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About Inu500

  • Birthday 08/15/1989

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  • Biography
    KFC Lover^^lol, Well I like Anime and Video Games.
  • Occupation
    High School Student

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New Member (1/6)



  1. People do road rage for my reasons. I'll give three of them. 1) anger, I've seen people get so angry when someone takes there parking space that they get out of there car and start cussing at them. 2) Fun. This is one of the dumbest reason. Some people do it for fun, and they tryy to humilate the other person in front of everyone. and finall 3) Money. I've heard stories that some people presude other people just for their money. :(
  2. Were not doing are best and were not doing are worst. If we still have troops out in baghad then the war is not over. I think that are forgien affairs have gotten worse this year. I've noticed something strange. Every ten years we go in war. Well that's what it seems like. On a final note. Think about it, soilders are still getting killed in Iraq, the war is not over. :flaming:
  3. Well that's a really big rock on the pope then. Are yyou sure it's not a compostie? Looks like it to me. And what's the pope doing. It like knocked him down or something.>< :confused:
  4. I love the six Flag's commercial! The old man's dancing! He has a cane and he's swinging everywhere! I couldn't stop laughing. I was hoping that the old man broke the bus so he could start dancing outside for a ride. :laugh: That is like the best commerical ever!
  5. Yeah it has to be Cowboy Bebop. I watch that show so many times. Since I have the greatest session DVD, that I found at Walmart for $15!(Shcoked you didn't I) Well I really Like watching session 5. I could watch it all day If I wanted^^ :ball: :p
  6. Cartoon Network needs to put some new anime on. I'm getting tired of Watching Yu Yu Hakoshu, Inuyasha and Cowboy Bebop All the time. I can go buy the dvd for that. Maybe if They put chobits on there I would watch it. But I'm sure the fcc would go crazy. :(
  7. I live in Virgina!(USA) There's like nothing here>< :flaming: I wish I could go to Boston.
  8. No wait I did hear about. I'm black. Just had to get that out. I think in petersburg and ronake VA there were some black people who where being segreated at the waffle house. The waitress would not let them sit down. She let all the white peole go first. And the the black man went up to her asked her why they didn't sit down yet. And the waitress said please sit back down or I'll have you leave the resteraunt. The mangaer and the staff got fired the next day. I bet they feel stupid. Some people are real ***** you know what I mean. :flaming:
  9. If I'm gonna pay $50 dollars for animal Crossing just to be portable then forget about it. I'd rather buy the gamecube additon of it. DS aint worth $200's. Trust me. :flaming:
  10. I've seen some signatures that were longer than posts. Maybe there should be a rule about the images too in the signatures. No big images just small ones. You know something like that. :D
  11. Yeah we want some more skins! There are only two skins to choose from. Maybe we could have 10 at least. Or maybe even five! :(
  12. Inu500

    Shaun of the Dead

    Shaun of the Dead was a very funny movie. The Zombies were funny instead of scary. It reminded me of Scary movie three without the killing. I heard they didn't spend that much money on it. But it still made millions over here. That shows how strange americans are.(I'm american)^^ :confused:
  13. Whoa wait a minute who said the ****** word I'm black here! Was it the nine year old kid or you! I'm tired of people using that word for there on personal use. That's what I hate about Xbox Live, Racist people are on there too. :flaming: Who ever said it Deserves to die.
  14. I don't like the Fact that they have a klan to kill black peole and jewish people! You know what it is the.(kkk) If I see one of those bastards I'll kill him on the stop. Sorry, that was kinda off the subject. I See alot of rascist comment's at my school.(I'm black), People call me oreo, and vanallia cookie. And a gay fagit. And I see Black people beating up white people all of the time in myy school. What I'm trying to say is that maybe if this generation was so mean and harsh to people than maybe there wouyldn't be any rascist comments. :flaming:
  15. Yeah I'm 15, so what. If you look at the polls, most people on hear are around 15 or are 16,17,18. Age really doesn't matter. :flaming:
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