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Everything posted by celestialcharm

  1. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]I'm not sure if it's just because of my mid terms, but isn't downloading [I]legal[/I]? Isn't it uploading that's illegal? Or maybe that's just in Canada?[/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]I go to the [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_guelph"]University of Guelph[/URL]. It's the top comprehensive university (whatever that means) in Canada. I think I read somewhere that it has the top ranking in campus food :D There is practically every type, so it's a great school for vegetarians and vegans. I live off campus, and it only takes me about five minutes by the bus to go to campus. But, it's kind of hard to be a first year living off campus. Especially since all of my roommates are 23-29. My school is I think one of three schools in Canada that offers a Veterinary program. So, every few days campus smells like cows... There are also horses somewhere, so I stay far away from them due to my fear. It also offers an agricultural degree and is know for its environmental sciences. One of the weirdest things on campus is The Cannon. Yes, it literally is a cannon. It's a tradition to paint the cannon. BUT, there are certain (unofficial) rules to paint it; [QUOTE]1) do not begin painting the cannon until the sun has set 2) be finished by the time the first students arrive for classes in the morning 3) avoid profanity or coarse language. It is well-accepted practice to "guard" the cannon until sunrise so as to avoid another person or group painting over one's message.--Wikipedia [/QUOTE][/FONT] It's always interesting to see what people write on it. Once, there was a conflict between two groups, so they ended up each taking a side of the cannon to write on.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][quote name='Lunox'][font="trebuchet ms"] Sorry, Remus Lupin definitely owns anime. :p[/font][/QUOTE] My goodness, you are like my friend! She's obsessed with him. Good thing I wasn't in the same room as her during our discussion of the whole Werewolves Vs. Vampire debate. I'd probably go with vampires. The whole hairy werewolf thing doesn't appeal to me. But, wow I never realised how much it must suck to be a female werewolf. You finish menstrating then, bam! It's the full moon![/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Gamecube: [B]RE4[/B]--I've been playing this game since I was 16...I am now 18...I even had to get my sister to buy it for me. BUT, hopefully will finish it by next year. It's still really fun, and I finally made it to the second disk last December. Nintendo DS: [B]Trauma Centre[/B]; I love this game!!! It almost made me wanna become a surgeon except for the fact that I'd probably be more of a harm to people in real life...I got stuck in it, with the stupid Tetri, so I took a break from it. I picked it up in August, and I finally got passed it! Now, I'm stuck again... Wii: [B]Trauma Centre; Second Opinion[/B]-- Ok, I can't get enough of Derek Stiles. But, I can't play it right now because it's back at home. It's probably a good thing, because then I'd have a reason not to study.:p[/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]:animeshy: Oops, I forgot to type all that stuff. Gosh, I'm acting like a n00b. :animesigh Ok, I would like it to be the same size as my current banner/avatar, which are around 390x100 and 150x80 pixels. Other than that, nothing specific. I would like to have it textless.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]I had my current banner avatar set on for decades, so I was wondering if someone could create a banner/avatar set of one of my favourite fanfic shippers, Sasuke & Hinata. I found this [URL="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c147/celestialcharm/sasuhina.jpg"]pic.[/URL][/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [quote name='Shinmaru']You look nice and all, but wow, I still cannot get over how *** ugly that cover for [i]Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows[/i] is. It's like someone was drawing a MAD Magazine cover and suffered crippling brain damage halfway through.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]It is ugly, and they do look like they were meth addicts or something, but the fact that it's Harry Potter outweighs it's ugliness :animeswea[/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]My sisters and I were talking about this the other day. When my eldest sister asked about Santa Claus when she was younger, my mother said that [B]Santa doesn't come to black people.[/B] :animestun My mom made it know that it's the parents who spend their hard earned money on presents. As for me, my eldest sister tried her hardest to make me believe in Santa. I was iffy of his existence (because a lot of television), until one Christmas Eve, I couldn't go to sleep. So, I went to my parents room, and I saw my sister and my parents wrapping up presents. After that, I knew for sure he didn't exist. I only 'believed' in the tooth fairy to get money. It worked once, but I only got about fifteen cents and a button. I think my brother was the one who put that under my pillow... The Easter Bunny... according to a story I read, he's an enslaved person or something. It was a good read, but I don't believe. Plus, I agree with Premonition, he is sooo stealing Jesus' day. I believe in practically everything else. Aliens, ghosts, God, Faeries, mutants, wizards and whatever else I think seems intreasting to believe in. :p[/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]The Simpsonized Me [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c147/celestialcharm/char-1.jpg[/IMG] I forcedmy sister to take this on my birthday. [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c147/celestialcharm/July2030.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/FONT]
  10. [FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][quote name='Dagger']I'm a Mori/Haruhi fan myself. Kyouya/Haruhi comes in a close second.[/QUOTE] Before, I had no idea how a Mori/Haruhi shipper would work. I thought [I]he doesn't even talk[/I]! But, after re-reading a few volumes of the manga, I now know that there is potential. I just overlooked it. I prefer Kyouya/Haruhi. I think it was fanfiction corrupted my choice. I think it's also because I have an addiction to the bad boy/good girl cliche. Edit: I forgot to ask something. I heard that there is going to be a live action and saw a site with a bunch of pics with the cast. Is this true, or was it just an obsessed fangirl's doing?[/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [QUOTE=r2vq][color=#007520] Oh... and because I live in Canada, I have 9 years of French under my belt... but if I try to speak much of it... Japanese comes out. >_> [/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Book Antiqua]For me it's a mixture of French and Spanish because I took a beginners Spanish class in grade 10. It was so embarassing when my Spanish teacher asked me how I was in Spanish at prom, I answered in French. But, I am taking Spanish again as a course in university. Anyways, I wish I could speak another language fluently. When my sister was younger, my mom sponsered my aunt to some from Curacao to come live with them (I wasn't born yet) in Canada. My sister spent alot of time with my dutch and [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papiamentu]papiamento[/URL] speaking aunt. So, when she was learning how to speak, my aunt was learning English. My mom said that my sister could communicate with my aunt in papiamento. But, it ended up that my sister needed speech therapy in elementary school because she couldn't pronounciate some of her letters. My mom never thought it was important for us to learn, so we're all English speakers. :( Plus, it was probably because the government thought my aunt was just faking that she couldn't speak English. Crazy 80s.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Book Antiqua]I never been on here in ages. Anyhoo, I took this pic at prom. Too bad I don't look like this everyday.[/FONT][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c147/celestialcharm/CharlenesProm022.jpg[/IMG]
  13. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Book Antiqua][QUOTE=White][COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Tahoma] Will any of you OBers be going to Anime North? ._.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I'm going too!! I'm so excited! I was going to go camping that weekend, with the school, but I already bought my ticket. :shifty: I never been to Anime North. The most I did was pass by it when my sisters and I were dropping my mother off to a conference. :( But, it was fun driving past cosplayers. Now that I think about it, it's kind of sad that I never went because I only live seven minutes from the airport.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  14. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkOrchid][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c147/celestialcharm/soul2.jpg[/IMG] The Socialite: A pretty sweet job. All you have to do is look pretty and feed the media with stories. :animeswea [B][list][*]Do you have a job? [b]If so, where and what do you do? If not, where would you want to work?[/b] [/B] I have no job... I'm more of a summer worker. If I work during school, I'd have a reason to fail. ;) I would have LOVED to work as a flight attendant, but then I realised that I get motion sickness. So, I'll settle for a job with the government, even if I strongly dislike them, at least they take care of you. [B][*]If you were an assistant of Donald Trump, what would your job be? [/B] I would be a helper monkey. I'd be the person sent on runs for coffee, dry cleaning etc. It would be like [I]the Devil Wears Prada [/I] all over again. Except that I wouldn't be a jerk like her. [B][*]How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?[/list][/B] A woodchuck would chuck so much wood that the environmentalists would shoot it down for destroying their forests. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkOrchid][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c147/celestialcharm/twiggy.jpg[/IMG] This is action-y enough, right? It?s too cold to be extreme and exams lowered my IQ to the extreme! There might be something wrong with my camera...Maybe it's fixable? :animedepr [B]If you could combine two animals, what would they be, and why?[/B] A cow and a turtle! Why? Cows are cute, turtles are cute, together they would be the hottest species on earth! Well, it would be the hottest combination because according to what I learned in biology, it would not be a new species. >_< Anyways, I have a weird obsession with both cows and turtles. Turtles are cool because they swim as if they're flying through the water and cows are just such sweet creatures. [B]If you had to film an action movie, what location in the world would you think would suit the most exciting action scene ever? (In other words, where would you film it?)[/B] Ah, there are so many interesting locations in this world! So naturally, it would have to be Las Vegas! It has everything! So, the scene could go from a volcano to the Venice canals. [B]Let's say you ruled a country. Whether your economy prospers or not is up to you. In otherwords, you can be a harsh ruler to your people or a kind one. But what of food? Do you vary in vegetation and agriculture? Do you have a large marketing system? Perhaps some world wide food industries were founded in your nation. The question is, how do you run your country's food situation following those guidelines? This takes more thought, folks. You can choose to make your food of plenty or not. What's it going to be?[/B] Power usually corrupts me, but I?d try to be the best darn ruler that I could ever be! I attended this environmental meeting earlier this month. They said that we import and export the same types of food! For example, one year we could export about 40 000 chickens, and in the same year, we could be importing 10 000 of the same types of chickens! It?s the same thing, so why do we need to import something that we already have! SO, in my country, we would grow foods locally and import only foods that cannot grow in our region. This would create less emissions. Anyways, We would export foods to I guess the countries that our produce are not local to. But, in the end, I bet a gas or transportation company would kill me. I?d be taking away too much of their profit. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  16. [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c147/celestialcharm/DSCF14492.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial Narrow][B]Name:[/B] Charlene[/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Book Antiqua]He's not really dead. He's on an island with The Crocodile Hunter, Princess Di, Aaliyah, Biggie Smalls, Left Eye, etc.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Book Antiqua]I never actually used a pick up line before, but I was randomly searching the web the other day and found this: "Baby, can I be your DNA helicase? 'Cause I want to unzip your genes."[/FONT][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Book Antiqua]I love to dance, but currently I'm on a hiatus from my Saturday belly dance class. I'll register for the next session in January. Anyways, I know a bit of jazz, bhangra, ballet, West African dance and salsa. I took a jazz class a few years back, but the rest of the dances I learned in a dance course at my school. I love this course. Last year, we had an assignment to copy 30 seconds of dance moves from a music video. It doesn't sound like much, but it is alot. Then we had to dance to it first by using the song from the video, then the teacher but on an African song. It was alot of fun! I also know a bit of dancehall. Some of those dances are crazy good, but other ones are like "Who in their right mind would think of that?!" Like this dance called 'the Dutty Wine.' I like the riddim that goes with the dance, but the dance itself is stupid. It even got banned because it was dangerous. I saw some videos on youtube with people going into walls and stuff, and here's an [URL=http://www.one876entertainment.com/news.php?subaction=showfull&id=1162161262&archive=&start_from=&ucat=2&]article[/URL] about a person who supposedly died because of this dance! [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Book Antiqua][QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy] Would you rather invite Oprah to your wedding [center]or[/center] Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes? [/color][/font][/QUOTE] I'd invite Oprah of course! Tom might jump on the bar and cause havoc, and poor Katie would be a zombie following him or something. Would you rather: [B]Be overly emotional or Have no emotions at all?[/B] Hopefully no one asked this question yet. I was too lazy to go through them all.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkOrchid]According to [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_Dead]this[/URL] , zombies have already attacked my town. But, I think I'd use salt. If that doesn't work, at least it will kill the worms on its corps. That or I'd have my BBQ lighter with my arosol can or perfume bottle. Instant flamethrower. :cool: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Book Antiqua][QUOTE=Ikillion][color=#d2b43b][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS] [URL=http://www.wiihaveaproblem.com/]Yes there is[/URL] My friend showed me this site today and after seeing how many problems that the Wii has caused (Be it that this people were flinging their Wimotes at very high speeds), is there any thoughs of showing restraint when you play? Some of these people have broken labtops, Televisions, and even windows. After seeing this it really makes me think of being more careful when I actuall get my Wii, and not go swinging it around like a madman with it. Any thoughs?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Oh my gosh! It could have flew into somebody's eye! But, I say God speed to anyone or any electronics in the room while I play it. I don't have a Wii, but I'm sure my brother will get one by his next birthday.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Book Antiqua][QUOTE=The13thMan][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic] McDonalds! We're going to McDonalds, grwaaaahaaaa!?!?!!!! That was my response whenever my mom told us we'd get to eat out. But as a grew older we started going out to fast food joints less and less and we eventually stopped altogether for home cooked meals and eventually some health food, thanx to my dad. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] To me, McDonald's now tastes like absolutely nothing. The only times I eat it is basically when I'm forced to because my sister (whose 24) wants Happy meal toys. :rolleyes: Anyhoo, Maybe it's because of the time change, so I'm uber sleepy, but I just realised that maybe [I]we[/I] think the whole health craze food tastes bad. But, how do we know that with the generation before us, their food tasted better, but then they changed it, so they thought it tasted bad, but we thought it tasted good? :animestun I can understand taking out or cutting down on the transfats in food. But what I don't understand is the way that they just forced it upon us! The man's trying to keep us down! :animeswea Anyways, I think that companies are just trying to save on money by putting less sugar in stuff. It's like I'm paying for less sugar and being bamboozled! And now some foods lost that zing that it used to have. But the most junk food I eat is candy and Wendy's (which I never had in awhile...) I think maybe I'm just unconsciously eating healthy because of the whole subliminal messages. Plus, with less sugar and less artificial stuff, makes me not want to eat junk food because it really doesn't appeal to me anymore.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. [quote name='Shinmaru'] Halloween has been dying a slow death in our neighborhood, and the streets were practically barren. Seriously, barely a kid in sight. It's weird.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Book Antiqua]That's how it was in my neighbourhood! What is wrong with this generation of candy givers?! They are lazy I say! Or maybe just health concious or cheap? Although, I never did get to go out. I was doing homework (well supossedly doing homework, I ended up watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire), but I wore my belly dance costume to school. Even at school, there wasn't many people wearing costumes. :animesigh I heard a funny Halloween story though. Accordng to one of my teachers, his neighbour put out one of those 'please take one' candy bowls. But, put no candy in it! That's evil, but smart. Anyways, I'm really craving candy. There was NO discount candy at the store because it was ALL gone! I guess I [I]should[/I] have rented a kid and went to a rich town.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  25. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkOrchid]My family. I have some who live in the Bronx and Spanish Harlem. Then comes CSI:NY. I like Miami better because it has a warmer feel to it. Anyways, whenever I think about New York, like most people I think about NYC. I've been told that there's huge subway rats, and the subways are dirty. Also, I think about rude people! My cousin was kinda rude when she came to visit my family. Oh and the Hamptons. Who could forget about the rich people.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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