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Tatsumi Shinsu

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Everything posted by Tatsumi Shinsu

  1. Oh yea and one more thing, Mystic form for gohan would have kicked a$$ if gohan actually trained hard and wanted to like fight and everything and was more like his father.
  2. I think the only reason Goten is so strong...[] in a sense that he is a kid and almost beat up gohan []...is because Chi-Chi tried to teach him how to fight and didnt try to hold him back and make him a smart **** like gohan. If she did the same thing with gohan, i think gohan would have been strong enough to blow freeza away with a tsuibi kikou ha. But that's just what i think.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Trunks02 [/i] [B]Mystic Gohans power is equaled to a SSJ3 and if he went SSJ or SSJ2 he would have enough power to destroy the unierverse so my Japenese friend says [/B][/QUOTE] Okay so...he is as strong as he would be in Ssj3? But not strong enough to defeat boo...? Why is that though. Did they just do that so they could have Vegeto come in?
  4. I don't think the Gokou Freeza fight was that good. Why do you think it is that good? Just because the plot? Or what?
  5. So...the Saiya-jins where able to reproduce just like us right? But I don't get it. I never heard anyone mention a female one before. I always thought they where like the nameks. A-sexual and all. And do the ever say who vegeta's or gokou's mother is?
  6. is there female saiya-jins? Cause i ahve never seen one. I mean Pan is only 25% so...i don't count it. I just want to know if there are any full blooded female saiya-jins. So is there?
  7. My favorite character is Gohan. I think he is the coolest.
  8. Who do you think would win in a fight if you had Ssj4 Vegeto and Ssj4 Gojeta? If the where both at or around the same power level. Who do you think would win in the fight? I think Vegeto would because he seems to be the smarter fighter...just because he is the personality of vegeta. And vegeta thinks with his head more than gokou does. So i think Vegeto would win. Although it would be a long and sweet fight.
  9. What do you think the best fight in Dragonball, Dragonball Z, and Dragonball GT is? I think the best fight is between Gokou and Majin-Vegita. And most of the Boo Saga's fights. But the Best is Gokou and Majin-Vegita.
  10. Who do you think is the best "bad guy"? And who has the best chance at beating the **** out of Ssj4 Gokou? I think Vegita has the best chance.
  11. If mystic form is supposed to be so strong then how come gohan get the snot beaten out of him when he is fighting boo. And wasn't he stronger than orginal boo when he was in mystic? And when boo got gotenks...and..um piccolo i think he went to like ultimate boo? And then gohan was a tad under him...and then he got beaten up right? Or was he just overpowered the whole time? Oh and how do you qoute someone in a thread?
  12. after gohan gets mystic he never goes ssj again. cause mystic is supposed to be stronger than all of them if it is used correctly but since gohan does not want to fight all the time he can not unlock its full power
  13. I don't know why gohan's stoppe growing back but like Forte said. The genes didnt get passed on. And I think that it would look awesome if they have tails. But I guess the creaters got tired of the tails.
  14. They are right. Gohan never goes Ssj3 or Ssj4. Even though the Ssj4 pics look amazingly real. Gohan stops transforming when he finally gets Mystic. Or at least that's what I understood from it.
  15. Gokou. If you look at it in a certain way, future Trunks was not the second to go Ssj. He was one of the last. Trunks was trained by Gohan in the future when Gohan, Vegita, and Gokou could all go Ssj. So gohan was the first kid to go Ssj and then Goten got Ssj with no work at all, but so did trunks. But I think that Gokou has the better kids, just because Gohan became stronger than all of them during the Cell Saga. And I don't recall Trunks or Goten becoming seperatly more powerful than everyone.
  16. i have never dreamed about any of the dragonballs.
  17. hey how do you get those little pictures of the characters under your name? Like pictures of gohan and goku? can you send me a site or something with them or something like that?
  18. But yet they are more powerful than Ssj3 is that just because the Ssj4 level or what we call Ssj4 release more of their energy or it just lets them release power they already had? And still if it was Ssj wouldn't they have golden hair? i heard it was just called super 4.
  19. I just have a question about Ssj4. How come in all the other Ssj levels the characters have golden or yellow hair and when they reach 4 it is still black. And what is the deal with the red hair on their bodies?
  20. I think Gohan looks the best in his Ssj and Ssj2 forms. He has the best hair and looks the best. With no doubt he is the coolest in Ssj.
  21. I just have one thing to state. Does Gohan ever seem to fail? No. So he would beat Vegeto down. And if he is mystic, he will be beating Vegeto down all day long.
  22. Mr. Satan is the worst of all. He is Zero for everything and his humor....is running on -100... he is basically the most useless character.
  23. Good pic. Keep it up. The hand are great and the legs are okay, everything is basically good .... 'cept those eyes.
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