Name: Yusuiki, M, Hamura
Callsign: Slayer
Rank: Independent
ID Number: 1-987
Appearance: blonde haire past the ears, green eyes, 6 foot 2 inches.
Personality: Strong, silent, and mainly kept to him-self.
History: 16, was the son of a brillant scientist who died when younge boy was 8 but left him a great and powerful mech that was givin to him on his 16th birthday.
Name: SP-00-Reaper
Strength: 134
Agility: 195
Energy: 190,000PS
Durability: 9235 AP
UT-057 Depleted Uranium Shell Autocannon (5 Spare Clips 1,000 Cnt.)
2 Head-mounted Laser Turrets
003 Cherry Blosome - countains three explosives that whene deployed explode into 20 seperate warheads.
8 Exeter-class Seeker Cluster Warheads
Duel Beam Sabers- one one each side of the hip.
Appearance: Locke