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Everything posted by Kanata

  1. [color=#333333][size=1]I'm so happy my thread has caused old members to come back and talk. ^~^ I've been around for quite some time. In fact since the beginning of 2003. But I never joined. Just observed. Sometimes using my friend's account. But finally, after 2 years of observing I decided to join the OB Team and let everyone know my opinion. Heh. Anywho, here's another old thread I dug up. Click [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=19829]here[/url]. It involves the following members: [list] [*]Winged-Kid [*]Braidless Baka [*]Tasrai [*]Avalon [*]Bremma [*]Unborn Lord Xion [/list] (I think ULX will getta kick outta this one) It's funny.. I know all of you very well but none of you know me because I never joined up till recently. ^~^[/size][/color]
  2. [size=1][color=#333333]I was surfing around OB and I was looking at the profiles of some members who have very high post counts. I looked at some of their first posts and I cannot help but laugh. These are members that are well-known around the site now and were very.. newbish (for lack of a better word) back then. So here is a thread I found that may be funny... or embarrassing to the following members: [list] [*]Roket [*]Ryo the Tamer [*]Sakura (back before she was Ohkami) [*]^.^ [*]Ryan [*]Outlaw [*]Geist [*]Dj Professor DM [*]Lrb (When he was §corpio) [*]Revelation [*]Vash's Angel [/list] The thread is [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=23197&page=1&pp=15]here.[/url] (It's a recruitment thread for an RP) I thought it might be funny for some of the well known members on the site to look at (i.e. Sakura, ^.^, Outlaw and Revelation). So what about you? Got any old threads that would be funny for some of the members to see? Talk about a blast from the past, eh?[/size][/color]
  3. [size=1][color=#333333] [b]Name:[/b] Jacob Dunn (Call me Jake) [b]Age:[/b] 31 [b]Gender:[/b] Male, thank ya very much. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/1997/jakedunn6jc.png]Don't worry about the Wanted part. We negotiated that a long time ago.[/url] [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Long ranged, I guess. I mainly use long range weapons an' kill 'em from afar. But it doesn't hurt to have a close range weapon with me at all times in case my opponent or victim gets inside my personal bubble. Hahaha.. right. Anyways shootin' quickly from afar is my style. [b]Weapon:[/b] I'll be bringing my baby. She's a one-handed gun with a laser target on 'er. I've killed so many with her it's almost funny. You can see 'er in the picture of myself I pinned to this 'ere application. I'll also be brining my saber. You can never be too careful is what I always say. I use it for people that get too close to me. My saber is also in that there picture, strapped to my belt. [b]Ace:[/b] My Ace? Well I guess you could say it's my increased accuracy with my gun. I shoot so quickly and accurately it's almost funny. If you aren't the one being shot. [b]Why Are You Here:[/b] Criminal? I guess you could call me that. I've robbed a few places in my day. Feeding my family? Sure, why not. My wife and I could use some food. But honestly? I just want to kill. [b]Personality:[/b] I can be a nice guy, really I can! But don't get on my bad side or I'll kill you. And I ain't kiddin'. My friends call me funny at times, I guess I can be fairly witty. I'm very cautious about everything I do and I think every single step through carefully before hand. I'm a bit of a bounty hunter as well. I kill those who are wanted to be killed. 'Course, I do this illegally so [i]I'm[/i] have had a few bounties on myself at times but that's ok. All who try to kill me end up failing.[/size][/color]
  4. [QUOTE=Corey][size=1]Methylene blue dye in Blue Rasberry Kool-Aid. My friends urine was bright blue for three days. He has yet to get back at me with the proper calibur of prank to equal mine.[/size][/QUOTE] [color=#333333][size=1] Wow. That's brilliant. My friends and I have already planned to do this to another friend of ours. Because he's just [i]that[/i] easy to prank (and he's the only one who wouldn't get mad). I hope it works. As for me? Well, let me think... There was one time my brother was being a real smart alic so I made some kool-aid (with him in the other room) and asked him if he wanted some. I then challenged him to a chugging contest to see who could chug their kool-aid the fastest. In my cup I put in the kool-aid. In his I put [i]Buckley's[/i] cough syrup. And we all know how 'yummy' that tastes. It was great.[/size][/color]
  5. [size=1][color=#333333][b][center][ My Caption ][/b][/center] [center]"Look what I can do!" *pulls her at her cheeks*[/center] Hehe. Well [i]I[/i] found it funny. ^~^[/size][/color]
  6. [size=1][color=#333333] I have an idea for an RP that I'll soon be placing in the recruitment area. Basically it's a band of misfit superheroes that have come together and renewed their name to become a bunch of crime fighting saviors. There will be different missions (much like the Legionnaires) and many different arch-enemies/villains. As the members progress through the story, many different events will take place (all of which are written ahead of time by myself) until eventually anything that happens is entirely up to the members. I don't want to call it a [i]rip-off[/i] of The Legionnaires but I guess it is. I'll just call it a spin-off. But it's basically a replacement superhero RP for those members, like myself, whom did not get a chance to join The Legionnaires or just didn't get accepted. What do you think? Should I go with it? Any ideas?[/size][/color]
  7. [size=1][color=#333333] Well. For idea 1, I haven't anything to say really. There just isn't enough there for me to say anything about it. Although from the looks of it I think it would be a great and successful RP. As for Idea 2, I think it is awesome. But I just don't believe many people would join due to the fact that they don't get much customization when it comes to creating their character. Personally, I love signing-up for RPs because I [i]love[/i] creating my own, original, character and then playing him. But it is entirely up to you. I'm sure there are plenty of members that would be willing to join. Just the chances of them finding your RP and joining would be slim. I could be wrong. ^~^[/size][/color]
  8. Kanata

    Riddle rp

    [size=1][color=#333333] Hmm... This sounds like an interesting idea. I think that it could go either way. If all went well it would be an amazing RP to read [i]and[/i] take place in. But if you did the story wrong or it just didn't go well then it [i]really[/i] wouldn't go well. Do you know what I mean? Anyways I think if you made it a bit like the movie 'SAW' that would be cool. Or anything sort of like that. What kind of story were you thinking of?[/size][/color]
  9. [size=1][color=#333333]Thanks! But some minor problems. Um.. I'm going to use Sun's except my name is Kanata, not Katana. ^_^ Also, I'm only going to use Sun's if he/she get's me a matching avatar. Because I'm picky that way. ^~^[/size][/color]
  10. [size=1][color=#333333]That's right! I'm back! (Did anyone even know I was gone? Did anyone even know [i]me[/i]?) Doubt it. ^__^ ~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Would anyone be willing to make me a Sasuke (from Naruto) Banner and Avatar? If so, on the avatar, a simple picture of Sasuke with a nice border and my name (Kanata) in the bottom right would be nice. Keep in mind I might just make the avatar myself. But I would really like to see what you guys have to offer. As for the banner.. Go wild. Just keep it to Sasuke and the only word I want to see is my name (Kanata). Place it wherever it looks best.[/color][/size]
  11. [QUOTE=Takuya][size=1]If you ask me, the simpler the better. I'd reccommend that you yourself play no part in the actual catching. I know I wouldn't want to wait for you to tell me if I caught a Pokemon or not, plus some peoples' wrighting styles might not be what you like, which predisposes to towards saying that the Pokemon was not caught. Of course, I've learned firsthand the need for some regulation, because some people go a bit nuts wiout regulation, especially newbies. So, I reccommend restricting the types of Pokemon that can be caught. And you don't need to do any work. Just go by the games (unless this RPG takes place in a new region). If you can catch it in an area in the game, you can in your RPG. Here, I'll give you an example. Say our characters arre all in Mt. Moon. they would find a lot of Zubat, as well as some Geodude, Clefairy, and a few others (I don't remember every Pokemon that appears in Mt Moon), but nothing that doesn't appear in Nt. Moon in any of the games. Now, you'd need to create those restrictions yourself for a new region, but you could always just say something like "In this area, you can catch any Pokemon that appears in Mt. Moon." That's what i'd do, at least.[/size][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=#333333]The only thing I worry about is members who will go a bit nutty with the catching thing. Like they will [i]never[/i] lose a battle. Or they will [i]always[/i] catch the Pokemon. And I have already decided that I wouldn't be posting as a character. Just as events and such.[/size][/color]
  12. [color=#333333][size=1]Well this is great! So far, I have a ncie background story and a few events to happen. From small ones, a Bug Catching Contest, to big ones, Team Rocket kidnaps a Gym Leader. So that'll work out well if everything goes as planned. Also, I decided to take out the PM Battle thing. Too many of you said it wasn't a good idea so I'll take it out. But what I will be doing is when you enter a battle, I want you to post the battle, and depending on what I think, I'll tell you if you caught the Pokemon or not. It'll be much easier this way. Example: [quote] [size=1]Red walked quietly through the forest, not to disturb any Pokemon. He wondered sometimes if he would [i]ever[/i] catch a Pokemon. That's when it hit him. A Caterpie just flew out of nowhere and bumped right into him. It scrambled to it's feet and took revuge behind Red's leg. Red turned around and saw that there was a Kid there. He looked maybe 10 years old. He had a large straw hat and a butterfly net. His clothes were in very poor condition and had many holes. He didn't even have shoes. "Gimme that Pokemon!" yelled the boy. He was furious. Red looked at him, seeming very disturbed by the fact that the boy was trying to catch Pokemon with a net. "Why should I? Catching Pokemon with a net is pretty cruel don't you think?" said Red. The boy looked at him confused. "No! You don't understand! I already [i]own[/i] that Caterpie. He just ran away! I want him back!" This just made things worse. "Then I [i]deffinately[/i] won't give him to you!" said Red. "He's running away for a good reason I'm assuming." The boy stopped to think for a second. Then two words is was started it all. "Pokemon Battle." The boy took off two Pokeballs from his belt and through it in the air. "Go, Kakunas, go!" he yelled. "So whoever wins gets the Caterpie, eh? Deal!" And with that Red unclipped his only two Pokeballs from his belt and through it on the ground. "Go! Torchic! Charmander!" shouted Red. The battle commenced. It was two on two and pretty one sided. Kakunas can barely move let alone attack so they just sat there the whole fight. The fact that they were Grass/Poison and Red's pokemon were both Fire didn't help the Bug Catcher much either. Charmander and Cyndaquil jumped, flipping diagonally and got an Ember on both Kakunas. it was pretty much a Knock-Out from the beginning. The Bug Catcher had lost. What a shame. "Looks like you lost tough boy." proclaimed the now cocky Red. The boy looked at him and threw the Caterpies empty Pokeball to Red then left in a rush. Red threw the Pokeball onto Caterpie to capture it. Since it would only make sense because returning it would be cheating. The Pokeball rumbled a bit..[/size][/quote] After a post like that. Because of the great creativity in it instead of just a Pokemon appears, they battle, and it's done. I would say yes. You catch it. In a PM and you can either edit the post or make a new one, continuing from the last. So what do you all think? Is it okay?[/color][/size]
  13. [SIZE=1][color=#333333]Eh heh. Well, much like Chabichou, I make a funny cute squeeky voice when around my whole family. We all do it around eachother. It's.. odd. I constantly draw stupid things at school a Grade Ten shouldn't be drawing... Err... Yeah... that, um, sounded... [i]wrong[/i]... o.o' Oh yeah, I also wish I had super hero powers. Kiddish, I know. Oh, oh! And my friend and I made a video once of him filming a hallway and then me running past the camera with a reversed umbrella in my hand. >:3[/color][/SIZE]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=1]I realized that Pokemon isn't as popular as it used to be. But with your help I would like to create a successful, fun, exciting Pokemon RPG. I was going to try and make it 3-9 participants and basically it would be us all starting in the same place but choosing our own adventure. I will add events such as Team Rocket, Legendary Pokemon and so on. There would be a few rules to be followed aswell, you start with one pokemon and when you wish to catch a pokemon, PM myself with the Subject as something like 'Pokemon Battle: So-and-so!' and we would play out the battle through Private Messages and I would tell you if you caught me or not. Don't worry, I will be very easy-going about this and the battles won't last long. ( For shorter battles you could catch me on MSN and do it with me there. ) But anyways.. Those are some of my ideas. What do you all think? Would you join? t needs much work so all comments are appreciated. Also, could any of you point out some successful Pokemon RPGs that have been on the OtakuBoards? Hopefully by the end of the week I will have a good idea of what to do for the RPG and I will start it. But the best part will be is you had a part in making it![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. Kanata

    Symphonic Metal?

    [SIZE=1][color=#333333]Symphonic Metal, I'm not sure what you mean by that but if you would like some examples then listen to Metallica's S&M (Symphony and Metallica) album. It's really good, combining Metallica with an Orchestra. As a Metal fan, I must defend when you keep talking about all the screaming and shouting. No. There is no [i]constant[/i] screaming in Metal. There may few shouts but that's it. Otherwise, you'd be listening to Death Metal or even more likely Alexisonfire (Ugh). But yeah, Symphonic Metal is great! Kanata \m/[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. [center][size=3][b]Mizzle, the Mage[/b][/size][/center] Mizzle Gizzle, the Mage of the group, walked along the dirt path Jimmy had recently drawn. Miz noted that it was a very nice path. [img]http://img206.exs.cx/img206/3332/18bw.png[/img] Slime, Nin Juu, Hee and Miz kept walking along the nice path. Slime was busy morphing into things like... rocks, clouds, apples, and piles of turd (Although he didn't have to change much to do that). Miz looked to Hee Row. "Hey! You!" he said. Hee looked back to him. "A yeees?" "Did you know that the sky is white with blue lines?" noted Miz. He was very smart. "No - freaking - way." said Hee. He turned back and kept walking. Miz felt proud he had noticed that. He was obviously very intelligent. He decided to practice his Black Magic a bit. So he lifted his hand and it set it on fire. Wicked. [img]http://img206.exs.cx/img206/3996/29ai.png[/img] When Miz got bored of watching his hand burst and un burst in flames, he ran down the path and caught up with the group who was now setting up camp. They would sleep for the night and continue walking early the next morning. This satisfied Miz, as we was very hungry. It was midnight. Everything was silent. Something awoke Miz. It was a loud whistling noise coming from the left. Something was coming. Something big.
  17. [CENTER][b]~ * ~[/b][/CENTER] [b]Character Name:[/b] [url=http://img19.exs.cx/img19/5328/mizzlegizzlethemage9ka.jpg][U]Mizzle Gizzle[/U][/url] [indent]([I]Full Name is Mizzalliosus Gizzandos[/I])[/indent] [b]Character Chosen:[/b] Mage [b]Background:[/b] Mizzle (Miz for short) is a mage. As a mage, he is weak physically, but strong mentally. With a cap on his head and a staff in his hand, Miz enjoys being magical and saying scientifical stuff like 'Apples are Red!' and 'Eyes and Ears my dear Watson'. Ok, those aren't very scientifical, and scientifical isn't a word, but that doesn't change the fact that Miz is the smartest of the group. Born and raised as an adult, Miz has no father or mother, Miz isn't even sure if he is a guy or a girl because stick people have no way of telling the difference between the two. Although Miz is often enough drawn badly, this doesn't stop him from studying up in the arts of Healing and Attack magic. That's pretty much his life. [b]Personality:[/b] Miz, a kind and caring mage, is always thinking about something (unlike other members of his group) and always listens to others ideas. He never uses them, but he still listens. Being a mage and all, he is very shy and often hides his face under his cap looking through the darkness. (Yes, Jimmy is a very unoriginal Final Fantasy fanatic) Not much else to say except he likes to play poker... and that's not saying much. [CENTER][b]~ * ~[/b][/CENTER] [CENTER] [SIZE=1]Awsome idea, Dragon Warrior. Look forward to the actually Adventure... even if I don't make the cut![/SIZE][/CENTER]
  18. [quote name='Altron']And if a Romance forum were to be created, it should be an Advice forum... something that has a wider range.[/quote] [color=#003300][SIZE=1]Now there's an even better idea, to get more posts in the forum. Have an advice forum, where people could ask for advice about lots of things. Im sure it would do good. On the other hand (I'm sort of playing both sides here >
  19. [color=#003300][SIZE=1]Since I joined I have been searching around various threads, old and new, seeing what type of threads other people have made and I was surprised that there was no Romance/Love forum/sub-forum. I think it would be a great idea because of all the people that post asking for advice and asking about stuff like "What Girls like In Guys" (and vice versa). Other stuff like "Whats the perfect gift.." and "Favourite Anime Couple" could go in it aswell. What do you think?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=#003300][SIZE=1]Hmm, I guess I never realized that it was like that. Obviously the forum my brother was on is/was very different then this one. Thanks for your answers guys. That's all I really wanted to know. Especially after the straight forward answer from James. ^~^ P.S. It seems I'm not the only one excited about the new Chocolate Factory movie.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [SIZE=1][COLOR=#003300]I'm just curious here but I was looking at all the mods of the forums and sub-forums and realized some Mods (eg.Syk3, Arcadia) moderate both the forum [i]and[/i] the sub-forum. So I was wondering if that is ever stressful on them and I was also wondering why there are not seperate mods for the sub-forums [i]and[/i] forums. I ask this because my brother was a Mod on another forum and so I have a slight idea of how everything works and I realize that sometimes it can get a bit annoying with all these new members joining and spamming and such. And having to constantly watching over the forums. I think it would make it much easier on them if they were able to only have to worry about one forum/sub-forum. Although I could be totally wrong, they could enjoy having these two roles... What do you think? [B]P.S.[/B] Mods, (all of you [including James and Adam]) I think you are doing an amazing job at keeping this forum in good shape. Props to you guys. Way to go.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=1]I have here a picture of myself that I would like to be turned into a skater like banner and/or avatar. Try and get my face in the corner of the banner (preferably only my hairline to my nose). Asphy's banner/avatar is quite similiar to what I was thinking of, (I especially like the way the face on the banner was edited) so if you did that too it would be appreciated. Of course, I would like my name to be included somewhere on the opposite of the picture and a neato background. To elaborate on what I mean by 'Skater like Banner' would be like red stars, skater logos and stuff like that. Well, I hope someone does this for me. My greatest thanks' in advance. [b]EDIT:[/b] It's been like 5 months so I took out the link to the picture. BEsides I look nothing like that anymore. ^~^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. Kanata

    Power Rangers

    [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=1]Wow, that's a blast from the past. My friends and I have recently discovered how [i]awsome[/i] the theme song to the original Power Rangers (Mighty Morphin) sounds. If you think about it, it must be hard to play on guitar. I've heard rumours it was done by Bucket Head of Guns 'n' Roses but that's only a rumour. What do you think about the song? Onto the actual show? Honestly, how many people here watched it as a kid and how many of you continued watching all the series/seasons up to Dino Thunder (the newest). I only really enjoyed Mighty Morphin and Zeo. But I'm curious about any other of you guys. Which ones do you like? Also, characters. Which rangers were your favourites in the different seasons. Since I only ever watched Mighty Morphin my only 'fave' is the Black Ranger. 'Zach'. Him and his [i]Mastedon[/i] kicked butt. What about you?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=1]Lately I've noticed the great increase of Web Comics on the net. My friends and other 'acquaintances' have started to really enjoy them. I'm not sure but these things are getting more and more popular. I see artists on the net making money of them and everything. So this is my question; [list] [*]Have you noticed what I mentioned above aswell? [*]Do you read Web Comics? [*]If so, which ones are your favourites (genre or titles of comics)? [/list] Quite frankly, I do read certain web comics. The ones I know of now include 'WoT Now', 'Realms of Ishikaze' and 'Angel Moxie'. I really enjoy fantasy web comics, especially the ones that include humour. ^^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=1]This is a really cool idea! This thread will be successful (sp?). Good job, 'Lady A'. [B][ Description -[/B] [I]As the war ended, we let go of our captivity. We would no longer have to struggle each day to hand out balloons. Us clowns were free men now.[/I] [B][ Picture -[/B] [url]http://artpad.art.com/gallery/?i9nenn124m74[/url][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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