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Everything posted by Battlepoop

  1. Battlepoop


    Well, Here we goooooo: Name: Lance Carter Deck- (Will edit later) Blue eyes Ultamate dragon(Top this RedXIII:D ) Right leg of the forbiden one Left leg of the forbiden one right arm of the forbiden one left arm of the forbiden one Red Eyes black dragon Dark Magician Gaia The Feirce Knight Celtic Gaurdian Mystical Elf Gate Gaurdian Soummoned Skull Copycat Reaper of the Cards Attack/Defence point swap Swrods of reavealing light Magical hats
  2. [QUOTE] [I]Originally posted by James[/I] 'tis a good game...I enjoyed it. Much darker than the first game I thought...and pretty tough as well. [/QUOTE] Yes, I personally felt it was a lot tougher than Oot and MM. The fact that you had stats and needed to raise them by killing monsters trying to get 1,000 exp so you can lv. up is tougher than solving puzzles and killing bosses in a cirtian way that you have to do in Oot.
  3. I personally would like to see some PS2 games for the GCN, such as MGS2, Blood Omen 2, and GTA3.
  4. Well lucky me! I have a Zelda II gold cartridge for my NES, and I got it for $5 at Funcoland about 8 years ago. I also got a Zeda I gold cartridge for NES, but the highest price I saw on Ebay for it was $42.:D
  5. I got a call from my friend in New Jersey, and he said he looked up online that Nintendo actually made the Playstaton. He said that Nintendo was going to put a CD drive on the SNES but then it was scraped and they put on a cartige drive instead and sold the CD drive to Sony. Is this true? P.S. I didn't know where to put this, the Sony section or the Nintendo section so I thought this is mainly on nintendo so I put it here. Sorry if it belongs in Sony section.
  6. All you need is PURE SKILL. My friend got lucky and got the crazy hand trophy with roy, but i was able to get to bowser before I died. The point with roy is to run from your enemy and use a charges flare blade or smash attack. If your surraoundes, do a 5 combo with dancing blade to clear out or just do a rolling dodge.
  7. Well, since Jcgoudy is too tired, I'll do this. Step 1: Go to Kakariko village and go to the girl which you helped in kid form bring the cocco's to the pen and got a bottle. She will give you an egg. Step 2: Go to the lost woods with the egg to where the skull kid is. you will find a man and he will give you a mushroom. I think you have 4 min. to get it to the lady in kakariko village in a house. She will make it into a potion. Step 3: Take the potion back to the Place where you found the man. A girl will be there, and give the potion to her forthe poachers saw. Take it to the lead carpenter in gerudo valley. He will give you a broken giant's knife. Step 4: Take the broken sword to biggoron atop Death mountian, and he will fix it, exept he is blind and needs eyedrops. He will give you a prescription. Take it to King zora. Step 5: Zora will give you an eyeball frog to take to the proffeser in lake hylia near the entrance. The prof. will make them into eydrops. Step 6: This part is the hardest. You have 4 minutes to take the drops to biggoron. When you give him the drops, he will give you a claim check. Step 7: play the sun's song to speed time up, and after about 3 days, exchange the check for the Biggorons sword. It is very large and twice as powerful than the master sword, but you need 2 hands and you cant use your sheild when your sword is out. Note: You cannot use warp songs, or the timer will reset to 3 seconds. You should really use epona because it's the fastest way. It took me about 66 trys before I got the sword.
  8. this ones a bit cheapy, but here it goes: What do all these words have in common? Bob Repaper Sees Dad Mom
  9. Don't really think so, but the next Zelda game will be for The GCN.
  10. Don't really think so.... It usually says that you got 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, and all the trophies on the screen once you have them, but to make sure you better put 20 coins and see if the %chance of getting a new trophy get higher. If it remains at 0% when there is 20 coins, then you got all the trophies.
  11. heh, my friend needs 2 more trophies until he unlocks everything. They are Captian olimar and Diskun. If you want to get mad coins, just put a 99 minute battle with 4 computers and go to sleep, then you will get about 20-25 coins. I got the strategey guide, so I know all!!!:D :D :D
  12. Well, My advice to you on event 51 is that you should use someone fast. Mewtwo, Giga Bowser, and Gannondorf are all really slow characters, which you can use that to your advantage. I saw my friend beat it with Fox.
  13. *As the ship jumps into hyperspace, they escape the ties and SD* Matt: Well that was REALLY close. Abob: HEY! I almost got fried! Necare: This is no time to be arguing, we should find someplace we can fix our ship. Lance: How far are we from a Rebel base? We should inform them that the Empire isn't really finished. Abob: We're about 1 day away. Matt: Okay. We'll go there. The Leaders at Rouge Squadron will help us out. *As their ship heads twoards the base, Everyone headed over to sleep while the crew hoped they wouldn't run into more trouble*
  14. *As they were heading Suilis Van, Lance noticed something on the scanners* Lance: (over the intercom system) Everyone head over to the cockpit, We got a situation. Matt: What's wrong? Necare: Yeah, why did you wake me up? Lance: You'd better take a look at this. Abob: What is it? Lance: *He enlarges a picture of the planet in front of them and sees a ship* Matt: It's a spaceship. So? Lance: Not any spaceship. *He enlages it again* See it? Necare: Whoa! That's a Imperial Star Destroyer! Abob: Uh-Oh. We're in big trouble.
  15. *Lance looks out the window and spots a ship on their trail, but then dissapears when Icar switches on his ship cloaker* Lance: [I]What the........[/I] Abob: What did you say? Lance: Uh, nothing i thought i saw a ship following us. Anima: Ah, forget about it. It was probably a civilian craft that landed on the planet we just passed. Abob: Are we there yet? Everyone else: NO.
  16. Ooohhhh a SW RPG ----------------------------------- Name: Lance Carter Age: 19 Speicies: Human Belongings: Clothing, PDA, Sword, and a Laser Rifle. Bio: Abandoned as a kid, he was adopted by a bounty hunter and taught. He is now a bounty hunter, trying to track his father's killer. Skill: Combat.
  17. I loved Les Misarables(did I spell this right?). The part after the intermision was REALLY COOL.
  18. I speak english, chinese, and french. My school teaches us many foriegn languages even though most of the students think its boring.
  19. *Anima headed back to the bar, and found John Chards, a infamous outlaw wanted for $10,000 dead and sees a guy realoading his gun while collecting money and walks up to him* Anima: How did you do that? Lance: Do what? Kill a guy? Anima: No, Kill one of the most wanted men alive. Lance: It's a job. I'm a mercenary. Anima: You want to join my crew? Lance: Your a bounty hunter? Anima: Yes. Lance: Why not? I've always wanted to see what it's like to join a crew of bounty hunters. Wheres your ship? Anima: Follow me. *They join up with Ken and Abob and got ready to leave*
  20. Name: Lance Carter Age: 19 Gender: Male Ocupation: Mercenary Appearance: Black shrit, sunglasses, jeans, leather jacket. Weapons: Desert Eagle, Colt M441 Carabine. Skills: Able to kill anyone in the universe, expert in sniping and firearm combat.
  21. This may sound stupid, but I like The Flintstones on Cartoon Network. I also like south park too.
  22. AHH crud!!!! I really wanted to join this but my mom needed to use my comp so im really sorry for the late join... if you let me join in than post and i will submit my chara stats.
  23. Jackie: But you can't destroy me I have the dog talisman which can give me imortality. Vegeta: Imortality?????!!!!!! Jackie: Yes. And you can't have it. Vegeta: Your bluffing. If you are really imortal than you can survive this.*starts charging a Big Bang Attack* Jackie: Go ahead. Tenchi: Hey, isn't this spaceship gonna blow if Vegeta uses his attack? Ryoko: This should be intresting..................... *Vegeta unleashes his Big Bang Attack on Jackie and explodes* Jackie: AHAHAHHAHAHAH! You can't kill me!:D Vegeta: :cussing:Well, if I can't kill you than I will go get that machine on my own. Jackie: Were comming with you. Tenchi: WE ARE???????????? Vegeta:...................FINE.:flaming:
  24. *Jackie wakes up and looks on the floor of his room and eyes 3 talismans that Jade droped* Jackie: Hmmmmmmmmmm. Theres the Dog, Dragon, and Rabbit. *Walks outside and sits down near the window staring into space* Ryoko: *Comes out of her room* YAWN. So what do we do now? Tenchi: Yeah, so what do we do now? *yawns* B. Vegeta: *Fires a Final Flash into the black hole again. There was a explosion almost as big as the black hole. Then nothing happened. Tenchi: *Sigh* He's at it again. Ryoko: How can trying the same attack when he is possesed work? Jackie: I don't know.
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