, but in a couple months, i'm getting my hair dyed blue.
hey, interesting post... I eat nothing in the morning Whatever the cafeteria serves nothing for dinner so, I only eat once a day, and unless it's that ****** chicken of their's, i'll eat whatever's in the cafeteria...i'm not an eating perosn.
um......I've posted, like, 3 times here already, and ALL my posts sucked, so my older brother is posting a caption to TRY and get MY screenshot up!!!! >.
0.0 ok...why you wanted to say that, I don't know, but it was sort of funny, and they are both good bands.
Hmmm...should marijuana be legalized, eh? *shakes head* NO! I really don't care how many people on here may have said it should be, or "it's the people's choice". If it's the people's choice, they should choose what's GOOD for them...You're probably going to say, "But some people think marijuana IS good for them". Guess what? It's not, and many people who are on it KNOW it. The stuff is really addictive, and dangerous for your health, but once you're on it, chances of stopping you are very slim. I know for a fact that the crap affects your lungs, and your brain thinks you're drowning. Your brain is pretty much right, but it won't matter because the only reason you'll be on the stuff is because of the addicting thing about it! I understand that for some CERTAIN corporate fat cats out there, it's a good way to get money, but here's what I have to say: "ARE THERE NOT OTHER ******* WAYS TO GET YOUR HANDS ON SOME ****** ******* CASH???" It's not healthy, and I'll bet it's one of those causes of America's debts, if I'm not mistaken. I understand that I, being a 13-year-old, might not make much difference in my say, but what the ****-I'll say what I want to anyways. So, my answer is no. Period.
I'm only the second Libra to post in this thread...wow, sad. Well, I dunno much about Libras, but as said by Boo, we Libras enjoy the finer things in life (true for me), sharing (also true), and gentleness (ALSO true for me), and **** like that, and he also said that we DON'T like viloence injustice, and being a slave to fashion. All those thing about me are true, so I agree wholeheartedly.^^
Wow, those poem sound really good. I had one poem I wrote once about...well...death, being it is my favorite subject, but it SUCKED...part of it's in my signature.
This may just be the most interesting thread in Otaku Lounge, dude... Well, for my first wish, I'd wish that my parents can somehow sum up enough money to get us into a better home. For my second one, I'd want my friends to be happy, with their lives and everything they've ever done in it. And, for my last one, well....I want to be happy. Heh, some dreaming there.
What OB members do you know, or would you like to meet in real life?
LPpunkrocka replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
I had forgotten to mention 2 people I wanted to meet. Besides Dark Serena, Shinmaru, and ChibiHorseWoman like I said before, I'd also like to meet: Master zero-why? because I just do. and beyblader-I know her from myO, and she's just a really cool person. Apparently, nobody here really feels like meeting me... - _ - " fine, dudes, suit yourself. -
Tool is cool, dude. So's Nirvana and Alice in Chains.
I've got a few too: Ash-since my first name is Ashley, my friend Amanda started calling me this. I hate it, honestly. AC-my initials. simple. I like this one a lot more, a lot of people call me by it. Keiko-chan -If anyone watches Yuyu Hakusho, then you may know who Keiko is. My friends say I look a lot like her, except that my hair is a little longer, and I wear glasses. This is probably my favorite one.^^ LP-I have a site on myO, and everyone there calls me LP, so I guess it's a nickname. Shy Kid--_- Josh and Matt, two guy friends of mine, call me this because I was silent the first two weeks of school, and didn't talk to them until the second month of school. During that time, they just called me Shy Kid, but they liked it so much they stuck with it. Out of all of them, Keiko-chan is my favorite. ^____^
I'm 13, possibly the youngest person who ever felt like killing herself before, and probably the only 7th grader to ever take the SATs...acytually, I think I'm the only one.
lol ok...you're referring to Nirvana when you say that, right? They're awesome.
I had multiple ideas of dream careers myself. They are: 1-If in some miracle, I get discovered, maybe, just maybe, I can get famous. I'm not too bad with my develo[ing talent in music, and I'm looking to get even better. Of course, there's no shot in hell at that happening. 2-If the 1st one doesn't happen, I happen to have a manga that I work on. I really like it's turn out, and-if it's good enough-maybe I'll be the next Takahashi, who knows. Once again, no shot in hell. 3-Well....I've been looking to get involoved in visual arts. Maybe I'll do graphics design for a video game, show, or something. No shot at that, of course. 4-If none of the 1st 3 work, which they probably won't, I'll just settle for being an anime art teacher or something. Sadly, I have no shot in bloody hell at achieving any of this, since I'm such a lazy idiot. But, one can always dream, you know.
[IMG]http://www.redfactionview.net/forum/index.php?act=Attach&type=post&id=548[/IMG] Lo and Behold, Bush is trying to appeal to the younger punk generation. Rock on, Bush, Rock on. X.X I need to stop TRYING to have good captions for these ******* things...
Um...hot damn, I can't really think of anything... Um, ok, here goes: Ths is why we no longer put people in catapults. -_- Dammit...My mind ain't workin' right....if I can think of better captions, I'll post them.
Anime Wow... they're just like me!: Characters you identify with
LPpunkrocka replied to Balinese's topic in Otaku Central
Although I'm a girl, I relate an awful lot to Seto Kaiba from Yu-gi-oh!. I was never into the series until a few weeks ago, and I was shocked at how alike we are in personality. I'm pretty arrogant a lot of the time, I tend to be insulting, and I have no patience whatsoever for idiots...heh heh But that does NOT mean I'm always a mean perosn! Actually, a lot of people think I'm pretty nice. -
What do you look for in a guy/girl?
LPpunkrocka replied to Farto the Magic's topic in General Discussion
What I look for in a guy...(and to the people who mistake me for one, I'M A GIRL, DAMMIT!) Well, to me, appearance never has been important, but that doesn't mean I'll go out with a zit-faced slob. If he's at least OK looking, that's good enough for me. Mainly, though, I look for a guy who's caring, sensitive and not afraid to admit it (for once), and, well, sweet. Lucky for me, my boyfriend meets all those standards, and goes beyond that. ^^ hee... -
What OB members do you know, or would you like to meet in real life?
LPpunkrocka replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
I'd like to meet: ChibiHorseWoman-because I think she's cool. Dark Serena-ALSO because she's cool. Shinmaru-same reasons Well, I noticed no one's fascinated with meeting me.- - not that I care... -
Warrior:Wow, I made it this far. I'm the only one left alive, and now I have to go through this huge, eerie portal..... *turns around**runs* WAIT! I WANNA LIVE, DAMMIT! -------------------------------------------------- -_-" Wow, I suck. I could have done a lot better. Honestly.
What do otakus think about Homosexuality?
LPpunkrocka replied to Miryoku's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Sea Of Chaos666']Well LPpunkrocka I geuss we have the same problem I'm the only straight girl who does not have any thing against Bi's or homo's. Most of my friends are Bis. I even know some chick who has a crush on me and I don't give a sh**!! I have a shrit that says I love lesbiens and my friend had it on for halloween and she got drit kicked in her face for it!!!! I got soooooooooooooooooo mad!!!! There is nothing wrong for being Bi or Homo!!!!!!!!!!! Every one has something unique about them. My friend was made fun of so bad by this one guy he had to get a restraning order....[/quote] Once again, I repeat, tell them all to blow it out there mther-*******-*****, and to suck it the **** up, to shut the **** up, and learn to accept it. God made us all individuals special in our own ways. Maybe homosexuality is one of those ways, which is how I see it, so, as my last post in this subject, I'll just stress my opinion. Homosexuality is not a deformity like so many people treat it. It's a providence to some-a gift from God, andthose who are homosexual shouldn't be questioning it because of how all the ******* who are prejudiced do, instead they should be grateful as hell for it. My friend, Mark, is gay and he's not afraid to admit it, even though he's had the **** beaten out of him countless times just for that. It's not fair, but then again, the way I was raised, life ain't supposed to be fair, people are supposed to look at you and judge you for what doesn't really matter. Your personality, your attitude, your soul...that's the **** that ******* matters most. People should judge by that, and if they did, we'd have a better world, less conflict, more peace. But that's not gonna hapen, is it? [COLOR=DarkRed]Edit: Please watch the language you are using in your post. I did have to edit it for content. ~Panda[/COLOR] -
I've lived in three states:I lived in Cincinatti, Ohio, from when I was born to when I was 8, then moved to South Carolina, but only stayed for one year. Now, I'm living in New York, in a small town called Pine Bush. You may think of it as an ordinary tiny villiage at the foot of the Catskill Mountains, but we've had more alien and UFO sightings than Roswell. And I'm not kidding when I say that.
What do otakus think about Homosexuality?
LPpunkrocka replied to Miryoku's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Miryoku']I know it's a huge and almost genaric subject but i'm curios. What do you guys think? why is it so taboo, i'm Bisexual and my parents still haven't gotten over it. I see absolutely nothing wrong with it, if you love some one why does it matter. my parents keep saying its wrong but they don't answer me when i ask why. What makes my parents and the world so closedminded on the subject. sorry for starting a thread like this but i'm just confused and need help. any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. I know thare have been many threads like this but i need personal help. I'm so confused and i don't get why people can't accept me, not even my own parents can. but yeah please help. i realy need it.[/quote] I have a number of responses to that. For one thing, your parents really should get over it. You're bi and there's nothing they can do about it except for accepting it. And also, I completely agree when you say it shouldn't matter if you love someone. Love is love, no matter who the people who love each other are. And, as for the people who can't accept you, holy jesus that pisses me off. Why the hell is America so prejudiced these days? Are so many people really like that? Geez, I'd tell them to suck it up, blow it out their mother-******* *****, and ******' deal with it. I have a close friend who is three years older than me, and he's homosexual. I can accept that. Entirely. I just wish other people could, too. It j7st seems to me these days that if you're straight, your automatically a homophobe, which is how things work in the society I live in. I think I'm the only straight girl in my town who's not against homosexuality. -
[quote name='foolycooly6363']I finally got my hands on American Idiot. I don't understand why it's parental advisory. Three days grace says ******* twice and ******* quite a few times not to mention H*** ( which really isn't that bad). The three days grace cd wasn't P.A. so why does American Idiot have to be? I don't get it![/quote] I kinda wonder the same thing. I own both cds, and They both need PAs, not just Green Day. I adore both bands, Green Day especially. That Boulevard of Broken Dreams song is so cool.
ok...cool, i suppose.^^"