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Eternal Snow

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Everything posted by Eternal Snow

  1. Well? What are they? Bother to share this with the rest of us? I know I am definately afraid of failing my exams and tests.
  2. The pope, which was later identified as Bush, was seen showing a very unpleasant sign during the take of the movie: Sister Act
  3. I'm not a homosexual, so I would'nt know whether it'll be bad or good, but who cares? As long as those people are happy with their marriage, there should be no problem, and I'll have no objection with this stuff....... and don't worry, I won't say that it's against the bible, I'm not a Christian anyway.
  4. [QUOTE]Can?t Gennies also not give you unlimited wishies? Wasn't that like the first thing Genie told Aladdin?[/QUOTE] I don't remember watching Aladdin with this scene...... [QUOTE]Gosh it?s hard to limit to just three wishes? wonder what I?d go with if it were just one?[/QUOTE] lol.... My wish list -------------- 1) Get all animes (greedy kitty) 2) Be able to help the tsunami victims 3) Miss Congeniality's favourite line: "World Peace"
  5. True, but for enrichment classes, especially at for all secondary students, is very important. Remedial is different, if that student did badly in a subject, he is imformed that he must to turn up for that particular remidial. For both cases, the teachers will call up the parents if the student did not turn up. :?
  6. No Lady_Rin, I mean neither, and I'm sorry if my English can make people confused. You see, lately, the education minister has changed the policy of schools : having Saturdays as a "family" day - meaning that Saturaday is not a school activity day - the school has very little time to teach the students. Futhermore, students have remedial lessons after school, and a compulsory co-curricular activity(CCA) that may last till 5 to 6 pm. The students, after going through a long day, has to go through another round of learning things. The students have no choice but to attend the tuition, or else their parents' money will go down the drain, even if they don't want to go for it. I was trying to symphatise with those students that have to go through this, as they seem to have no freedom, and I find that this is not letting them have this "freedom" is not really fair. If just 1 day in school is tiring (including after-school activity), think about students who have to go to tuition immediately after school, it'd be worse. EDIT: I just noticed that my CCA is at the afternoon, and, being in a uniformed group, I get dismissed at 5, close to 6. If those students live rather far, and reach home, they might be facing their tuition teacher..... and homework which they have not yet done. Then finishing everything up, some of them may sleep at 12 midnight, waking up at 5 or 6 in the morning to go to school. PS. This may get worse during the exams
  7. New Year's resolutions: ..... study and hope that my grades will continue to stay as it is, and not drop :S , hope that I can get promoted in my uniform group, and try to get as many animes as possible!!! :D
  8. More and more youths in my country are being pressurised by their parents, teachers, studies as well as their co-curricular activities.... to add things worse, some parents "force" them to have tuition every day (don't laugh, my friends have this almost everyday for about 2-3 hours on different subjects) just because they want their child to get to University, and get a good paying job. I know that these parents care for their child, but isn't this way too much? Yes, a little pressure is alright, but these people are way too pushy. I would like to hear your opinion about this topic, and whether such things happened to you or your friends.
  9. I've noticed nowadays that teenagers tend to listen to their friends than their parents, but in reality, do you choose friend over family, or the other way round?
  10. Let's all say a prayer.... before that four-legged smiling monster come electricuting us with it's red cheeks......
  11. Imagine that you're stucked in somewhere nowhere near your home, and the only thing you see is a lamp. Curious, you rubbed the lamp and out pops out a genie. He gives you only 3 wishes.... what would that be?
  12. I've seen several people on other forum play this game, so I want to try this here. You just have to either say an anime characters name, an anime series, or a weapon that they use in that anime that begins with that certin letter. We go all the way through the alphabets and once you reach Z you can start over again with A. OK..... A for Ayashi no Ceres......
  13. Not really death penalty.... just that ever since the racial riot, we had learned to work together as one people.... instead of going around the streets arguing with people
  14. I don't advise anyone to play with the "spiritual stuff". People believe that if your finger moves away from the saucer during the ritual and if the spirit does not goes back in peace, that spirit will haunt you..... I think that's what happened to the girl in "The Exorsist"....
  15. That's what happen if you see a chick in bikinis.....
  16. I watch "Full Moon Wo Sagashite", mainly because of the dramatic stuff and somehow seeing Meroko in the show makes me want to watch it again :D
  17. Since I live in a small city with many races, and my country believes in "one united people, regardless of [U]race[/U] language or religion....." so I don't really see any racists everyday, except for some of my classmates and other people who don't really know anything. Most of them just say that that person is "fat, ugly" because it's a fact.... but if they were to say that he/she is "fat and ugly" because of her race, then I will not respect that person. After all, the world doesn't really belong to only one race, so why not live with respect for one another, instead of screaming at a friend who is from another race, or making fun of them? We are still human, are'nt we?
  18. I like both too..... mainly anime because it is animated... and i get to listen to the cute voice actors :D and has more action and meaning and the songs!!! Let's not forget about the opening/ending songs that the people sing for every episode of the anime series!! Manga's nice... mainly because it tells me more than what the anime does.... :)
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