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Everything posted by silvosrouge153

  1. Name: Yusuiki, M, Hamura Callsign: Slayer Rank: Independent ID Number: 1-987 Appearance: blonde haire past the ears, green eyes, 6 foot 2 inches. Personality: Strong, silent, and mainly kept to him-self. History: 16, was the son of a brillant scientist who died when younge boy was 8 but left him a great and powerful mech that was givin to him on his 16th birthday. Mecha Name: SP-00-Reaper Strength: 134 Agility: 195 Energy: 190,000PS Durability: 9235 AP Armaments: UT-057 Depleted Uranium Shell Autocannon (5 Spare Clips 1,000 Cnt.) 2 Head-mounted Laser Turrets 003 Cherry Blosome - countains three explosives that whene deployed explode into 20 seperate warheads. 8 Exeter-class Seeker Cluster Warheads Duel Beam Sabers- one one each side of the hip. Appearance: Locke
  2. [COLOR=Lime]Yusuki walked in through the large front doors of the schools office, "Hmm... not like where i am from," he says to himself. He looks around and notices that every one is gone so he asks the secretary at the office as to why every on was gone "I see thank you." Yusuki walks outside and pulls a smalll device out of his pocket and said the words " Oblierate," and a massive black creature apeard from right behind him as it deactivates it's active camafloge. "Okay lets do this," Yuasuki climbs into the cockpit and inserts the hand size device into a port. "Okay, active camafloge now!" the huge figure disapeard. "Okay now lets see," he types on the digital keypad and acceses the freguencys of the mechanime. "hello??" i would like a location as to where u are at," he said in a stern voice "you od not know me i am new ot this school and i would just like ot help you all." Yusuki flips a few switches and pushes a few bottons, and the mech was up and in the sky moving at great speeds.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Red]As Yusuki walks into his room he notices a package resting at the foot of his bed. "Hmmm..., mom and dad must have got this for me." Yusuki opens the parsle sitting on his bed, it appears to be a black MC with an alchemical symbol. "Ah lets see ." Yusuki puts the disk into his maxed out computer. in a quick 5 minutes Yusuki has created an dark figure and has linked his Mc up to the comp. "c' mon lets creat me a monster." as the figure takes a more definate shape and a small box apeardto give the states on his creation. [type: human class: fire name: yusen} "What i thought that it was supposed ot be a monster...,"now im really confused." As Yusuki looks at his computer screen he stares into the "face" af a dark figure with green eyes... [/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]Am i not what i am... im i not suposed to be this way..?.?.?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]"No no it is ok i think that it is neat that u turned out different... it just i have seen some and heard about them all being monsters so this took me by suprise."[/COLOR][COLOR=Green]so my beinig diffrent dosnt matter to you?? But who knows maybe ill turn out to be strong ... any way my name is Yusen.[/COLOR][COLOR=Red]"Hello Yusen my nick-name is schnider every one else calls me Yusuki." *ding ding ding ... ding ding ding* "Oh it is the phone one second..ah and i want u to download into your MC nso whene i get back we can go and take a walk"[/COLOR][COLOR=Green]"ok." .... "down load compleat"[/COLOR][COLOR=Red]"Ok it was Mina she wants to meet us at the battle shop.. c' mon." *grabs MC*[/COLOR]
  4. Pleas, could someone make me some banners. GIF(animated), and a few avis of Full Metal Alchemist??? i willl give full credit to the artist so pleas i am stuck right now and my scanner wont work.
  5. hey i just now started on otaku so could some one please help me in making GIF images or scould u make sum for me???? :devil:
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