[QUOTE=Dagger IX1]Could you describe what happened to you? I'm curious, because TRSI usually doesn't get very much bad press.
In terms of distance, I've had similar luck when it comes to Amazon and Target (which ships through Amazon). Even if I pick free shipping, most items arrive in a day or two; they must have a large warehouse fairly close to where I live, or something to that effect. It's just too bad that Amazon's regular (and to a lesser extent, pre-order) prices aren't at all competitive, even with Share the Love and all that jazz.
Christmas 2003 my grandmother let me use her credit card to order a pile of shirts from Right Stuf, three weeks later we hadn't recieved the shirts. My grandmother called them and they said that none of the shirts were in stock and that they had called us but no one answered, that wasn't true because my grandmother had been home or I had been over at her house and no one had called. When we told them that no one had called they said that it was their policy and we were lying. My grandmother ask them what she was supposed to put under the tree for me for Christmas and they told her to print pictures of the shirts and put them under the tree, my grandma laughed at them and canceled the order. As soon as she canceled the order I called up Animenation, ordered the same shirts and some more and they got there the next day. Occasionally I hear of a good deal on Right Stuf but I would never attempt to make another order with them if for no other reason than their terrible customer service.