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About MonkeyKingGoku

  • Birthday 08/09/1985

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  1. i've never heard of any of those lmao...i got a rare anime for you... Kaze No Yojimbo... i haven't found a person yet who knows what it is...
  2. I love DNAngel although i have only seen the first two dvds i think its a cute storyline and the art is awesome...
  3. I live in the USA, in San Diego California *snor* lmao well its not all that bad but it does seem to get a little boring around here i mean how much fun could sitting in traffic be...lmao its only fun for the first 9 hours...lmao I'll tell you how bad the traffic is here, my buddies that live in Los Angeles came to pick me up to go hang out down there and we bought a ton of snacks and junk food for the (normally 3 hour trip to LA thats if there is no traffic) back to Los Angeles, we ended up passing out food on the freeway...we were stopped bumper to bumper just sitting there for hours...we were giving people candy they were giving us gum and soda...lmao just something to do to pass the time lmao
  4. Major Tom to ground control i'm stepping through the door...*Sings the song quietly* God i love David Bowie...his music kicks some serious ***....
  5. Green Day is awesome...i have most of there cds... lets see i have dookie, and the nice guys finish last one...and warning, american idiot, and another one its s bunch of there songs i think its a greatest hits of green day cd or something like that.. American Idiot kicks *** that whole cd is awesome, i think the cd is starting to get worn out..lmao i like song number 2 Jesus of Suburbia the one thats 9 mins and something...thats a bunch of great songs all in one...i heard that there record label or manager didn't want them to put that song on there because it was to long...but its one of my favorite songs...
  6. [COLOR=Blue]Oh man thats a hard one...i believe i have watched Dragon Ball/Z/GT the most out of all my animes but Saiyuki comes in second... i have atleast watched all my animes 9 times over...Saiyuki and DBZ the most because with Saiyuki i am always waiting for the next dvd to come out, and DBZ because thats the anime that got me into the whole anime thing so i can't diss my firsts...Plus its a great series in my opinion Vegeta kicks *** :devil: [/COLOR]
  7. *sighs* ahhh saiyuki now i'm in the right topic lmao... I was first introduced to saiyuki by this women that works at the Suncoast i always buy my anime from...i asked her one day what was a great anime to buy since i was looking and shopping around something good to watch, and she told me you will deffently like Saiyuki, i was a little bit Iffy at first because the character designe was different from what i was used to, came home and watched it and i was laughing my *** off, it was the most out spoken anime i had seen at the time and i just feel in love with it... So now i have all of the First Saiyuki and i am waiting for them to release Requiem and Reloaded, and i already have them resurved, if you are looking for an interesting anime to watch Saiyuki is it... I have tons of saiyuki things, wall scrolls, manga, illustration books, and music cds... another thing i liked about Saiyuki was there music of choice...its great ... Of course you can tell who my character of choice is...GOKU...
  8. hey whats a good anime with out a few demons in the mix, i'm sure everyone would rather have demons in there animes, as long as it fits the story line, i mean you cant just pop a demon into Cowboy Bebop you need some kind of a crazy mad man for that....lmao but sure you could in inuyasha... Demons in animes gets a A+ from me...^_~
  9. [COLOR=Blue]Oh man you had to go and ask lmao this is going to take a while just like the games one did lmao (Note all anime with a * next to it are animes that are complete) Series: Cowboy Bepop*-Loved it, the whole story line and everything DB*-funny and entertaining DBZ*-had a ton of vegeta my favorite character DBGT*isn't to bad wish it had more vegeta also i'm collection the lost eps now D.N.Angel- just started buying this one from what i have seen of it its great... GunGrave- same as dnangel i just started watcing gungrave and i'm starting to pick up on the story line Inuyusha- great anime, wish they still played the new eps on Cartoon Network Kaze no Yojimbo- An ok anime, its kinda slow but i really want to see how its going to end thats why i keep buying it Ninja Scrol- again i just started watching this anime, i dont quite follow it yet but the character designe it great Orphen*- awesome anime, its an older one but great none the less PeaceMaker- another one that i just started i have 2 dvds that have been released and it reminds me of Rurouni kenshin in a way... Rurouni Kenshin*- Another great anime what can i say it was entertaining til the end although i wish the end didn't come so soon Samurai X*- although i do like rurouni kenshin better then this one, its interesting to find out how kenshin became the man it is. Saiyuki*- "speachless" its by far one of the best animes in the world in my opinion its funny and exciting Spiral- -sighs- again another anime i just started i do like it very much and it seems to pick up fast..and it holds my attention Trigun*-Yet another great anime, there are just to many great animes out there. Trigun takes the top 5 who wouldn't love to see this one...its has everything a good anime needs.. Wolf's Rain*- i dont yet own all the dvds for this one but i did finish watching it on cartoon network the ending it kinda sad but i think its a pretty good anime... X/1999*- ah X the battle between the dragons of earth and the dragons of heaven, this is a great anime a bit older like orphen but its still really good. And these are all the anime movies i own... Movies: Cowboy Bepop:The movie* DBZ: The Return of Cooler * DBZ: Super Android 13 * DBZ: Cooler's revenge * DBZ:The Worlds Strongest* DBZ:Tree of Might* DBZead Zone* DBZ:Brolly* DBZ:The History of Trunks* DBZ:Bardock* DBGT:A heros Legacy Inuyasha:Affections Touching Across Time* Inuyasha:The Castle Beyond The looking Glass* Samurai X:The Movie* Samurai X OVA*[/COLOR]
  10. I already own Snake Eater and i have to tell you, its one of the best games i have played recently...A little info that i read earlier by Lance saraceno stated "His friend told him that you can't play the game for hours on end because you have a fatigue bar that only replenishes over real time". although this might be true if you do not eat anything, but your fatigue bar can be refilled by eating snakes and other creatures. The only down side i have found on this game is that the bosses are a tad to easy to beat, guess i'm going to have to set it to hard, i am playing on normal as it is... Game play is really good the graphics are as awesome as they could be though it does seem that your cam angles are a little be restricted but thats easy to get over... you can also starve the enemy by blowing up there food storages and then they walk around saying things like "I'm starving" or "i need to get me something to eat" you can also give them food that has some kind of special stuff in it to knock them out and they will eat it because they are so hungry... There is also certian times when you could end the game way before your even near the end, and thats by killing people early that are key players in the game, so far i believe there is only one time that can be done, you can also kill certian people early to avoid other boss battles, but you have to be quick on the draw and a great sniper shot lmao...lmao and i also have to add i like how he always looks at EVa's chest if you push R1. Now getting into what makes this game better then the other MG's...Well for one you are your own doctor, you can treat your wounds, sow them up and wrap them. *Note* You do have to take care of your wounds or your will die from them...that kicks ***...you have to love that. Another thing i really like was in the begining you got to jump out of a playing and free fall in first person mode. They sometimes show clips of you (Snake) eating a real snake, its pretty neat... Well i hope you all like the game as much as i do...
  11. [U][COLOR=Navy]NES[/COLOR][/U] [COLOR=Blue]The Legend of Zelda- Awesome game, although its one of the oldest zelda's it couldn't be more fun. I actually prefer to play this over most of the newer games released Tetris- The classic, everyone can play and love. Note dont listen to the music for to long it will get programed into your brain and you'll be humming it all day lmao Contra- Best game of its time, a really classic. The best part is you get to play with two players at the same time. Spot- Fun for everyone. Point of the game it to have more colors on the board then the other person/computer. I have a ton more NES games but those are the ones most played by me so those are all i am going to put for that system.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=Navy]SNES[/COLOR][/U] [COLOR=Blue]ok first up is The Legend of Zelda:A Link to the Past- Awesome game, one of the best zelda games out there. i have played it time and time again and it never gets old. Donkey Kong Country- Deffently the best DK games out there, even though it is for SNES. Disneys The Lion King- this was the first game i got for SNES lmao i think i was about 8 when it came out. Good games expecially if you like the movie. Super Mario World- Another top game for SNES, nothing much to say about it its just a classic game. Super Mario World 2:Yoshi's Island- far different then the first one, you ride around on yoshi poping out egg that can be shot at an enemy lmao... Again i do have more games for SNES but this are the ones choosen for the SNES list.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][U]N64[/U][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]007 GoldenEye-One of the best games 64 ever came out with. Fun all around no matter how you look at it, Multi-player mode which is the most fun or the storyline mode. Either way that game has had a lot of playing time. The Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of Time- Top Game for 64 in my opinion, you get to ride a horse, break into theives hideout and become a one. Its a amazing games. Shoot bows and arrows, walk inside of a volcaino, fight dragons... The Legend of Zelda:Majora's Mask- Great game but hasn't only been beatin once by me. Basicly you have to find clues and stuff before the time runs out and the moon destroys the world. Mario Kart-Awesome game i'm sure everyone has played at one point or another.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=Navy]Playstation/PS2[/COLOR][/U] [COLOR=Blue]i used to have tons of games for this system but i ended up selling them for money to buy anime...but here are the games i still have. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty- best ps2 game ever. the game play is just amazing. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake eater- i'm still playing that game it is great. Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 1, 2 and 3- Great fighting games. This is actually the first Anime game that i like. 1 was good when it came out, 2 was better then 1 and now 3 tops them all. It takes features from both 1 and 2 and combindes them and makes a great game. Inuyasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale- Its a fighting game that was probably good for its time but although the graphics could be better its still not to bad of a game. Saiyuki Journey West- now i love saiyuki dont get me wrong but damn this games graphics are ********...and the characters a different from the anime...i know i spent way to much money on this game... Inuyasha: The secret of the cursed mask- good graphics but i can't stand the RPG fighting thats in this game..its like FF fighting styles and i would rather have free fighting where you womp on the enemy not take turns Tsugunai: atonement- in two words "It Sucks" i still have it cuz no place would buy it :( And last but not least for PS2 Grand Theft Auto 3- the best GTA game out there...[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue] So thats it for now i do have Gamecube, Xbox, Gameboy xp but i'm going to have to save those for another time...a hint of what i have on gamecube is Zelda...lmao[/COLOR]
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