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About shivadancing

  • Birthday 03/18/1987

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  • Occupation
    annoying people

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  1. [COLOR=GREEN]I think that Inuyasha x Koga is a great couple because they are always fighting but they get along sometimes as well (usually when they're fighting other enemies, tho...) I like a lot of Gundam Wing pairings (including some threesomes that I won't list...)" Heero x Dou (1x2x1) Heero x Wufei (1x5x1) Heero x Trowa (1x3x1) Dou x Wufei (2x5x2) Dou x Trowa (2x3x2) Trowa x Quatre (3x4x3) Quatre x Wufei (4x5x4) (I'm kind of obsessed w/ GW fanfiction.)[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Green]Would have to be Stevie Wonder. He's just awsome. [/COLOR]
  3. shivadancing


    [COLOR=Green]Hero was a good movie. I like the colors they used in the film were gorgeous. Also, I love most of the actors in the movie. Yes, most of the action scenes were kind of slow, but I think that helped show that they were falshbacks--everything happens quickly when Nameless was talking with the emporer. Also, while I didn't like that Nameless died (or that Flying Snow and Broken Sword did, too), i think that the movie would have been ruined if they hadn't. The emporer had to make an example out of Nameless, or others would have come to kill him too. Also, the way the emporer hesitates shows (to me at least) that he doesn't like killing people. I like how the emporer understands everything about warriors from Broken Sword's calligraphy. :) [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Green]I guess that these are the 3 songs that describe me (or that I relate to the most)... [B]4 a.m.--Our Lady Peace[/B] , cuz I have a bad relationship with my father and when ever I hear him our find out that something might be wrong with him, I instantly forgive him everything. [B]Numb--Linkin Park[/B], I'm sick of trying to conform to howothers want me to be, or how they percieve (sp?) me to be. [B]Iris--Goo Goo Dolls[/B], sometimes you just need to hide. And I think there is only one person out there (in the wild blue yonder) who really understands me. :)[/COLOR]
  5. I love [B]Fake[/B] and [B]Eerie Queerie[/B] . Fake takes a little while to develope but has a great ending. Eerie Queerie is cute. Dee is one of my all time fav. characters--and I love the way he and Ryo interact. I don't really like the Gravitation manga...but I
  6. [COLOR=Olive]I've read the manga and seen the first volume of the anime. The anime was def. better (in my opinion.) I felt that you connect more with the characters in the anime than you do in the manga. Plus the translation isn't all that good. Also I didn't really like the art in the manga, so that might have gotten in the way of my enjoyment.[/COLOR]
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