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About RabidInuFanboy
- Birthday June 26
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Amateur Voice Actor and Stage Actor
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Chris walked into the large reception area of the airport. Not expecting anyone to be waiting for him, he continued towards the exit of the airport. That's when it hit him, Switch never gave him any instructions as to who he was going to hit, he just said to be in Rome. "Damn it Switch, why must you torment me?" he asked to no one in particular. "I think it's a fun ilttle game, don't you Chris?" a voice called out from behind him. Spinning around quickly, Chris found himself face to face with the man. Well, actually, the assassin couldn't see Switch's face, on account of it being obsucred by a scarf. "Very funny, now tell me, why am I here?" Chris retorted. The man led him outside, taking his suitcase and putting it in the trunk of a black BMW. Chris opened the door of the passenger seat and shut it. Switch quickly climbed into the driver's seat and locked the doors. When Chris gave him a questioning look, he explained that it was a "bad habit, afraid someone might hijack my car." Chris nodded in agreement, but somehow felt uneasy about being locked in the car with this man. As the were driving through the busy streets of Rome, Switch began to speak "You are a wonderful assassin Chris, I admire your skills. And..." Switch trailed off, reaching into his coat. "...That's why I must kill you," he finished, quickly pulling out a 9mm. Chris of course, was two steps ahead of Switch. He reached into his coat with his right hand and ghrabbed the streeing wheel with his left, swerving the car up onto a busy sidewalk. Knocking Switch off balance, his grabbed the man's gun, yanking hard. The inexperienced man lost grip on it and soon chris had control of both Switch's weapon and his own silenced 9mm. He pointed his silenced pistol at the man and told him to grab the wheel. "I want you to drive to the outskirts of the city," Chris said calmly. Switch obliged and they drove for about 10 minutes, Chris holding Switch. hostage. During that time, Switch explained that a man was actually paying him to trail Chris and get some dirt on him. When the man felt he had enough dirt, he wanted Switch to kill Chris. "Well you failed to notice, that I'm one of the best Switch. It's hard to pull a fast one on me," Chris said. That's when Switch surprised him. The man swerved and ran off the road, spinning the car out of control and throwing Chris off balance. When the car stopped spinning, Switch jumped out of the car and began sprinting. "Oh no, you've done it now," Chris said as he unbuckled. The master assassin jumped out of the car and chased after the man. Chris was far more fit than Switch and caught him in a matter of seconds. Tackling the man, He beat his head into the ground, pointing his 9mm at Switch's forehead. "It's too bad Switch, I thought I had a real friend in you. I guess I was wrong. Goodbye," he said as he pulled the trigger and felt the man's body go limp under him. Chris stood up and brushed himself off, that's when he heard gunshots. Noticing the anciten stone structure not too far in the distance, the man began walking towards it. It wasn't everyday you hear gunshots in the middle of nowhere. [I]'Unless you're an assassin trying to get rid of someone,'[/I] Chris thought, chuckling to himself. Making his way quietly up the steps, the male assassin heard talking. Staying as quiet as possible, Chris hid in the shadows, listening to the two women talk. This was strange, why would two women, one clearly and assassin, be in the middle of nowhere on the outskirts of Rome. He figured that he could wait in the shadows a little longer and find out what's going on. OOC:Is this okay amgoddess? I'll edit it if you want me to.
What was the reason you came to OB?
RabidInuFanboy replied to Morpheus's topic in General Discussion
I came to otakuboards after seeing Morpheus post on it about two months ago. He pretty much recommended it to me, since I like to discuss anime, roleplay, and my life is pretty much ruled by video games.So this board was pretty much made for me. -
[B]London, England[/B] [I]The Palace Grounds Hotel[/I] Tear filled eyes stared at the man, "B-but why? Why are you doing this?" The assassin smiled at the girl from behind the barrel of his silenced 9mm. "Because I am being paid very very handsomely to ensure that you are not a problem for my client anymore," he explained in a rich british accent. The man pulled the trigger and a silent bullet was propelled deep into the girl's heart. The victim fell back onto the hotel bed. Chris smiled as the fresh blood trickled from the wound in her chest. He then crossed the room to a set of glass door, stepping out onto the balcony. His brown trenchcoat flowed in the wind as he looked to the street below. He swiftly climbed down a fire escape connected to the balcony and ducked into a dark alleyway. It would be hours before the police found the dead girl's body, and by then he would be sitting in his apartment, already planning for his next job. --- The phone rang as Chris stepped into the apartment. He surveyed the room for any intruders before crossing to the phone. He picked it up and spoke into the reciever, "Yeah?" "I've got another job for you," a familiar voice said on the other end. "Switch? How did you know I was back from my other job? And how do you know that I even killed that girl?" Chris asked, toying with his only friend and ally. "How long have we known each other Psycho?" Switch inquired. "Three months, and not once have we met. And don't call me Psycho, I only use my code name for unsecure phone lines," He replied. "Whatever, I have a new job for you. It's a jealous husband in Rome, Italy. He wants you to kill his wife quietly, and he wants you to keep it clean. He's willing to pay two million US for the hit," Switch explained. "Do I have to pay airfare?" Chris asked. The doorbell rang. "Answer that, will you Chris?" his friend requested. Chris set the reciever down and walked to the door. And envelope was slid under. He picked it up and opened it. Inside was a one-way plane ticket to Rome, Italy from London International Airport. It was leaving in two hours. He crossed back to the phone and inquired, "Why a one-way ticket? Do you think that I'm not coming back?" The line was dead, Switch had hung up. He set the reciever back on the cradle and looked at the ticket again. Chris had to admit, this was getting interesting. He went to his closet and grabbed a suitcase he kept packed in case things got too hot in London. He looked around his apartment one last time and then walked out the door. Next stop, Rome.
Name: Chris Mythis Codename: Psycho Age: 26 Appearance: Chris looks good for someone who sees blood on a day-to-day basis. He has a very creamy complexion with chestnut brown hair and blue eyes. He has a medium build, weighing 160 lbs. This is on a 6'0" frame. Chris is usually seen sporting a brown trenchcoat that covers his hunting knife and Beretta. He wears a black muscle shirt with blue jeans and brown boots under the trenchcoat. He also carries a strand of fishing wire in the chest pocket of his trenchcoat. History: Chris doesn't have the codename Psycho for nothing. He is a ruthless, relentless killer. The only real thing known about Chris's history is that at the age of eighteen, something snapped inside of him and he murdered his parents. As he grew older, he had urges to kill more and more frequently. During these murders, he became more skilled in the art of assassination and began to grow confident in his skills. Of course, Chris began to offer his skills to any person, whether the victim is innocent or not. This assassin does not ask questions. Weapons: Beretta 9mm w/ silencer, 6" Hunting Knife, Fishing wire (to subdue enemies more easily) Skills: Sneaking Origins: Great Britain
[QUOTE=Manic Webb] And if humanity started with only 2 people, that would mean all people on Earth are distantly descended from (well...) 2 people. This part about Genesis was written when everyone you knew was in the cradle of civilization, and people pretty much looked alike racially. No one was traveling far East enough to pass the Himalaya mountains, and no one was passing through the desert to reach Africa. I get that the story of the tower of Babel can account for the many languages spoken, but it doesn't explain why people around the world look so drastically different. But you know what does? Darwin's theory on adaptation. This is why, despite being Christian, I don't like to take too many things in the Bible too literally. Some stuff is just too difficult to explain unless it's meant to be symbolic.[/QUOTE] Not to get in an argument about the Christian religion, but I just want to point out that God created two races of man. Adam and Eve, who were literally children of God, and the Nephilim, who were a race of humans meant to subdue the earth. That's why we have the scripture "The sons of God slept with the daughters of man" Plus, it makes no sense, because if we came from Adam and Eve only, that would mean that there was some incest involved somewhere along the line (Due to the fact that Adam and Eve had three sons). But, I'm getting off on a tangent. Now, I believe in Creationism, but I also believe in evolution. I believe we evolve to adapt to our surroundings, but we didn't evolve from monkeys. That's where I draw the line.
Hmm I can relate... Okay kids, its story time... I had a girlfriend once who absolutely was in love with Inuyasha, so what did I do for her? Buy her bunches and bunches of Inuyasha stuff and watched the anime with her. Even though we broke up, we're still really close and we still watch Inuyasha together. It's sorta like Sara's advice, but the way I see it is... If a girl likes a certain anime character CASH IN ON IT!!!! Seriously, I get more girls due to anime than anything...
Disembodied Voice: The way I see it, you can either go through there and get our flag back, or you can stay here and I kill you, either way, I win Guy outside the portal: Dude, that's enough, no more RvB lines, but seriously though, a rock is not a human. Disembodied voice: Dually noted, now get in there... Guy outside the portal: STOP IT!!!!
I agree, ten days does sound a little on the lengthy side, but I can understand about wanting to have everyone's sign-ups completed.
How good is America doing in their foreign affairs?
RabidInuFanboy replied to Morpheus's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=maladjusted][i]Why is it we get criticism from nations with smaller donations than ours?[/i] [color=darkslateblue]Ok, holy crap. It's because America is the most poweful nation in the world, and about 50 times bigger than the countries mentioned above. Yes, $350 million is nice, but we spend about $350 million each week in Iraq. Could we do no better? I suppose not, since we're just the poorest dang country in the world. Even in freaking recession we're still the most poweful nation in the world. I can see why some of you are angry at people like me saying the US is being miserly, but I'm sorry, I just think we could've given much more. And please take this to heart, I'm not one of those people who hate America for everything it does. If it gave more money I wouldn't parade around saying 'America is arrogant'. I love this country, but sometimes it has its faults. [/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial Narrow]You know what, I'm tired of seeing you post. I'm probably going to upset all the people who are against me in this thread by saying this, but here goes: It's liberals like you who make me ashamed to be an American Now you can go and cry about me not being politically correct, I don't give a **** because I'm tired of hearing your talk about giving more. We don't need to give any more than what we think is sufficient. It's like what a user before me said, we give out of generosity, not because we want to say "Look at us, we rule because we're so powerful and have a lot of money!" I would like to also go on the record and say I have nothing against liberals or democrats in general, just people like Maladjusted who seems to feel that nothing America does is ever good enough.[/FONT][/COLOR] -
How good is America doing in their foreign affairs?
RabidInuFanboy replied to Morpheus's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=maladjusted][i]I agree with absolutely Morpheus. You see, the difference between America and the rest of the world is that we know what is right and we do what we know is right. The problem is, most countries don't want to do what's right, it's human nature. Why do we drink? because it feels good, we don't want to think about kidney failure or anything, we just live for the moment. Just a little comparison to the world.[/i] [color=darkslateblue] Yes, because it is a known fact that Jesus came down upon the US and blessed us and only us to know what is right and what is wrong, and the knowledge that beer can destroy your kidneys.[/color][/QUOTE] I was simply saying that it is not human nature to do what is right. We try our best to do what is right for the world because we have the power to, unlike otehr countries. -
[QUOTE=ScirosDarkblade]That's just your personal definition of murder. So it does depend very much on which way you look at it. As Siren said, banning abortion is just not viable. It's like trying to outlaw sodomy or something. Good luck enforcing it and distributing penalties.... But, we all have already had this discussion before. It's just going to come down to conflicting moral codes and some people feeling that their personal moral codes are the ultimate and superior ones that should hold precedence over those of others.[/QUOTE] I couldn't have said it any better myself. You believe what you wanna believe and I'm not gonna change your mind by pressing my views on you.
How good is America doing in their foreign affairs?
RabidInuFanboy replied to Morpheus's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Morpheus']Does the vast majority eat with forks? Yes. You are missing the big picture. While a few might like us, they don't let the others know. They are pretty much seen as disgusting, as slobs are here.[/quote] I agree with absolutely Morpheus. You see, the difference between America and the rest of the world is that we know what is right and we do what we know is right. The problem is, most countries don't want to do what's right, it's human nature. Why do we drink? because it feels good, we don't want to think about kidney failure or anything, we just live for the moment. Just a little comparison to the world. -
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial Narrow][B]Name:[/B] Matt Robinson [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Personality:[/B] Matt is sort of a victim, growing up in an abusive relationship with his father. He doesn't think very highly of himself, and doesn't like being around others. However, when he's around Jewel, he sort of changes. He is more talkative and is even funny from time to time. Maybe it's because Jewel is the only real friend he's ever had. [B]Appearance:[/B] Despite his personality, Matt is actually rather good looking. He has chestnut brown hair which compliments his blue eyes. He weighs 155 lbs. which looks good on his 5'11" frame. With his medium build, he looks like he could be on the basketball team, but he's never aspired to do that. Matt is usually found wearing some sort of skating t-shirt and blue jeans. [B]Bio:[/B] Matt grew up in a loving household with both his parents until he was six. That's when he parents split up. Unfortunately, Matt's father got custody of him and began to drink. He went through a lot of abuse growing up and really couldn't relate it to anyone. Until he met Jewel. When they first met in the beginning of their 6th grade year, it was awkward, bothof them not very self-confident. Then they began talking with each other, finding out that they had something in common. Now, 17-year-old Matt has begun to realize how much Jewel has been there for him and how much he's been there for her. And he's also confronting the thoughts that, maybe he really has feelings for his best friend..[/FONT][/COLOR]
I'm against abortion. I just think that even if it's in the womb, that child has the potential to be a great human, and when you abort him/her you're basically denying them that chance to become great. Even though this has already been said, there is no excuse for a woman to get pregnant accidentally (this does not include rape, incest, any uncontrollable circumstance etc. I'll get to that later.) these days, with birth control pills and protection. Now if it is uncontrollable, I say have the child and give it up for adoption, if you don't want it. There are many couples in todays world that cannot have children and want them, a couple of my aunts and uncles, for instance. That's just my view on things and I'm sorry if I've offended anyone.
[quote name='ScirosDarkblade'] But that killer 3d Zelda is coming out on the DS (or next Gameboy successor), if anything.[/quote] If you're talking about the one with the more mature looking Link, that's coming out on Gamecube. Just a tidbit of helpful info :D .