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Everything posted by StormWind

  1. I realize that the convention is over and that I'm probably a little late for this thread but I went to Otakon 2005 with two of my friends! I went as Fiona from Haunting ground and I carried around a little white dog plushie that I called Hewie. One friend went as "The Prince" from Katamari Damacy, and she had this cool head because she could velcroe(sp?) the face over her own so she had the prince face! The other friend was Valtiel from Silent Hill... Valtiel is the Waste Management meaning he drags away the dead bodies! :p
  2. I know exactly what you are talking about. I am always thinking about some strange fantasy that normally have something to do with anime/manga. I would be a lot happier in a world like that I think because we aren't stuck with darned laws of physics or no magic related ideas. I find it all intriguing and would die afterwards to witness such a thing. Overall, I know exactly how you feel. Do you ever think if you were in a parallel world of anime, what would you be? look like? even if you were the same gender? What? It is easier to bring the real world to anime than anime to the real world, I think. I often think of Yu Yu Hakusho or King of Hell((manga)) or something like that. I always imagine something that has to do with a few guys in the real world I like and then some hot anime guys. It gets to the point where I won't stop thinking about it until I fall asleep. Can anyone relate?
  3. Most characters I wouldn't want as a roommate, mostly because of either their temper or what follows them around. Anyways, I'll name three for staying, and three for leaving. Who's staying with me: 1. Shippo from Inu-Yasha-I wouldn't mind letting him live in my house. So what if he's a little young, he's rather smart and stuff like that. Besides, he's cute! 2. Shizuru from Yu Yu Hakusho-Sure, she's Kuzuma Kuwabara's sister, but she's got a good mind to keep people out of trouble, and I might need that. Not to mention she's a good hair stylist, and I need a little help with that too. 3. Young from King of Hell-Nope, I definately wouldn't mind having him in my house. Maybe he's not as good a swordsman as Majeh, and the fact he's from a clan of assassins, he's cute and skilled with his sword as it is. Majeh likes him anyways. Who's staying home: 1. Sesshoumaru from Inu-Yasha-He can just go home! I don't want this guy in my house for the fact that an annoying seven year old follows him around, he would come and go and I wouldn't know when, and then he probably wouldn't talk to me. 2. Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho-Same reason as Sesshoumaru. Except for the seven year old girl. Hiei would just shut himself in his room unless it was mealtime or Kurama made him come out. Also, I don't know how I would deal with his third eye, he might be watching me in my sleep! 3. The Insane Hounds from King of Hell-They're too dumb to know if they've been swindled until someone points it out. The fat one doesn't mind being naked in front of everyone else, and the other two are too stupid in the first place. Besides, they're just stupid, funny in the manga, but stupid.
  4. The cliffhangers are awful. And yes, the artwork is quite clean and it looks very professional. Especially how it is so much detail. Young is also pretty cool ^^ Well, I guess I don't have much else to say other than asking you to tell me I guess fav. characters or moments and stuff. Go ahead!
  5. You know that spoiler tag code is really helping because now I can say what made me cry from X! Well, in the end, [spoiler]Kamui was confronted by his former best friend Fuuma. But Fuuma was the dragon of Earth and Kamui was of Heaven. So when Fuuma attacked Kamui, Kamui had to kill his own friend! By cutting off his head! Then the movie ended with Kamui cradling Fuuma's head in his arms and crying his eyes out, for he was more than depressed for having to kill his best friend![/spoiler] Thats why I cried. It was sooo sad. It still brings tears to my eyes thinking about it. But...thats really the only anime I've ever cried over.
  6. Well, I don't really know how to make a spoiler tag thingy, so I won't tell what happened, but only the attributes that made me cry. Now, I don't really cry when watching animes, but I sort of do without the tears. I was watching 'X', and yes, that is the actual title. It was in the end, when the main character Kamui himself was crying. I was also crying inside because of why he was crying. It was depressing to what made him cry. :bawl: Because it is an older anime, you should check with your nearest movie rental place. They likely will not have it as my blockbuster doesn't..but it is a very good, if it is sad, movie. Thanks! [color=navy][size=1]To create spoiler tags, just type [spoiler]text[/*spoiler], minus the asterisk. Thanks for being considerate of other members. ^_^ ~Dagger~[/size][/color]
  7. I own one through eight...and am going to be depressed if I can't get my hands on the nineth soon.. Out of the three serial manga I actually do read, its my favorite. However, if this thread cannot keep going and people do not continue to reply, then unfortunately it will have to close. .::StormWind::. By the way, my signature is from the fifth manga for King of Hell ^^
  8. I haven't been into Manga for very long, not quite a year. Only 3 serial mangas occupy my bookshelf. Also, I don't have as many as you guys because I don't have a lot of money. I'm not saying that you do, but my parents don't just buy stuff for me either. And I am also not saying your parents do this too. Its just how it goes at my house. InuYasha : I like this one. It's got a good story and is rather humorous. A good display of emotion and not to mention the fighting! Yu Yu Hakusho : I like this one for the same reasons above, and for the fact that it gives me something to look forward to in the coming months because I haven't seen all of the Animes. The sixth one comes out in Feburary, so yay! King of Hell : You probably haven't heard of it, but I did make a thread for this one. This one is good because it is quite original, because demon slaying only goes so far. I have yet to buy the nineth, but I will the first chance I get!
  9. Well, I noticed that nowhere in The Otaku is there anything about King of Hell. I have read all but one of the Manga(1-8) And I was sort of wondering, since it is relatively new, has anyone actually heard of it? Or is that just me? Its about an envoy to the next world, Majeh, who in life was one of the greatest, and if not the greatest swordsmen. Now he escorts souls of the dead to the underworld. But..Majeh has other ideas. It is actually quite good. If anyone wants a preview, then go to [url]www.tokyopop.com[/url] and search for King of Hell. All you have to do then is click on preview. Thanks! Please do tell me if you have heard of it and/or if you liked the preview! .::StormWind::.
  10. Why do I draw Manga? Why do I draw Manga? I'll tell you why I draw Manga, after a few notes. Well, first off, I may repeat what many of you have said or thought, but this is just how I see it. Here goes nothing.. I draw Manga because it is how I express myself. Emotions and feelings I think are best portrayed in Manga or Anime drawings. You know, that glint in their eyes, and just the shape of their mouth, etc... Well, I read a lot of 'because I like tos' and 'I like to read it'. Believe it or not, I was drawing it before I started reading it. It is how I can put my feelings and ideas onto paper, so it is not lost within that mess inside my head. Also, for those of you who say that you like to draw Manga because its easy and you can, wrong! :mad: In no way is good Manga that people actually want to see and praise easy. Sure, maybe you think that drawing your favorite characters from say InuYasha or King of Hell might be easy, but if this thought is yours, then you are sorely mistaken. InuYasha characters have small details that many seem to miss. The main lines, if not placed within at least the general vicinity, make it look careless. King of Hell on the other hand, is one of the toughest I have come across. The lines are so intricate and there are details everywhere, it is difficult. What makes drawing Manga and Anime characters so difficult, knowing how to use any basic shapes to fill in at the start of the drawing, and working off of that. Just drawing a few lines to make the picture, no. The lines usually come out distorted and make the picture look like its been stretched. Anyways-I just don't want to hear that it is easy. But, I hope you just get my point. Thanks!
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