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Everything posted by icexfire

  1. [font=Century Gothic]How many secret levels are there and also about the second DevilMayCry, i started playing it and then my mom made me stop..well my dad is making me get off..bye now..plz pm me if you want to give me game tips..or give advice...bye now:( [/font]
  2. no i am talking about gaiaonline.com..or it that the same?
  3. yeah i dont know if that is in the rules i might of read over it or something but yeah i was wondering which place was better and what makes all of them so cool...i am a memberof all of them..quizilla is the quiz site that i like..gaia is the avatar site..and theotaku is a quiz and forum site..wow so which is better i hang out at all three all the time the best quizzes though are at quizilla.com
  4. hiya..welcome..i am still trying to figure out how to not piss everyone off...see ya... ;)
  5. i would think cat soup or hello kitty on acid as my friends have called cat soup...it was funny yet really stupid i dont even think it was all anime...the makers of it must of been on crack or really out of it.... :p :love: :tasty:
  6. [QUOTE=Morpheus]Please never post a topic like this again. Welcome to otakuboards. We welcome you. Please read(or reread) the rules: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?[/url]. Enjoy your stay here, but this is considered spam and should not happen again.[/QUOTE] gee thanks*sarcasticly*for not be mean....
  7. hey umm..sorry i am being stupid but would anyone please would someone give me tips on anything...please dont be to harsh while posting..i hate it :(
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