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Everything posted by celestialcharm

  1. [quote name='Lix][size=1][color=slategray]Then I'd get lost. Seriously, I got lost in a Toys R Us once, I don't think I'd do well in Japan with all those people.[/color'][/size][/quote] :animestun That reminds me of that time that some kids got locked in there during one Easter weekend a few years back. They had to survive on easter eggs. Well, if I went to Japan I'd probably go to my hotel and sleep. Then, I'd act all touristy and take pictures and buy tacky shirts to give to my relatives. :animesmil I would get that out of the way first, so I wouldn't forget or have to spend my last dollars on their stuff. But, of course I'd buy stuff that I couldn't get for a good price in Canada.
  2. [QUOTE=Sui Generis][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=Indigo] There is this candy that has just recently came out (within the last year or two) around my area called Ferrero Rochers and they are probably the best things since...peanut butter. They are absolutely deliciuose, I got a pack of 40 for Easter and they were all gone before the lunch. I could eat these things all day long! Has anyone ever had them before? Oh man I love them. ![/font][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I love Ferrero Rochers!!! Usually, my mom buys it around Christmas time though. My favorite candy would be... I have too much to choose from!! I'm a candy fanatic, which is bad because no matter how much I brush my teeth, I still get cavaties(getting fillings hurts!) Anyhoo, one of my most favorite candies would be gobstoppers! Those are so addictive and colourful. My fav one is the green one. I also love nerds!! They are so sweet and have a unique taste. I like to add them to bubblegum when it loses its flavour. I love smarties, hershey's (the almond or almond and toffee kind), and peanut m&ms. However, when I go to the states I cannot eat the chocolate because its too bitter!! :animestun
  3. My eldest sister ask my second eldest sister and I what would we do if our kids (if we have kids) told us they were gay or a lesbian. I answered that it wasn't my business what their preferance is, but my sister(2nd eldest) said that she would send her child to one of those camps!! She said something that they choose to be gay or whatever! But, she's a pretty hardcore Christian. :animesigh Personally, I as a Christian think it's their own business. But, why do people even care if people are lesbians or gay?! It's like people need a new hobby instead of persecuting(sp?) the gays and lesbians!! That poor teen is gonna have some major psycological issues! Maybe we should rescue him???
  4. For me it all depends on how good the voice acting is. Most of the anime I watch are dubs except Furuba. I just can't stand the english voice acting for it :mad: !!
  5. Here's another odd one, well I'll just write the P.s. [B]"P.S Don't die this summer and I'll see ya next year."[/B] Hopefully he didn't jinx me :animestun Ooh and how can I forget this one: [B]"Hi, I'm the abuser. Your Gay...n' ur Inuyasha...GAY! LOL. Don't go Crazy. EZ.Luv Komal."[/B] Now she sat beside me in Civics class and hit me nuff times for no reason :animeangr Here's another hateration one: [B]"Yo Charlene cum on get a grip or shud I take U to therapy."LoL" It'z bin so much fun knowin you and I hope to see you next year. Become [U]Mature[/U] Keep In Touch Nuff Luv Harmeet :animesmil "[/B] I am mature in my own way... Now another odd one: [B]"I am a better archer than you HaHa-Erin"[/B] Meh, he's just jelous that I got second in Ontario... Well my girl's team :cool: I don't think he can even shoot an arrow. Edit: I forgot to add that Harmeet wrote somethig else! I kinda decorated the cover of the autograph sheet with pics of anime characters. Well she wrote: [B]"U and ur gay Inuyasha related shows I hate them plz watch something [U]else[/U]."[/B] tsk tsk tsk, I should find her some nice wholesome anime to watch or manga to read.
  6. I just got my "autograph sheet" {I get my yearbook in August} and I was wondering what was the most memorable or oddest thing that someone wrote in your yearbook. Soooo, I'll start us off! :catgirl: I made my brother write something and he wrote: [B]"[COLOR=Blue] Ew blue pen wait let me get a black one. [/COLOR] There we go hahaha! you finally got to the end of school but you didn't learn anything except skholl is bording ha spelling mistake hehehe. See you at the anime fest. Bro Devon [COLOR=Blue] PS See u wen I open my spy school :animeangr stupid blue pen[/COLOR]"[/B] And someone else wrote: [B]"you sexy lady..waz up... I know you're my fan but I'll act as if I'm your friend..come online & keep in touch.-Sarah"[/B] but I think the oddest thing written was what my bro's friend wrote" [B]"Your so selfish, you know that! Always puttin pictures of seshomeru(I don't care if I spelled hus name wrong, in fact I did it on purpose) in my face along with your Yukimura! That's why your selfish! Grrrrrrr :mad: Anyways, don't do drugs, stay un school etc. Oh and by the way, April Fools!!!!ummm yeah. ha.ha.ha. I'm cooler then your bro,Jonathan P.s. Don't go to spy school" This was followed by a poorly drawn picture of Tsukasa from .hack//SIGN which said Tsukasika (Ha.ha.ha)[/B] The selfish thing he's talking about is because I was talking about Tsukasa and how he always says "Adults are so Selfish"
  7. [QUOTE=Retribution][SIZE=1]I was born on Queen Isabella of Castile's deathday. Just so you all know, she authorized Chris Columbus' journey to the new world, but [B]also gave the thumbs up to the Spanish Inquistion >_
  8. [QUOTE=r2vq] My cousins live in Mississauga... Mississauga has the coolet mayor. How old is she now? 90? -ArV[/QUOTE] :rotflmao: I'm going to CN Anime!!! Me and my bro decided it would be jks if we cosplayed as characters from balloon fight!! So if I do cosplay as them, look for a girl with a balloon attached to her waist!
  9. I have some stickers of some of the nintendo cartoons. If my scanner was working I'd scan and paste them here.
  10. I live in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. I'm like 10 minutes away from the airport. So, I remember when I was younger plane engines use to be so noisy, the sound made our windows shake! :animestun I wonder if maybe they just changed the plane route because I don't notice the sound anymore. I lived here for my whole life, in the same city in the same house. I would complain, but my house has ac! That's enough to make me stay. :animeswea
  11. Right now, I'm planing to get a book published before I'm 20. I want my books to be made into movies. I also want to become a famous archer. Right now, my girl's standard team is second in Ontario. Next year, I'm planning to get gold. :animesmil
  12. Let's see... With my mom's side there's "The Aunties" No, they are not her sisters but her aunts. They practically raised her so she always wants us to visit them. The one that lives with us is the oldest sister of 'The Aunties.' She has the tendancy to talk to herself. I think her acting old is an act because one time she took so long to get out of the car but then the next second she went up those stairs like it was nothing. Another one of my aunts is very nosy. She once lectured us (well mostly to my brother) at what she thinks about interacial relationships. What she said was she doesn't have a problem about it as long as they're at equal brain capacity as yourself. But the way she said it made us laugh so hard in the car when we left her house. Now, my home family My mom reminds me of Mrs Bucket from 'Keeping up Appearences.' She comes from a 'ghetto' family, but she likes to act kind of like she doesn't. She had a hard tie growing up so she buys lots of stuff that she wished she had growing up. I think she's trying to replace me with some giant doll she named "Alanna." :animestun Meh my dad's not crazy except the fact he's paranoid when he see's the tv controller on the floor or on the couch. He even yells at you if you drop it on the ground. My brother is obsessed with Video games. I think it's his lifeline. My sisters and I once was watching his facial expression as he played and we caught him as he droolled. :animeswea One of my sisters is so blunt! Sometimes she doesn't think before she speaks.She once saw a girl on tv with a big neck and exclaimed "That girl has such a big neck!" followed by "hahaha Quasimodo" My other sister now, she's just her own person. She once dropped 10 cents down my pants and she also stuck a pen up my nose and made it bleed. :animesigh The sad thing is that I must be te craziest of them all! :catgirl:
  13. I'm the youngest with 2 sisters and a brother. Right now since my sisters are home from university, they're just annoying me! One of them keeps rolling on me to bother me when I'm trying to sleep(on a school night too! And she's 23 by the way!) The other one is so blunt. She called me dumb for not realising Boo Radley from 'To Kill a Mockingbird' is white until ch. 29 and the book has 31 chapters... :animeswea She's almost 21. My brother... well he's my brother. He doesn't do much to bug me. I bug him more. But what annoys me the most about my siblings is how they sometimes gang up on me! Plus they love to tease and call me crazy. But, we still get along well. Me and my brother actually talk to each other at school (he's 18 and I'm turning 16), and we're going on a school trip to France/Spain. My siblings and I actually hang out and have discussions with one another (like whether Madeline is an orphan or not... but this is now a forbidden topic in our house :animeswea ) But it's all good, except the fact my friends think they are so cool and funny, and the fact my siblings ignore me once in awhile. I only tolerate them sometimes because, one of the best things about being the youngest is that they give you stuff! :animesmil Plus, you can manipulate them!!! Muahaha :bellylol:
  14. Personally, I don't like this song. 1. It sounds like 'Magic Stick' by 50 cent ft Lil Kim. I loved this song off too. 2. It's too dutty for me to listen to :animeswea
  15. [COLOR=Indigo]I recently had a dream of some guy i used to have an infauation on. I think it ended that he liked me, even though i didn't like him anymore :animestun I had a dream that my only brother died.. :animedepr I woke up crying. I have this weird dream that reoccurs every once in a while about some ghost train. But I had this even weirder dream about a giant scary DK (yes the one from nintendo) outside the tv room window!! He even knocked on the door and like an idiot I think I opened it, but he was too big to come through the door! Let's just say I have a grudge against DK now... :animesigh But the craziest dream I ever had was the one that I call "Jamanji meets Jarassic Park." Okay, it starts off that I'm sleeping on the couch in the living room. (my nomad days, when I didn't have a room, so me being the youngest had to sleep on the couch) I hear a rumbling of a stampede so I woke up. It ended up that there were dinosaurs running through my house! I was kinda like :animestun because I was still sleepy. When they passed through the house, I headed for the basement for some reason. In the basement were some Raptors, and they were tearing pillows apart(I don't know where those pillows came from though...) So, I freaked out and ran upstairs when one of them noticed me. I think I ended us running upstairs and hiding in the attic. Then I woke up. I think I watched Jarassic Park too much times...But I wonder where my family was :huh: [/COLOR]
  16. Okay, I'm gonn feel really silly writing this but... I met Bill Nye the Science Guy Before!!! :animeswea I don't remember it because I was like 5, but my sis has an autographed poster. My aunt also said hi to Jamal from "Ghostwriter." That show was so funny! I just hope I meet some stars in the Future...
  17. My siblings and I decided that Barbies "sisters" are her kids. You never see her parents around unless they have kids and give them to her to raise. Well, anyhoo I used to love playing with my Barbies. One time I made her into godzilla and she attacked some electronic dog toy I had. :animesmil Ah, good times. Also, we (my cousins and siblings) had a funeral for Skipper when a cousin on my mom's side bit off Skipper's arms legs etc. :animestun But personally, I don't really see that there's anything that wrong with Barbie. All toys have their faults. Right? :animestun
  18. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet] I just hope that in the next few months I don't end up with the Seseme street song in my head. Help me![/color][/QUOTE] There is a riddim called the seasame street riddim... its very intreastin.. Well anyways, one time I had that song from that hair commercial that goes: "I see you baby shakin that thang" or something like that. :animestun One time my sister was singing that song from the always commercial... :animeswea Then she said that it was catchy and started singing it around the house... she just couldn't get it out of her head. Ah, my crazy family :catgirl:
  19. Aww I never been in love before. My crazy friend is trying to set me up with someone this summer. She said something bout walking around town picking up boys. Honestly, I think I have my whole life ahead of me cuz im only 15.
  20. The Fruits Basket episode when we find out what happened to Momiji's parents and the one where we find out why Yuki hates Akito.
  21. I think I would think that if some anime character came into my class.. I might burst out saying "Ahh!! Rabid fan!!" while running around in circles. Those crazy fans...you can't trust them.. Look at what happened to Selena... But I do find myself thinking wouldn't it be cool if I could go into some parellel demension that was like fruits basket or inuyasha? And sometimes I think about Gundam SEED. If I ever went into that demension I could probably steal a Gundam.. :animestun
  22. [quote name='Katamari666']Id like esclaflowne to come back and ... well I dont have cartoon network where i am so ... (DAMN I WANT CN but im in canada :animecry: :animecry: lol[/quote] I loved that show!!!! I feel your pain i'm in Canada too! [quote name='Loving_Senpai']There was a anime the used to come on UPN, it was called Samuri Pizza Cats. I think they should redo the artwork and bring it back, because it was a funny anime and they actually did some pretty cool moves when fighting evil. LOL :animesmil[/quote] I loved Samuri Pizza Cats!! That was one of my first anime shows. Enough with the quoting, I think they should put Gundam Wing back on because i never took the time to watch it. I hope YTV starts airing Full Metal Alchemist though.. Unfourtunatly I don't have satilite!! Fruits Basket would be nice to see on tv too...
  23. I know the perfect song!! I don't think this song is too stalkerish though..it's more like a rabid psyco fangirl song [CENTER]Jarvis Church Song: Run For Your Life Hey what's that in the alley with a knife in her hand I think it's that girl from the autograph stand She looks kind of sad, does she understand That we're only doin' our job Tryin' to make her happy when we play these songs But now the show's over, she's comin' over With a knife above her shoulder I told ya, I told ya, I told ya, I told ya Run for your life You'll wish you had when se Cuts you with a knife And leaves you Laying on the sidewalk With your Heart in your hand If you see a girl with a knife Riding on your bus with my name Written on her face don't make a fuss Don't rush take time this girl's dangerous To guys like me who are on TV Canadian celebrities can hardly believe That you're going to act weird when you see 'em on the street If you've seen what I've then you're better to believe, to believe me Run for your life You'll wish you had when se Cuts you with a knife And leaves you Laying on the sidewalk With your Heart in your hand (Talking) Hey Jarvis, could you sign this for me, please? Yeah, sure, no problem Make it up for Sarah Ok Oh my god, I can't believe I'm actually talking to you, wow Did you liked the show? I loved the show Actually, I know every thing about you, I know where you live Ya And you phone number, and I like to watch you at night and What? Actually hem, I like drive by, where you live at I never stop though 'cause your wife is always home And I know if she were to look into my eyes she would see that We are in love, yes we are in love (Someone call the security) Did you get that package I sent you? Run for your life You'll wish you had when se Cuts you with a knife And leaves you Laying on the sidewalk With your Heart in your hand Run for your life, you'll be lying in the sidewalk, with your hand in your hand[/CENTER]
  24. I feel so dumb writing this... but I would love to have Jublilee's(from x-men) firework powers!! My siblings think I'm so foolish for always wanting an 'impractical' superpower. But having fireworks shooting out your hands or fingertips is sooo cool!!! I also thought they look so sparkly and colourful. I could blow stuff up and make money for doing a fireworks display!! That would be so fun!! :animestun
  25. My first ever experience with death was when my uncle died. We were close. I was in grade 4 then so it was 1999 or 1998. I remember like it was yesterday. He was really sick in the hospital with some form of cancer or lukemia. We visited him that same day he passed away because my mom had some kind of dream that told us we should go visit him. So anyways, my parents, sisters, brother and I were watching tv in the tv room. We were having a good time when the phone rang. My dad answered it and he said that my uncle might not go through the night. Everyone got silent. Then in about half an hour or so the phone rang again. my dad answered it, talked a bit and hung up. He then said "That's it. Uncle Cecil is gone." those were his exact words. My eyes are starting to fill with tears writing this. :animecry:
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