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Tatsumi Shinsu

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Everything posted by Tatsumi Shinsu

  1. Like everyone else is saying Vegeta as too smart to use Ussj. It makes himway to slow and with cell's speed he would have gotten a good butt kicking. But Trunks being young and not as expierenced in fighting as Vegeta he used Ussj and got killed by Cell or rather shown up.
  2. I like Gohan's Massenkoha, the KamaHameHa, and the Bakuhatsuha. I think those are the best.
  3. Vegeta sucks. I think the only reason he is still alive is because goku is to kind. Goku was way to kind didn't kill him, and vegeta would have killed goku if he had that chance. But Goku is better than vegeta in everyway, because vegeta is just jealous that he is not the strongest. Plus goku looks cooler.
  4. veggy boy doesnt go Ussj and goku get's all the stages of Ssj, of course he does - He gets everything. But the coolest form is goku in Ssj3 and adult gohan in Ssj2. And who do you guys think is the stupidest character?
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