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Everything posted by Battlepoop

  1. *Jackie walks around trying to find someplace to sleep* Jade: Hi Jackie!!!!!!!! Jackie: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *pounds hand against heart* Jade, what are you doing here? Jade: I figured you might need some help. Jackie: Well I don't, and didn't I tell you to stay with Uncle? Jade: Hey, you're my uncle so you told me to stay with you. Jackie: Aye guh du gu bu.... ugh. How did your get here anyway? Jade: I fell through the screen there. *Points to a big monitor in the room* Jackie: Well back you go! *Throws Jade into the screen and blocks it with the control panel for the ship and goes outside* Vegeta: Well? Did you have a good nap? Jackie: Don't ask.
  2. Jackie: Well I'm also tired. I think I'm gonna sleep also. Vegeta: THIS IS NO TIME FOR EVERYONE TO TAKE A NAP!!!!! Jackie: Well then what do you sugust we do genius? Vegeta: Uhhhhhh............ we should sleep. *Everyone falls down japanese style again* Jackie: Well good night everyone. *yawns and goes into a room*
  3. i tried this, but I was only able to kill 10 people in creul melee and I can't get past 10.
  4. The worst thing that has ever happened to me was when I was 7, I was walking home from school and I forgot to look both ways so I got hit by a car.:bawl:
  5. heh im in Name: Lance Carter Age:22 Agent number:86 Sex:male Bio: A former FBI agent, Lance was fired because his boss said he was a "suicide cop" and gave his partner a heart attack for driving through a building and landing on a truck in a car chase. Ever since this happened he was traveling worldwide trying to find a law enforcement agency that would not critizie his tactics. He found MI-6 and has bien working for them when he was 17.
  6. Well, my friend was stuck on event 51 for a week. Then, he used luigi and won, then used fox and won. The game is pretty easy, but getting all 290 trophies is a real challenge. and for the clones, they are mario/dr. mario(dr. mario is heavier but stronger), fox/falco(falcco is stronger but slower), captian falcon/gannondorf(ganondorf is slower but sronger), marth/roy(roy is heavier than marth but stronger), pikachu/pichu(pichu is faster than pikachu but is lighter), and link/young link(young link is faster but weaker). As for gannondorf and falcon, it isn't really a comparison because captian falcon is aready very strong with good speed and gannondorf has a lot of power but very slow.
  7. Man, my freind is a ssbm master! He got EVERYTHING exept all the trophies, he needs only 4 more to get 290, he also beat all the events. He said that all the characters were too easy to get and that ganondorf was a want to be captian falcon. And Mr. Game&watch's down+B can catch projectile shots like samus's charge shot and can shoot it back when you press down+B again.
  8. I have gamecube along with super smash bros. melee. If anyone has played the original super smash bros, the graphics and stages look like paper. Take a look at the new graphics- [IMG]http://gamespot.com/gamespot/filters/products/screens/0,11105,516492-90,00.html[/IMG] If you can't see it, than go to[URL=http://gamespot.com/gamespot/filters/products/screens/0,11105,516492-90,00.html]
  9. Worst question I have ever been asked? hmmmmmm When I was in school, a kid asked me where the principal's office was and it was right in front of him with a big sign that said "Principals Office". Ever since I've been wondering how he got out of 1st grade.
  10. I am a great Zelda fan, but for once I am dissapointed at nintendo.:flaming:
  11. Is anyone watching the new episodes besides me?
  12. I thought the episodes were so good I actually recorded them. I'll tell you that 08th MS Team is the best Gundam series ever realeased in the US.:D :D
  13. You don't want to be in my school, i'm in J.H.S. 157 Halsey and the teathers give mad HW, but im off due to that plane crash into the WTC.....:) P.S.- I'm not saying the crash was cool, i'm just glad that i won't be going to scholl for 3 days.:) :)
  14. UGH!!! I'm sick of all these deaths! Once I find out who did this I am gonna make sure that the guys get nuked.:flaming: P.S.- Sorry about your aunt, I almost lost my aunt she works near the WTC.
  15. Please help me! I cant beat the eagles tower. I knocked most of the pillars down but how do you get to the ones behind blocks?:flaming:
  16. Well this has gone far enough, They take me out school for this!:D
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