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Sea Of Chaos666

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Everything posted by Sea Of Chaos666

  1. [QUOTE=Doc][font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkslategray] Plain and simple, just put it somewhere in your profile/title. .[/color][/size][/font] Yeah your right that's proply best. If people want to know if your male or female, just put it in your profile. If you you don't want them to know don't. But I guess, if you really want to then you could put it in as an option right?
  2. I have a couple of favorites... 1.Naruto-probly because I'm into the whole Ninja Samuria. I also take martial Arts and kendo classes so I guess I can relate. I also relate to Naruto personality. :D 2.FLCL-All I can say is that it's a funny show. I also used to be like Naota, but that changed. 3. Rurouni Kenshin- The same reason as Naruto I like the whole samuria thing. That's about it. These are my absolute favorites.
  3. Well, I don't get angry anymore because I have no friends. But,you get the point. I always got angry when My old friends were picked on but I would never cry.
  4. [QUOTE=Blanko] You see when I am sad... I skip sad and go straight to mad... So mainly Im in a bad mood for the rest of the day. QUOTE] See that's exactly how I am. I get Mad when ever I want to cry. Most of the time to me Crying just gets in the way. People at my school would also make fun of me when I cry. But, I'm always picked on, but if I cryed It would get wores! At that I just get angry and picked on less.
  5. [quote name='GrafX']Pretty good! I love the shading on the second one. The only thing I can see wrong is thta the first Inuyasha's neck is a little too thick. ^^[/quote] I agree you did a great job o the shadeing. But, his neck is a littel to thick. But man! Your so good at shadeing! I can't shade for crap!! :)
  6. [quote name='Ryoko T.D.C.][COLOR=Blue'] But I had a good reason! Someone at my school broke my Gaara key chain! They took his gored off! But that's a different story....[/COLOR][/quote] OH! I would have Killed the man!!! But your right If you don't have a reaon to cry thensimpley don't do it. If you do go on ahead. Well, you guys can go on ahead I not going to. I just hope some guy dosen't come up to me and make me crack like Kenshin did to Soujiro.
  7. [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f]Well, I did state there should be an [B]option[/B'].[/COLOR][/quote] I think That's a great Idea! You should be able to share if you are Male or female. And if you don't want to then thats fine!
  8. I thought of some more. [U]NO[/U] 1. Sonzo from Saiyuki-I love him he's cool but I don't want a guy in my house who tells me to shut up all the time! 2.Cleo from Orphan-She's to bossy. 3.Shishio from Rurouni ken-Waaaaaaaaay to scary. [U]Yeah!![/U] 1. Soujiro from Rurouni ken-He is so cute and polit. 2.Sejiro Hiko-I don't know why there's just something about him. 3.Atsuko Yusuke mom- She's alot loke my sister well, kinda. She would probly get along with Sejiro though. 4.Naruto-His personalty most cloesly matches mine. At least during scholl. Outside of schoolI'm like Naota. Well, I might think of mor again...
  9. I don't get angry. Only for one reason and that is if some one phisicly hurts my friends, and you can't really cry when your fighting for your friends. But, recently I lost all my friends because a friend I trusted talked behind my back. So now I really don't have any thing to cry about. Crying is something that just seems to make me feel weak and get in the way. My sister always when she is crying askes me "how do you do it?" I'll all say is "I hate it." I hate crying and have swore never to do it again. Sometimes I do feel like crying but never let it out. I'm Just the kind of person who can't stand it.
  10. There may be a chance that Naruto will air on Anime Network. Naruto is a pretty violent show. There's some swearing and a fair amount of blood. Anime network keeps some violent shows on there itself, like... 1. Sayuki 2. SamuraiX 3.Get backers What I'm saying is that most violent shows air on Anime network. Adult Swim does however contan some violent shows like Inyasha But, Naruto is pack with a mass amout of blood. Well, at least the comic does I'v only seen three episodes of the anime. The most likely place for Naruto to show up would be the Anime Network.
  11. Well, Thanks anyway. Your right all I need to do is be there for him. He is a good friend and trust me wether I know what to say or not! Thanks again!! :)
  12. Gundam Seed probly. However I'v only seen it about twice so I don't Know who my favorite character is yet. But I like it for the plot.
  13. Wow you did a great job!!! I like the way you constructed the character. I also like the position the character is in.
  14. I think the reason I don't cry is becaues it's been so long since I have cryed that I have come acusdomed to it. And in my whole intier life I'v never cryed on a happy occasion. I only used to cry when I was sad. I came to hate crying because it made me feel like I was weak...like I could not handle anything. I geuss you could say I'm a freak for it makeing me feel weak but it just does...
  15. I need help. My friend Zack is dateing another friend of mine and they have always had efection for each other. But now I think she wants to break up with him and he is really broke up about it. I'm not the type of person...well, I'm not that good at comforting people so I was wondering if someone out there could give me some tips on how to make my friend feel better. If you could I would really apriciate it...
  16. Probly the way the Art is constructed. I love art and have seen my diffrent types of it. But Animes art is diffrent and can be made many diffrent ways. That's basacliy it...
  17. I had a dream after I watch Hellsing. In I think episode 10 Integra has a dream of when she first meet Alucard and I had that exact dream exept it was me insted of Integra. The dream felt so real it was scary...
  18. Yes thats what I belive. I belive you should not cry unless your truly misreble. But then there are others who think if you don't cry you will go absolutely crazy. But I hate crying so I have no intention to do it ever again.
  19. I think what got me into gameing was Final Fantasy 3. I was about three when I started play vido game. I got my frist game consle on X-mas when my parents were in the hospital, my gandma gave it to me. And with that came Final Fantasy nut and still am.
  20. I was wondering I was watching Rurouni Kenshin the other day The episode where Kenshin duels with Soujiro And I noticed...If you could go your life with out crying would you. I haven't cried in over I think three years. I mean I'v been sad but I haven't shed a tear. Is crying a good thing or a bad thing?
  21. I don't think school are safe. Most school well at least my school have no way of keeping people of campus. And if that is the case some crazy Guy with a gun could walk in at any moment. I guess thats what we have lock downs for but all we do is lock the door and sit in the back of the room. But there also the chance if people are in there dormes what do you do then your not in the class room, and the walls at my school are not bullet proof so someone could just shoot us through the wall. Then theres knifes. A student could have one in the pocket and pull it on you at any given moment. I recall a couple of years ago some kid got a knife pulled on him Because the guy was playing soccer without following the rules. No I really don't think schools are safe places considering we have no real way to defened our selfs. No way!!!
  22. Well, my dad made a nickname for me he calls me Dumb ***** number one....wow my dads evil...
  23. I identify with Nota from FLCL. Boardness, have weird peverted friends and I have an Idiot liveing in the house. Favorit clise are sweat shrit and shorts so yeah probly Nota...
  24. [U]NO[/U] 1.Sanoske from Rurouni kenshin- I love him and all and he's funny and cute but think about it...all he would do is lay around and get you kicked out of your huse for not paying the rent on time. 2.Kagome from Inuyasha-GOOOOOOOOD how annoying!!!! 3.Keiko from Yu Yu Hakusho-She cares way to much it would be like you drop a crum on the floor and she would scream at the top of her lungs "OH my god quick get the vacumcleaner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [U]Yeah come on in[/U] 1.Hilda from Outlaw star-She's cool, she would help me out...she's a lot like my sister. 2.Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin-He's polite, Clean, He would help me around we could do some fun stuff together. 3. Nota from FLCL-He is exactly like me in every way....how sad...my freind's even called me Nota.... Well, thats about it I'll think up some more.
  25. Has anyone seen the anime [and manga] outlaw star? Why don't you do what they did in that just a big group of people and some of them start falling for the other. Like there is a diesease going aroud and close friends or family members of each of them has caught it so they meet up and decied to look for the cure together. But as always there is some one out there cause the illness and is trying to stop them....WOW how corney was that!? I have made A lot of Manga's and I sell them at school [But not vary many people like Manga at my school] But If you don't like the Idea then you could ask me for another...
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